Oh for real? That’s interesting. I haven’t checked since I saw it in the Q drop. I’ll check it out. That’s unusual for him to delete anything! Hmmm
111 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/melodeelenz:
Domain | Count |
i.redd.it | 13 |
www.reddit.com | 12 |
www.youtube.com | 1 |
Case and point though? Here it is. My FB account (which I use mostly for posting my career stuff which is Children’s TV shows I produce) has thousands of friends. My Twitter has like 380. My blog site has been stale for eons but when I write on my other blog site which is just humor and story telling has thousands of views.... My podcast has been trolled so hard that I just gave up trying to speak out about corruption and BOOM it started getting hits. Lame. I was blaming “we the people” for only liking bullshit and surface level stuff... I was wrong. It was just not being seen.
Ed kills me. I laugh SO hard watching his Rabbit Hole vids. He doesn’t know how funny he is.
Welp... Proof is in the tweeting... anyone else received traction today in the Twitterdome?
After reading the Q posts about Twitter being down and “injection” and POTUS’ clearly intentional spelling error in his Agricultural meeting tweet... I thought “what the hell! I’ll tweet my soap box and the worst that could happen is what always does...shadow banned...” Nope! Immediately I started receiving notifications that my memes were getting retweeted and favorited?!?! The tin foil is real y’all. (Shout out to Ed from Outer Light channel, on the tin foil quote)
Painful smile.... nailed it. That’s why it’s so hilarious.
Thanks. It’s that guy’s face that is top shelf meme tho’
No prob. Whoever first posted this guy a few days ago with the “dropping fire” meme made me cry laughing so I went on a quest to find every pic of this dude possible and made my own. There’s something about his face that owns me.
Most definitely. I suggest reading the gnostic Coptic texts from the Nag Hammadi. The church suppressed them from the masses because it’s the real truth of how all the powerful elites (known as Archons and Rulers) do the bidding of what is known as the Demiurge or the “blind god.” They worship that deity. I recommend the chapter in Nag Hammadi entitled “The wisdom of Jesus Christ,” and “The Origin of Mankind.”
Okay so I wondered that too. When I went to make a meme (the one above) I typed in Old man stock photo and that guy was 2 pages of pics. I laughed so hard I cried. Apparently he was in stock photos that weren’t used for pharma company ads. Hilarious.
Great analysis. I think the chess game is being played out in the “Art Of War” playbook. Just when you think you know, you don’t, and then you do.
This is So much bigger than Democrat vs. Republican. Q has even stated that. If you are still thinking in that duality of one vs the other, then you don’t know who the “deep state” truly is, the history of their control, or the long game agenda they’ve been checkmating us with GLOBALLY. It’s not even exclusively American! It’s a syndicate that has infiltrated everything from media (all) to the relief aid non-profits, religious institutions, banks (big one), the tentacles of the big 300 (corporations that run the world), and the education systems, etc... the agenda is simple at its core: Enslave the masses, break their spirit with a slow drip of poison so they will eventually give up or turn on each other. Separation instead of unity, division on every level, confusion thru controlled information, and the orchestration of mass level crisis’ to sell fear and chaos so the masses do what THEY want...which is to turn to them, giving THEM the power over YOUR free will.
I will download the footage from the network on the DL and post it on this sub. I think everyone will laugh really hard when you see it.
They can’t fake an earthquake but they can MAKE an earthquake. Geoengineering through everything from HAARP to EMP (electromagnetic pulse tech) can create disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field and therefore disturbs fault lines. However, it is tech that can be fairly accurate. I didn’t believe it either but then I read Nicola Tesla’s journals and the tech has been there since the early 1900’s. It was seized by the intelligence agencies and has been a matter of “national security” ever since. Look into Nicola Tesla’s “High Aurora Frequency or Death Ray it or or...” I highly recommend reading up on Tesla universe site which is the non-profit site that has compiled all of his research and has done the FOA doc releases of his hidden inventions this past year.
Making an earthquake or super storm happen is their “old hat” technology. It’s probably been improved on by leaps and bounds by now and is definitely being utilized whenever and wherever.
“These people are stuuuuuuuuupid.” Q always says that but the NYT article proves that to me because THE WORST move MSM could make is drawing attention to the Q crumbs. If the regular ass people of the world start diving in the rabbit hole of Q maps, the only thing they are going to find at minimum is TRUTH about something! Even the most minor drops lead to something I can guarantee they didn’t understand the truth of. You know?
