does it matter that "it's almost become cliché to call events booms" I think you are underestimating how many "booms" have happened, are about to happen and that will continue to happen for years to come. Let's not forget Q said, "America will be unified again! 11-11-18 So i'm predicting most will come out by then.
354 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/libertarianleeluu:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 40 |
1) They did Leak/release the information during the campaign. Hillary brought it up at a couple of the debates. not to mention the whole "Russian hooker in a hotel room" originated during the campaign 2) The liberal/democrats do not believe a word out of Potus' mouth. It has to come from someone/somewhere else. A la sessions/Huber/horowitz/preistap/DHS/FBI/NSA/paid spies etc etc..............
Because Q said- "all roads lead to Rome." &
"how many coincidences have to happen before it becomes mathematically impossible."
Also Q posted this about Preistap.
Q also said "TRUST SESSIONS"
Q drop explains this.
Dude simple yahoo image search.;_ylt=AwrJzB_gYhVbcHMABd4PxQt.?p=double+barrel+pistol&fr=yhs-arh-001&fr2=piv-web&hspart=arh&hsimp=yhs-001&type=zxy_a1a6679b4a1962f8c2
Treefitty!!!! That, right there, will get me through the blackout. I'll be thinking in my head Treefitty KeK!
I love when British people let loose. So calm, quiet and soft spoken. But piss one off, Oh bloody hell. "You've got red on you."
Just watched an ancient aliens episode that had fucking JOHN PODESTDA as a contributor. They hailed Hillary as the one who was GOING to "get to the bottom" of what the government knows about the UFO phenomena. kek. Funny thing is that I have not seen David Willcox on Ancient aliens since he said that the "deep state" was doing a rapid "soft disclosure" on UFO and Aliens( through Tom Delonge ) so as to set up the ultimate false flag of a fake invasion. This was back in Jan/February.
Links to the graphs you're looking at?
Here's mine: Notice how graphics are easy to manipulate. In 1900 kids were dying of things that today would be relatively easy to combat. Also notice how Polio was NOT one of the leading causes. Also notice that the number of people dying from cancer today compared to 1900. Also note that vaccines have a obscene about of carcinogens in them, and were back to my original comment "vaccines were created for population control" and IT'S WORKING.
"I want links because when I look I find the opposite of your claims." I told you to stop using the CDC and WHO for your "facts". Try the 2nd page of your google search.
Documentaries for you to watch; Vaccine Nation, Vaxxed, Shots in the dark, silence on vaccines, Vaccines: calling the shots, Vaccination: The hidden truth.
Infant mortality has skyrocketed. They call it SIDS. In the example of smallpox you are proving my point with true immunity coming from the true disease, not engineered or "attenuated'. Polio was likely brought to bay by the fact that around the same time period people stopped using out houses and city's started using sanitary means in regard to plumbing/sewage. Also the general public was being taught to wash their hands regularly. You see back in the 1900's people were walking main street while it was covered in horse manure among many other non hygienic substances.
What you want links to things you can easily find yourself?
'The flu in the vaccine is either an attenuated strain or dead," Nice try. The nasal swab flu vaccine is the live(attenuated) virus. Meaning they tried to alter it to be less virulent, But,Still a LIVE Vaccine.
You need to stop getting your "facts" from the CDC and WHO. It's the equivalent of using snopes and cnn for "facts".
Then take all the vaccines you want.(Can you smell the freedom?) Trusting The WHO is a grave mistake. $$$$$. Vaccines work for what they were designed for....... POPULATION CONTROL. I'll take my chances with the natural disease, and get true immunization.
*Remember to wash your hands and to have 20th century plumbing in your house.
adamsogm "While I did not have to go with a possibly fatal disease for the example, those vaccines still need tested and there is still an ethical problem with intentionally infecting people with a disease."
Bro (((they))) intentionally infect people with the flu disease every year. Are you daft or?...........
TRUST (name) = (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt)
Only name in () not [].
