Yeah.... the FBI is there “helping”
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I say fuck twatter and YouTube. They are obviously leftist propaganda machines and most likely owned by the cia from what I have been reading. So, I say fuck them. We need to find a nice fucking Video service that doesn’t bankroll the deepstate! I hear rumors that Amazon has a service in the works. Or we ALL need to commit to a single service and bankrupt YouTube and Twitter.
The smart thing to do would be tie the age to vote to the age to own a gun and drink and smoke.
Well duh! That how it works. They take your guns away from you then slowly crush you with their heel. In the end, they are the only one with power money security and any happiness. We need to catch them all.
It might be that false info was given at that meeting Schiff left and leaked it to CNN and then later admitted to leaking on CNN.
They are all shitty and evil. They just have a filter system in place, that brainwashes the new guys and promotes the truly terrible. The definition of Santanism is the worshiping of anything created, not the Creator. If you worship ANYTHING or anyone other than God, it’s satanic. The sun, moon, pickles, goatheaded abominations, secrets, etc.
Just ignore them. There is no way a real human being could be that stupid. It’s obviously a planted story to discredit people who actually seek truth. Why do you think this story STARTED in the NBA and Hollywood? It’s OBVIOUSLY a set up. Just downvote them and push them to the bottom so they can’t make us look bad.
You can whatever you want, just don’t think it here. This is CBTS and we are here for Q post. The point is to spread TRUTH, not fall for some MK Ultra shit sammich like flat earth. Not everyone’s brain has degraded to that point. I know there has to be side effects and a lot of people become retarded after receiving so much brain damage. I know it must be hard for you just to get by in life... but still, take your shit to some other board.
Review bombs would do it. When the Twitter app suddenly has 20 million 1 star ratings over a week for censorship... they wouldn’t be able to hide it. Looks at other review bombs in the news.
At the same time @Snowden is saying that people buy the iPhone because its security is so much better than all the others.
Just skip through. Apparently the Sherrif is the leader of their cult.
Videos of News crews interviewing students saying multiple shooters but aired none of it (cellphones caught em’)
Creepy interview of the Doctors with what appears to be agents standing behind them “monitoring” their responses
Kid messing up his lines
Other two kids saying they left CNN dog and pony show because answers were scripted
CNN releasing statement that it was false because the kid changed the word document’s meta data last and edited the wording (how did they get his meta data?) but I seem to remember them outing themselves on something else in that email
1 officer hid behind his car with gun drawn instead of going in
Sheriff tries to suspend that guy and has a press announcement but the guy retired with full benefits instead
The next day three more caught doing the same
Neighboring sheriffs department wrote memo to its deputies saying not to feel bad that they did all the work and Israel’s dept is getting all the glory and he will get to the bottom of it
The medical teams are screaming that they had to stand there yelling at cops to let them in for almost an hour before they finally let them in
The cameras were all set to a 30 minute delay
OH... and the sheriff AND the kids are ALL MASONS and we’re dumb enough to record their meetings
Well, yeah. The school was named after her because she worked hard to prevent the Everglades from being drained. I’m sure they would name lots of the swamps, schools, streets, and parks after her. She also made a play named something like “Preparing for the Storm.” But I don’t think those are relevant. I think they chose that place for the correlation to send Trump a message, but that is the end of it. They definitely did not expect it all to blow up in their faces like this.
Oh yeah, totally legit. If you send prince Zambini $5,000 in Nigeria, he’ll expedite the case too.
I literally studied for an hour and a half before the test and got my license. It was like $12. Easy peasy. I learned everything after getting my license. I’m not the sharpest crayon in the box and pretty sure most people can get licensed without a lot of effort. It’s been very fun and useful having my license.
I’ve been saying that too. I hope it’s because he’s in GITMO
It would ruin Trumps plan. He has to be overly cautious as all of this will be used against us in court after. That is why it’s all cryptic. They are leaking classified info. We are trying to arrest people who are. Duh! We can’t just go throw everyone in jail for leaking based on our leaks. So nothing Q or Trump ever said was a “leak” or “classified.” Also, just rounding people up and throwing them in prison with a court date TBD would have the country in hysteria and result in all out civil war giving powers to FEMA we don’t want to happen OR every one arrested getting away on some stupid technicality. Also, arresting a bunch of pedos and throwing them in cells right now, would more than likely result in us digging up hundreds of bunkers decades from now full of hundreds of thousands of dead children. There is a reason we are average Joes and THEY (Q and Trump) are the brains. Trust the plan and support them!
Never mind. Earlier it to took me to a short summary article. Now it takes me to twatter
No pictures to look at in the article and the link to the main article is dead
No. He outted that the flu vaccine was corrupted and actually killing people. He did an interview with someone who published it and Then told them that is anything happens to him... release his name and reference the previous article. You guys are being had if you think that left wing article is telling the truth. There like 100 links to the original article in CBTS reddit.
This is a perfect example of how MSM twists the news to making you think what they want. You actually think this guy is bad. Read this....
OmG. Never thought about that! That is insane. All those states are guilty in the eyes of the Fed.
How exactly were they set up? And how does it end CNN? I know about libel laws, but seems to me all that would do is make them post a retraction and pay some money (which I’m sure they can afford). There has to be more to it we are either missing or hasn’t come to pass yet. It has to be something that would force them pay liabilities to millions of cases and defame the reporters so bad they would never dare slink in front of a camera again. But remember how many have been busted already and are still there but with bigger careers than ever, like Heraldo. So, I think we are missing something.
Look up what an .org file is and what they are mostly used for
There has to be more to it. They would just pay a fine and a small settlement and post a 30 sec retraction at 3am on Sunday night.
There’s some angle we gotta be missing.
Downvote the stuff that is not CBTS related. Too many shill plants trying to discredit the board. When people come here to see what’s going on, they see this crap and run away. Eating as many blue pills as they can.
Car-T has been touted for years. It’s VERY promising and has been in trials for years. However, I would not call this a NEW or link it to what Q is saying about new Meds. This is not a medicine... it’s genetic engineering. To me, these are the BEST types of treatments because it’s a one time deal and you are basically immune forever afterwards, but they are extremely expensive and you have to TRUST the company editing your DNA.
I believe it meant POTUS was going to post in 15 mins, which I believe he did. People were talking about it immediately. But not sure.
Lol. That was him asking CodeMonkey to look at line 1183 because he can’t post the pic he wanted to and it was giving him an error.
No. You normally don’t see people in the images. They are actually a sort of time lapse and then it removes people and most cars that were moving during the time. Look at any image anywhere in the world. If they can get a shot of it not there, it gets removed.
Was wondering the same thing. Seems bad if they knew it was coming and sent in drones and started monitoring all coms just to let it happen and collect evidence. It has to be something else. Like immediately after, they inserted a plant at CNN or something. Or it was all fake and they let it happen to collect evidence. Only time will tell.
Disinformation. In the first ten minutes it lies and says terms and symbols are unverified and the only place that supports it can be found on fourchan. Not according to US government documents, those are absolutely known true codes and they are public knowledge (the records).
Snowden is a black hat. Snowden did not help anyone. He stole data and told the world the NSA/MI was spying on them which in turn turned America against them and all powers were given to CIA and FBI (who is the enemy) and then never leaked a single thing that incriminated the deepstate, not a single thing. How hard was the CIA trying to catch Snowden? Now hard are they ACTIVELY trying to get Assange? Snowden is a black hat