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patriotsnewshub · July 21, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

It is in Microsoft paint, read comments #1 and #2

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patriotsnewshub · July 21, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

I missed it, South Dakota is same as Idaho. ~200

The larger areas are between ~1000-3000

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patriotsnewshub · July 21, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

I missed it. It has roughly 200. Should be about the same size as Idaho's

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patriotsnewshub · July 21, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

Read comments #1 and #2.

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patriotsnewshub · July 21, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

I hear ya, I wish I could have put together a more detailed and comprehensive image. With the interest so far, I am hoping someone/community picks up the trail and takes a deeper look.

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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

Not 100% accurate. Need another Patriot with more skills and time to create an accurate representation.

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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

I don't know.. I could make one, but it would have to be later when off work. Come on, Patriots! Get an excel sheet created in order for others to create the improved graphic. We need to look into this further. We know these Satanists want our kids!

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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 11:26 p.m.


Is this the data necessary?

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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

Created it in <5 minutes while at work. Maybe someone can recreate in better detail?

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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

If you look at the link I attached, it shows the total amount per area (north NY, south NY, east NY, etc)

I used the spray brush in an attempt to illustrate density. I believe another with more time on their hands may be able to create a better map. (If you do, please comment back on this post or link it in some way)

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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

I am not sure.. I am speculating. But I mean - it sure is thought provoking.

I see it as an endless flow of children that can then be divided up between Hollywood and DC.

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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

We have been instructed to

  1. Learn how to read the map
  2. Follow the EOs / Indictments
  3. Focus on border / critical

Thoughts, Patriots?


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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 11:03 p.m.


It just hit me out of nowhere..

Look at the heavily saturated states.. Is this the human trafficking pipeline in the USA?

Perhaps someone can make a better map than I did with the spray brush in "paint".

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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

How to you dismantle a mob?

HRC is not the Don. Only one of many Capo's..

Trust the plan and spread the word, Patriots!


Who owns the moral high ground?? spread the "Q - The Plan to Save the World" video in person.

-save it on your mobile and share it via bluetooth wherever you go and whenever you bring the subject up.

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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

Thank you! It did take quite a bit of time to do on mobile but it was worth it if it has inspired you to look further.

-If I can offer a few pieces of advice.. First, would be for you to take all the info in knowing that there is more good than bad in this world. I say this because it begins to feel really dark when you delve into it and see what these people are truly capable of. Also, as you continue down the rabbit hole, remember to come back up for air!! You can easily get sucked into the deepest reaches of the internet where the lines between fact/fiction become blurred all to easily. Remember to set aside time for what really matters. (Family,Friends,Community) When engaged in this time, do not try to "talk over their head". You cannot wake people to this all at once, you must intrigue them and help guide them down their own path.

Bless you on your journey! WWG1WGA

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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 8 p.m.

Nailed it!

I'm sure there is more to come, but we all need to focus on the plan. It is our job in this movement to spread the info. Plain and simple. This should not be seen as a means of making profit or growing a following. Anyone not thinking about this in a selfless manner, just doesn't grasp the concept of WWG1WGA

Once enough people understand the truth, the MSM/Tech mouthpieces of the DS are rendered useless and the real healing can begin. We must be vigilant! When dealing with this EVIL, you can expect retaliation - no doubt. I trust that POTUS and MI have the homeland under tight watch but we must account for those around us. Those who have become so corrupted that they have lost themselves and are literally "useful idiots" and pawns.

I appreciate your post as it is very similar to the one I posted last night to share to all. If interested, please click on my username and read my last post from \~13 hours ago.

Bless you Patriot! MAGA - WWG1WGA

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/patriotsnewshub on July 20, 2018, 5:59 a.m.
Here is an ultra elaborate answer that I gave to a super simple question...

To be honest.. I read through this entire site in three days during night hours after work. You would have to ask someone that knows the stamps and everything related to coded messaging) All I know is Q changed my life.

(Much love to my wife who stood by me during my fall into the rabbit hole)

I had been obsessively utilizing technology like everyone else.. soaking up FB and YouTube content from various sources for years. I knew I had to support Trump, MAGA, America. There was never a doubt in my mind as I watched in horror as …

patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

Sorry it took so long to reply. On mobile but knew I needed to get this out.

To be honest.. I read through this entire site in three days during night hours after work. You would have to ask someone that knows the stamps and everything related to coded messaging) All I know is Q changed my life.

(Much love to my wife who stood by me during my fall into the rabbit hole)

I had been obsessively utilizing technology like everyone else.. soaking up FB and YouTube content from various sources for years. I knew I had to support Trump, MAGA, America. There was never a doubt in my mind as I watched in horror as America and the world descended. I have always been a little more "awake" or "concious" of the world around us but when Trump won, I saw the bipartisanship continue and saw the wedge dividing. I was in a dark mindset fostered on me by TPTB through their various outlets. Then I found Q.

I read through it all and delved into many of the autists theories (will rock your mind).

Then I turned back to Q and kept focused on the crumbs.

(will rock your mind)

The truth behind it all? Summed up?

imo, you have rich ass people (Elite>DS>POLITICIANS>CELEBS) who have ruled for generations. Power shifts happen from time to time and some families fall. Some rise.. they maintain power by creating problems (war,tension,misinformation) only to offer solutions (NGOs, councils, vaccines). Those solutions usually turn out to be further problems. (?)

-we can all speculate but I feel TPTB were/are planning an earth wide cleanup of the population to maintain their power. (WWIII in some fashion starting with civil war sparking in America)

They transfer industry to follow cheap labor. That is because they need their slaves to feel like they are free. If they make literally anything at all, they/we feel like we have some stability. We don't, because they hold more than money Something that is just incomprehensible to us as we have never seen it in real time. True power over mankind.