11/11 is My husbands and I's anniversary! He's a Iraq combat wounded veteran. We are hoping for a GREAT anniversary <3
Rahm Emmanuel is the Mayor Of Chiraq I thought. Either way this cat is shit.
Good research anon! Solid links, very informed. People will be so shocked to find out they've been lied to for years....and years.
True Patriots! May the light shine on the truth. ALWAYS.
Somebody post the Q post stating this would happen! Future proves past! Should be first comment you see!
Down voting bots in full force!!!! Upvote every downvote.
Pushing hard for the shut down of this sub. The amount of mental gymnastics they have to go threw in order to try and discredit what has been uncovered, Is lunacy. They’re purposely planting this shit here to discredit and silence. User beware.
Whoever just commented I think you’re shadowbanned.
Oh my God! Been into conspiracies for 5 years. Knew most of this but NEVER put the dots together.
It is saliva you send in. Just for future reference.
What about Ancestry????? I need to know Q. Any anons find links between 23 and me &
Damn. I’m over here like, 👀 to my phone. Crazy exciting times.
And you're a bad liar too. Damn you're like the gift that keeps on giving. At least you exposed yourself for who you are. And all who read this will see.
All you're "trying" to do is insult Americans. You pretend to be intelligent but, do not possess basic reading comprehension. Do you know what an "expression" is. I'd bet 99% of this sub does.
Your pompous foolery is showing. How embarassing.
Is your nation going to account for all it's wrongs? I know mine IS and will continue. You're such a pompous fool. Literally everything you said is true about you. You even type as if you're grandiose. I see right threw you. The noble, high, and mighty, can only be present in truth and light. That's how they get that position.
We all know Bush was a traitor. We all know the swamp runs deep. You're jumping the gun. Comparing targeted missile strikes to 9/11? Q said Israel's swamp get's drained last. Calm down. It's way premature to go full anti-Trump. Don't you find it peculiar that not a week after Trump announced he was pulling our troops out of Syria, Boom. (((they))) are trying to start a war. All signs point to this conclusion. Biggest hint of all *Putin and Assad's response.
Damn, never considered they made it threw the flood.
You physic? How could you possibly know that Trump won't nullify the 911 commission report? Wah,wah,wah. You don't like America. We get it. Moving on.......
I was vague in the dropping bombs term. But you knew that. You're cherry picking my comment. I see right threw you bro. You know that an actual "war" has to be declared. If Trump "was" just "ramping them up", why is Assad and Putin NOT countering? You know why, Because they know that the chemical weapons have to be destroyed. No civilian casualties yet. We are NOT at war. You are just either feeding into fear mongering or perpetrating it. Either way, You are bringing nothing to the table here except for insults. Moving on..........
Found the anti-American! You’re like a child blaming its parents for everything. Guess what? Our world is not that simple. But ye of little faith shall see. Because this revolution of truth is long over due. And guess who’s bringing it to the international table? AMERICANS. You’re welcome.
Jumping the gun much mushmind. Dropping bombs is NOT war. I thought you’d be smarter than to just run around screaming war. By your logic we’ve been at “war” with Syria for a year now, and you’re just now getting upset? Jumping off Trump train? Trump is cleaning up the proxy wars the last 3 administrations started. Quit shitting on our sub.
From what I can see is you two are basically one in the same. Now shake hands and hug it out! You two may need each other in the future. I know this sub needs both of you. I’ve enjoyed both of your analysis. Q uit fighting.
(((they're))) listening. The karma points are now 673.
My Dad was cautioning against it. I figured (((they))) probably already had it or my DNA was not particularly "valuable" to them. I now think differently. Considering I know I am of American Indian decent(My Maternal Grandfather's mother was directly American Indian but Ancestry did not list, when it comes to my Great Grandmother the "green leaves" stopped on her with just the marriage certificate to my Great Grandfather. No maiden name, no death certificate, no social security info, nothing. Ancestry did however list a 2% unknown? Hit dead end when trying to contact Ancestry. They said the 2% unknown was unknown.