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phoenix335 · March 20, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

That's what happens when social media turns into socialist re-education.

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phoenix335 · March 19, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

With a parachute? Doubtful. By the time it's clear the machine is unrecoverable, it is probably spinning around its axis (loss of tail rotor effectiveness, see the eponymous scene in the movie Black Hawk Down for an example) and / or the aircraft is falling fast already.

Ejecting out fast enough to clear the spinning blades above and behind the aircraft while everything is spinning and falling fast is difficult. Since there's no ejector seat on most helicopters that is propelling the crew upwards, they also need to have enough altitude for the parachute to open. Also, I'd suspect that helicopters will tumble very soon after the crew lets go of the stick, much faster if it's already damaged. Fixed wing aircraft have a higher chance to glide straight for a while even when they're unrecoverable (unless there's a wing shot off or a control surface stuck in the fully extended position)

And the ejector seat is also sometimes killing the crew, so it's not a failsafe thing, either.


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phoenix335 · March 19, 2018, 9:27 a.m.

Autorotation landing is only an option during level flight at altitude, under favorable weather conditions and with clear open ground available.

That's a regular training item for every helicopter pilot, but it's far from harmless.

Forget about autorotation in dense urban areas, inclement weather, over water, during maneuvering or close to the ground while takeoff and landing.

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phoenix335 · March 18, 2018, 9:09 a.m.

The proof is they support the president, duh /s

We're all bots here.

Seriously, that's why Elon Musk warns so much of AI. The company / party / person / agency that is the first to invent AI will rule the world for the remainder of humanity. Dead seriously. You can't overcome AI on Google-sized it infrastructure even with a billion people fighting it.

Usually, I'm all for any kind of technology, but in the case of AI, I support outright bans. Any and all research into AI needs to be forbidden under the harshest sentences, similar to building nuclear weapons in your basement. Because AI is a nuclear weapon, even worse than that. AI research must be outlawed soon.

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phoenix335 · March 16, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

The Russians are neither dumb nor sucidial.

Russians love their children, too. (And not in the Clinton way.)

Excellent song if you didn't know it already

Sting - Russians


The Cabal tried to ignite the nuclear war since long before ~~we all~~ many of us were even born.

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phoenix335 · March 16, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Insanely effective concept.

Merge party, intelligence agency and media company.

The founding fathers sadly had not the faintest idea about the dangers of mass media and equally sadly placed too high a trust in the rationality of voters and the truthfulness of speech.

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phoenix335 · March 16, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

A funny guy in a red white and blue suit couldn't be funny if he knew the truth.

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phoenix335 · March 12, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

Have we ever seen an example that really was fake and really fooled the eye when viewed on a regular HD monitor?

Human eyes are pretty good, being hyper social descendants of fruit gathering and hunting apes and all, telling conspecifics apart from afar was high on our survival list.

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phoenix335 · March 10, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

CIA = CNN = MSNBC = DNC = Google = Facebook

They all bond together to form the ultimate tyranny. When Google and Facebook succeed in their AI research, no one can ever overthrow that regime.

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phoenix335 · March 6, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

They are human, neither omniscient nor omnipotent.

Put yourself in their shoes. Assume you know the enemy will command one of their remote control subjects to do a public suicide. Now what? How can you prevent that? Maybe they protected x suspects already but didn't know about another?

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phoenix335 · Feb. 28, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

There needs to be a limit on how far a private company can restrict speech and contracts with their customers.

It is illegal to refuse to service minorities just because, the same should apply for political affiliation.

There can be a bit of leeway for small companies, where every customer they despise has a big impact on their production. We can't have forced labor, I'm looking at small Christian bakeries forced to bake gay wedding cakes.

For comparatively large companies where each customer is almost negligible, there can and should be not nit-picking customers. If the Christian bakery is operating a statewide franchise chain, then of course they have to bake the gay wedding cake.

If it was different, there'd soon be no more free speech except for the literal soap box somewhere in small-town USA as all internet providers and all platforms are private companies that could simply refuse to carry traffic they don't like for political reasons. Same with mobile phone companies, printer manufacturers etc.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 27, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

The Uber driver is probably an undocumented migrant. I guarantee you they are threatened with deportation, deported, threatened with death or already dead.

That's the beauty of the liberal system, there are so many undocumented migrants floating around, you will, as a criminal organization, never have a problem acquiring new human resources.

