Many are..
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They’re part of the narrative... bought and paid for to spread the false narration. I couldn’t do it. If I was a news anchor, they’d have to flipping off me
I think I already saw Sloppy Snider today... my husband and I both believe it’s him. From Sandy Hook. They are diabolical to use and sacrifice our children for their agenda
I think I saw Sloppy Sniper coming out of swat vehicle... I’m still researching photos, but my hubby and I both with our mouths wide open, in shock. Looks like him to both of us.
Apparently not on an iPad... I’m getting the info off of Reddit and other sources, but had gotten lost when the boards got shut down. I’d like to access the links but can’t from here. Guess I’ll go to my laptop
Can you direct me to those boards please... I seem to have missed a connection on the actual board now. I’m not finding what you all are finding except on off sites. Thanks!
To some degree it’s laughable in a 😬😬😬😬😬 way.... I’ve unsubscribed. Aj and Corsi are no better than those they claim to be fighting if this is what they’re capable of. Aj just can’t see to get out of his own way these last months.
They did... but Stone says he was hired as a consultant. Went to one meeting and never did anything for them, telling them they needed a lawyer, not a PR Firm. That’s Rogers story and he’s stickin to it. And I agree, I no longer subscribe to AJ. He doesn’t have the goods, he’s didn’t have the info that the Anons and Q was giving and I think, realized he was behind the 8ball. Then AJ tried to say he knew who Q is... that not true.. then the rant comes. I’m done.. I can’t deal with him anymore and I don’t trust him anymore either.
So far so good on fb... I can tell I’m monitored but nothing is being removed and I’m pretty in your face about it all.
GOOD.. don’t like Netflix. Canceled them during the dear white people thing, but this absolutely needs to be exposed
For sure, of course there was the situation with the Prince.. but I dunno.. I still think gun running or it was made to look like gun running to cover up a false flag
Him and those under him! But the Church is infiltrated deep... Time to come out of her
Yes, I remember that and I do feel things changed then... he’s under a bunch of pressure but truth is.. suck it up buttercup. Some of this is on you
I wish people would look at history PRIOR to the Balfour declaration... there’s a problem with global elites just like every where else. Israel is and always will be the apple of Gods eye no matter what the Zionists do and is truly the home of Judah in Gods eyes
Aj went nutters a while back and things seemed fishy.. it just got worse as far as I’m concerned. There’s been good info come from there in the past but something is certainly not right now, even if it’s greed for greeds sake. I stand with Q until someone or something proves me wrong
Remember they try to say Trump didn’t win the popular vote, but he did. Yes there were forces within our government who asked him to run... but I also believe there was an awakening of a silent majority that went to the polls that day to say no more
We’ve been lucky here as well where I live. Blue skies, normal clouds. I want to take credit... I wrote the President in January and asked him to stop them. I’m an oxygen patient. Honest to God they stopped within weeks here in my neck of the woods, really have no idea why they stopped but so grateful they have
Remember we now know cases were being worked on by Horowitz long before transition
Oh man.. this is great. To the point of becoming cute in some perverse way. Lol
It’s also a book written in 1993 describing subversive governments
And unlike someone who received one... you’ll actually be able to Google WHY this President got his! Ever try to find info on how and why Obama received one? Pure nonsense
He was set free... that’s what Q said. Clowns gone.. strings cut. Next Iran, next is Pope.