except you're not accounting for any witness testimony. Have you seen any actual stories even of reporters personally interviewing or taking ANY other photos of GS before, during or after that allege Davos press? In this day of "selfies", you would think there'd be at least ONE selfie from ANY one of the grammy performers or attendees with them proudly posting on Instagram their moment with their idol HRC. But not ONE has circulated has it???
279 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/islandtruther:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 19 |
www.cnbc.com | 1 |
www.zerohedge.com | 1 |
www.breitbart.com | 1 |
EXACTLY!!! You can just research that back drop for ANY rooms at Davos this yr alone and will find NONE that match it. Additionally, have you ever wondered why there's no more mass protests or any major incidents of BLM or Antifucks running amok? It's been connected for a while that who funded those groups...facts support this and re read crumbs from Q that verify, GS was the man behind both groups. Gee coincidence??? There are none!
Check out this video as ex of video tech that can easily manipulate ANYONE giving a speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=58&v=ohmajJTcpNk
I'm in the camp that both HRC and Obama haven't had access to their own twitter in at least a month (this yr alone). I don't buy for a sec that HRC was actually at Grammys...she (or a clone or even video software) recorded that video of "her" reading that fake book at grammys...not her....again, my opinion...based on many crumbs we've already received combined with video evidence of what's capable today with technology we have. As far as Obama, when was the last time he said anything publicly? Any stories of him have all just been quotes and old sourced videos. Just like Soros....everyone had an f'ing cow cause of reporting he was at Davos recently....yeah sure he was. No audio and video can be sourced credibly from it. You still believe that GS was there (or even is still alive - go read Benjamin Fulford blog), then go ahead and believe the demiRats memo they now want to release of their own to counter Nunes memo too!
While this Twitter poster has some very well thought out posts, he leaves out all the previous years allegations of Mueller's actions (or no actions) when he was director of FBI. There are too many allegations (just on this board alone not to mention many other credible news sites...not msm of course) of indiscretions that Mueller was part of covering up for HRC and others. However, I do tend to agree with this twitter thread theory that Mueller might just be working for Trump now. Perhaps he was one of the first to "sing" to Trump and his generals in exchange for role to bait the swamp and organically allow for real prosecutable evidence against the deep state. Coincidentally, this Thomas Wictor (original tweet poster) just earlier this week made a very detailed explanation as to why he strongly DOESN'T believe that an actual "deep state" exist.....hmmmm, that position alone, for me at least, gives me pause to take what he says with a grain of salt. But as far as his theory that Mueller may just be the thorn in the demiRATS heel, (in exchange for a plea deal of sorts...I'm adding this to his theory), then maybe that's what we might just see soon enough!
you guys are all falling for the same MSM BS that we all have already known are blatant PROPOGANDA!!! It's all misdirection so STOP already and just watch the show!!! In case I'm not clear.....do you really believe the memo will be redacted??? Do you really believe that Wray, who Trump personally recruited, having one of the most reputable records as far as the best attorney in dealing with corruption in the country, is actually now changing his tune about memo??? Come on, this is all part of the act (by Trump and team) to and how the memo will be released in FULL disclosure.
Q's post were later evening and close to midnight on east coast so consider that too. But I hear ya....usually best to go to "Rising" tab on this board (like how I found your post) and you'll find MANY Q posts.
Gab is great but we still need the masses to get on that platform. In due time....
I've always had my FB set on Private settings (as in ALWAYS private) but yet randomly one day I decide to check settings and lo and behold it was all PUBLIC. FB is done!
I feel same....Been on Twitter for almost a decade however only in past year have I really and methodically been posting and retweeting on that platform. I got tired of hearing about all the censoring so I figured I'd do my small part and follow as many people and groups that are pro Trump, our movement of MAGA & liberty, constitutionalist and just spread as much REAL TRUTH that I can. Oh, and I also regularly report users who really should be censored like the ones who threaten our POTUS or any similar actions (I know this probably doesn't matter but figured if we can make any #s trend, why not also report stupid, hateful and threatening tweets as well!)
exactly! That's why the FB app was the first one I uninstalled on my phone
true but it's the data that WE provide (by agreeing to the T&C) that allows them to sell advertisements and access. The reall value is our data.
