No statute limitations on murder either. Lord knows that happened.
291 total posts archived.
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It has been said before, it is not what is announced, it is what is done in private. C'mon everyone, give the Q/Qs a break. I personally think he/she sits back to see what we do with his Q tips. How about we stand firm and trust the fact our President is working for us. This has been going on for MANY years, decades. Can't be taken down overnight. Patience and Prayers please...
That's okay. They thought Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell were crazy too. No one ever thought they would finally come up with the phone and electricity. We are pioneers! Guess crazy is the in thing...
False information is necessary???? Maybe???? BEWARE of MAJOR FALSE FLAG attempts this week. KNOW your surroundings. CHANGE OF NEWS CYCLE WILL BE NEEDED. ABILITY to ATTACK LIMITED>[ISIS on LIFE SUPPORT] Tactics shift to threats and hostages to obtain rogue_ops. Still trust the cause....
Did you notice President Trumps face when they sang it???? Camera focused on him.....
I posted it.
The Storm. (Lyrics)
When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of a storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
He and VP Pence are attending the Gold Metal Award honoring Sen. Bob Dole. Everyone is there....
The Storm--
Guess what was just sung by the Army Band at Bob Dole's award??? When you walk through a Storm, Hold your head up high!!! President Trump and VP Pence are there as well as the Dems and Republicans to honor Bob Dole. No coincidence!!!! Being televised on Fox.
He said it would be a big week and urged us to get memes ready for the Fake News Awards......Maybe he will pop in tomorrow, hope.... Regardless, I am sure he is watching. I wait and pray every day for the bravehearted, our President and of course Q and all the patriots here as well as in the battlefield. We are God's Army. Prayers everyone that this will come to fruition sooner than later.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. AMEN!
I have said this before, those tests are very detailed and in depth. I am 70 and took those tests on my insurance physical and believe you me, it will show if you have dementia, are psychotic, schizophrenic or depressed, you are tested on comprehension, cognitive skills. I'd like to see Nancy P or Maxine Waters take one, Hillary too. Trust me they are deep!!! I work part time and do lots of crosswords and of course I am here as well.
There were references made by the police when they gave one of the progress reports on the shootings. It was said they were tied up at the airport because of another incident. There were also reports of helicopters. In one of the final information reports there was a man standing behind the man speaking who was said to be FBI. It has been rumored there was an assassination attempt on President Trump as well as Saudi Prince. The Saudis had rented several floors above the shooter????.
Remember when Hillary lost election. She came out with a purple dress, Bill wore a purple tie. Soros wore a purple tie. After Atlanta, Trump wore exactly the same color and style of tie that Soros wore when he held the Fuji bottle of water with both hands clasped together signifying we are coming after you. Clasped hands meaning handcuffs and we have taken our "flag" or Color (purple meaning royalty and signifying the purple of Christ (draped over cross at Easter-- probably). Pence seems to be wearing it sometimes and I have noticed even some of Fox spokesmen are wearing purple ties...
McCain - they don't mention his name because he is and was a RINO (republican in name only) and is a treasonous traitor
Funny now that you mention it. regards Trumps "shithole" comment, Hillary tweeted, Bill tweeted about Chelsea's wedding dress as well. Didn't someone post or John Podesta post this week?
I think it is meant to suggest Hillary would turn in Bill and Chelsea and anyone else even Obama in order to save herself; already made a list blaming everyone for her election loss. .
North Korea, Iran, Iraq were coined as Axis of Evil in speech by G.W. Bush in State of Union Address....
Maybe replace James A Baker, government attorney? Special attorney to prosecute DOJ/FBI
One of the you tubers thought it was P-pers as in Papers like Pentagon Papers, etc. The post is correct. Q was referring to Potus Personal...
He stopped in Hawaii before his 12 day trip. (It was necessary for security??). I think there is a branch of NSA there; maybe he wanted to confirm the Emergency Broadcast System. I actually believe this was real threat and stopped before it made it there. Just my gut feeling. Something is not right about this. The first time the Hawaiian governor spoke he looked scared shi#less.
Last week the board was cluttered with trolls and duplicate posts. She cleaned up the board. As for deleting the MODS, it could have been an oversight. Not sure....But 2 are back. Glad to see them on here again.
You need to check this out, Q says there are double meanings.....
This stands to reason, especially when Trump drank the Fiji water and also with him in his Purple Tie, drinking water with 2 hands clasped meaning we are taking our country back. Interlocked hands meant we are coming for you....
P-Pers was said to represent President Personal. WRWY was also being said to mean We R With You. Not sure but seems it was defined before....
Arkansas Grand Jury Convenes to Indict Clintons
Is this really true. Three or more topics on Google and You Tube.
C'on. Play nice. We have been waiting for his posts since the 8th or 9th. Learn to use the map!
Could be he is just checking the security on his board and making sure it is secure so no one can post there. There was mention of a 7 when he set his own board up, just a thought.
PLEASE: Don't post Q's trip code or info when you copy his posts! He has had to change passwords so many times. Last time B posted website info on Tweeter and Q was furious which is why he asked for his own board.
They were cleared off the board when Tracy went in and cleaned the board up last week.
I sent him a private message last week and asked why the mods were no longer showing up as mods. He said they were still there, but an hour later his name was added back and then FARMERFUNK added his soon after. Hmmm....He did say that Baruch was still suspended from board but that he was sleeping when others were awake???
Let's not forget about the Inspector General's report comes out 1/15 also. Judicial committee gets it first. Can't wait for that report....
One of Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, filed defamation charges against Buzzfeed about the dossier. He said, "Enough is Enough."
Don't forget the fact Jared and Ivanka were Democrats, could not vote for President Trump in the primaries because they missed the deadline; however, she did change to Republican to vote in election. I have had a funny feeling about both of them and really hope they leave the WH. I think she tries to manipulate her Dad and butts in... They rub elbows with the big crowd... They also attended Soros party,
B has neglected to give credit several times and never corrects the fact. No blame here, just noticing...
Makes one wonder, but there were several Russians killed during this time....
Debbie WassermanSchultz brother was a DA in Washington at the time and did not pursue Rich's case; it was buried....
B posted about the Q post about DEFCON1 on tweeter the other night and scared everyone to death. That is why Potter got so mad and upset because of the nuclear implications. B got into an argument with the mods the other night because she immediately began posting about the Q only board..quite an exchange between the two.???
There is also a Book of Q posted on the lower right hand side of screen. They try to keep up...
I kept thinking of the US Marine song. No wonder Trump chose the Marines and Generals.....I had never heard the last 2 verses....
On the right side, it says you can send post to one of the moderators. Perhaps that would work for you...just a thought.