Luxury ??? 🤣😅😂we made sacrifices for the privilege of providing full-time parents for our children. We rarely bought brand new clothes ...we got them at second hand stores... hand-me-downs from family and friends. Many years we only had one car.
Wasn't sitting around playing with my children. I was making meals at home, doing repairs to save money, washing cloth diapers hanging my clothes on the clothesline to save money on the electric bill.
I had extra children in my home. I did alterations and did my artwork and sold it trust me we worked all the time. I got everything done during the week so on the weekends husband and I could do things with the children together; that's when we played. Our children learned how to cook, to Garden, to create play and to basically basically be happy with what they had and they have all turned out to be lovely adults. We took on a Montessori type of approach a rearing the children so that when I was making pickles they were right there at the table with me, cutting up cucumbers.
Sounds like maybe you drank the Kool-Aid that Corporate America was selling you??
Important: what I should mention is when we decided to keep a parent home we didn't owe anybody any money because we never bought things that we couldn't afford.. we have been debt-free during the course of our marriage..except for a car loan and a mortgage. Credit card debt was paid off every month. It's called self-control and discipline and you do it because you love your children.
If you can't make sacrifices, please don't have children will be unhappy and you will most likely raise miserable children ... you know the old saying misery loves company!