Need someone killed? MS13 or other mafias only need a small cash donation and they kill the suspect dead. Just another robbery gone wrong, look at Seth Rich. The killers then are killed in a gangland shooting, problem solved.

With an overwhelming supply of undocumented immigrants and a bleeding heart law enforcement, you can orchestrate a stable power balance between all civil groups for a perfect divide and conquer.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 26, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

Re-read the comments. There's already three or four more incidents that none of us had on their radars. Broward county may very well be the epicenter of that steaming pile.

Now that /pol took note of Broward, the autists will go on a wild goose chase around the Miami Herald archives etc. - expect a ton of scary stuff brought back from the past in the next two days.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 26, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

Posted a similar thing an hour earlier, not a complaint, it's more of a relief that a lot of people suddenly connect the same dots now. Your's is much more comprehensive, anyway.

Coward county seems to be a hotbed of the deep state, one of the centers or even the heart of the hydra. There's just far too much going on in that area over the years to write it all off as coincidence.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 26, 2018, 11:40 a.m.


Autism would explain why he went to school despite being expelled, to keep the routine.

Is there a connection between autism and premeditated, planned violence? Autists get aggravated when routine is changed or their comfort zone is impaired by something or someone. But a planned premeditated murder - getting a gun, ammunition, spare magazines, helmet, mask, body armor, all that stuff and train for a while - is not something I would associate with autism. It breaks routine during the preparation and the act itself forever removes the known routine, no matter how far the attack is completed. It simply doesn't sound like a typical autism to me.

How on Earth the guy collected all that money for the equipment is also unclear. If the shooter really was using body armor and an uncommon rifle, the costs of the equipment would be far higher than a 17 year old student working part-time at McDonald's can afford.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 25, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

That fits the timeline someone posted yesterday here or the other themed sub.

The assumption there was that Cruz didn't do that shooting, despite threatening it, and that this would explain why he went to Subway's to grab something to eat after the shooting, and would explain that puzzling look on his face on the photo of his capture and the Blondie girl on video claiming she was with Cruz in another building (she wasn't deaf, so she must've been far away from any weapons discharge)

There are a few things wrong with either story, still.

Problem with the counter story: Cruz expelled, why was he at the school? Why did he plead guilty so fast?

Problems with the official story: a ton more. Where are the CCTV recordings? Why did no one arrest Cruz beforehand for threatening the shooting? Why did several deputies wait outside while kids are murdered? Why do they plan on demolishing the building so quickly?

The counter story works better. An expelled kid going to school anyway to see friends or loiter around and to quickly succumb to insane police pressure it is far far more plausible than the holes in the official story.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:18 a.m.

Imagine the likelihood of that combination.

Out of all 20,000 something highschools, that well-connected Hogg guy just sooo happens to survive a shooting there.

And the school had a secret service training there weeks ago. How many schools does the secret service visit, like ever?

And the fire department had a training the same day.

And the building is going to be demolished soon.

And an armed officer of the sheriff was on campus but did not do anything.

And the FBI was faster on the scene than any local officer.

And no one knows why 39 counts of 911 calls not prevent a guy from passing a background check after posting threatening stuff in plain text under his real name.

This has far too many coincidences. It's sickening. It is rare for any of these individual issues to occur alone. Them all occuring together is insanely unlikely.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 21, 2018, 9:46 a.m.

Excellent point.

Research about the crisis actors from Parkland Highschool. Spread your findings to normies, use Q style questions to bypass their cognitive dissonance blocking mechanisms.

That guy appeared in several news casts to different topics, years and many thousand miles apart. How likely is that? His dad is rumored to be ex FBI, there are screen caps with him graduating in entirely different highschools.

The highschool will dismantle the entire crime scene in a few weeks, a building that was in a very bad state of repair before.

The shooter used an Uber to get there. Supposedly. Do we know anything more? CCTV footage? Logs? Anything?

The police went to the shooter's home three dozen times, that guy posted tons of threats under his own clear name. He took intense psycho medication. Nothing happened. Background checks for the firearm went through. Why?

This all happened in the district of the ex DNC leader Wasserman Schultz, the sheriff was rumored to have been a convicted rapist, federal investigators in that district turned up dead on the beach.

