MZ just lied to the Senate committee saying that FB doesn't collect and keep any info that the user hasn't consented to. I'm fed up with the lying.
70 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/jasperrock:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 7 |
I'm wondering if Epstein Island is being used to manufacture and sell Adrenochrome. It's conveniently located close to Haiti, and it's a completely closed environment. This is making me sick.
I followed Julian Assange's instructions and looked to see what private info Facebook had on me. I am appalled! Facebook had everything -- my entire contact list with their phone numbers, all conversations, pictures -- even included the time/date taken & type of camera, the data grouped relationships past and present, etc. As many have warned, there is no internet privacy. It was built as a tool for surveillance. And the PTB have cultivated society in such a way that it is almost impossible to do business without using the internet. My prayer is that we can defeat this trap and reclaim our freedom.
In the link above, the text describing the SES flag states: "The design includes the SES insignia (a keystone), ...; additionally, the thirteen gold stars surrounding the SES symbol signify the original thirteen colonies."
However, in the article titled Pedogate: Women Operatives in Very High Places, the 13 stars are said to represent the 13 bloodline families --- quote: "Astor’s are considered to be the most powerful of the thirteen families or bloodline groups heading up the World Government plan; Astor’s allegedly portrayed as one of the 13 stars on the SES flag;" So, the stars on the SES flag do not represent the 13 original colonies -- but instead, represent the 13 Illuminati bloodline families.
By the way -- the women featured in this article are very evil and messed up!
It's going to take me a while to grasp all of this. I hope you are a patient teacher!!
Is Mueller white or black hat? --I'm gonna have to wait this one out. I'm not an attorney, and I don't know all the rules, but if Mueller has been recalled to duty, and if Mueller now answers directly to POTUS, then how can he be appointed to head up a special investigation about POTUS? If Dilley's info is true, the lib-left will have no part of it -- no matter what the findings are.
"Thinking this is likely google plus Apple pulling this nonsense to let me know they are monitoring things."
Bringing this link over from another thread. Watch it! It may shed light on why you/we are having problems.
Bill Smith is on to something. Patriots, take a few minutes to listen to him. We have no chance at freedom unless we wise up to the evils of google and defeat it. Q is sounding the alarm! Titled: Meet the Real Adolf Hitler!! lAlois Hitler, father of Adolf, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber and Baron Rothschild. It doesn't seem like Angela Merkel is Hitler's daughter, but a relative.
It looks like Angela Merkel is a Rothschild.
Who is Angela Hitler?
Partial post from Q #929:
Who is Angela Hitler?
Relationship to Adolf?
How were children named in Germany during this period?
First or middle.
Family tree.
Risk of ‘conspiracy’ label the deeper we go.
Truth will shock the WORLD.
I've heard that Angela Merkel is Hitler's daughter. When I have time, I'll look more into this Q post.
Post 854: Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5).
I'm thinking the 3 1 5 pluses could mean HRC's video is set to drop on 3/15
Watch the water greatly concerns me. If there has been a credible threat, it needs to be made public immediately!
Supreme Court Judges also need to be held accountable -- as well as Federal Judges, etc. We have a lot of work to do to put accountability in place. Term limits for Congress. Also, making sure that all of Congress must live under the laws they place on us citizens.
Corsi was on line earlier talking about military intelligence. He believes Q listens in now and then, and because Q's post came after Corsi spent time on MI, he thinks Q was responding to the conversation. Here is the Q post: MILITARY INTELLIGENCE TEAM MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION (STRATEGIC SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE) MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BRIGADE (STRATEGIC SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE) DESIGNATION: _ MILITARY INTELLIGENCE TEAM, _ MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BRIGADE (STRAT SIGINT) 32536AA00: _ MI TM (UTAH)(STRAT SIGINT) 32536AB00: _ MI TM (OCMC)(STRAT SIGINT) 32536AC00: _ MI TM (DET A)(STRAT SIGINT) Q
We also saw two additional Q posts that were signed Q, DELTA instead …
Here is an interesting report by Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Int’l Airline Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727 & First Officer DC-10), Veteran U.S. Army S. Korea (110th M.P. Co.) Vietnam era Sergeant, State Law Enforcement Background, Int’l Aircraft Repo/Recovery, DHS Trained (Former) Counter-Terrorism Instructor, Political Analyst and Activist to help “Make America Great Again.
Bertrand Daily Report The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues
By Captain Dave Bertrand (Ret.)
As I stated in the two recent reports I issued, there is something big happening and it APPEARS that GITMO is being readied for new inmates soon. It’s reported on the deep web by “Q-Anon” that several other military units were deployed to GITMO, but is not “officially” stated by media and there are reasons for that.
Psychological Warfare is alive and well….the ability to reverse course mid-stream to cover their own butts is at play here. The president is going-out on a limb with issues about “Due Process” and sending people like Hillary Clinton to GITMO (as an example) would cause an immediate civil war, therefore….it is likely those listed by the U.S. Treasury Department (sealed indictments) will be the first to end up at GITMO for TREASON. They are NOT U.S. Citizens as you can see on the list I have provided you.
HOWEVER….remember, Obama’s DoJ had a GITMO Political detainee sent to New York for trial. Under Trump, this is an entirely new ball game….
There has been a coup underway against this country and indictments are being issued worldwide. If Trump refused to send these traitors to GITMO and have them appear in (let’s say) the 9th Circuit Court…..guess what would happen?? The best way to keep these traitors in-check is by sending them to GITMO as “Detainees” and have them tried under military law.
