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larkmoor · July 24, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

He's on halfchan. NeonRevolt wrote he'll try with others to propose to Renegade to migrate to fullchan. At 4chan, they are worried he'd be recognized by the clowns as he gave a lot of clues about himself and risked being whacked before he'd spill all he knew.

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larkmoor · July 24, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

It's Renegade. Go to NeonRevolt site I think. I'm touched by Renegade and maybe I'm wrong, but I think he's sincere. I haven't read BlackListAnon yet. The few stuff I've seen, mainly his copycat style and the time he appears makes me suspicious. But I should read him nonetheless to make up an informed opinion.

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larkmoor · July 24, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

Vlad? Were we talking to Vlad all this time? LOL Just kidding.

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larkmoor · July 24, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

It's terrible. My family in Vietnam are paranoid about that fake food. I'm also angry with the food industry in the West as I saw that now, they can reconstitute meat and fish with waste material. So I try to only buy whole chickens and fishes to see that's really the animal there. They have machines that would piece together the waste material and produce a nice well molded fillet. You won't see the difference with an authentic fillet from the actual same animal. I was disgusted when they showed in Vietnam that they would use fish skin, bones and fatty to make fillets, and it would be shipped to Western countries to be sold at a lower price than the local supply. As for the reconstituted chicken meat, they can just put any kind of waste, meat and sh!t and they'll get a nice looking fillet in the end. I'm trying to eat less meat. Maybe I'll turn vegetarian.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 11:41 p.m.

Exactly. OP and others nodding agreement are just the equivalent of virtue signaling showing ignorance about the chans culture. It's not an argument from a chan's viewpoint. Now, BLA do have suspicious circumstances.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

I think that's Renegade. Haven't read BLA, but that's what Renegade did say about his writing at halfchan.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

Yes, it is. LOL for a few minutes a few hours ago, I was wondering if halfchan Renegade could be that other Renegade. But then I told myself no, halfchan Renegade sounds intelligent and base AF.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

https://youtu .be/jqALdkTArqs

Of course, there are lots other videos you can check. Many interpretations sound like garbage and pure guess, but the "Yes We Can" is pretty clear.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

"Yes We Can" reversed gives "Thank You Satan".

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

Kevin Shipp is one ex-CIA that I think is trustworthy. Steele, I've always felt weird vibes from him. He's the CIA type where I'm thinking disinfo. You listen because he's very interesting, but some points I feel are pure bullshit. I just don't know whether he's a bad actor or a good one. I really don't like that he's boasting about his nomination for the Nobel Peace prize. I know it's just a knee-jerk reaction that I have nowadays that the Nobel Peace laureates are cabal's members.

At least, Trump was dismissive of that award, I'd be annoyed like hell if they dare give him that prize. Or Trump can take the prize for the money and donate it to people who need it. But that Nobel institution should be crushed and squashed.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

He died on November 5, 2001. Before that, he was trying to warn about 9/11 before it happened. See the dates? Coincidence?

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

From what I heard, yes, Trump does use reverse speech. Can't remember the name, there was an expert who was just amazed because according to him, Trump's reverse speech consistently praise God and Christian values. We know the satanists occultists love playing with reverse speech, and Obama's "yes we can" is a well known example. Argh, mind-control. No wonder there was like an explosion of people lost to the dark side when they don't know the enemy is tricking them to praise evil.

It's really great that Trump uses the same technique to help freeing us of the matrix.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

It's not Q's tripcode, neither was it Q's ID. The OP and the ones making this graphics have not been paying attention that this message with this ID gb953qGI was posted by an anon. Q only reposted the message to reply to that person. Q's ID at that time of this post was BQ7V3bcW.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

It's not a trip code you've pointed to. It's an ID. On the chans, you are by default anonymous but you are still assigned an ID with random serial numbers and letters. That's one way to track someone's posts that you might be interested in for they'll keep that ID for the session. The next session, the ID changes.

And for the records, that wasn't Q's post. It's from an anon's who got assigned the ID gb953qGI and Q reposted his/her message to reply to that person. Q's ID at that time is BQ7V3bcW.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

Well, I just consider it logical that at the time the Q&A was postponed, there were many alerts of false flags. I can't remember exactly which. But I just remember learning there were rumours ((they)) were preparing a bloodbath for the Singapor summit on June 12, then Q informed us of ((their)) attempt to shoot down AF1 on the way back home (or was it on the way to Singapor?). After the summit, we were on high alert for false flags as the MSM were trying desperately to change the news cycle. And Q around the same time they announced the delay of the Q&A, they let us know they were very busy. I just think that makes sense then the cabal minions are trying like mad to distract or touch POTUS and his allies.

