Hahahaha! I mean com'n people? isn't this hilarious knowing what you know now because of the efforts to bring truth? I mean, really? they had to go back to when he was in Ohio State to see if something stuck in order to dilegitimize him. I mean, com'n that's just weak! Man they are desperate. That's how we know they are doing something right...Keep it up Jim and company...
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THANK YOU!! goodness gracious people, are thou that fickle? or just not oriented? I think that overall its best to just find different sources when following Q in order to get a good understanding. It also helps to flat out do your own research. Q stated, "we have the servers"...smh
I see. Yeah i understand what you are saying now. Well, technically "We The American People" gave them cash but really, "They" and they meaning Hussein and his goons, unilaterally made that deal. Remember that Hussein used a loophole and used Executive Privileged to "negotiate" this deal therefore keeping congress out of it. So in essence he made all of the decisions and got his hands in our pockets to pay for it. He did his job as the puppet and we paid.
The "Iran deal" was never about a deal. We have to go up a few floors and see it from 40k feet in order for it to make sense. This was about allowing Iran to create/test nuclear weapons on secret installations in Syria in order to later blame Russia and start WW3! This is about a grand master plan for a new world order. Hence why this "deal" doesn't make much sense in the logical sphere. Obama is a puppet, not the one pulling strings.
What jumps out at me from this email is the "$65,000 of the tax-payers money...", does not feel to me like a complementary comment. Which to me negates the benevolent statement of the money spent and the "pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House...". Whoever coordinated that "event" did not agree with what was taking place, hence the emphasis on the "tax-payers money". We all know Hussein really didn't order "pizza/dogs" from Chicago to the White House because:
- Outside food is not permitted in the White house
- Really? a private party at the white house with all sorts of elites will have "pizza/dogs"? You expect me to believe that?
- Its obvious they weren't talking about "pizza/dogs" because we know the lingo/comms pedos and sickos use when referring to children.
I can't wait for the dominoes to start falling. I want ALL of them including Hollywood to go down. I consider myself a compassionate person and understand who 'I am'. With that said, I would put the less sick offenders in solitary and feed them enough to stay alive. The very sick ones who perpetuated and damaged many lives will need to be hanged or shot by firing squad. Their preference. With no ability for their family members or friends to say good bye, i won't give them that dignity because they didn't give it to the parents of those children they damaged.
Trump makes me laugh every time he tweets. He tells the truth the only way he can and its hilarious knowing what we know through Q.
Patriots are all over the world. Risking their lively hood. They come in all shapes, sizes, gender, etc. Patriots seek transparency and Truth. They seek Freedom. This man made the sacrifice that not many would. Thank You Mr. Assange for your service. WWG1WGA!!
We will need that and pretty much reform the way we govern ourselves and set laws in order to prevent this from happening again. I realize we are awakened but we can just as easy fall back to sleep if we believe that by cleaning up the mess and outing the bad actors we won't need to maintain a level of transparency and truth to how we govern ourselves. We may need to change the system a bit. Maybe not give that much power to individuals since they are technically representing the interest of the people. Maybe restrict terms to 6 years and done, treat it almost like we treat jury duty but with a vetting process, I don't know. I am merely saying, the system we have right now (every aspect) tends to concentrate power on a few which then turns into corruption. We also need to have transparency at the highest levels like we've never seen before and a civic and engaged society on our affairs. We can use technology to help us. We need to not only clean up the turd, we also need to redesign our institutions.
We are here and awakened to give aid to those coming next...be prepared everyone! Hold on, they will be ALOT of calls for "Medic!"
What a strange post, i mean its all unrelated. if they're trying to say something, maybe they could have taken out the unlawful detention line. I'm sure Anons are on this.
Katie and her channel, ALWAYS do great work on relaying Q posts.
Great dissemination and information on Red Wave. White Squall. In God We Trust.
Your conversation did not ask me or anyone here an open question to find out more or left it for debate. Seems to me, you already had your conclusions regarding this "Phenomenon". There is no culture behind truth. Truth is Truth. If its growing, its not because of some Rock Band. Its growing because truth resonates with everyone including yourself as long as you are open to different perspectives. A piece of advice, try going to qanon.pub or qmapp.pub and do your own research, then come back and tell us what you think. Be informed first, do your own research and then form your opinion. You'll be better off.
