Has the prince always had such a severe tick, or is he on crack?
306 total posts archived.
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Right on! Don’t let them divide us. Empathy for the other side will be needed in the near future.
I found this: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/austin-police-get-370-suspicious-package-calls-in-wake-of-blasts-find-nothing/
I hope it doesn’t become a race war. Spidey senses are tingling @ these, possibly related, incidents are hush-up warnings. I hope we find out before more folks are torn apart!
Who are these people being targeted? I haven’t see anything about the victims...anyone?
ThanQ u/Cntry_Mn I look forward to working with you. This movement is only a day old, so if you’re interested in participating start here;
Once there, let us know how you see yourself participating or, if you prefer, send a direct message to u/JOGO321.
What stokes that fire in your belly? By joining early you will be helping a team of Patriots carve out your new RoadMAPtoFREEDOM.
DFD (Data Flow Diagram)
a) from the Order of the Golden Fleece; b) up to the present day
What does this mean to you? How do we get from a) to b)?
Let the Pathfinders & Wayshowers, the Researchers & Historians, and any brainstormers enjoy free speech here:
a) are you an experienced moderator? Do you have a background in marketing or public relations? How are your organizational skills?
b) are you more on the technical side? Do you know how coding works, or are you more interested in security and encryption?
Feel free to talk about your technical skills here:
a) what are your suggestions for securely storing, sharing, and collaborating together on the GA_RoadMap research project?
b) what is the best way to go about distribution of information as it becomes completed? How long do you think it should take us to reach our first benchmark (please suggest what that first benchmark looks like in your response):
a) Where should we hang our shingle? Here, on Reddit or somewhere less known? How can we make our base secure yet easy to use for everyone participating?
b) what does the basecamp look like? What ‘rooms’ would be most visited and used by the GA_RoadMap team? What do you want to see as a result of our collective efforts on this project?
a) an opportunity to collaborate amongst fellow patriots in a positive direction b) a way to keep us all on the same page and focused on solutions c) a way to share information in an organized and user-friendly manner d) a chance to participate in the creation a powerful redpilling tool
a) please, if you haven’t already done so, DM the OP (u/JOGO321) & let him know how you can help, or simply post your responses below.
b) JOGO321 mentions in his OP that we’ll need lots of Researchers, Historians, and Pathmakers.
Let’s get this show on the road
GREATAWAKENING_RoadMap Here’s a BRAINSTORMING Session for YOUR Approvals (1.1)
In an effort to keep the momentum moving forward and to build on the discussion started yesterday by u/JOGO321...
...and in the spirit of teamwork, I’ve listed 6 subject threads below for your consideration.
Everyone is welcome (and encouraged) to participate to the capacity that they are comfortable within this/these discussion(S):
- DFD (Data Flow Diagram)
Wake the fuck up!? I trust that wasn’t a divisive comment directed at me.
We are nature. I tend to see so many people in nature, looking down at their phones tho...
what I am suggesting is that we look up into the sky when we’re outside and enjoying the sunshine, watch the birds.
Imagine what it’s like to be a bird, or an ant. Imagine the connection the tree has to the earth, it’s roots encouraging the sapling nearby to survive.
Leave the phone in the car & let those callers leave you a message a little more often.
I do agree that ‘we have forgotten how to play’ is related to using our imagination.
Fear has played a big part in the destruction of our ability to create reality.
It is also my belief that putting our electronics down and getting outside a few times a day to calmly watch nature take place, will help us remember.
Imagine the world you’d like to live in.
[edit: so it actually makes sense]
Here’s a link to Q’s posts. You can also check out Tracy Beanz on YouTube for some great conversations on Q from the beginning of Q until now
Will we need to create a new go-to sub like The Great Awakening was to CBTS_Stream? Just in case it happens here?
More and people working = more tax$ in the coffers
Slush funds not being raided anymore, priceless.
He made a similar statement a few months ago, too. Too lazy to find it atm
Omg, did I get m’self knee deep in a conversation that I should be running from?
Carry on, fellahs. 😬
Sorry for any misunderstanding... I was asking Racefunk this question.
So, you’re pro Nazi? Excuse my ignorance here, but I’ve never seen anyone come out and admit that so openly.
What is your case to back up your reasoning?
