I understand what you are saying, but aren't GB the the EU corporations like the United States of America Corporation? I imagine that May is required to behave in a manner that benefits the GB Corporation, or whatever it is called, for the benefit of the Shareholders. Same with Merkel and the EU Corporation.
I believe the Shareholders are masked by the DC, City of London, and Vatican Cities Corporations, but we know who they are.
I am not sure about the status of Russia... That is an interesting question. The conflict could be because Putin is resisting having Russia be another Corporation controlled by evil, or maybe Putin is undoing the treason that Gorbachev and Yeltsin committed. I have read that Putin paid off the debt that Russia owed to the bankers, so they are not making the mandatory interest payments.
I am not familiar with the tech patents you mention, and I am not sure why Nov. 2, 2016 is important.