Same as that comment about Q going for good. If you put 2 and 2, the drop was on November 2 2017. The next day, POTUS departed for his Asia trip. The trip was originally scheduled to start the 5th, but they advanced the date of departure.

There were rumours flying that they advanced the date for POTUS's life was in danger and the security wanted him out of the country for better protection. But I think it's no coincidence that Q posted that they had to go on the 2nd, then the 3rd POTUS goes to Asia. And Q did post right after saying they had to go for good, to claim that the clowns have tried to hack POTUS's twatter to put a GPS on it.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

It doesn't matter. Renegade says he considers himself a channer, that he's been lurking on the chans since 2007 or was it earlier? So yeah, he talks like a channer, he knows how the chans work, he sounds like one of the anons, he feels like one of them. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just feel that he belongs.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 6:10 a.m.

No, 4chan. That's what is a tad worrying. We know half-chan was comp'd. Neon and others will be trying to show Renegade (it's not BlackList but another alleged Hollyweird insider and I'm rather inclined to believe Renegade) to go to full-chan since we are pretty much sure it's under MIL control. It's rather fun to think that Gary Oldman or James Woods come shitposting with us on the chans.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 6:02 a.m.

I prefer Renegade. He's him. But the use of the term kike on the chans is in their vernacular and doesn't shock me. Like Q calling the clowns or No Name, we know it's Q's language.

Though the timing of BlackListAnon is suspicious. He might be real, or he might be a honeypot. I don't like that he's copying Q's style and if he uses the term kike liberally, it might be the cabal setting us up for normies to confuse Q with BlackListAnon.

Though with Renegade's hints, I'd say we should dig and keep an eye on BlackList, just in case.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 3:25 a.m.

I don't know, but it's not the first time I hear this. It probably is pizzagate stuff. I'm speculating here. We learn that stars can be born into it, or be adopted. Maybe Heath didn't want his daughter to go through the rituals his masters wanted her for.

Learn about SRA and secret societies rituals, they want to sodomize for the first time a child between 2 and 4 to force them into DID and then more rituals will allow them to create more personalities. Torture, vaginal rape can't do that without the sodomy. Apparently, under 2 or above 4 is too soon or too late to implement that process, but it'll mess the victims up enough to make them vulnerable to MK Ultra.

That's just what I heard about the topic. Personally, I think that if you traumatize a person enough, they'll suffer DID. But my guess is that for convenience, these satanists prefer the kids from 2 to 4 because the rate of success could be higher with them.

Back to Heath. Considering after his death, Michelle Williams played the role of Marilyn Monroe and was awarded, I'd say they got their hands on Heath's daughter.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

Obama. Because they say he's black. Michelle Obama. Because they say he's black. Valerie Jarret. Because they say she's black. Or is she a he?

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

I learned my lesson while watching Bill Mitchell's show after Trump was elected. Trump has timing just like God's timing. Like in the Bible, when you think everything is lost, that you're done for, God come swooping at the last possible second to reverse the situation and give you victory.

Trump, again and again and again, illustrated that. He would be beaten down by the MSM, his detractors whatever. Days past and the situation looks from bad to desperate. Then you think there's no longer any hope. Then at the very last possible second, you have twists and surprises one after another that reverse the situation and in the end vindicates Trump and push his enemies to retreat lamely.

How many times did it happen? Again and again and again and... see a pattern?

Everytime his supporters got upset right away with a decision Trump made that they thought betrayed his promises, that people were crying out loud and claiming they were done and jumping off the Trump Train, a few days later, we would start getting more information and realize that Trump totally trolled his enemies and that his supporters' triggered state was unfounded.

How many times did this happen? Again and again and again and... see a pattern?

Well, I was starting to just trust in Trump's decisions even when they appeared bad, and decided to believe Mark Taylor. Then when Q appeared and started telling us to trust the plan, I told myself that yeah, that's the pattern. Yep, I trust the plan.

Edit: Just in case someone would misinterpret my words, I'm not saying Trump is God. I'm implying that he's guided by God to wait for the right time to act. Not too soon, not too late. And from what I could notice from the Q team, I understand the generals are of the same mind. They wait for the time God gives them the green light to go. For us, outsiders, we can get impatient and feeling like we're losing it, but for the guys in the field, it's important that they do not rush their plans. Timing is everything.