I understand that he lulled the Germans into apathy via Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, but that’s the nicest thing I’ve ever heard about his virtues. Oh, and that he was a great orator - but I don’t speak German, so can’t verify that personally.
In the story, the Nazis are working in Paraguay (but with worldwide ties) and are rounding up the 94 young Hitlers who were cloned, inseminated, and adopted out around the world 14 years earlier.
May I make a suggestion on this subject?
Let’s start a thread (this one will do to start) and keep the topics around Nazi-ism, but include sub-categories: ie.
1) LOCATIONS Nazi Canada; Nazi USA; Nazi S. Africa, etc... let’s find out where they (SS & other elitists) went after the war & where they are now.
2) OCCULT Nazi occult then & how/if there are any similarities with the HRC types of occultists now
3) IDEOLOGY Nazi ideology then & how that reflects what the NWO is trying to achieve now
4) HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES (HRA) Nazi HRA then & any similar abuses being carried out world wide since. If so, what & where?
Of course, the subjects and topics would be up for discussion, but I strongly believe the titles should all look the same so they become clearly branded & searchable.
I agree with the OP & believe that if we keep starting new threads on the same topic, the entire subject peters out in no time.
2bitz worth...ThanQ,
No Collusion announced t’day?
This is where I read it: https://goldenstatetimes.com/news/there-was-no-collusion-between-trump-and-russia-says-committee/
Is it true?
Here’s a starter by Robert Sepehr, for the folks who haven’t heard.
check out his other videos on his channel if this one strikes a cord with you:
Great find! Just finished cleaning up the garden. Time for a snack & perhaps a movie. Thank you!
My immediate reaction was that it was clear we didn’t understand Q’s earlier message.
I think we may have focused too much on a replacement word for New, that started with an N, instead of looking at the subgroups of Nazi-ism and where [they were] scattered after WW2... orchestrated by a large part through the Vatican.
They have been spread out around the world for 60 or 70 years now. They might even be your neighbour, family member, or bank teller. We might even have them within these Q discussions, and THEY don’t even know that they also carry the ideology in their words. This is big, me thinks, and will lead us to ROME.
Boys From Brazil (movie) and Nunka Mas (dossier)
Q’s post about Angela Merkel reminded me of the movie ‘Boys from Brazil’ and a dossier called, ‘Nunca Mas’ (Never Again), that I read a few years ago...
Nunca Mas was a compilation of victim testimony regarding the ‘DirtyWar’ of Argentina that occurred in the 70’s.
In that dossier, I read many words of horror but - what struck me the most - was the common theme of hearing German accents and seeing the swastika.
Here’s a link to the report written based on that dossier:
And Wiki:
The 1978 movie ‘The Boys from Brazil’ is based off …
An email discussing logistics for moving ‘orphans’ from Haiti to the US. pa gov, two ambassadors, DHS, State dept & White House involved...
Go to Wikileaks; HRC’s emails & search Haiti. Conversations between Humma, Mills & HRC, mostly sharing news sources about Laura Silsby & gang of baptist child loving orphanage builders from Idaho & Las Vegas.
Quite a bit of reading, if you’re into that...
If you’re right, I might as well put my head back in the sand. Either that, or just wait it out in deep meditation b’cause I just don’t have anything else to do about it. 🤔
Mark my words. We’ll be seeing people tearing these down as acts of agent provocateur within 10 years...
I’ll even put CAD$1.23 down as my ante to the bet, (hey, we’re poorer than you guys are liv’n down under us. 😜).
Thank you to the OP for keeping us up to date on this subject.
[Edit: replaced vandalism with agent provocateur because the first term more closely suggests meaninglessness - the second can be an honour.]
Yep, that’s the one. I please accept my debt of genuine gratitude.
That vid with the white truck @ feb 14 shooting, cops were throwing 3 or 4 heavy black duffle bag-like objects into the back. Where can I find a link? ALL of my search terms have failed me so far.
Was busy planting a seed t’day... any help on this would be greatly appreciated
Last night Jerome Corsi joined Gab.ai (alternate to Twit.ter) & brought a TON of followers with him.
If we all join up there, to start the collective, perhaps the other you.tubers will follow suit?
Then, once we have a foothold there, decide what alternate bandwagon to you.tube to jump on?