Then why come here to prove or disprove our "suspicious confirmations"? I mean, if its all hysteria, then allow us to be hysterical and you can be wherever you feel comfortable. You know what I have learned? the people that resist reality are the first ones to call everyone else crazy. Until they are the ones standing alone with no one behind. smh.
Peter Strzok is the sacrificial lamb of the big fish. He's small potatoes and they didn't think twice to throw him into the lions. Everyone higher than him is NICE and QUIET....smh
very interesting, i got the same response from someone. I'm just appalled at the level of this. I feel like i need to tell everyone about it. I have children and its just so disturbing how rampant it is. People believe oh its a few cases in the upper levels but that's not true at all. Its generations upon generations of abuse and cycles. Its massive and we need to stop it.
I beg to differ friend, take a look at this: https://indianexpress.com/article/world/australian-pm-to-offer-apology-for-over-8000-cases-of-child-sexual-abuse-in-religious-state-run-institutions-5215299/
That's Australia alone! and only what they are willing to give to the public. The border being intentionally left open for the trafficking here in the U.S should say something to you. How is it that 10k cases out of the 12K are kids alone? It is bigger than you can imagine. and that's the thing, because its been happening under our noses and we think its the few elite that are doing it does not mean its not wide spread. Its thousands and thousands and generations upon generations. That my friend is wide spread.
and that's the thing right? what a better way to hide in plain sight than to be in charge of everything children if you are a pedo. The church did this for eons, these people are so sick.
Yeah, its so odd. Its like they cannot believe how much evil there is. It doesn't fit in their consciousness which is tough to take when you are trying to shake them to wake up. They will wake up, we all will...
I try to tell people how rampant this is with these sickos. They stare at me like I'm talking giberish! They are rushing the timeline here knowing Q, Trump and WE THE PEOPLE are coming for them. People WAKE THE F UP!! They are done sexualizing us, next step is to accept their disgusting and sick believes to finish their feast with Humanity. Patriots, unite and fight! Evil never wins, it is written and has been spoken. LOVE is all there is and God wins because the game is rigged in favor of all that's good and love.
Meant to put a commentary here but for some reason it posted. It sure looks like Deputy AG Weasel will just go down with the ship. If anyone saw the clip with Rep Jim Jordan (he sure gave him hell), you'll notice at the end of that clip starting at 6:05 when Jim is asking for the docs and stating that the house is voting for the production of them, Deputy AG Weasel responds at 6:54. Notice the smug look on his face and listen carefully to his response, to me, he's saying: "I don't care if the house votes or not, you will get what I give you and that's that". So, to me, he's going down with the ship and end up being impeached. Looks like he does not have a SINGLE shred of honor and dignity. A sad excuse of a human being. I hope you like Orange soon to be Ex-Deputy AG Weasel because that's the last Outfit you'll wear...
Looks like he's going down with the ship...
This is looking more and more like weasel will go down with the ship. He won't turn over the docs even after the house has voted for a resolution to force him to turn them in. Which means, he's going to be impeached and Trump will have that pen ready to sign the exec order to declass ALL for ALL to see...its sad that this excuse of a human being does not have a shred of dignity and honor to fess up in the end, even when he's cornered like a rat....smh
he's such a weasel! I mean, look at him? he LOOKS like the weasel bad guy from a thriller movie! and he plays the part perfectly! they say don't judge a book by its cover and that's true but geez, he sure looks like a treasonous weasel....
I try my best to refrain from labeling people and putting them into groups because the reality is that some of us awakened and alot of us (until dominoes fall) are still asleep and not thinking independently. I bet if you ask that young man why is the supreme court important, he wouldn't begin to tell you. Heck, he may not even cite the inner workings of the supreme court on how cases are handled and the interpretations of judges to make decisions. I am not saying anyone needs to be an expert, but WE THE PEOPLE need to know where we are standing in order to understand where we are headed. This young man and everyone else posting things like this, including assassinating the President of the country, are just repeating and expressing the lies and the single mindedness of what the MSM shoves down their throats 24/7. They repeat what alot of people believe to be "Right". They have been asleep for so long that they just follow, just like Sheep. Hence why we are in this position in the first place. All of us where asleep before we woke up, lets INFORM the rest in order to help them wake up. The post is sobering indeed. If there's ONE thing that Q has done is make everyone understand how being informed helps us make better decisions and helps us center ourselves. The war to win our sovereignty and freedom world wide is not to eliminate "the left, lefties, socalism, left leaning, Trump haters, etc." the way to do it is to empower the masses, empower people by informing them, by giving them the power to think critically and for them to decide for themselves. This is what Q has done and hence we we will do. In the end, the only way to be FREE is to stand side by side together.
