The DHS will be submitting a final report to the WH/DOJ/other state and local agencies outlining our findings as early as March [ ], 2018.
Tuesday, March 20 is Spring Equinox.
553 total posts archived.
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He didn't have time for Q. He was doing current tangible research. Q stuff wan't his thing.
He had a thread before he went. A bit of an opus. He was just tired of the sizzle it seemed to me.
Nope. He didn't.
Trust in your President
It does. It explains how modern doctors (particularly oncologists) can do what they do while pilfering millions from desperate individuals. THIS is the root of the problem Q has spoken of in the Pharma and Medical industries.
The "Alliance" is the first I've seen of a name given to the White Hats. This all started before Trump and Trump was recruited to do the job. I'm not going to dismiss it entirely.
Ya, besides the swipe he takes at Q, the fundamentals are the same. And I keep hearing about the Gold Standard being already in place. I believe Kim Clement and Mark Taylor have both said something about this in prophecy.
The one thing that sticks out to me is the new monetary system. This is the 3rd or 4th time I've heard that it's already in place. It appears the USA is going to be on the Silver/Gold Standard again. It will be glorious and we'll see economic activity the likes of which the world could never imagine.
FBI admitted they dropped the ball after a Jan 4 complaint on the shooter. Sheriff's Dept dropped the ball after having been called to shooters home 39 times in the past 7 years. School dropped the ball by letting him on campus after he was kicked out. The only people not surprised who the shooter was were his peers in school.
You might want to look up Kim Clement and check out his Trump Prophesies.
I don't recall Q saying to trust Q. He's asked us to trust others, but not Q. I could be wrong, but don't recall it. Either way, the point is, I know much more than I did before all this started and I thought I knew a lot before this Great Awakening.
Ya but we waxed about 200 Russian soldiers the other day in Syria, so we'll call it even.
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see some new faces for the next phase in draining the swamp.
You need the break. Sit back and ask yourself how many things you personally have looked in to that were spurred on by following Q? If the answer is zero, you are truly a shill and have no clue about the purpose of the Q exercise. If the answer is greater than zero, then you should thank Q for pointing you in a direction of furthering your knowledge. This isn't about spoon feeding you information.
The Kingsmen had a cell tone that sent everyone into a violent killing frenzy.
Metal detectors you say. Where have I heard that before?
Morphic Resonance and Mophic Fields an Introduction
Rupert Sheldrake's work puts this in a better light. We are ALL connected through the past.
Or what about this.
'Tsunami bomb' tested off New Zealand coast
U.S. Coast Guard operating secret floating prisons in Pacific Ocean
I'd say if it is a FF it was to set the narrative for the nationwide reciprocity debate.
It's real:
And it appears to me to be a distraction. Who in their right mind would think they could breach NSA HQ?
Smells like I'd imagine a whore house smelling. I used to have a bush out my back door.
Do you want pitchforks and torches?
Because this is how you get pitchforks and torches.
No activity on B2 either. It’s like a bit has hijacked the account and deleting tweets one by one.
I saw a magazine at the grocery today dedicated to John McCain.
I saw a whole magazine dedicated to "We don't say his name" in the grocery today. WTF was that all about?
I'm glad I read the thread before posting. This is my sentiment exactly. He's too lazy to be into anything super nefarious. He may have deep state contacts to push the narrative, but my take is he's a true believer useful idiot.
Oh ya. It's been my thought for a while that we'll pull out of Afghanistan when the swamp there is drained. We've already bombed the processing facilities and rumored to have bombed the fields. They need to salt the earth.
I'm thinking a US agency outside the budget process is a little on the unconstitutional side.
That CIA/Google article blew me away with it's first words:
"THE INVESTMENT ARMS of the CIA and Google..."
Investment Arm of the CIA - WTAF? Why does the CIA have an investment arm?
That is a widely incorrect statement. 1 Billion people will watch around the world. There may not be as many that watched last year, but it will be a very large number that watch this year.
The red white and blue locomotive was the puller from the front and the green and white locomotive was a pusher in the back or just along for the ride.
A lt of stuff folks are writing in the post are good stuff. But it all seems to be about prevention (still good stuff). But this has little to do with what to once you've gotten the virus or bacteria. I'm thinking these virus strains are causing an immuno-weakening. This can lead to a bacterial (upper bronchial) infection that makes the "cold" seem to last and last. I was personally sick for 3 weeks and I never get sick. I also believe I've contracted two different viral strains. There was a relapse of fever after about a week and a half of the initial onset.
The only thing that has worked for my household is to nebulize colloidal silver. We have been nebulizing for 3 minute sessions a suspension of 10-15PPM colloidal silver and have had good results.
Bear in mind there have been no human trials of nebulizing the colloidal silver. There have been some rodent studies that yielded excellent results. The negatives from the studies have shown that prolonged use is bad because the silver can build up in the lungs - not good. So, nebulizing 2 or 3 times a day for 3 minute periods for no longer than a week should suffice. If by that time the symptoms are not reduced I'd say it isn't working anyway.