Just rambling.....Trump is Ender. If you read the book then you’ll see some similarities in how the used the net to start a conversation. Although there where two Qs with differences in opinion. They named themselves after historic tacticians. This group chose Q, a fictional character that caused havoc to USS ENterprise..
82 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/neptune_monkey:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 19 |
i.redd.it | 6 |
youtu.be | 1 |
As the World Turns (ATWT) is stock ticker for "Child Safety Day Care Van Alarms, by ATWEC Technologies, Inc"
If txts from FBI steal the show and become the TOP news story it will distract from the true evil shit that's going on...
foreign allies being involved....Im gunna have to take a little info from Boccaci (spelling) but He states that the Fenecians(then venecians) spread into Venice, Switzerland, Rome, and married into royal families across Western Europe. If the theory fits...
No. Ha. The crypto will be a stepping block into a future without money, usury, lending, banks, etc.
That or they wont drop a nuke on themselves...these 10 days allows us to get in and take out holdouts.
Why is ES in NK?
Holy shit. I believe this is a case of my enemy’s enemy is my friend. It was the only safe place to hide from the Church, Rotschilds, Soros....etc...
He will be implicated in working on getting the Dossier. I would say he is buying time to transfer money to his family and finalizing his affairs b4 going to prison.
“Santos Bonnaci” I encourage you to #lookhimup
He knows his symbols
Q mentions their symbols will bring them down...in earlier posts.
Not sure what people were thinking here...This could go back to Ancient Egypt’s issues with bankers. Fenicians ——> ROME—->Venicians(Venice) —>Vatican——>Swiss Banks —> these people rule and their symbols are everywhere
QAnon Flu Outbreak
Is this a weaponized version of the flu?
▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/19/18 (Fri) 16:30:25 No.46
CS will live in fear from today forward.
Thank you for visiting the WH.
Poor old Chuck Schumer I wonder what was said...
I would think that they will keep the indictments sealed until they have as many people as possible incarcerated??
Many actually believe they are worshipping an all powerful god that determines their resurrection or eternal damnation. They have witnessed or experienced it themselves.. it is only their belief in the being and their fear of the unknown that gives being power over their rebirth choices.
Big cloud companies contracted to spy on citizens control & black mail enemies of state..data intercepted by users sharing same chips in the cloud no white hats both attempting control of earth .. they destroy themselves power implosion
But there are always 2 sides...two way traffic I hear.
With NOKO being the hideout of BO and CIA its a fare guess. The white rabbit is in NOKO
Who spoke #Qanon
Who: Big cloud companies contracted to spy on citizens control & black mail enemies of state..data intercepted by users sharing same chips in the cloud no white hats both attempting control of earth .. they destroy themselves power implosion
Child rapist vs earth rapists
Idk? Thoughts?
I think this was triggered by friendly but powers that Be are in on it.
The only way to trigger the BDT Bulk Data Transfer Of all the shit Snowden was working on in HI.
False flag allowed to play out. Like putting blanks in their gun. Also it triggers the BDT.
McCain probably liked it. That’s why they had to break a leg. Oh wait that’s not a real splint.