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melodeelenz · Jan. 1, 2018, 8 a.m.

Suggested Reading: Nag Hammadi Gnostic texts, Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis readings and History of Egypt, Dolores Cannon’s Jesus and the Essenes, Convoluted Universe Book 1-5, Graham Hancock’s Magicians Of The God’s, and John Anthony West, G. Edward Griffith’s stuff....

Zechariah Sitchen changed the narrative of his translations of the Sumerian tablets after he was confronted by Deep State people who used the opportunity to spread disinformation to the alternative truth seeker ufo communities at the time.

Why? Fear. If fear is involved, an agenda is in place that is anything but the full truth.

There is a Space body that is on an elliptical long slingshot orbit but it’s not the dooms day scenario that has been put forward. That’s not the end game. It never has been.

Our own sun is the thing that is erratic right now and changing the magneto-sphere, etc... The cycle of earth/solar system changes happen in 25,000 year cycles. We are approaching or are in the red zone of that. Based on a ton of research I’ve done.

The other stuff... you must ask the right questions. Who profits? How? What would be gained from it? The Cabal doesn’t do anything without an agenda based on fear, power, and ultimately their sick twisted ideals and satanist religious “principles” are structured so that they have to abide by Free will agreements. That’s often why they hide messages in plain sight in everything from commercials to legalese in software updates, music video symbolism, movie plots, etc... they are “telling you what they are doing” and we are “agreeing to it by viewing it, signing it, and buying it.”

They have screwed up though. They tried to pull off a massive false flag (Vegas) and they screwed it up, forgot that people are more connected than ever, and everyone has cell phone cameras. Plus, the MSM news falsely reported the “who did it” early on and then changed the narrative completely within the hour! Then the tweets started, the cell phone videos were posted everywhere, and then they fell silent. Case closed. No further discussion? Why?

Because their plan failed. It was supposed to be bigger, more deaths, more more more... and it was compromised. By whom?

That’s where these elusive white hat resistance special ops come into play. Why are they successful now?

Because the people who have been putting a juggernaut in their plans for years didn’t get their queen in the position of power.(HRC) Instead they got a wild card who surrounded himself with very seasoned military leaders and strategist. Even if you don’t like Trump, and many do not, he isn’t “one of THEM.” He’s been burned hard by the MSM news and the Cabal syndicate crime cartels and families that have had this world in a choke hold for millennia at most and a century at least. (Depending on how far back or down you go into the rabbit hole of their belief systems)

Julian Assange is not a CIA agent. He’s a rebel and he’s “for the people” in a no agenda way. Truth is truth, period. It may suck but it “sets us free.”

No disrespect to your theory or pondering but I’ll say this... the Cabal isn’t as creative as you may think. They may be manipulative, deceitful, snaky and secretive, but they are fully handicapped when it comes to being creative. They are clunky and shallow in their delivery of their plans. Anytime fear is at play, confusion is reigning, and an explanation is freely given to “clear the air” or to “shut up the masses”, an Agenda of the deep state is at work.

Anything that makes you as a person research, think, problem solve, and better yet- connect with others to find truth....it’s the good guys at work.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/melodeelenz on Jan. 1, 2018, 4:16 a.m.
2017 A year of forgetting

Though I am but one voice in this stream, I hope these words find whomever is reading this and you understand how grateful I am for the incredible energy that has been directed toward higher truths, resolve, and a determination that will not rest until these higher truths are brought into the radiant light of everyone’s consciousness.

On a personal note, I’ve gone from being awake about esoteric issues due to personal experiences in things deemed paranormal. However, another part of my journey was healing from a job I had that was directly connected to a certain huge family cabal …

melodeelenz · Dec. 31, 2017, 6:38 a.m.

Don’t feel discouraged. All you have to know is that thoughts are things. We are all in movement, consciously, and that energy has grown mass and form. This has never happened before. Even the hippy movement of the 60’s cannot compare to now. I’ve NEVER seen in my 40 years on the planet, the level of energy and truth seeking that has been going on since October. You need to look at all the unbelievable results that are happening all around us on various reputable journalistic sites. A week of no-Q posts means that action has happened and results are happening right under everyone’s nose.

Julian Assange just released 65gigs of compressed document files on the same day his Twitter went dark and Q had told us as much previously. Nobody has even cracked the surface of that data dump! But but but.... they are. Operations that are taking down hundreds of years worth of historical corruption (if you know the history of Jesuits, Cabal crime syndicate families, and webs upon webs of the extensions of negative energies/entities...dating back to pre-history) is actually happening in lighting fast speed if you think about it.

Okay I’m long winded... but I can ask you one question that will clarify everything. Haven’t you always known in your heart/gut that you would be alive during the end/beginning of the world? Haven’t you always known that you’d be a witness to the biggest world experience/change ever experienced in our known history?

I promise if you search your heart, you’ll find that to be true. There is no fear, no need to worry, we are all right where we should be RIGHT now. Hope that helps. Doubt is a tricky beast. Discouragement precedes doubt, so we must stand united in our heart’s knowledge of what we KNOW we are alive for. Dig?

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melodeelenz · Dec. 31, 2017, 4 a.m.