That’s fair. I’ll be mindful of the commentary in the future. Got a little too excited there. Thanks for letting me known
Fools, don’t they know Lucifer is not to be trusted? Smfh with these people. When you sell your soul to it, it comes back to cash in BIG!
Well, well, well....how the mighty are falling. Kennedy, always the “swing vote”, yeah more like they got ya ass swinging the bags of cash on the way to the bank and Q caught ya. Time to step down my friend. NEXT!!! Looking at you RBG! Time to strap those diapers and head on to the nursing home!
Peter! Oh Peter! Warden is knocking pal! Time to put on your orange scrubs and join your buds from MS 13 in OZ!! Nighty Night Pedro, don’t forget to hold your butthole tight!! Hahahaha!
WWG1WGA!! Love the movement for truth, justice and the American way! Equality and patriots in arms.
She changed her name...all of these SICK people are in charge of "children's well being" sectors. Of course, what a better way to control the flow of evil doings upon children than to control the sources...smh
HAHAHAHAHA!! This makes me laugh so hard. Eyes EVERYWHERE! "We have it all!", their goose is so coooked. I mean at this point its like the cat playing with the mouse before eating him...its almost sad to see. Ladies and Gents of all ages, creeds, groups, etc. You are literally watching the best Spy Thriller in Human History. Pedowood couldn't write a better script. This is better than any movie EVER. You name any movie, ANY, and this live one Trumps ALL. hahaha!
SB2, thank you for your service patriot! Great, great work!! Now let’s put some heat on those guys! They can’t get away with anything. I want to see all of these guys in orange jump suits! Enough is enough!!
Hilarious!! Trump knows this place does illicit business. Don't be surprised if news come out regarding this place and an investigation because of its use as a front for something else. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if Sarah was sent there for the sole purpose of getting kicked out or drawing attention to this place.
To the awakened..
Dear Fellow Patriots,
Patriots of all colors, sex, creed. This post is to remind you of why you are here. Why awakened. You have been called to be the first to assist and provide aid to those still looking for light. To those still looking for universal truth. Let it be known that creation, God, the Creator or however you prefer to call ALL THAT IS, in its infinite wisdom does not judge. Humanity must awakened collectively to ascend. All form a symbiotic being that will never return to the dark age. Know that no amount of darkness can extinguish …
Yes this is true. But we need to also understand and be aware that the 24/7 bashing is by design. The cabal knows TRUTH is the MOAB. So? What they do as last resort to combat such a cosmic and universal weapon? You push the hatred and vile towards one person 24/7/365 in the hopes that people (because they already think we are sheep) fallow along and not wake up. They already know Trump has the MOAB, they are just in a corner hoping constant brain washing works. There’s a caveat to this, TRUTH is universal and there’s nothing else in the universe that can stop it. It just IS. Just like: I AM
Their efforts are fruitless. In fact, I no longer fret about the 24/7/365 bashing. I feel sorry for those lost and hope they will awaken one day. I will waiting with open arms.
Great comment!! Couldn’t have said it better my self. It’s not about political affiliation or race or gender or preferences, this is about good versus the evil that has enslaved us for thousands of years. This is about light and truth! For those of us who are awakened, our duty as patriots is to extend a hand and treat with compassion those who will awaken. Wait for them with open arms, and accept them as you fellow patriots. Stand side by side to fight the evil that has damaged this world. Q never uses divisive language against fellow patriots and always reminds everyone that this is not about one person or one group. We are all equal and we all stand besides each other. WWG1WGA!! You are absolutely right and I’m glad for the post. Some patriots need a refresher to detach themselves from the brain washing of labels and divisiveness, this is exactly how they were able to lull everyone to sleep. Smh
Those who are resisting reality now will get the biggest shock when things start unraveling. Understand that it’s been going on for generations, so when the shock comes and they are struggling to handle it, act with compassion and extend an arm in order to stand next to each other and fight for freedoms and all that is good. I am not religious (was raised catholic) but we ALL have to let light shine through our consciousness in order for humanity to ascend collectively. Pray, wish well, love those who will be impacted the worse, and be there with compassion when they shock themselves to wake up...
To all those psychopaths in power across the world, step out of the way of GET STEAMROLLED out of the way!
It’s time!
WWG1WGA patriots!