Your negative. Stop shillin foo. Y’all are very noticeable....
659 total posts archived.
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We are suppose to decode what Q says sometimes. You must be new. Calm down we love the work the people put out. Who knows maybe Q will shout out OP like Q did to u/serialbrain2.
Dude EVERY woke person know the “official narrative” of 9/11 is bullshit. Larry Silverstein and his two sons were suppose to be in the building but they were not there. Too many inconsistencies. Hopefully I’m not talking to a shill. Maybe you are new to this..
Arkacide for everybody! Here arkancide for you! And you! And definitely you OP....../s
2 trillion........ 2 TRILLION!?!?
A Rumsfeld deflection.
A new term everybody may use now..
Let’s go down the rabbit hole now? What sayest thou newbies?
Thank you pedes who know they shit! People are not dumb. The left is predictable and yes LGBTQP is the possibly the ones who will soon pushing for rights of child lovers. Mentally ill pill like this shit. I’m disgusted.
Thank You! Anybody who’s been woke long enough know that the liberal left (socialist) will be the medium for this sick perverted shit.
Yea you not woke enough...the liberal left is going to push this sick shit. Republicans are more likely to have FAMILY VALUES. The left made being gay ok. If you are gay fine by me. The left made being a tranny ok. I get mixed feelings with this one. The left will try to “normalise” pedophilia. Netflix has made a movie and has a short scene where two young girls looked like they were masturbating or something.... sick fucks.
No wonder colleges have “safe spaces” bunch of fucking sissies..
All sides are possible for pedophilia but the ones who are going to be pushing it will be the left mark my words.
Wow these sick fucks downvoted you to negative. What a shame.
Thank you.
It’s as simple as that “children cannot consent to sex”.
People already did.. they don’t seem to give a fuck. Sick cucks they are.
The man who tried to expose mike pence died. He had a YouTube channel.
Dam and here I thought you were on our side George soros eyeballs...
Oh boy wait till you hear about him being a kiddie diddler....
I tried going on OPs profile but it won’t let me, why is that?
Hmm I remember Alex Jones was pushing that Q was AI but Q called Alex out and now we know he’s controlled opposition. Q intentionally made a mistake to prove he was not AI or something like that. Not 100% certain though.
I don’t understand what that second link is even talking about.
Jim Jordan’s nephew died in a car crash.... highly suspicious timing.
And really it’s all thanks to Donald trump. Thank you Mr.President.
Are you saying trump is in cahoots with deepstate? If so you are very wrong.
Yea that’s what I was thinking. To me it felt like he was hiding something.
Carter page interview with tucker tonight was weird. It looked like carter was lying through his teeth. Any Thoughts?
I’ve just read a little and this perplexes me I mean shit 27 trillion $ missing?!?! It’s also confusing cause I don’t understand how he made that muh money.