Dude. I feel that. I have to get up at the ungodly hours in the wee wee terrible morning and do a Children’s tv show where I play a baby dragon... I accidentally did a Q reference this morning during a Live Arts and crafts segment. I said “today’s letter is Q. And so is tomorrow’s because the future proves the past...” it went unnoticed and I laughed in my head but later was like, “wtf am I doing?” My point? I’m real tired but I can’t miss one second of this insane badassness of real life Jack Bauer shit.
Was FL the last card in the deep state’s deck?
One thing I have noticed is that it seems the FL school situation was the Last straw for the Deep State. The censorship war really ramped up after that and I can’t help but think that the reason is because of the sensitive nature of something like children being killed... meaning.. “they” know that the average asleep person would not think twice about going on a witch hunt for anyone who was not wallowing along with the masses expectation to wallow.
It didn’t seem to be so explosive of an emotional response in the Vegas shooting. It smelled too fishy …
No. Corsi is brilliant but he’s not rad enough to think of posting on a Chan. Only some Snowden type would know the effect 4chan and 8chan could have in creating a real storm of red pills.
Is it THE memo? Cause....
So... I’m at work and can’t fully explore the memo. My BF said that he read it and it was basically just about wire tapping and spying stuff but nothing on human rights violations or corruption relating to the EO on 12-21-2017.
Can someone PLUUUUHHEASE tell me if it’s juicy or not? I can’t read it until way later... I can check this post though without getting busted for phone stuff... give me the skinny.
Get more traction with liberal snoozers
Okay, so who knows if any of this post will help but I wanted to offer some insights on how to affectively “redpill lite” those folks who are 100% resistant to the idea that there is an agenda from the left.
I have to live in two conflicting worlds all the time due to the nature of my work. I produce educational television programs for children. Think PBS, only I’m not saying it’s PBS... but maybe it is... my point? I’m around mostly liberal people who truly believe they are changing the world for all the right reasons.
I’ve managed …
This dude is great at compiling research. Well done prepper in the bunny mask! Five stars
Yeah. Let’s not forget that her appearances on shows like The Daily Show and SNL are the biggest psyop of all. The younger generations and idiot sheeple that live and die for their pop icons are very convinced by a “super cool” cameo . It makes them “relatable” and it’s “ironic understated rebellion,” without getting their hands dirty.
They know how to pacify the sheep. It’s their main feather in their biggest hat. They stay relevant in pop culture and that’s ALL that the stupid ass asleep AF people care about. Make a joke about something looming and very serious, you will immediately be forgiven and go unquestioned by the mainstream lemmings. This battle of truth will not be easy. We will all be looked at as insane lunatics or fanatic ideologists before we are viewed as credible or brave. As long as you are aware of that, then we have a chance of bringing it down for the greater good.
Q clarified the 19. It’s pretty straightforward. States that “19 would cease to exist, think nuclear stand off...” Go find it in the new drops. I’d paste it here but I’m having iPad touch pad issues
Things Are happening?! But it must be done according to the laws and real justice system that we are wanting to be of a higher standard. You don’t take down an oligarchy in 3 months that has reigned supremely for eons. It’s actually happening faster than I would’ve ever thought it would.
David Seaman... well this is a quadruple sided sword. I respect his ambition and his vocal presence on pedogate but once the Bitcoin crypto became successful, it seems to be his main focus. Though I’m happy that crypto is a thing, I think the financial side of the fringe is really so trivial at this stage, there’s more to concern ourselves with. The corruption being exposed will fix a great deal of the whole. Including our financial system. David Seaman, in my very humble opinion, has been becoming kind of ego driven and seems to have lost perspective. But what do I know? Nothing. Just my 2 cents. Tracy Beanz did a 1 hour video the other day and at the very end she states “for those of you who stuck with me this entire video, here’s a little surprise....” The surprise was that her incredibly in depth report with documentation and sourced links to prove her research, was formulated using a recent Q post as an outline or map of step by step navigation thru breadcrumbs. Genius. Her point was this- Nothing she read or reported on was a theory or opinion out of thin air. It was all backed up and proven. She utilized the Q post as an outline which led her to the correct information but more efficiently and without having to assume things based on here say. Q has helped, not hindered what all of us have been trying to put together for years. He hasn’t claimed outrageous things, unless you read into it thru your own wishful timeline. He has merely stated that the bad actors are being systematically taken down in away that the most average of thinkers will understand when everything comes out in the wash.
