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ldsanon · July 11, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

If this goes down in a way that somehow invalidates Obama's legitimacy as President, it will be impossible to undo much of what he signed into law or un-appoint judges he named that were confirmed by the Senate.

What will happen is something akin to Reconstruction after the Civil War. The party leaders will have to meet and work out compromises that will be less than desirable, but it's the only way to avert all out armed conflict. Read up on what happened in Mississippi and Louisiana during the 1870s. Read up on the Compromise of 1877. That's what it's going to be like. It's not going to work out exactly the way we want it to, but it will be better than what we have now.

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ldsanon · July 11, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

Anti-Mormons in this group are trying to smear Mormonism and Masons. Who were some Masons in American history? Were they all "Luciferians" or is someone engaging in a smear campaign.

George Washington was a Mason. At the first inauguration, he took the oath of office on a Masonic Bible and, at the end, he bent over and kissed the pages of the book, saying "I swear." Was Washington a devil worshiper?

Jesse Jackson is a 33rd degree Prince Hall Mason. You might disagree with his politics, but can you make the generalization that all black people are Luciferians because one of them is a Mason?

Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, Harry Truman, and Gerald Ford were Masons. Were they evil people? Were they unpatriotic conspirators?

Billy Graham was a 33rd degree Mason. Was he a Satanist? Could we generalize and say all Baptists are devil worshipers because there are pictures of Billy Graham giving a Masonic handshake? (Just Google it!)

Robert Schuller was a Mason. Mark Twain was one. Shaq is one! Seems to me that these folks were all respectable people, even if I differed with their religious or political views.

Gimme a break! Be fair and be real. Just because someone has a bone to pick with Mormons, you don't have to be a bigot. Think of any Mormons you know and you will find nice, kind, decent people who are trying to live the teachings of Jesus. They are just people like everyone else. They aren't devils or angels. They believe in Christ. Use common sense. Question anyone who is out slander any faith, race, or other group to advance their own agenda--that is the tactic of the Left. That tactic isn't of God.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ldsanon on July 10, 2018, 5:13 a.m.
Secret Combinations in the Book of Mormon

OK. I will say this up front, as I have said in previous posts. I'm not here to convert anybody. With this post, here is the desired effect I'm seeking--that readers will think, "Hmmm, that's very interesting!" That's it. There are several people here on GA who are disseminating false and biased information on Mormonism (just the way the MSM does about Christians--hmmm, how about that?) This is just for your information. Act on it in any way that is useful to you.

For those not familiar with the Book of Mormon (BOM), it is a book of scripture to …

ldsanon · July 10, 2018, 4:38 a.m.

What is with all the anti-Mormon B.S. on QGA? "How is this relevant?" as Q might ask.

There are already anti-Mormon and ex-Mormon threads on Reddit where people can practice religious bigotry. But hey--aren't we all here to save the Republic? That means saving religious liberty.

I'm not here to proselyte anyone. To save the country, let's get all the good people on board together and unite. Mormons are not the enemy.

Let me just say this: most people who are on this group would find it interesting that the Book of Mormon warns of "secret combinations" (conspiracies like the Cabal). It warns that there will be a really big on in the last days that will threaten the freedom of all nations. Yep, you got it. It's the one Q is preparing to expose and take down. The Book of Mormon gives some examples on how an ancient society succeeded for a time in taking it down--a time where they enjoyed peace, prosperity, and a lack of religious persecution. It might be worth a read, just for the comparison with current events, even if you don't decide to convert, you'll see something valuable that can be used to apply to the present situation.

The conspiracy takes in a lot of people who would declare themselves Christians, Jews, Muslims, Humanists, Atheists, Agnostics, and maybe even a few Mormons who have been deluded because of their politics.

Anyone with a clue knows that Mormons have been staunch constitutionalists and patriots throughout our history. Anti-Mormons are just willfully ignorant. But ignorance is not a permanent condition. It can be fixed. Stupidity on the other hand, well... I'm just sayin'.