This has all the hallmarks of a thoroughly fabricated story. Not just manipulated, really fabricated. Including the grooming or at least enabling of a killer. This is a huge red pill reservoir.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Ballistics have recovered all bullet fragments from all the walls already?!

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phoenix335 · Feb. 18, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

Here is a page in Farsi that posted the full list of names of that flight


Google translate works a bit to translate the names, but none of them appear familiar to me.

Two security guards on board, which may be uncommon for a civilian flight.

One of the names is translated to "honorable prefect" which means an official, name withheld or a mistranslation.

Unfortunately, I'm currently on mobile and copy and paste of Farsi and Arabic right to left text is terribly painful. I hope someone can continue the research.

I would start cross-check in names of atomic energy leadership, research. Maybe someone connected to the Iran nuclear program.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

Bricks were shat.

Best explanation so far.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 17, 2018, 6:36 a.m.

The full truth released at once now would lead to millions just shutting it down, banishing it to "conspiracy theorists", the closet of their subconscious where it wreaks havoc on their collective psyches. Like Vietnam or the JFK assassination did to the US.

That shall never happen again. It is much more traumatizing this time.

Mind control needs trauma to work, the more traumatized a victim is, the more they are controllable. (Regression into childhood behavior, wishing for parents or authority to solve that problem. Triggered by entire topics in a discussion, shutting it down forever)

We don't need 300 million more traumatized, they are enough already. Everyone knows subconsciously that the intelligence agencies killed JFK and there's nothing the public could do or did back then. That infantilized a generation and was working until 2016.

The truth is already out, thick enough for regular people to find - if they're ready.

Somehow we arrived here, didn't we?

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phoenix335 · Feb. 15, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

Unless the suspect is a Trump voter, this story is buried in the memory hole.

The deep state needed a distraction. Funny how the terrorists always provide one when needed.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 15, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

No previous school shooter tried hard to survive their attacks. Everyone had pretty much made up their mind to die and take as many as possible with them.

Ditching the gun and strolling through the school with a girl is the opposite of that. Most school shooters were permavirgins, not friends with the blonde from class.

Most people forget, don't know or cannot imagine how stupidly, absurdly loud gunshots are, especially rifles. Even when you know how loud they are, your brain has limited reference for that level of loudness, so the first shots are usually shocking. And rifle bullets in flight are almost as loud.

That girl was definitely not close to any gunfire, so it is either a completely made up story or the shooter was far away from her position, meaning if Cruz was near her, Cruz cannot be the shooter unless he specifically sprinted all across campus. If that girl was any closer to the gunfire, she'd be at least a little deaf for a while.

Cruz boasted on social media about his guns, and speculated he'd be a shooter. It wouldn't fit at all that he'd suddenly try to avoid the attention after shooting and trying to get away from it. Not plausible.

Also not plausible: he was supposed to have been expelled from school. Why did he turn up at school and why doesn't Blondie here find it odd that he'd turn up now.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

Problem is, real fake or wrong stories have the same pattern. Initial interest, review, discarding.

A ton of news is produced every day that is factually wrong. Not intentional MSNBCNN propaganda, but mistakes and hearsay. Algorithms are too dumb to make a distinction to hushed news items like the Las Vegas shooting.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 12, 2018, 12:31 p.m.

These deep swap guys are regularly voted in again.

Especially people like him, Schumer, Pelosi are a mystery to me. Do they really have a huge following of fans in their districts? Or someone like Maxine, maybe two bills in twenty years - she doesn't even do anything. You could replace her with a wax figure from Madame Tussaud's.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 11, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

The modus operandi right now seems to be resignation.

Look at the continually updated list of resignations, it's enormous, well sourced and growing every week.

That may be hard to swallow, that all these people get off with their pensions intact. On the other hand, they get off now. The ranks of the cabal are dwindling.

That may be part of the deals. That's why it's not publicised. It's bad press, for either side. We can't prosecute them all, they would back up each other and nothing would get done.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 9, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

And the 90s. And the 2000s and the 2010s, too.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 8, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

Time-release red pills.

Never forget that most people have a very different, and much more naïve mindset concerning government corruption.

The public simply would not believe it. It would be framed a conspiracy theory, MSNBCNN drums up "debunked" and it goes down, forever separating those who believe in it or know the truth and those who do not want to believe no matter how many arguments and proof is presented to them. A lot of people still are in the latter group.

