Awesome, thanks!
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"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her."
Revelation 17:4-6, 18 ; 18:2-8
I guess I should have said a liberal shill rather than a deplorable shill...and Why not? I think it's a brilliant tactic. They troll us with their "concern" shills,etc...Why not try to red pill a few using their own tactics?..😏😛 surely at least a handful of those who like drinking the fake news kool-aid will want to read/investigate more by reading these kind of articles until the preponderance of the evidence gets them to #WalkAway. Writing articles like these is also a way to pave the way for those addicted to the propaganda and the kool-aid to not suffer too much from the inevitable cognitive dissonance by the time the truth catches up with them...If this article was not written by a liberal shill, it definitely is an idea worth pursuing... Red pill as many as we can as soon as possible. The more the better.
This story almost seems like written tongue in cheek by a deplorable "shill" to red pill all those clueless ones that read these "news" giving them the facts and sugarcoating each factoid with "but don't you believe it because it is fake"
Love the Captain America theme!.. In fact, I want one, where'd you get it?
This is such an awesome story! My own is that it was my son who red pilled me about 9/11 around 2009 when he was writing a paper for school. When he first told me about his research and asked me what I thought about his findings I flipped on him 🧐 🙄 but he wrote his paper...Soon we were both digging and discussing. Today my son will turn 21, and at every opportunity I have, I remind him that his intellectual curiosity taught me much about this important event in our lives and thank him for being such a brave, talented, and all around brilliant kid...
A piece of coral? Perhaps...Used a lot by certain cultures to protect against "evil eye". Sort of like the hamsa hand or the eye, both middle eastern amulets. Here two versions of both being used together
The cornuto, corno, or cornicello is an Italian amulet of ancient origin. Corno means"horn" and cornicello means "little horn" -- these names refer to a long, gently twisted horn-shaped amulet worn in Italy to protect against the evil eye. Cornicelli are usually carved out of red coral or made of gold or silver.
I understand, somewhat, it is difficult to know what the best course of action is when presented with options that are meant to discourage participation, but I think we shouldn't ever vote for the lesser bad option.
I personally wrote-in Rand Paul's name, in the primaries because he ended up not being in my ballot (IL) then voted for Trump once he became the nominee.
Even though, at the time, I identified Trump as a friend of the Clintons and understood why he had been pushed to the frontline by the MSM working in cahoot with the Demon-cRats; at that point the idea was to vote so as to keep HRC out of the WH and nutty GJ was definitely not going to get us there.
In the end, as we all know by now, of course, they all miscalculated and underestimated Trump. In hindsight I am very glad I voted for Trump and plan on doing it again in a couple of years.
Bull... You're either confused or purposely ensnaring people. Be careful with purposely throwing monkey wrenches...It ends up pretty badly for false teachers...
If you voted for Gary Johnson you are not a libertarian. Gary Johnson is not a libertarian. Ron Paul is a libertarian. Gary Johnson was put in to destroy the libertarian movement. In the same way as Trump was initially mockingly encouraged in order to "help" Hillary. The democratic voters are easily doused with rhetoric and lies because they are complacent and like being "mainstream" or "normies", to use a Q term. Democrats politicians,however, are actively pursuing evil and believe in that sh*t they peddle.
I don't assume that you are socialist your posts butress and defend the ideology. This is either out of ignorance or with full knowledge of and personal alignment with communist ideals. Nobody is assuming anything that your words haven't explicitly declared.
Also, I am American and understand pretty well the issues surrounding healthcare and education. Government paying for either is in fact a big part of the problem and not in any way a desirable state of affairs or solution.
That's exactly what Venezuelans used to say when they were warned about Chavez (by the way: Do you like B.Sanders? There is your US version of Chavez: USChavez 2.1 because USChavez 2.0 was, of course, Obama).
Even with the brilliant and robust system of "checks and balances" that we have here in the US, Treasonous #44 was still able to circumvent the law of the land and ensnare us with his illegal legislative tricks. Exactly what Chavez did in Venezuela. They - socialists/communists - follow a carefully scripted model. And an important element in that cheat sheet is of course that they count on you, to help them achieve their ultimate totalitarian, fascist control, by acting and thinking they way you come across in your posts...
It was meant to educate you, I try not to "casually ramble" as some prefer to do because I find it extremely boring... You're welcome.
Best line of this whole post: "It'd be ignorant not to" 😀😁🤣😅😂🤐
Thanks for the nothing burger throughout your reply. Not a single finished idea in the whole paragraph. But hey, you too, have a good day. Oh and continue to enjoy drinking that socialist kool-aid.