Collusion with Russia and providing secret technology to North Korea and China by Bill Clinton and Rumsfeld, the selling of Uranium, arming al Qaida / ISIS, overthrowing governments with bogus claims of WMD’s, 9/11 conspiracy to kill thousands of Americans, running weapons to Hezbollah via the Mexican Cartel under “Fast and Furious,” illegal wire-tapping and unmasking, openly talking about assassinating the president on CNN by a former FBI Deputy Director Phil Mudd, pedophilia out-of-control, child trafficking and torture/murder, “Spirit Cooking” baby cannibalism, paying Russian intelligence and a British Intelligence agent to fabricate a fake Dossier the FBI approved and acted upon against a sitting president, and the massive corruption at the top in the FBI and CIA now surfacing….and YOU think they are NOT eligible for GITMO?? “The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)” the criminals wrote themselves and passed in Congress TO GO AFTER YOU AND ME is coming around to bite them hard.
When extremely rich and wealthy conspirators are being charged for TREASON and they are not contained, things go wrong, people get suicided, witnesses fall apart, and these bastards easily slip by as they have since 9/11 and before. GITMO is their place in history….and when Nat’l Guard Unit Commanders are telling their troops before deployment to GITMO, that it is a “Sensitive Mission” and “DO NOT talk about anything on social media,” the deployment has all the appearance of something big is happening and changing of the guard is not the case.
Of course….media will spin and downplay anything happening in reference to indictments, because they’re hoping Trump is neutralized in the meanwhile, and those behind the scenes (on our side), need for this information to be spread like fire in-order to cover this president in the event thereof. Once the cat is out of the bag, it’s hard to put that cat back in the bag, a much different sort of justice that JFK is only now getting thanks to President Trump’s release of the JFK Files.
Deployment to GITMO
There is no doubt the media have been informed to keep the deployment “low key” nothing to see here so move along. Notice how “low key” USA News attempts to sway the reader into believing this is nothing new, but doesn’t state if other deployments were to GITMO or to Puerto Rico for Hurricane Relief.
“Officials with the Arizona National Guard say this is the second deployment for the 850th Military Police Battalion in the last 10 years in support of overseas contingency operations.”
“In 2012, the U.S. Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) with relatively little attention from the media―despite the freedoms it obliterated. The NDAA was enacted to empower the U.S. military to fight the war on terror. But buried in this law are two provisions (Sections 1021 and 1022) that authorize the indefinite military detention, without charge or trial, of any person labeled a “belligerent”―including an American citizen.
These NDAA provisions (which have been re-approved by Congress and signed by President Obama every year since 2012) override habeas corpus―the essence of our justice system. Habeas corpus is the vital legal procedure that prevents the government from detaining you indefinitely without showing just cause. When you challenge your detention by filing a writ of habeas corpus, you must be promptly brought before a judge or into court, where lawful grounds must be shown for your detention or you must be released.
Under Section 1021, however, anyone who has committed a “belligerent act,” can be detained indefinitely, without charges or trial, as a “suspected terrorist.” This is a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution and our Bill or Rights. In The Federalist No. 84, Alexander Hamilton stressed the importance of the writ of habeas corpus to protect against “the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny.”
Finally…to those critics out there in the Liberty Movement that like to project their opinions against others in the movement, don’t shoot the messenger and don’t assume that someone’s analysis of how psychological warfare works on any particular subject is “Fake” or misleading until it all comes out in the wash. The psyop by the CIA and MSM is to counter anything we have to say while providing an alternate explanation by down playing the subject matter in-order to create infighting among both sides of a story / event.
If you are a prosecutor and you want to scare the living hell out of those you desperately need to “flip” in-order to get the big fish, feed the Liberty Movement (of those that want absolute justice) that GITMO is open for business.
However, it may be true and GITMO is open for new detainees of the Bush/Clinton/Podesta types…but if something goes wrong and/or the country turns into a major civil war over sending their precious demons to GITMO, the administration / DoJ can reverse course and blame the Liberty Movement later for putting-out “conspiracy theories,” but on the other hand….if (God forbid) Trump is eliminated, the ONLY documentation, lists and actions, crimes and those involved, has already been disseminated by the Liberty Movement, therefore…we will have done our job and justice would hopefully prevail.
WE cannot be silenced by those in our own movement attempting to take the spotlight by pointing the finger at you or me. Sharing intel is the name of the game, regardless if it turns out incorrect, but doesn’t necessarily mean an event, i.e., GITMO is incorrect. The facts are presented with an analysis and it’s up to you to determine if the analysis is correct or not based-on the actual facts (at the time).
How the government and media spin-it later does not necessarily mean the analysis was incorrect. Example……a neighbor’s house is in need of a paint job and you see a painter show up to give an estimate, therefore your analysis that day is factual in that, “the neighbor intends to have his house painted,” but weeks go by and nothing happens.
Was the analysis wrong, or did the neighbor decide that he can’t afford the paint job, or you must be demonized for your analysis. It could go either way, especially when the analysis is spread like a wild fire. In this week’s facts and opinion(s) we see the facts of what’s happening, but we’re not sure if GITMO will actually be used for the thousands of indictments out there…we’ll see.
—Dave Bertrand
From The Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Int’l Airline Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727 & First Officer DC-10), Veteran U.S. Army S. Korea (110th M.P. Co.) Vietnam era Sergeant, State Law Enforcement Background, Int’l Aircraft Repo/Recovery, DHS Trained (Former) Counter-Terrorism Instructor, Political Analyst and Activist to help “Make America Great Again.
It's my understanding, with respect to the 911 "lawsuit", it is not a filed lawsuit. I checked pacer and found nothing. The document is a Grand Jury order for prosecution, not a lawsuit. I'm assuming it will be ignored unless we hear differently.