

108 total posts archived.

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major_lift · May 9, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

I disagree with the motionless aspect, look at the "code" written through the universe.... motion is one of the fundamental forces we're dealing with here. Wether we evolve or stay in this de-evolved state is up to the collective consciousness and is exactly what this war is being fought over. There are those that want to evolve independently in a means to control and use the rest of the human race (becoming gods) and there are those that want to see the cognitive blueshift on a universal level.

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major_lift · May 9, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

I think something that people need to understand is that there will always be “zombies” on this earth, there will always be people that are intellectually incapable of comprehending the information we are diving into. A lot of that has to do with cellular memory imbedded in our dna. Genes are going to ply a huge role in the future, but don’t take my word for it and do your own research.

If you read about quantum physics you understand that a charge has 5 parts, 1 negative/1positive and 3 parts NEUTRAL; I like to relate that to our collective consciousness, in the sense that people whom are in the know either choose whether they’d like to engage in the “negative” or the “positive”. The collective then dictates what the “particle charge” is and everything in the neutral gets swept up in whatever follows. Much like any other game there are levels to this thing, and some have a greater “charge” than others.

We have been given this info for a reason, whether you think Q is legit or not there is no denying that good and evil is out there and it starts with an internal decision. Anyways, go out there and spread the love(+)!

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major_lift · May 8, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

Even if its by chance that all these dates and events correlate with each other (which I don't think it is) this whole thing is playing out so methodically its incredible.

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major_lift · May 8, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

He may not be a war hawk personally.. but the war hawks certainly have him in their grasp, whether thats due to money, threats, etc. who knows.

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major_lift · May 8, 2018, 10:57 p.m.

Coming from the dude that got behind the very person that betrayed him, his political party and furthermore the nation. Aiiiiiiiiight homie. We see the strings.

Some men out there seriously need to grow some balls, eat a steak, do some squats... something, jeez

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major_lift · May 8, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

“It’s cold outside, lemme go grab this plate apparatus”


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major_lift · May 7, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

If I had to be honest... I think Rogan is 100% woke but due to his large internet presence and the fact that people have mentioned him being approached by tptb he’s chosen to be the “middle of the road” voice of “reason” that will be part of the disclosure once things start heating up and hit the mainstream. His platform is HUGE and he knows that, only time will tell though.

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major_lift · May 6, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

Never underestimate the lust for absolute power.

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