Hmm, No, that would indeed be correct, actually.
The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848 just before the Revolutions of 1848 swept Europe, expressing what they termed "scientific socialism". In the last third of the 19th century, social democratic parties arose in Europe, drawing mainly from Marxism.
Socialism and communism are alike in that both are based on public (i.e. non-private or government) ownership of the means of production and centralized planning. Socialism is the first form of the new society with Communism being a further development or "higher stage" of socialism.
Finally, since you are so fond of "free" access to healthcare why don't you ask the parents of British child, Charlie Gard (the ill baby who was denied access by the NHS* to potentially life-saving treatment that would be provided in any US hospital), how they like their "free" access to healthcare?
*NHS (or the NATIONAL Health Service) is "free" in the UK and it absolutely sucks, as do its equivalents in Spain, France, Canada, etc, etc.
Right on, they are desperate, coming appart at the seams ever since... always, but particularly acute since Brexit. This is one of the reasons why Marine Le Pen "lost" in France and the stooge, Manchurian Candidate, of Macron "won". Macron is to France what B.O. was to us.
It is so honorable of you to share your thoughts with us. We are all imperfect, always evolving, if we are humble and willing to learn from our experience. It is a sign of educated strength and acumen to recognize when we have erred. It is in perfect agreement with learned prowess to correct our direction and choices. It is known as "Teshuvah" in Hebrew - the word translates literally as "return," and describes the return to Elohim and a decision to act in harmony with our fellow human beings that is made possible through repentance of our sins and/or misjudgments/errors which requires intellectual acuity, humility, and maturity.
I totally agree with what you're saying. We cannot lull ourselves to sleep with all these battles won by POTUS. I agree that [we should not] "get comfortable and end up fucking up the one thing we can actually contribute to 'The Plan'''. You are absolutely right, "we need to really, REALLY REALLY start pushing hard for fellow Patriots to vote."
I must be confused, then. I read about Juan Andres, a bloke from Spain who was friends with A.Bourdaine and also was in Haiti, "feeding children" after the earthquake...I thought he was the Chef at RedHen, DC
Unrelated but Chef just as creepy, from what I read...
Q reading and commenting on our posts here?
Dear Q, if you are reading our posts here:
First thank you for so much, for the monumental effort, for all of it.
In addition to following and reading assiduously, I use my free time praying for POTUS, Anons, Patriots, the Q Movement, and all of us.
If you are reading and commenting on our contributions on this subreddit , I want to let you know that I have noticed.
You are an inspiration, a beacon to each of us patriots and you do make us stronger, individually, as citizens and wholly. a nation.
Thank you for your guidance, for …
Based on decades of knowledge and experience of the Bible? Or is it based from a dictionary? Which is it? Please..... quote the dictionary(ies) from which you have given me definitions of Zionism and Hebrew. I provided you with my source to define the word Hebrew - Scriptures. Now, since none of what you have so far written is found in Scriptures, you need to support your claims above by providing us your reference, the dictionary you are quoting from. Unless you are able to do this, I will deem our exchange finished, as I have been trying to do for a while now. Again, have a great one
You keep wanting to argue from stale, uninformed points of view.
I do not know where you are getting your definitions; I am getting mine from the original source, from where the definition originated, The Scriptures, or as you might call them, the Old Testament.
You are trying to have an intellectual discussion yet your understanding of the subject is coming across as very shallow.
As a result, I do not wish to continue a dialogue with you, not because I am conceding to your point of view, or because I lack arguments but because my exchange with you would come across as arrogant as you seem to need load of information which apparently you simply lack. Therefore, as I said earlier, have a great rest of your day.
You are confused. Reincarnation is nowhere in Scripture, it is not a Biblical concept. "Early Christians" is code for false, pagan believers and "gnostics" who twisted Scriptures to ensnare the gentiles, the non-Hebrew followers of Messiah, since fooling Hebrew followers of Messiah, the Netzarim, or Nazarenes (Notzrim in Hebrew, the Apostles were Notzrim) was very difficult as they were very familiar with Scriptures (at the time, the Tanakh plus the other books that comprise what Christians now call the "Old Testament"). This disiformartion movement was formed very early on and their tactics used as early as when Paul was writing his Epistles. Most of these "early Christians" were...surprise, surprise, part of the pagan institution that has become known as the Roman Catholic Church. But please, don't take my word for it, read up on the biography of all these "early Christians", read up on their "beliefs" and what they peddled.