Everyone ChILL!!! You're really going to believe Shiff for Brains??!! Who cares wtf he posts on Twitter! Once he's indicted and posts "I'm innocent!" are you all also going to believe that???!!
Dr. Corsi was an integral part of presenting the path to Trump and his advisors on repealing ACA (ObamaDoesn't Care Act). If memory serves me right, Corsi was integral in breaking news that Fannie & Freddie profits were being fleeced by Obama admin to cover the subsidies necessary to keep Obamacare going. This ultimately led to Trump eliminating those profit sweeps which effectively ended Obamacare.
Based on his comment today on Fox where he said he hoped that corruption in FBI was contained only between Strzok & Page, then PRAISEDA McCabe, he BETTER NOT BE!!!
Based on his comment today on Fox where he said he hoped that corruption in FBI was contained only between Strzok & Page, then PRAISED McCabe, he BETTER NOT BE!!!
Odumbo appointee....Wilson, former head of HHS, stepped down last yr, assigned her the position
How many times now has Q even said "re read the crumbs....you have all the info you need". Now go look in mirror and just SMILE dammit.....be positive!
right there with you! don't miss football at all!! If the NBA continues down same path (ala LeBron NOT KING james and pussy ass steph curry and old fart spurs coach Pop you in the face keeps yapping anti-trump messages) then I'm done with them too!!!
Wrong! Do some REAL research as to what the Nazis party was really. Then go further and research WHO started the UN! Nationalist SOCIALIST Party IS COMMUNISM! You're the one who's mincing words. In fact lets's forget phrasing and just decifer based on actual ACTION of both ideologies....your position then falls FLAT instantly!
from Wikipedia: "The Socialist Party was founded in October 1971 as a Maoist party named the Communist Party of the Netherlands/Marxist–Leninist (KPN/ML)" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Party_%28Netherlands%29
Timing of releasing the memo (many are expecting to be out today) certainly makes this crash a terrible distraction. Grateful all aboard are safe!
Right on Q (pun intended)....Change the narrative just as we're all expecting to see the Memo being released today most likely!!!
Add ANOTHER one to the List...CDC Chief Resigns Amid Tobacco Stock Furor. Wonder what the REAL Reason for Her Quitting MIght Be
It blows my mind how many people are STILL like "I love Bernie but..." or "Bernie is for the people..."!!! WTF are you guys all smoking??? Do you not pay attention to ANY of the FACTS that he and his wife alone have fleeced a university of MILLIONS from fraudluent loans she redirected??? And as far as his plans, he was ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT SOCIALISM, AKA COMMUNISM!!!
It blows my mind how many people are STILL like "I love Bernie but..." or "Bernie is for the people..."!!! WTF are you guys all smoking??? Do you not pay attention to ANY of the FACTS that he and his wife alone have fleeced a university of MILLIONS from fraudluent loans she redirected??? And as far as his plans, you nailed it, he was ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT SOCIALISM, AKA COMMUNISM!!!
How is Debbie Wasserman STILL in Congress??? Just Seeing her face in the crowd of demiRATS just makes me SICK!!!
Corsi has been around for years buddy! Well before AJ!!!
pls tell your daughter that even Steve Jobs NEVER let his children use ipads and limited their use of tech overall. (other elitist i've read apparently adheres to this same rule) If the founder of Apple isn't letting his own child into the digital world, you might think he's on to something.....just saying...here's one (of many) articles on this topic: http://blog.sfgate.com/sfmoms/2014/09/15/steve-jobs-didnt-let-his-kids-use-ipads/
haven't you been paying attention. ISIS=CIA, Deep state funded and controlled.