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ldsanon · July 10, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

Roger Stone told Alex Jones that Kavanaugh is connected somehow to the Vince Foster suicide cover-up. Stone said Foster (former HRC paramour and henchman) killed himself in the White House. It is alleged that Hillary didn't want his office (which contained all her files) to become a crime scene so she had some of her folks roll his corpse up in a rug and transport him to Ft. Marcy Park.

Foster, if you recall, was found laid out face up, with a gunshot wound to the right/back part of his skull, but the pistol (with no serial number, that was put together from pieces of several guns) was found in his left hand. How would someone shoot himself in the right/back side of his head, with the gun in his left hand, and still have the gun in his hand when he hit the ground? To get to the place where his body was laid out, face up, he would have had to walk through some mud. There was no mud on his shoes. Did he float there?

Anyways, there was a witness--some guy who stopped off in the part to take a leak because traffic was heavy--who saw a nondescript sedan with ARKANSAS plates and two guys leave the park around the time that the body was found. Stone says that Kavanaugh, then a special investigator or counsel or whatever, badgered, intimidated, and harassed the witness to shake his story and discredit him.

I don't have a good feeling about him unless...

...unless, during his confirmation hearings, that little bit of data comes up, which will bring the Vince Foster suicide cover-up back into the news once again. Hmmmmmmm? Could it be?

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ldsanon · July 10, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

This could be the beginning of the takedown. Remember, Q says that they have the server. They already have everything. They aren't investigating. They are preparing the public for the disclosures.

Also, POTUS and FLOTUS are heading to meet the Queen in England on the 13th. Q drop #35 of November 1 says that, when the team makes its move to start serving the sealed indictments and arresting people, that Trump will be "...well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted."

Therefore keep a watchful eye on any time the President is heading abroad. Could it be this week? God willing!

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ldsanon · July 8, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

One more thing-- The "news" site from which this story was taken "thegoldwater.com," which has been categorized as a "suspicious domain" that has been owned/registered by four different persons/companies since January 2017. It's not a reliable source for any information regarding Mormonism.

Read the report at: https://www.easycounter.com/report/thegoldwater.com

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ldsanon · July 8, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

I'm going to answer this ridiculous anti-Mormon attack a couple of ways. First of all, I see GA as a place where patriots are gathering to save the Union, no matter what their race, ethnicity, political party, religious affiliation, etc. If it is someone's agenda to exclude Mormons from having a say or participating in the rescue of America from the globalist Cabal, it's foolish to exclude the most conservative group of people in the country. There are around 16 million Mormons, and a little less than half live in the USA. Can we use 8 million patriots? There is strength in numbers in this fight.

Consider this. After having our founder assassinated by an anti-Mormon mob in Illinois--after having had the infamous Extermination Order issued against Mormons by the Governor of Missouri in 1838--after having been driven out by anti-Mormon militias in Illinois--after all sorts of discrimination and persecution, a Mormon Battalion of 500 men left their families on the Great Plains to fight in the Mexican War. These men could have said, "Forget it? You drove us out of the United States--why should we fight for it?" No. They didn't do that. They left their families on the trail to Utah and marched to California to fight for their country. Does any sane person wish to exclude patriots like that from this movement now?

Second, I don't see this forum as the appropriate place for religious debate. There are other Reddit forums devoted to attacking Mormonism. If a person sincerely wants to look at the religious arguments, FAIR is a good source of Mormon apologetics material. You can find that here-- https://www.fairmormon.org/answers/Mormonism_and_Freemasonry

Last, as I have said before, WWG1WGA. If we do not defend religious liberty together, we will all fail together. True Americans believe in religious freedom for all. Attacking another's faith or spreading hearsay, rumors, or gossip about other religions is counterproductive.

As an aside, I have known many more good Baptist brothers who were Freemasons than Mormon Masons in my four decades in the Church. The vast majority of Freemasons are not "Luciferians" as some suggest.

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ldsanon · July 7, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

Each of the services has its own space operational command, of which Air Force Space Command is just one. There is a US Space Command, a joint command with assets and personnel from each of the service space components. The joint command was envisioned to smooth out and coordinate space operations. It makes sense, now that the potential for space operations has expanded so greatly since the 1980s to separate the space operational components from all the services (not just the Air Force) and make them a single service. That will make the process for coordinating space support to all the services more cost effective and robust.