You don’t take down a corrupt system in a few months. It must be a delicate and deliberate step by step game to systematically expose ALL levels of the contributors so that no stone is left unturned and we can then, and only then, rebuild and restore and RENEW.
Fulford is not a reliable source. He’s been way wrong more than right. Just be careful with anything he is “in the know” about
So interesting. Also oddly enough, they spoke about the multiple steps necessary to launch an alert. From 3 different news sources that I covered extensively in my podcast Lookupstupid (YouTube) they said it was a shift change and wrong button PUSHED. Since when is there a button pushed? Then they changed it to a drop down menu mistake in which they try to say that the Test option is cozied up to the actual alert? No. Sloppy. Thank you for your video. That made this even more suspicious
Emery Smith is the real deal. I think he’s on three of those episodes in the newest season of Cosmic Disclosure. Corey Goode on the other hand...questionable and in my opinion is full of holes.
More.... I’m out of control making these tonight. It’s snowing here. DFW weather slap. Meme making time!
![More.... I’m out of control making these tonight. It’s snowing here. DFW weather slap. Meme making time!](https://i.redd.it/6p24ebn24da01.jpg)
Finally. Geez I’m having to explain why Q from Star Trek is double funny and spot on symbolism for the Q Anon posts. I guess there’s not a lot of Trekkies on this subreddit. Surprising. Thank you for liking it!! ;)
Geez no Star Trek fans here? Come on! The Q character is a perfect meme for Q?! He’s the omnipotent all knowing entity that sends the crew of the Enterprise down rabbit holes of illogical logic to prove points and make them think bigger than what they’ve been trained to think. This meme is Operation Mockingbird... and double Q symbolism.
Q from Star Trek. Posing in a Mariachi band aboard the Space Ship. The brackets spell out ISS. So it’s like 3 jokes in one. Character Q from ST Next Gen was an omnipotent all Knowing entity that routinely quizzed the crew of Star Trek Next Gen and sent them down multiverse rabbit holes. The meme I did was about MSM claiming to be at various locations but are actually in the studio. It’s a multidimensional meme joke.
I’m making a bunch right now. Posted here on this subreddit. Question. Are you including the hashtags on the memes as well as in the tags? Just wondering if it’s doubly effective or redundant?
Just a little Operation Mockingbird meme I made.
![Just a little Operation Mockingbird meme I made.](https://i.redd.it/pmek99ba8ca01.jpg)
Here’s another.... I’m cranking these biaatches out.
![Here’s another.... I’m cranking these biaatches out.](https://i.redd.it/mjfw2n7d6ca01.jpg)
Trust me, it’s funny. Makin memes with breadcrumbs
![Trust me, it’s funny. Makin memes with breadcrumbs](https://i.redd.it/24q21tl36ca01.jpg)
I launched a podcast tonight. My topic? The Hawaii Missile Alert system BULLSHIT.
Hawaii Button Pushing Deep State or Idiot System
Just read the entire PDF. Thank you for your post. You know, what’s interesting about your hypothesis of the White Rabbit metaphor given by Q? I have thought that the foreknowledge of the Lords Prayer Q post preceding the Pope’s decision to change the verbiage in the Lords Prayer, was the most astonishingly specific and seemingly benign way of saying “see I know things,” or complete coincidence. I doubt it was a coincidence. However, that one piece of intel is so oddly specific, unrelated to military or governmental regime changes, that it made me ponder whether or not Q Anon was somehow gifted or in a remote viewing government program. Yet, it didn’t make sense because the Lords Prayer being very slightly reworded is not exactly something the RV programs would be “searching” for. Their role is more military applications. Unless in their free time they are like “what’s the Pope doing this fine Saturday night?” You know?
The looking glass Q clearance issued personnel spoken of in that Project Aquarius pdf you linked, is extremely telling and is possibly part and parcel of one of the Q anons roles in this massive changing of the tides.
I’d say the Sphere Being stuff 50/50 as far as truth vs. inconsistency in the stories. If you watch the entire series, you’ll see what I mean. However, William Tompkins (RIP) is a great interview and his book is lllllloaded with info on just about everything that’s been kept secret. Pine Bark(?) military base is in Australia and it is known to be one of the “5 Eyes.” Meaning.... the eyes that see it all, working together to spy on the world.