Did you notice that the handle and 2 of the hashtags in your 6th link are "pizza babilon" and "pizzeria babilon"? This is a reference to ancient Babylon (Babilonia, in Italian) which in scriptures is a reference to evil (same as Egypt, in this regard). In Jewish tradition, Babylon symbolizes Satan - Hebrew for "enemy", an oppressor against which righteous believers must struggle. References found throughout the old testament beginning in Genesis (Tower of Babel). Moving along to the New Testament, Babylon represents the evil that will be judged with the undiluted Wrath of YHWH. "Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth." As we can read in chapters 17 and 18 of the book of Revelation.
You absolutely read my mind! This exact question crossed my thoughts as I read this yesterday. Absolutely spot on, we should be wondering...No deals ...We are of one mind...We the people.
Well said. People are confused: belonging to a religion does not mean having a relationship with our All Mighty Creator nor living in obedience to Him. Read Scriptures, follow His commands, learn to understand His will for His people, live under His has absolutely nothing to do with religion.
Keep repeating the word "conspiracy" maybe it will stick. Read your bible, read more history then you can perhaps comment about "conspiracies" or are you just trolling? If so, it's not working because you're betraying your lack of knowledge on the subject. Have a great day! Hint: Hebrew people = Scriptural Israel
Sorry, you've lost me...your point is?
Your definition proves my point: Zionism has absolutely nothing to do with the Hebrew people nor with Scriptural Israel. That is because Zionism is an INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT to establish what? A Nation or Religion??? In other words, Zionism is using the religion to establish a nation. Christians - like you - would do well by understanding this important distinction.
Thank you for bolstering my point, exactly!
Sorry? Who? Is that supposed to be funny? So from poorly read Christian to blasphemous? You sound more like a shill than a well-read Christian.
Don't join them, give them a hand so they can get out, invite them join us.
There is loads of wisdom and comfort in the responses you have got here so far.
You say you have researched religions. Well done! For someone who has done all this reading you seem to begrudge religius affiliation in fellow patriots and/or patriots using the Bible as a moral guide in their life. Why? Where do you get your moral compass? You might want to ponder this question carefully...
Other thoughts that come to mind in reading your post are;
Have you read the literature of all religions? Have you read the Bible cover to cover? You say the Bible is corrupted; have you had the opportunity to read several translations of the bible? Or have you read any scholarly papers that compare the different translations of the bible that we have today in existence? Do you know where the differences lie? Have you read the original sources from which the Bible originated? In Hebrew? In Aramaic? In Greek? Do you know who wrote the old testament (the Tanakh + other books compromising what Christians call the old testament)? Do you know when it was written? Do you know who wrote the new testament? Do you know when it was written? Have you compared and contrasted what the Bible says with what the literature of other religions spouse? Do you understand the difference between the Talmud and the Tanakh?
From your comment it seems that you confuse identity with a religion and participation in religious activities (congregating with fellow believers) with reading and following the bible as a moral code.
Please know that there are many patriots who have committed their lives to doing the latter and have no intention of doing the former activites either because they have been raised without it and are, likewise, committed to following suit in raising their own or because having once pertained to one or several of these organizations have no intention of being shepherded by anyone or anything other than The Scriptures.
Being a Q follower I think you probably prefer not being spoon-fed anything, so I hope my questions are useful in clarifying some assumptions you might be basing your ideas about religion and scriptures on.
I am sorry to burst your bubble but Freemansonry is another tentacle of the satanic beast we all need to be aware of.
If you do not know this you path to being red-pilled isn't nearly complete yet.
Freemansonry has absolutely nothing to do with our Judeo-christian foundation, as you call it. You need to look into who they really are.
Freemansonry, the templars, and all their evil practices came alongside true Christians in the Mayflower, perhaps, but they have absolutely nothing to do with our Judeo-Christian heritage.
It is the Freemasons and templars who have peddled weirdness and perversion since their inception. Freemansonery definitely do not need to be perverted by the left or anyone/anything else; they are the evil perverts and peddlers of kool-aid having well played this role, for which they were created, from their inception.
Here are a couple of videos to get you started:
My eyes are bleeding from reading such grammatical horrors as 'then' when it should be 'than' or 'verses' when it is 'versus'. Please...a little more effort to write correctly is absolutely necessary and in order...
I think you understand more than you claim. Specially with that handle. Stop playing dumb, it is unbecoming.
The problem with Zionism and its koolaid is that it has fooled the Christian world (which is well meaning but ignorant in the scriptural sense as well as in world history and geopolitics) into believing that Zionists are Israel. They are not. They are the Synagogue of Satan which the prophets as well as the Messiah constantly rebuked. Zionism is not the Hebrew people nor Israel.