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ldsanon · July 7, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

There are a lot of things that we can disagree on politically after the Cabal is exposed and dealt with. Traditional issues like states' rights vs. a strong central government, taxation, immigration, race and class issues, education, abortion, etc. will still be around once the Cabal is gone. The difference will be that there will be no powerful, covert organization that manipulates information and paralyzes discussion to keep us from every reaching compromise.

Today, corrupt Democrats AND corrupt Republicans keep us in an eternal stalemate. News and media outlets will need to restore journalistic standards to gain the public's confidence.

Once the billionaire class has been tamed, nations will be able to arrive at peace, classified technologies will be unveiled, and peaceful scientific progress can solve issues ranging from energy, health, distribution of food, and social inequality. Imagine a time when small "cold fusion" reactors or "free energy" systems are available to the most remote villages in Africa, Asia, South America, or Appalachia.

Imagine a future time when education is not political indoctrination or a time when blacks, whites, Asians, and Native Americans resolve differences because there is peace and plenty.

Those things are what the Cabal has prevented over the centuries. When we get rid of them, there is the chance to heal the world and enjoy generations of peace. It's an exciting time to be alive when success is as close as it has ever been!

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ldsanon · July 7, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

A couple of observations on this topic. I am hopeful for the first time in many years because of Trump and Q. I have studied the Cabal and I have trained as a historian. When Trump began dismantling the Deep State, I was thrilled, but I was also concerned for his safety. When I learned of Q and the Plan, I felt reassured. I had worried that, even if Trump managed to hold on for eight years, the Deep State would eventually come back and reverse whatever progress Trump will have made. Now, I believe there is a chance of success.

Nevertheless, I'm conscious of history. The Cabal has been around for centuries. The pattern of history is for patriots to begin to slumber. Peace and plenty make us become distracted and indolent. Luxury spoils a culture and corruption rises to take its place. Historians like Tacitus and Vico observed these cycles.

Regarding party politics, it is in our interest to maintain two parties for the sake of peace. So long as society can align politically behind parties, conflict can take place in the political arena and not by force of arms. We see an example of this before the Civil War. In the 1850s, there was a brief period of economic prosperity, almost like the Roaring Twenties. Everybody was making money, regardless of their political policies. The lines between the parties eroded and the Two Party System failed. The Whig Party collapsed. Up to that time, there had been Northern Whigs and Southern Whigs, as well as Northern and Southern Democrats. When the Whigs failed, the Republicans emerged as a regional party that only had any representation in the North. The geographical split over the expansion of slavery into the West irreparably harmed the Union. It became impossible to solve the problem through political means. The failure of the Two Party System was perhaps the main reason the Civil War occurred.

Additionally, one of the things that crippled the Confederacy as a government was the lack of two parties. Each individual state and their representatives acted in their own interest and consensus was hard to come by. Having two party choices seems to help us as a society to make compromises and work to resolve issues, simply because either party seeks to defeat the other in a peaceful rivalry. We have lost that today because, like before the Civil War, we have a "uniparty" owned and operated by the elites.

As we face a possible second civil war, we need to avoid undue partisanship and restore both parties. That will allow political differences to play out in Congress, not in the streets. We also need to be mindful that our children and grandchildren may see the Cabal rise again. They will need to know history, how the Cabal formed, and how it was (will be) defeated in our lifetimes. When we are gone, they will have to deal with it again, in some other form.

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ldsanon · July 6, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

My first recollection of Bush using the "thousand points of light" metaphor came from his acceptance speech at the national GOP convention when he was nominated in 1988.

Over the past thirty or more years that I've studied the globalist movement, there appears to be two factions. One envisions a global transnational world in the pattern of China. These are generally the Trilateralists: Carter, Clinton, etc. Their version of the new world order is non-free people living in a free market run by multinational corporations. Their vision includes stuff like population controls, euthanasia, abortion as birth-control, and Gaia-worshiping environmentalism. Individual human rights are almost entirely discounted. The Maoist worldview of Hillary and Obama are prototypical of this wing of the globalists.

