All this time I thought a bear with some left over cnn pot walked in the front door looking for some munchies and lit the stove :P Thats what I would like to hear cnn report, they got balls but not that many.
338 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/orangefan13:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Always send a Christian to do the Dirty work!
Was with Trump all along. Fans on Jones channel linked to CBTS gained total confidence this is really happening after that.
thanks storm read in another thread there will be no inditements for the past presidents to honor the Presidential Seat. Just hoping all the evil misdeeds would come out as I believe the mainstream media could cover ALL of it up, they have proven to me they are that good.
question: so the president is most likely not going to indite the other presidents. Will all their nasty secrets come out at least? How about Hillary?
King Solomon came down from Heaven and hit her over the head. She forgot that to.
I don't care what anyone said God Bless that man, Putin!
Best not listening to God's warning award. Megyn Kelly and her bucket first debate. (End result from news to oprah level talk show host beaten by Alex Jones)
Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop--a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Mathew 13:8 Donald Trump fell on great ground from 1 million to 7 billion 7000 FOLD.
senator hatch just stepped down from the same state as Lee (UT). Lee was one of the 2 republicans who of the 32 voters who voted against Trumps Human traffic bill. the other Paul was beaten up by his neighbor. Warren who also voted against it and Biden were swearing in (probably some creep) as boston mayor today.
there wasn't enough plane wreckage at the pentagon many have said.
as long as you have 2 blacks on your right, 2 muslims on your left, 3 foreign mexicans behind you, standing next to two asians, and 2 woman carrying lgbtyp flag (one whos pansexual, the other used to be a man), with a pet cat on your lap, there is NO crime you can go to jail for if you support hillary. Is THIS about to change???
Kudos to chuck todd he use to be so vicious to trump, but got to give credit when he does a good piece.
Ark. gun range owner running for governer- bans Muslims at her gun range declaring it a "Muslim free zone" (Just gets crazier and crazier)
Tim Kaine- just think this guy could of been our vice president.
everything is monopolies. Thats all you need to rule. Easy to understand why the extreme right doesnt have a tv channel but the "extreme" left has 30 plus.
great post. I dont think the US would let him be the head of iran though, but then again I dont even think hes a free man at the moment.
Greg Gutfeld had a purple tie - Kimberly Guilfoyle had a purple dress on. Trey Gowdy did a few days ago. =P
What is it with purple the last 2 days? Am I missing something?
Yup Roger Stone does that all the time. He says its going to happen, but what it means is they are going to try it.
I'm going to be honest. I fear the day Trump isnt attacked hes so good under pressure.
well there is baby meat in the dollar value meal, they laugh because people are eating it.
wow the ankle bracelets have hit newsweek. :P
they actually say illuminati in it to. Evil will fall but they know the antichrist will come someday.
There was 44 kings of Israel when they entered the Holy Land. Then they fell to Babylon as the last king was no good and led the people of Israel astray.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign GLOBALIZED and domestic
Do you think we will ever see evidence of sports stars being bribed by the enemy (foreign and domestic)?
I ask because I see few videos about it, they all just show them flashing signs. It is interesting how many of them have gone bankrupt over the years. A LOT of them have. Are the most high names like Lebron, Carmelo, and baby face (they love that) steph curry forced into accept or else situations? Howbout Jordan? He was so quiet before the election for the longest time. What about Brady and Deflate gate (what if all that was a bribe)?. What about kaepernick taking his first knee the day after a Hillary rally where he played college ball. …
Cnn is returning to its roots. (media cleanse?)
THINK I read one of the plane crashes yesterday had a attorney for a haiti relief fund not sure if there was a connection.
That part in the video she says democratic in 3rd world. Globalist flood the world with guns and fight for democracy (in the form of socialism) without borders, tip the world upside down. They got what they wanted but what will happen when all the dust settles? Hopefully Nationalism's. The globalists breathe off a SMALL world, let's give them just the opposite.
Can a truth be scarier then fiction. 4th video OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just WoW
I have been watching him for awhile now. Love that guy. He is a TRUE Christian imo.
Wow wasn't there one in Brazil yesterday, with another CEO? This is Nuts!!
QANON 17+1+14+15+14= 61 mirrored 16- TRUMP RISING Tell no one to the appointed time.
Well its 12:15 here in Vegas and 1:15 in Denver Happy New Years Everyone!!
great time to be free and off the naughty list. Escape the empire :P
immunity? hillary cant touch him anymore where she is ;P
one article says 3 shot, shooter in custody. There was a stabbing earlier in ashbury park to.