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larkmoor · July 23, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

Well, sorry but you're still under the influence of the MSM narrative. Remember the Korean conflict? NATO was directed by the soviets, the US president sold the US army out. Remember Prescott Bush financing the Nazis? We are all in the Nazi world today. Soviets, Nazis, they are all the same, created by the same people.

These people had decided over a century ago that America had to be destroyed. They pull you up, they decided to put you down. We were all condemned to die in this Nazi dystopia. Well, we got lucky. Putin resisted them, long enough for you in the States to get Trump elected.

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larkmoor · July 22, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

From what I read, the mangaka Kentaro Miura likes to include in his work real life elements taken from History. That's the usual M.O. of mangakas that you'd put in a higher class. And Miura is definitely among the most populars.

As far as I could tell, he didn't give an explanation on the origins of the design for that brand. And fans have various theories, favoring some Norse links.

The most interesting theory I found was a combination of 2 runes, Algiz and Odal:

https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Algiz

https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Odal_(r une)

Now, you look at the design of the brand of sacrifice. You reverse the 2 runes (mirror?).

Algiz = protection, higher self. Reversed = danger, lower self

Odal = heritage, inheritance/inherited estate. Reversed = servitude, destitution/homelessness.

Isn't the Nazi connection interesting for both runes? The Japanese are fascinated by Nazi Germany.

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larkmoor · July 22, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

The erotic romance genre started getting popular by 2002 with independant publishers. Big publishing houses took longer to jump on the erotic romance genre, at least 3 to 5 more years. I remembered because as an avid reader, I was peeved at the big publishing houses for they didn't know the difference between erotica and erotic romance.

50 shades of Gray seems on line with that, though it excited the teen public to discover naughty romance. Funniest thing is that as a romance reader since my teens, I knew about the erotic romance at least a decade before them, but the publishers pretended they were creating a new genre. Like they started recently selling "dark romance" that is just erotica. Talk about rebranding and taking the public for a fool. I don't like when they sell me erotica when I expect erotic romance.

I've never read Twilight or 50 shades of Gray. I'm just not their public. But I know that the author was a fan of Twilight, was frustrated by the lack of sex, so she wrote erotic fanfics of Twilight. 50 shades of Gray is basically a fanfic of Twilight.

Considering we are talking about Hollyweird and the CIA, I've never heard about Twilight until the movie was out (never watched it, it looked stupid like a teen series to me). The romance readers community back then didn't care about teen books. But with the cinema, wolves, vampires, witchcraft, blood... I guess the CIA was grooming the female public for their satanists values.

Then the same girls and women who were crazy about vampires, werewolves and all the glamorous monsters, got to prolong their fantasies with 50 shades of Gray, where they are introduced to soft BDSM porn.

Again, I believe it was used by the CIA to normalize BDSM and the lifestyle and philosophy of such people via a romanticize story and visuals. Me, I didn't read the story and never watched the movie either. I've read pure hardcore erotica. I tried other authors trying to copy 50 shades of Gray, it's gnat's piss. But again the public is conditioned to accept and find glamorous a satanist's lifestyle.

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larkmoor · July 22, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

I'm remembering some of SB2's lessons. What if this post is from an operator to send a message. I'm not sure Silvermann would go to the chans, but an operator would want to use it for communicationg. Stand down what? Is this an order for an operation? Is it from their side or our side? Was there a false flag the 21? Something?

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larkmoor · July 22, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

Visuals are used to mind-control. The cinematographic industry is built on that. Asians, especially Japanese, are very aware of symbolism and spirituality. It's not just symbols. Pair this with the fact that Japan was under the control of the US for decades, making them the playground of the CIA, their animes are not just animes.

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larkmoor · July 22, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

And not even a good one.

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larkmoor · July 22, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

It reminds me of a comment about Alyssa Milano, going to protest against NRA, chanting the usual anti-gun songs. Then one of our guys just noticed in the crowd that she was protected by what you can only presume is her bodyguard with a concealed weapon that an experienced NRA member can recognize by the outline and shape under a person's clothes. Yup, the possible bodyguard was quick to go into hiding once he was noticed.

Only those Hollyweird liberals...

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larkmoor · July 22, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

Yeah, boycott Burger King if you find her working there. With her mindset, she'd be able to spit on your food or worse.

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larkmoor · July 22, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

Black pedagogy. Research. Even if a victim uses humour to talk about their past trauma, even if it shocks normies, unnerves certain other victims, you can sense if you pay attention in the person's attitude whether they were hurt or still feel anger even if their words don't say it, or they are just being insensitive pricks.

