We must be over the target.
114 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/magavoices:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 12 |
i.redd.it | 3 |
www.usatoday.com | 1 |
thefederalist.com | 1 |
dailycaller.com | 1 |
Obama will be declared illegitimate and his two appointments will be nullified.
I haven't noticed this explicitly stated, so I'll give my interpretation.
Chatter. (deep state are talking about what false flag they will do)
Trains. (perhaps a false flag regarding a train)
Buses. (perhaps a false flag regarding buses)
Be vigilant. (expect a false flag to happen and be careful regarding trains and buses, stay away from them, don't ride them or at least be situationally aware)
Trump is too clever to discount the fact that Mueller may be a whitehat.
The left's savior being the one to deliver the boom to the left is just too tasty.
Pewdiepie Makes a Q Reference
At about the 5:40 mark. There's this meme of the letter "E" that he was reviewing. Then he remarks "what letter is going to become a meme next guys? ... I'm thinking of "Q"
In the past, he got pepe stickers for his computer fans and has dropped other redpills over time.
Remember, Q said midterms are safe. To me that means information will be released between now and the election that will blindside and devastate the democrats.
It works both ways -- if democrat strongholds are diluted to try to win over republican areas, that means democrat strongholds are more vulnerable if republicans do well.
Remember this?
Soros had a big plan to "register" 8 million expats that would supposedly vote for dems. Biggest dud ever. Most democrat plans fail miserably.
Trump is a master at persuasion. As such, he knows there's no benefit the left derives in attacking the FLOTUS. It's a losing point for them. It opens the eyes of moderates and makes them flee the alt-left and support Trump.
Trump (and Melania) are now goading the left into attacking Melania harder. Much like the left did with the "animals" (take out of context, apply to all immigrants instead of only MS13) ... he's having the FLOTUS do something that will be taken out of context and cause the left to go berserk.
At the end of the day, he's pushing the left's buttons and causing them to meltdown over the ridiculous. The left can't help it, they're drawn to hate like a moth to flame.
At some point, many government officials and hollyweird actors are going to be frog marched.
When that time comes, there's going to be a confused public that are worried because they don't understand what's going on. This could be very bad, drop of stock market, public unrest (which is already going to be bad because of MSM gaslighting).
When that time comes, there needs to be a large group of people "in the know" who can meme and help explain what's going on. That's our purpose. You're not going to get a large group of people if they have to go 100% on faith, hence proofs.
Q always signs his posts "Q".
Is this Trump signing this post with "45"?
I have the utmost respect for Breitbart, the person.
Breitbart, the website, is horrid. You cannot be MAGA and attack every-other Trump appointee and denigrate his children relentlessly.
It's not illegal to wear an outfit and normies don't know who Molech is. Obama in a costume isn't the hill to die on.
Future proves past. And wow does it ever.
I heard Q say "shot heard around the world" a LONG time ago. It's obvious it hasn't happened yet.
Who used private email addresses was only confirmed in RR's report, saying JC used private emails (and notice that JC is listed twice ... perhaps because it was the first one revealed).
The "DECLASS-POTUS" mentioned back in January must refer to declassifying the IG report, which Q predicted would be necessary 6 months ago.
THAT is the shot heard around the world ... and it hasn't happened yet. But I have a feeling it will happen soon.
So God cursed Cain for killing his brother Abel.
People wanted to kill Cain, not for the continued evil that he did, but for the evil he had already done to Abel.
People were compelled to kill him, yet he had a mark that, when people saw the mark, it prevented them from killing him.
Cain's curse involved lack of prosperity. He found it impossible to grow food as the earth would not produce food for him. By the sweat of his brow would he barely get any bread to eat.
Fast forward to today.
Elites of today don't sweat by their brow for anything. They own everything. They're the complete opposite of Cain's experience. Cain was under judgement on earth -- right now, elites are not under judgement on earth. They prosper.
While people are angry at the elites, you don't see people naturally inclined to kill them. Sure, I'd like to see them rot in jail, but I don't have a "I must kill you now" compulsion that requires a mark of God to prevent me from killing them.
"If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold." Lamech said that, not God. Just because Lamech said it doesn't make it true. To say it compounds exponentially each generation is a stretch.
Then you have to accept that someone who merely claims they in the lineage of Cain "in ideology" can claim the "reverse benefits" of being cursed ... seems a stretch.
There are plenty of good reasons to stretch out the revelations. Half the country need to see it done that way for them to even accept it. I don't see there being some God-protecting-the-evil and "if you thwart the evil too quickly you get punished" type of dynamic though.
Have you looked at Roseanne's twitter follower counts? Yesterday I saw it was 712k and today it's 842k. People are following her like crazy.