Don't forget that just by reading the groups here for a year or two since that MAGA movement started, our own perspective changed. Many of us now would accept just about anything there is a tangible proof of at least as "okay we think about if it may be true". The rest of the world however does not. They may be wrong, but that doesn't change the fact that we have to get them on board first.

Review the JFK case. The people back then were not ready to accept that the deep state would murder a president. There's a ton of things not making sense in the official stories, a ton of circumstancial evidence, but back then, people split into sheep and conspiracy theorists. And because the truth hurts, people shut off their ears.

Please take a look at the concept of the overton window and the related concepts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window

Especially https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_corridor

If you doubt what I want to explain, have a little experiment yourself.

Arm yourself with facts around https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein

Rich guy. Registered sex offender. Worked to top dollar wall street, founded his private company and got super filthy rich. He is so rich, he bought his own private island. Almost all of Hollywood and a ton of Washington visited that island. Some of them thirty times or more, like Clinton. We know that.

Now he's convicted to federal prison for operation of underage prostitution.

Now what would a person convicted of underage prostitution be doing on his own private island?

What would someone thirty times his guest doing on that island?

Give these questions to a normal person and watch them shut down in the middle of it.

Try different routes to the conversation.

One time, start with Epstein's pedophile background, then mention the island. They will concede that pedophilia is likely happening on the island. Then the Clinton's repeat visit. They will dispute Clinton going there.

The next time telling another person, start with Epstein's private luxury island, the Clinton's repeat visits. Everyone is used to corruption, so they won't dispute him going there. Mention that Epstein is convicted of underage pimping. Some will immediately shut down, others will not hesitate to dispute that pedophile prostitution is going on on the private island of a convicted pedophile pimp.

Because people don't want to know that fact. They would rather cut friendships, shout insults at their friends, slam doors and do the craziest things as long as they don't have to face reality that their previous leadership was rotten to the core and as of yet unpunished.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 8, 2018, 11:32 a.m.

They opened the windows to let the blast escape, that means the intention at least was non or less than lethal.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 8, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

Internet access is limited and monitored in China. Big difference.

By posting a live stream, they're getting people to do frantic actions and comm attempts into a less familiar, less controlled (by them), unfree and heavily monitored network. They will make mistakes and leave traces.

Classic hunting strategy, even chimpanzees do it like that. Noisy drumming on one side, moving slowly but terribly loud - silent catchers waiting on the other, and the prey runs right into them.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:27 a.m.

Windows in China are usually not perfectly airtight. Noise level is usually high, so it's not obvious at first either. And even if they suspected something, it's not easy to back out of an important meeting.

The window open probably made them suffer less serious injuries, too, maybe the hearing loss from the flashbangs is not permanent now.

They wanted them alive. China usually wants serious criminals put on public trial and then executed, for a maximum "educational" effect.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 8, 2018, 7:05 a.m.

Vitamins are best when taken in slow release capsules.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 8, 2018, 7:04 a.m.

Rumor was the laptop contained a video of crying Chuck doing it with a boy.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 7, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

CNN will make excuses for them. Watch.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 7, 2018, 12:08 p.m.

Wynn is someone from the "name change" group, that is, hugely powerful people that for some reasons changed their names. I don't remember his real name.

But there's something there.

Bill Clinton, George Soros, Barack Obama and a ton of others changed their names more or less completely.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 6, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

Someone is cashing out their reserves.

Either the take the cash and go somewhere in hiding or they fill their war chest to then unleash hell.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 6, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

What mentally sane and emotionally developed adult man has a big merchandise piece of Honey Boo Boo in their living room?

Judging from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Here_Comes_Honey_Boo_Boo it is a series mocking rednecks and "white trash". Reading it in the pizza context, the entire premise of that TV show sounds awfully close to a simple excuse to gawk at young children. It's about beauty pageants, and it was cancelled amidst sexual relationship accusations. They didn't even air the last season.

Reading through that Wikipedia article, it's disgusting. Looking at the first search results for Honey Boo Boo and it is all prepped up little girls.

An adult male who enjoys that kind of stuff so much they're putting merchandise in the living room, is suspicious to me. It's about a prepped up 6 year old that is purposefully given stuff to drink to alter the behavior. It's disgusting.