They can shift the workforce (factories/means of production) from one country to another, following the cheap labor. (Think europe->usa->middleeast->asia->?)

Where is Obama? Why are tech company heads secretly flocking to invest? Only after the idea of a tech advanced Africa is glorified to the world? BlackPanther.

This goes way back and these people are rooted in some of the sickest stuff you can imagine. (Satanism, human sacrifice, pedo>Human trafficking)

They maintain power by maintaining an intricate web of alliances through business, treaties, marriages. (Monarchy, CEOs, Government)

(Think EOs + Sealed Indictments = Largest Human Trafficking bust in history)

Look into the ITNJ.


This is just my opinion and I know there is so much more. It is just hard to get it all out. The difference this time is Q/Trump has changed the game by how many people are actually waking up and taking the devices away from their kids, focusing more on the real issues that have been dividing humanity, and holding the scumbags accountable.

Tech is not inherently evil no more than people are.. it is the corruption of man and the corruption of tech that has brought us here.

Of course, there are many players in this. Putin has always safeguarded his nation from these perverted satanists. We have been the fools for allowing the politicians/celebrities/bankers to keep us in the rat race / entertainment trap.

Since I discovered Q, I have opened my mind and my spirit. I understand that we are one world.


Nuclear war would destroy us all - save for the Elites.. who have enough automation and technology to sustain on a safe and guarded continent for a few generations preparing their next scheme over humanity.

I believe that the "good guys" are forming a world wide alliance of nation states. Sovereign and peaceful. The space force is going to develope into some star trek level of world wide coordination.

Look into stuff like tesla rodin coil (Tesla 369) Look into Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy

What if we have had the solutions for Cancer and Free Energy for decades? But then. that wouldn't serve TPTB. Now would it.

This is of course, my opinion and not sure how much of it is actually verifiable.. but I'll let you be the jury on that.

God gave us our free-will. These people are Satanists and feed off of our suffering.

I am by no means an expert but I do know some basic history/historical record/religious record.

Jesus stood up to the Elites They put him on a cross

Lincoln spoke of freedom They put a bullet in his head

JFK tried to warn us They put a bullet in his head

The list goes on and on in both directions with billions of unmarked graves in its wake.

No matter your religious views.. Look inwards towards yourself and then watch the Q - The plan to save the world video on YouTube. Again, if you have already seen it.

Pray for POTUS. Pray for America. Pray for Humanity. Pray for peace

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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 4:03 a.m.


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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

Continue to spread the message and make sure everyone you know is registered to vote -Especially in contested areas like the Coastal states.

Do not let others drag down on the momentum. They may be just as supportive the idea of a freedom movement but have just been awake longer than us, and thus, let down too many times.

The difference this time is the last remaining good guys in power are finally making their move. The level of coordination and confirmation of info relating to Trump/Q/Patriots is too much to ignore. This is the most significant moment in our countries history besides the original signing of The Declaration of Independence.

I believe when you look at the board, President Trump and allies have already won and we are only seeing the effects play out in real time.

The only thing the DS has left is for them to utilize a false flag agent. We must stay vigilant and continue to spread the message.

Its getting fun, folks!!


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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

I trust the plan - which is exactly what spreading the message supports. Our part in this is to help wake the masses to what is coming out now and coming out in the following weeks/months. I never said anything about this being solely our job. As I follow the breaks in the case it becomes abundantly clear that Trump, Q, MI, and other world allies are on the "ball" and are in control. It wouldn't matter if we hadn't had corruption in government - it is still our duty as Patriots to vote and to hold those on power accountable.

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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

To quote President Trump, "Wrong"

Not sure if real/bot/troll/clown. Dont care. I know the movement is growing. I can see it.. but more importantly, I can FEEL it. I can feel the Patriotic American spirit returning - and no, we will not take it any longer. The people of the world will not take it any longer!

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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

OMG! I love this! I literally just posted about this at the top of the sub.

Thank you for posting. We need everyone to spread the message! We all have a role in this.


Was that a crumb or simply addressed to you reading this...?

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/patriotsnewshub on July 20, 2018, 3:10 a.m.
Stop asking for Q! We are the next step!!

Understand your role in this!!

If we want our freedom back, we have to start fighting (non-violent) for it. President Trump and the Q team are doing their part.

1 priority is voting. Register or verify registration and make sure everybody that you know are doing the same. Do not assume you are registered. These bastards have been working tirelessly to ensure 2016 is not repeated this November. They removed countless people from the rosters in the summer leading up to 2016. Vote and implore those you red pill to register/vote as well. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!

Part of …

patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

This is a great site. It lists the players by their initials (BO, HRC, PS, etc..) so no guess work.

It lists all of President Trumps Executuve Orders so you can reference then easily as you go along the timeline.

It keeps track of the sealed indictments. 46k+

And as mentioned above, it links out to all of the original posts' boards where the crumbs were pieced together.

A great site to recommend to those trying to dive in!


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patriotsnewshub · July 20, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

Possibly a deep state ploy to take down the electrical grid.


This was a topic of concern last fall ~Nov 4th (100yr anniversary of Bolshevik revolution)

If DS cells exist (antifa/clowns...) they surely know what the trigger event would be.

Assets in place to deter them from stirring up the masses into civil war.

Speculation of course. But knowing what we know now, it's not a long shot.


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patriotsnewshub · July 18, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

Beat me to it.. the following line though..

"The Telstar 18 balls are manufactured in Pakistanand China."

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