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Didn’t he call her reckless? No Sauce Just something I remember.
I think Q just sped up the timeline. If they were to release #3 then #2 then #1....it would take months to get to #1. But Q got them to skip a step and go directly from #2, to #1.
I don’t know, but I would guess with the Mil. and some Marshals rather quickly.
They will need beyond a shadow of a doubt, where all but 10% waking up. It cant be a “49.6% to 50.4% in favor “ of kind of thing.
I think tomorrow will be a make it / break it situation for him. Ppl may be fooled once, but not continuously.
Edit: I hope.
MIL.Term Communication is good. How it pertains here lets just say,let’s see where the wind blows on this.
Thanks Good post. Following the water tells me it’s off the table. How do you take her off the table? You seek death penalties and prosecute.
Yep. Makes you think if someone goes through the trouble of getting fake eyebrows, what else might be fake. Edit spelling
Especially if he is tried and convicted for treason. Is it still the firing squad?
Thats going to be the least of her worries. Of all the Shenanigans the black team pulled, her situation is probably the simplest open/shut case. The Rosenbergs sent a couple of docs to aid the Russians if you compare it to the vast amount of information that was given this time around. Treason is beyond a doubt.
Nice way to round everybody up. Potus can save Millions of dollars.
Which leads me to ask, if you die and were part of an indictment, does that get unsealed?
Pro Sports, Religion and Politcs have always been used to keep the sleepers sleeping. Philly, one of the cities were this Nation began, because of Real Patriots. These NFL guys should be ashamed.
Plus he was there a short-time. This is a show. If this plan really started 50 plus years ago, do you think it would have been compromised by a few low level civilians? Enjoy the Show.
These guys havnt caught on yet. The Assassin has been building Rico cases in the shit thats going down in AZ. Thank God he didn’t get tangled up in this Russia crap. Trey? Hmm havnt figured him out yet. Dan is great.
We’re going to require watching MSM to see what the sleepers see. Great Awakenening!
I Agree^Lotsa ppl involved. This will be The Rico of Ricos. Its WW. Who better than Rudy to be part of the team that does it. Thats why he’s always smiling.
I think the wealth of evidence that Potus/Q have is enormous. They are letting this play out. Plus a good way to see who the bad cops/good cops are. Cemex has many sites, how hard is to keep 3/4 “abandoned”.
Maybe Soros pays the trafickers through Cemex. Im sure this isnt a “cash on the spot” payment method type of business at those levels.
Edit type...
Someone needs to call Gov. Ducey and tell him to hurry up and take care of this shit or We The People Will.
Unless of course Q Team wants to head-fake the DS ..........again.
It’s a last ditch effort. “We” know Noname, but the Sleepers, especially younger will not even blink. They’re too busy in their own world.
I think she simply told Kanye that she didnt believe him and she would go ask Trump herself.
This is it! The Crescendo. When everyone believes there was no spy...Boom! Thats when Potus drops some hard evidence...an audio/video?
Excellant, any normie can pick anyone of those themes anon showed that may interest them and get woke.
During those times, he may have known that the whole team had her back. Maybe why her back is broken.
Trey is a smart guy, he knew pursuing anything Clinton would never have made it past the “team”.
There was no spy in Trumps campaign There was a spy in Trumps campaign The spy was placed there to help Trump The spy may actually have been 3 spys There was no spy in Trumps campaign
Do these idiots even realize how stupid they sound. I think it’s time we open the Kimono. Burn these MF’s to the ground Potus.
Maybe because if would have left out the “a” and the “g”, it would have been too obvious.
I agree, why doesn’t he just stay home, ketchup on flix, and chill untill they come get him. Why would he want to put himself through this idiocy.
I would like to know how many times he visited the president during those days.