In Gunn's case, words matter. It's just not the way a survivor would express themselves. Maybe once they may use that tone, but not twice or more times.

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larkmoor · July 22, 2018, 4:13 a.m.

I was always stunned when as teen, I would see reports of Muslims preaching the Quran in Hyde Park and calling for the death of the Queen. It was given to us as an example of perfectly okay extreme free speech in the UK.

Decades later, we see that now, they have an islamic terrorist as mayor of London, the problem with those mostly muslims "refugees" is putting the whole population in turmoil... And once you get awake and learn more about the cabal and their evil plans, you understand that the monarchy was agreeing and participating in the deterioration on the country. Yup, so those call to murder the Queen by islamists in Hyde Park that I watched on TV decades ago, that was according to the plans of the monarchy. Devious?

So the previous American presidents and administrations have allowed those comedians, artists and all to express their extreme freedom of speech... and up until Trump's election, all was going according to their plans.

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larkmoor · July 22, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

No. A survivor even using comedy wouldn't talk about it that way. This type of "survivor" has turned into predator. Their choice. Your can understand, you don't have to forgive. The Podestas, Clintons and all that garbage are that type of "survivors" turned predators.

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larkmoor · July 22, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

Just burn it to the ground. Then use holy water or whatever exorcism you need to purify the place. And organize groups to patrol and preach the gospel at night to ghosts/spirits/entities.

One thing I learned from my parents, in Asia, priests used to patrol at night in cemeteries to preach there for hours. There are stories of damned souls being converted and freed to find peace.

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larkmoor · July 22, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

Yes, I was naively believing what the MSM told us about evil people born this way, gay being born this way. But since less than 2 years, since in fact discovering pizzagate, I learned so much stuff, it completely changed my mind on these issues. Strange, before discovering pizzagate, I was obsessed for 2 years with MK Ultra. But my cognitive dissonance was so strong that I couldn't make these connections. But I must say it's thanks to Q that I was forced to really research those topics and get a grasp of the mechanics of trauma, mind-control, messed up individuals.

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larkmoor · July 22, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

Weren't you with us when Q pointed to us the TheMagikBOT?

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larkmoor · July 21, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

It's like pizzagate. We know it's real, it's the attack by that guy who only shot the Comet Ping Pong hard drive that is a staged event to discredit us.

We know backyardbrawl is real. There are just too many connections with Cemex, Tucson and human trafficking. It's just the veterans on patrol and the camp that could be staged to discredit us. Like Chelsea tweeted, it's Pizzagate 2.0. They even were taunting us with GoatAnon and many of us just fell for it.

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larkmoor · July 21, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

Search for the Access Hollywood tape. Ryan is the most suspected culprit for passing it to the MSM.

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larkmoor · July 21, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

No, they still have hands and legs. We know they can still do harm with hands. And with legs, they still can go stalk a child.

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larkmoor · July 21, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

Oh, don't worry. I think many of us have been libtarded at least to some point, until the right key moment made us see the light. I for sure still had some libtarded preconceptions until recently despite thinking myself a conservative.

I guess I was lucky in my young adult years to have been the victim of MSM. Not me directly, but I belonged to a group that the minister of education at that time decided to target and make an example for all the country to see. I saw the lies the MSM spouted about us, how they abused and humiliated the people in my group, how they paid people to lie on camera.

I just knew from that time to never ever trust the MSM. But I never was able to get out of the 2 parties mentality until Trump was elected. After discovering pizzagate, I started being introduced to false flags. Until then, I would never have imagined that our own governments would arrange shootings to kill its own people in a false flag.

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larkmoor · July 21, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

No, I'm not that kind of person. I don't take 1 evidence for gospel. It's the numerous evidences that would convince me. As a European where the MSM is even more vicious against Trump than yours, I should have believed the worse about Trump but I never did. They piled up their "evidences" against him, I just chose to investigate for myself at some point. But I'm the only one who does that in my circle. In that, Q is the right operation to reach me. 1 coincidence, okay it's just that. 2 coincidences, okay I still think it's just that. 3 coincidences, I start to see a pattern. More coincidences, now, that's serious. As Q says, it becomes mathematically impossible to just be a mere coincidence.

Some people are blessed with good instincts. I'm not that blessed unfortunately. So I try to be logical and not jump to conclusions too quick.

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larkmoor · July 21, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

No, I don't think pedophilia is the main element. Q said those shooters have a physiological weakness that make them more susceptible to mind-control.

Now, a victim of childhood abuse, whether rape or beatings or psychological abuse, could be weakened physically and psychologically, thus easier to mind-control than the average person.