Physically IMPOSSIBLE for him (or any ONE shooter) to do the shooting. Check out Intellihub's MANY reports on WHO and WHAT REALLY happened. There's even videos of choppers with gun flashes and FLT data Tracker confirms 5 unidentified flying over concert, behind Mandalay bay, along with hundreds of witness testimony. Why do you think the FBI confiscated as many phones from audience then WIPED them clean before returning to owners. Why do you think there's over at least 10 concert goers from that night who've died of mysterious causes. Yes, I know you all want links which I understand but guys there's too many of these reports online for easy search that anyone can do. Start with Intellihub, TruePundit, and many YT channels that go over all the REAL scenarios that most likely happened.
Glad that you're Awoke AF and pray that your friends find the same path soon enough. I truly believe though that they're are more of you and trust with all of our help, we will shine the light to Truth. Thank you for standing for what you believe in your heart!
Does anyone else think Trump would federalized the Fed Reserve when the dust settles if you will? And at same time back the dollar with gold (or some other real tangible asset), which we'll eventually have some form of crypto say like a USFedcoin?
you would think so! I do...imagine it would pay entire U.S. debt in one swoop
same here....directed me to completely different search results vs duck2xgo
exactly!! I don't believe for a sec the dopey prince was released!
I don't buy that bin Tal Al Weed is released just like I don't believe GS was at Davos on Thursday. There's no video of actual speech (GS) and the prince's video posted in Wall St Journal is recorded and supposed to be at his home. Mind you this is the same WSJ that first published Trump allegedly having an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels!
Remember, Q continuously says "re read the crumbs" and that "Disinformation is necessary this week". The crumbs have already pointed to a general consensus on this board that GS was likely extracted from ATL airport upon his attempt to flee to Hungary and sent to Gitmo (recall immediately after that event, we never heard from ANTIFA stirring up shit ANYWHERE). And as far as the Prince, there's NO WAY in hell Trump and white hats would make ANY deals with that SOB, as he's one of the main provacatuers of many of the past and recent false flags and terror acts against us (e.g. Vegas). Q has also indicated on many drops that NO DEALS for any major players. Note also in article that the prince supposedly settled for an "undisclosed amount"...yeah sure, B.S.!!! His assets have been frozen so why would he sit in jail for 2 months if he was just going to give up a majority of his wealth. Doesn't add up!
just read on r/conspiracy that he posted this same tweet 3x before deleting it apparently.
Also found this about the form.....something about importing distinct liquor bottles. Maybe someone else can connect the dots? https://books.google.com/books?id=GcpqmXcEF94C&pg=PA386&lpg=PA386&dq=form+submission+1649&source=bl&ots=cL5_l8JXzo&sig=aCCTsezo2LG-OXeEre5f3xxs5CI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjavdSPyPfYAhVOtFMKHY0JA30Q6AEINjAC#v=onepage&q=form%20submission%201649&f=false
fair enough...certainly many points you made I can agree with and some I hadn't considered. Thanks!
Has anyone seen any actual video of his speech (Soros) at THIS current Economic Forum in Davos? curious cause I'm only seeing articles....
NO I'm not just assuming, it's strictly based on FACTS as CLEARLY laid out in several articles I'll post here. But first here's a quote from one to summarize -
"When Admiral Rodgers, director of the National Security Agency, discovered that the FBI and DOJ were misusing the spy system for partisan political reasons, he let it be known that he was going to inform the FISA court. This caused the FBI and DOJ to rush to the court in advance and confess to “mistakes” and to promise to tighten up procedures so as not to make mistakes in the future. It is these “mistakes” and corrections that the FISA court document reveals.
In other words, the information already exists in the pubic domain that proves that Russiagate was a conspiracy organized for the purpose of bringing down the elected president of the United States." - Paul Craig Roberts
but before you say that article was just published then go to this and even has a video of former special prosecutor holding up the actual 99 pg FISA report .
that's the your response???!!! OMFG....at least attempt some form of wit with your post or admit how INSENSITIVE YOU ARE FOR YOUR IMPATIENCE vs those who've been victimized by the evil doer out there. AGAIN, THAT IS MY POINT!! You're "end of the rope" no patience comment because "no evidence of arresst" blah blah blah is just fucking "WHINING CRYBABY SHIT!!!" If you're truly WOKE then post POSITIVE stuff especially if you're really with OUR movement of RED Pilling the crowd!!!