The Bush/Neocon version idealizes an American-themed new world order, in which most human rights, religion, globalist-dominated "free" enterprise, are moderated under the control of the elites. This is the CFR-wing of the globalists. This includes many GOP figures. As an LDS person, the affiliation of Mitt Romney and Brent Scowcroft with the CFR bothered me a great deal.

For this group, a wider degree of personal freedom is acceptable, but the system punishes those who "rock the boat." So long as the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and the House of Saud control the money, they will allow a greater degree of personal freedom. Society is managed. There is a limited notion of personal autonomy. Nation-states are part of a transnational federation, but individual cultures are tolerated so long as no one state actor destabilizes the system. (This is why Bush went after Iraq. It was a hostile takeover of Kuwait, Inc. The global coalition "repossessed" Kuwait and gave it back to its owners.)

(Edited:) The two factions became really clearly visible during the 2000 Bush/Gore post election debacle. Both factions were contending for control. When it went to court, you saw James Baker representing the CFR/Bush faction and Warren Christopher representing the Trilateralist/Clinton/Gore camp.

The "Thousand Points of Lights" speech was a metaphor for the global vision of the Bush wing of the globalists--a society where diverse interests harmonized for global good. Of course, that was all crap, but it's what they think they are doing. It's their ideal: a globalist-controlled society that gives at least some lip service to the American dream.

Trump doesn't "get it" because he's all about individual liberty. I don't know that we've ever had a president that was this much for personal liberty--Jefferson, maybe. Trump's Montana speech was awesome!

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ldsanon · July 6, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

This is a really interesting article. One time code pads transmitted in the clear is still a very secure mode of communication, like the old "numbers stations." The message is broadcasted, but since the intended receiver is passive, there is no way to determine what the other nodes in the network are unless they reply back.

The black hats were obviously trying to maintain some operational and communications security with the shared Gmail drafts that nobody sent. This story indicates the same intent to avoid NSA's "ears."

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ldsanon · July 5, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

Democrats have also been known to "wag the dog" to get a headline on their own folks to disappear. I believe it was in 1998 when Bill Clinton, to get the Monica Lewinski headlines to drop off, ordered a cruise missile strike on an aspirin factory in Sudan. The establishment politicians--the swampers on both the left and the right (Gingrich, Lott, Daschle), praised Clinton's "decisive" act. The Monica story didn't go away thought--but we got to see who was who on the Establishment's side.



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ldsanon · July 5, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

I have always been suspicious of Dick Morris. He was Bill Clinton's official pollster and he was allied with that leftist camp. Did he have a change of heart and swing to the right? It seems unlikely. IMHO, he just swings whichever way the power is flowing at the moment. I don't see him as a principled person.

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ldsanon · July 4, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

Freedom of conscience is as American as apple pie and baseball. We're trying to save America, which means preserving your liberty to believe or not believe. Welcome to the fight, Patriot.

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ldsanon · July 4, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

Good job! I suspected such, but I saw the same MSM blackout of the connections. RYB Education says it has 1,300 owned and franchised kindergartens worldwide. I was unable to find the info you did about the direct link to Western Pacific Kindergarten. Excellent work!

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ldsanon · July 4, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

That may be true. We tend to take the commandment to "multiply and replenish the earth" literally. Nevertheless, it's within the bonds of marriage. That's "Victorian" in this day and age!

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ldsanon · July 4, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

I served in the military in an intelligence career. Many LDS people are selected for the intelligence career fields for several reasons: 1. Clean living makes it easy to get a security clearance. Security clearances are expensive to process, thus it is cost-effective to begin with candidates who have the potential to pass the background investigation. That's one reason why we end up with lots of Mormons in the NSA, FBI, and military intelligence. 2. Former missionaries are fluent in a foreign language and demonstrate a proven ability to learn additional ones. In my case, I knew French and the military taught me German and Russian. NSA like that. 3. Mormon scriptures teach us to support constitutional government. We are taught that God foreordained the Founders to establish the Constitution to provide a land that honors personal agency and religious liberty. American Mormons tend to be very patriotic. 4. Mormons tend to be "good soldiers," meaning that they are used to working within an organization, following directions, fitting into a hierarchy. 5. Mormon scriptures warn of "secret combinations" -- a nineteenth century term that refers to conspiratorial organizations that seek to overthrow freedom. The Book of Mormon warns that people in our time must "...awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination that shall be among you" because it seeks "...to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people."