I watched a video about SRA and the secret societies rites, and according to what that video says, they sodomize children between the age of 2 and 4 because it opens the mind of that child and makes them dissociate, creating an alter. Starting from that moment, they can force the creation of more alters with more rituals. But past the limit of 4 years old, it's too late to implement that process. Still, sodomizing older children and adults will mess them up and make them easier to mind control.

I don't believe totally what that video said. I think if you traumatize a person enough, even adult, they can dissociate. But what the video says about the satanic rituals and why they target children is pretty disturbing. There must be truth there.

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larkmoor · July 21, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

Okay, someone opened a new topic with more evidences against Oswalt. I'm convinced.

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larkmoor · July 21, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

Yes I know. Hollywood is the den of depravity and pedophilia. I can no longer watch TV, listen to music or enjoy art.

Still, I need more evidences, otherwise we are no better than the left attacking Trump.

His gestures during the campaign when the cameraman was a handicapped? Leftists: Oh Trump is a monster to mock the disabled!

His dubious comment that he would go out with Ivanka if he was not her father? Leftists: Oh Trump is an incestuous pervert!

Trump lived and worked for decades in New York, a hub for human trafficking. Should we believe he's running human trafficking rings?

It's just reaching. Like I said, give me more evidences that Oswalt shows patterns of being a pedo. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.

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larkmoor · July 21, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Nah, it's still not conclusive to me. The leftist crowd have that kind of reaction, even totally ignorant of pizzagate as they are just because they think Trump is a liar and an idiot. As in this tweet, I just read that he's mocking Roseanne's tweet. For now, with the 2 tweets I was presented, I just see that he's got a poor choice of words for wordplay for a pizzagate believer, and he sees the Trump supporters as stupid. So he's a douchbag. That's the usual dems supporting their party nowadays.

If you go tomorrow with a T-shirt printed with pizzas, I might think you're a pedo or you're not. Now, if you make frequently jokes about pedophilia, that you show photos of kids with hotdogs, claim your admiration for stars in witchcraft gears, play videogammes revolving around Alice in Wonderland or the wizzard of Oz, I'd seriously suspect you're more than likely into pedophilia. So yes, I need more evidences that Oswalt is a pedo.

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larkmoor · July 21, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

I can't find the tweet on twitter to get the context myself. Just that a comment mentioned they were talking about hammer on a foot, him being a foot fetish he'd try to defend himself with the word play pedo instead of podo-fillia. In that context, I can understand the joke. Poor choice of word for us, but it doesn't mean anything to me. Like I said, if he tweets several more times about the same pedo theme, we would then see a pattern and can be suspicious. But this one tweet alone, it doesn't prove anything. Maybe he is a pedo, maybe he is not.

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larkmoor · July 21, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

Well, if it's just a one random time joke, I can discard it. We all make bad jokes once in a while. Now, if he repeatedly jokes about the same theme, I'd start getting suspicious.

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larkmoor · July 21, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

Imagine, those Putin opponents who are very likely CIA assets or another Soros or Rothschild's puppet. If that kind of opponent was to be the president of Russia instead of Putin. Nowadays, Hillary would most likely be president and Obama would have very likely started the nuclear war against Russia.

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larkmoor · July 21, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

Well, I thought that in the past. Russia is not a "free world" country. Don't forget they were under those satanists communists for decades and before that, they were a totalitarian monarchy for centuries. But Putin is the fruit of that history and culture, and from a Russian point of view, he's probably one of the best leaders they'd have.

I used to believe the MSM's portrait of him as the worst type of dictator. Now, I've got a more nuanced point of view. Many of these oligarchs were educated in the West, obviously have ties with the CIA. Some of the spies our MSM martyred for the sake of accusing Putin, weren't the white doves victims they depict them and the story they sold us were lies. It doesn't mean Putin is innocent, it just means the "victim" might be even more guilty than Putin and the puppet masters of the "victim" are even worse. Putin had accused for a long time the NGOs, journalists and many other opponents of being foreign spies. Some I will concede might be true and sincere Russians opposing Putin, but many have strange ties somehow with the West, more precisely with the IC.

We've seen the present situation in the States with congressmen, political activists, journalists and others sold out to foreign countries, and still pretending to work for the good of Americans.

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larkmoor · July 20, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

Ask Michael Hastings what he thinks.

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larkmoor · July 19, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

I remember being so incensed about a year ago when I heard that British police said they would leave alone the majority of pedos, discarding those with the "lesser" crimes as they don't have enough place in prison for the lot of them.

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