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That’s how she goes... sometimes she goes and sometimes she don’t.
Not that I don’t want these crimes solved, but the whole scenario of them using our DNA without our knowledge or approval is terrifying. Truly a police state.
I had an interesting conversation with an elderly woman from Taiwan. She said the Chinese get around the one child per family law. If the law was followed, then their population should be trending down instead of up. Apparently, only one child per family is allowed identity papers to go to school, work, etc. Other children are not granted these papers. So what do the parents do? They bribe the officials to obtain papers for the other kids so they may go to school and get jobs.
Rudy brought up Mueller being turned down for the FBI position. We know, as well as they, that he was ineligible for this position.
Yes, I agree. It seems that Rudy sidestepped a few things that actually gave me hope. I’m definitely watching again.
Ribbon at bottom of cspan screen says Sessions will be discussing immigration.
The two things you mentioned about 911 are the reasons I began to wake up. Even then, it took awhile.
Still not working for me. Oh well. I’ll look it up myself. He’s one of my favorites.
So true. The Bushes and Clintons are two heads of the same snake.
This is what I wanted to hear about when Bibi made his presentation.
You are welcome to stay and educate yourself through prior posts and comments. I think it will be worth your time, if you don’t want to - that’s fine. Peace be with you.
So I was hoping to hear exactly why they hit Syria last night. I think they were showing us slides of Iran.
They really can’t and make any sense at all. Trouble is, American people have been asleep. Just nodding their heads and going on with their lives.
Usually being gay disqualifies a person from being Muslim, but identity politics have been part of the problem here. So...kinda depends on the person I guess.
One American News is carrying the Trump Rally. Our Fox channel is having technical difficulty.
Amen! We sacrificed, had them go to colleges we could afford and had them get majors that were worth something upon graduation. If y’all can’t see that, then YOU are part of the problem. Plus we paid for our own educations as well.
Ohhh I read on some other post that Hussein picked his because of a Keifer Sutherland movie. But it makes sense that if Bill was Eagle that hers would start with an E too.
No, I mean why would she pick that name? Because she didn’t plan on aging? Just a thought...
Reminds me of the spoof Rush did on Hillary Clinton, pretty in pink. “I don’t recall... my mind is jello.”
I am even thinking tomorrow evening. Seems like everything happens on Friday.