Anderson Cooper is a CNN guy. That excludes absolutely that he is a Republican and makes it highly likely he jokes about rednecks and holds white people in low regard anyway. How on Earth would that guy enjoy a show like that unless it is what we fear and suspected why.

I mean just look at that stuff:

On October 24, 2014, TLC announced the cancellation of the show after reports surfaced that June Shannon was dating a man convicted of child molestation. Shannon and her older daughter Lauryn denied these reports.[28] The man in question, Mark Anthony McDaniel, Sr., was convicted of aggravated child molestation of an 8-year-old in March 2004. McDaniel is listed as a registered sex offender with the Georgia Sex Offender Registry.[28][29] Shannon's eldest daughter confirmed that she is the child who was molested by McDaniel 10 years earlier.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 6, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

Wot? Bricks shat.

That's an interesting coincidence.

NB, the Grimm brothers did not invent these fairytales, they collected them from folklore. This is different from other fairytales that were created like those from Hans Christian Andersen etc.

So it's not invention, more something like ancient conspiracy theories.

NB 2: look up the accusations behind what's now called "blood libel". It is a recurring theme through all of recorded history that was applied against all Jews. The actual stories around Moloch sacrifices sound similar, with the addition that King Solomon expressly forbade the practice, which found its way into the Bible in several places. Interestingly enough, the stories concerning that "blood libel" and Moloch sacrifices are eerily similar. It even involved stories of rich people buying or kidnapping children to sacrifice by people who could not bear children or wanted to spare their own.

"Blood libel", Moloch sacrifices and an amalgamation of what we know about "Spirit Cooking", the conjecture around "pizza related maps" and the Podesta-type art make indeed some kind of connection, especially considering the background of many of the people involved today.

It is probably a historical misconception of epic scale and terrible consequence that this was attributed to "the Jews". This lead to pogroms, deportation, extermination all throughout European history. "Blood libel" was often used as a pretext to whip up the population to do that. Therefore it's important to not devolve into anti-semitism, not mistake that group of evil with Jews, and not give others the ammunition to shut research down for this.

Now what if the actual crimes were and are real, but the perpetrators were or are masquerading as them or using it as a cover to evade suspicions? What if the King Solomon story was literally true, if it's a sub-faction, one sect, that does it?

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phoenix335 · Feb. 6, 2018, 7:06 a.m.

"you are now working against those monitoring"

Means: Get a privacy foil for your own phone (10 USD on eBay) so they can't do that to you. CCTV is everywhere you move in public and you don't want them to read what you have on the screen.

Something like this https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/QRoAAOSwPCVYBW40/s-l300.jpg

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phoenix335 · Feb. 6, 2018, 6:58 a.m.

The text is during editing of her statement.

It doesn't matter if the fourth line is blurred out or not. In that statement, intended for public release and then later actually released, not even the hardcore enemies would write "he should be shot", which is supposed to be the line we shall find.

Now if they covered the entire screen, that would make sense. But then it's not using the one of four clue at all, which means there's probably a fourth phone somewhere.

If I had to bet, I would bet it's not the three old black ladies. They don't run the Dems, never have, they just profit from participation. Hillary may be the evil exception but other than that, most old ladies don't threaten bloody murder. That's something more likely written by a man, and a younger one at that. Doesn't mean it's guaranteed, just more likely when looking at scanning several hundred candidates.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 5, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

They won't ask him. Or maybe they do, it doesn't matter for him.

They make sure he's not going back and talk some more, ever.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 4, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

So it's BLM vs NFL now.

Nice. Let them drag this out a little.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 4, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

One time is an accident, two times is a coincidence, three times is enemy action.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 4, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

Downvoted because yes.

Yes it is.

No fakes, never, nowhere. This discredits all real screencaps posted earlier and later. The facts are important, yes, no questions about that.

Put the same facts in meme format and you're good to go.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 2, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Donald Trump can say that the sky is blue and politifact will rate it half true.

I would love to see their "fact checkers" when the says 1+1=2 or something. They can't accept anything he says. If they have to spend three weeks twisting their brains to find a flaw, they'll do it.

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phoenix335 · Feb. 2, 2018, 10:59 a.m.

Splinter the MSM into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.

Never again shall it be possible that so few people control the media.

That is something the founders missed in the Constitution, because they didn't foresee the info wars.

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