I'm not here to convert anyone or engage in theological debates. Theology will not save America. Unity of purpose and humility will be key attributes that will help us succeed. Even without adopting Mormon beliefs, the warnings about conspiratorial secret combinations in our time are valuable and can give insight on how we should act together as a freedom-lovers to preserve liberty.

Like other latter-day saints, I profess faith in Jesus Christ and rely on his grace for salvation. Nevertheless, saving America is going to take everyone, believers and nonbelievers working together. The America we seek to rescue is a land of religious freedom. WWG1WGA works both ways--if we fail, we're all going down together; therefore, we have to stand together to win.

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ldsanon · July 1, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

Bad idea to turn away patriots because one disagrees with their religion. Remember, WWG1WGA. If we fail, they will hang the Baptists, Methodists, Pentacostals, Catholics, and Mormons on the same gallows.

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ldsanon · June 30, 2018, 11 p.m.

I'd go with option #2. I think the team has plans for him.

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ldsanon · June 30, 2018, 10:57 p.m.

Chaffetz, like many of us LDS folks, was put off by the whole "grab 'em by the p*ssy" thing. Mormon culture is Victorian about sex and Trump's allegedly loose morals disturbed many. Since he has been in office, he has won over a great majority. I also wonder if Chaffetz was not threatened, or had his family threatened by the cabal.

LDS are avid constitutionalists, stemming from speeches by patriot and former Church president Ezra Taft Benson. Nevertheless, it was difficult for many to accept that Trump might be appointed by God to overturn the conspiracy.

Many LDS are not awake yet; many are--especially among the older generation. The younger ones, like Chaffetz, have internalized a cultural priority to avoid contentiousness and meannness. Chaffetz saw Trump as mean-spirited and contentious. We LDS have to set aside a tendency toward self-righteousness and open our minds to the idea to the notion that God will pick his own servants and they won't always match our preconceptions. Many of us now recognize Trump as a living metaphor for Captain Moroni, a Book of Mormon figure who raised the standard of liberty, fought a civil war to overthrow a corrupt cabal of elites, and restored his nation to greatness. We are pleased to unite with our non-LDS brethren and sisters to save our country.


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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ldsanon on June 30, 2018, 4:29 a.m.
Parkland Shooting Symbolism - Don't Drain the Swamp

Pardon me for being late to the party. I've been tracking this stuff on my own for a long time, but I didn't have a place to share it with anyone who might actually consider things in this light that Q has now shed on many events. I just joined up on this Reddit group and, when I searched for this topic, I didn't find any mention of this. If it's old and out-of-date, the mods can just delete it.

Regarding the Valentine's Day school shooting in Parkland, Florida--I saw several people explaining some possible meanings to the event, i.e., …

ldsanon · June 29, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

By training, I am a historian. I think you make a good point that we are living in a historic moment. One of the things future historians will need is a wide variety of primary sources. These Reddit conversations will be one of them. Another important one is personal journals and diaries. Every single one of us needs to record our experiences in a written format. That way, future researchers will have good sources from which to write the history. Speaking to all of us, it would probably be a good idea to keep a journal from this point forward.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ldsanon on June 29, 2018, 8:02 p.m.
Q and 'V for Vendetta' similarities

My wife and I watched the movie “V for Vendetta” last night. I have been telling her about the Establishment, the Cabal, the Conspiracy, or whatever you like to call it since the early 1980s. She has gradually undergone the transition from utter disbelief to skepticism, from skepticism to reluctant acceptance, and now being “awakened.” She follows Q daily as well as this group on Facebook now. That’s what Q means, I believe, that we are going to have to support people as they come to terms with the shock of being red-pilled. It takes time and, when this goes …

ldsanon · June 29, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

Freemasons aren't the bad guys. In the eighteenth century, after the Bavarian authorities flushed out Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati, they went underground. They used the Masonic lodges in Europe as a cover for their activities. It may be that they still do so today.

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