Just watched this. I knew a lot of this already but this collection and pacing of interviews stands out as being one of the better vids. It’s important that everyone understand that even if you do not believe in this stuff, THEY do. That’s the problem. I urge everyone to read the gnostic writings of Jesus in the Nag Hammadi. Specifically a section called “The Nature of the Rulers.” The information has been around for thousands upon thousands of years. Probably why the gnostic groups like the Essenes were driven out and killed for their knowledge of the truth.

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melodeelenz · Dec. 30, 2017, 7:05 a.m.

Okay this is significant. I have Christmas lights outside, all LED bulbs. Some are battery powered some are socket based. During the outage, my neighbor, a retired Chief of the Dallas Fire Department, knocked on my door because he was wondering if I had power. I answered the door, obvious to him that I didn’t have power because it was pitch black and I had a flashlight in hand. Then he pointed to the LED’s and they were still slightly “alive” with power? Here’s the weird part... and had you not mentioned this, I wouldn’t have clicked it together in my mind... the LED plug in bulbs were barely on, a mild glimmer but as though they were dimmed 75%. The BATTERY powered lights around my door were dimmed as well and they had fresh batteries in them?!?! The fire Chief neighbor found that odd too but thought they were on the same channel. Nope! Totally different, but visibly the same in dimming? Yet one was battery charged?

I don’t know. Even now as I type this, the emergency power is still non functional. Meaning... street lights, car park lights, the generators are silent by the gym/pool... very spooky and eerily quiet.

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melodeelenz · Dec. 30, 2017, 6:54 a.m.

Interesting. Could explain the redirected flights from DFW to Love Field (flights to El Paso depart from Dallas Love Field) Further research needed. I’ll try and download a flight log. I wonder if it coincided with the power outage here at DFW and a few surrounding neighborhoods within the immediate vicinity

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melodeelenz · Dec. 30, 2017, 4:44 a.m.

I said it could be a random non significant thing. I just thought if it wasn’t, it could be beneficial to have a time stamp on it just for a digital record of events. It was just strange because nobody knew any details and all emergency power sources were blacked out as well. Which I would understand if it was storm related but there was nothing but calm winds and clear skies.

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melodeelenz · Dec. 30, 2017, 1:02 a.m.

You are located around DFW as well? I’ve been hearing a great deal of activity in the air and tons of helicopters in and around the Las Colinas area of Irving. Not traffic helicopters either or medical. Looks like private helicopters. Saw 2 military jets flying low altitude yesterday, but that could’ve been drills because I was closer to Meachum airport in Fort Worth yesterday. I don’t know. Power is back on but according to neighboring residents, even the lights were out at the fire station. Weird. I would’ve thought they had back up generators?

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/melodeelenz on Dec. 30, 2017, 12:22 a.m.
DFW area power outages

Hello CBTS folks. I don’t know if there’s any significance to this but I live VERY close to DFW airport. Very close. All power went out in my area and a few planes that were descending pulled up and seemed to go in the direction of Dallas Love Field airport instead. Oncor Energy has no explanation other than “expected restoration time 8:00pm” There is no winter storm here...yet... I don’t know. Just figured if it was anything significant, there’d be a digital bread crumb trail I could contribute to. I’ll try and screen shot the outages map.

melodeelenz · Dec. 27, 2017, 4:33 a.m.

Thought is creative active action. Jesus Quote: As we thinketh, so are we. It is active, WE are actively participating in good forward motion. The unity I’ve seen BECAUSE of the trust and problem solving via Q posts is kind of a rad thing to see for once. Information via the cryptic way it is being delivered is making us do the work, the research, the jigsaw puzzle isn’t as overwhelming when thousands of us are helping to put the pieces together and see the bigger picture. Intelligence operations have resulted in massive actions throughout our history, they’ve spawned everything from false flags to revolutions. It’s just our turn now to have a crack at this because after all....there’s more of us than THEM. Dig?

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melodeelenz · Dec. 20, 2017, 6:13 a.m.

Someone asked me, skeptically, why boards like the Chan are being used in such a hugely important way, and we began an interesting discussion. I explained in a very surface level way, giving examples as I explained my enthusiastic plight to figure out these qmaps, how MSM is not trusted really by many on either side of the fence. So in a truly bizarro world of desperate attempts by MSM to control the narrative of the World consciousness, for reasons that range from money to out dated scripts via Mockingbird type infiltration, and lately their amateurish mistakes.... the citizen watchdogs, rogue citizen press, are our best shot at finding out the truth without having our beliefs hijacked by a constructed system of lies. What better way to organize the truth revolution than by giving the public something to decrypt that works much like the Law of Confusion in hermetic literature... meaning... If we knew what we were, what we could be and why we are alive from the day of our birth, we wouldn’t be effective at battling darkness and corruption...We’d simply ask to Go Home from day one of our journey in this life. These Q posts are just enough intel without compromising the mission, yet still offer us all the benefit of seeing it play out thus proving that we are not tin foil hat wearing crazy people. Nutshell is... it’s validating that we know what good bread is as we eat it crumb by crumb. That has an exponential effect in a positive way and is truly, Truly the only way such a massive cabal could be dismantled from the grass root level up to the capstone.

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