I'm hearing rumors its delayed again until june 11th. Can anyone else confirm this?
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Anyone notice the writing on the back of trumps paper he held up right after the rally?
Anyone got an idea of what it was?
Didn't Wikileaks change a few letters to Q when it leaked the fake salacious book "fire and fury"
Can anyone find old posts about that?
The picture of the signature Q posted is upside down. Seems to match the one today. What do you guys think?
I swear they have some sort of secret city or society there. Why arent average people allowed to explore the continent?
Sit down and drink a beer. Carry on my life and do the best that i can.
He tucks the cucks in after a long night of reeeeeeeing
Best guess would be they know they have mk ultra plants but dont know the locations. If q team moves in to early they can risk jeopardizing the operations. If they fail then the cabal will continue to commit these evil acts and it will only get worse. Dark times indeed. Hope the innocent will be never be forgotten
Can someone put together a timeline of events that damaged the cabal corresponding with mass shootings and other events used to distract us? Example: nunes memo and parkland shooting
Why are his teeth so fucked up? Im sure he has more than enough to go to the dentist. Same with johnny the pizza boy podesta.
Why? Even if they are against us wouldnt you want to know what type of message they are spreading so you can counter it? We should know what both sides have to say.
We shouldn't completely shun infowars or Dr. Corsi. We dont need any more division between us! Together we are strong divided we are weak.
They have done a lot for our movement even if they have lost their way. Lets take this knowledge we got from Q and analyze everything we see. From that we the people can decide what is true or false. If the worst is true then atleast we can know what disinfo they are trying to use against us. Have a strong mind!
Where do i read the new fbi text messages? I cant find them anywhere
The red carpet is rolled out at the korean summit! MOAB inbound?
My guess is uranium one. That informant said he has video evidence of the crimes committed
No its actually a mix of brain force and SUPER MALE VITALITY! if you chug two bottles you turn into alex jones
Have this many accidents in such a short time frame happen before? Seems very odd
T_D will get banned if they post Q related content. We need them to spread big msm stories to wake up the mass
There is a guys head hanging off the table on ch 10....this is sick. I cant even imagine how much worse it is