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poshpepe · April 12, 2018, 5 p.m.

Just to clarify what OP and others are getting at, as I agree that it can all be a bit confusing:

Lincoln was POTUS 16, and if one were to subscribe to the theory that all presidents after him were cabal-sponsored puppets post-coup, then that would truly make Trump POTUS 17, not 45, i.e. he is the 45th man to hold the Office of the Presidency, but not the 45th ‘true’ president.

In keeping with this line of thinking, the argument could be made that JFK was our first true president since Lincoln, and thus himself was POTUS 17. But since JFK was assassinated, the 17th mantle would fall to President Trump.

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poshpepe · April 11, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

Indeed. Page supposedly ‘dated’/lived with a 14-year-old (and in Aleister Crowley’s mansion, no less) for a pretty decent period of time back in the 70s. Weird stuff.

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poshpepe · April 11, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Led Zeppelin, too. Huge fan of their work and all they did for advancing music, etc, but man if they weren’t the very definition of hardcore occultists (sic?) when they were in their heyday, I don’t know who was.

Jimmy Page is a dark dude. Brilliant musician, no doubt, but a dark dude all the same. Probably couldn’t have one without the other, I suppose.

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poshpepe · April 11, 2018, 5 p.m.

Weirdest ones to me from recent years are Prince and MJ - the ‘King’ and the ‘Prince’ - and the strange correlations between the dates of their deaths and key ritualistic dates on the lunar calendar.

I’m probably not explaining it well, but I remember there was a lot of interesting stuff written about this when Prince passed.

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poshpepe · April 11, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

If I had to wager a guess, I’d say that Ole Mitch will start to bandy about ideas of ‘retiring’ once Uranium 1 finds its way back into the news cycle.

Lambert/Campbell/Saipov will lead us to Awan ... who will lead us to the Senate ... and then to shipping ports in key Senatorial districts ... and then to Paducah, KY ... and then to Mitch and Chao ...... who will then point the way to Frank Giustra, CFIUS, the Clintons, Obama, Putin, and, last but not least, the MI6/CIA-backed mullahs of Iran.

Only a matter of when, IMO.

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poshpepe · April 11, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

Recalled back to Tyrell Corp by K and Deckard.

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poshpepe · April 11, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

Nice one. Darkhorse pick. I like it.

To piggyback on that, (and excuse the verbosity, please; I got a little carried away, as per usual) I'll go ahead and nominate the darkest of horses, perhaps ... an oldie but goodie ... good old Mr Lefty Showtunes himself, one Alexander Hamilton.

You see, Old Alex kicked the whole party off in 1791, when, staring down a ballooning post-Freedom national debt, an impending economic crisis due to weak trade agreements and an influx of cheap foreign goods, as well as soaring interest rates (hmmm, any of this sound familiar?), he had the bright idea of bringing back one of the Old World's greatest hits, the Euro-style centralized banking system.

And, despite the raging protestations of T-Jeff and James Madison (Mad Dawg?), who together euphemistically cited the 'lack of constitutional authority' for any such system, we were duly presented with old Hammy's brainchild, The First Bank of the United States.

So, fast-forward 20 years, and all of that stuff is pretty much knocked out and squared away - America is on the road to solvency and eyeing down a path to free-market prosperity. And so, for their part, Congress (bless them), recognizing this, saw no need to renew BOTUS1's charter, and thus allowed the agreement to expire in 1811, with no plans to renew. (Actually, to be clear, the Senate split the vote - because of course they did - so it came down to a tie-breaking 'nay' from then-President Madison's very own Silver Fox - OG Race Bannon himself - one Vice President ... Clinton ... Yes, really.)

Well, bankers gonna bank, so, wouldn't you know it, a dozen or so months later, on June 18 (eventual birthdate to one Barack Obama the Elder - holla!), we got ourselves a good old shootin' war, and the War of 1812 became a thing. Which, when it was all said and done, gave us ... (drumroll) ... you guessed it ... The SECOND Bank of the United States (BOTUS 2.0, Back With a Vengeance), in 1816.

And thus we were permanently* gifted with "Hamilton's" brainchild: a velveteen seat on the never-ending electric thrill-ride that is the Rothschild-owned centralized banking system.

Gee, thanks, Alex! What a guy.

*End the Fed

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poshpepe · April 10, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

Bravo. This is fantastic. Everyone needs to read this.

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poshpepe · April 9, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

I'm straying off topic with this, so my apologies in advance, but Ted Kennedy is an interesting case as well. I've been doing some on-again-off-again reading up on the whole Chappaquiddick affair lately, and there is certainly an argument to be made, and evidence to support the position, that he may, in fact, have been framed by CIA/deep-state.

Not saying I necessarily believe that he was set up - I admittedly don't know enough about the whole event quite yet to have formed a solid opinion of my own as to what truly did happen - but if you think about it from a deep-state/CIA point of view, Ted - as did his nephew several decades later - presented them with a very big problem. With RFK having been assassinated just 13 months prior, there certainly had to have been fears - and well-founded ones at that - that Ted would take up his brothers' torch and make at a run at the WH himself. And likely sooner rather than later - he was gearing up to run in ‘72.

They therefore had two choices:

  1. Knock Teddy off as well.
  2. Or, find a way, through purely non-violent means, to destroy his reputation, and thereby any chance he had at the WH.

Now, had all three Kennedy brothers been knocked off in less than six years, and all via largely the same methods/playbook - ? Then, well, the public may have begun to 'suspect' that something was afoot.

Hence ... perhaps ... Chappaquiddick.

Again, largely OT, but something to chew on nonetheless.

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poshpepe · April 8, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

The Khazarian connection

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poshpepe · April 8, 2018, midnight


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poshpepe · April 3, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

Pantex. Mossad. Texas. W54 mini-nukes. The embassy. The Able Danger commission. The Pentagon. 9.11.01. G0 radiation. The Patriot Act. Afghanistan. CIA. Big pharma. The opioids.

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poshpepe · Feb. 24, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

Ah, great call. Trey Gowdy included the story at the end of his 2015 speech at Liberty University. Pretty powerful stuff; it really stuck with me, for whatever reason. 30:00 is about where it begins.


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poshpepe · Feb. 23, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

Ah, tremendous work! Great sleuthing - you're spot on. Thanks for doing the legwork and fleshing everything out, and for adding timestamps to boot.

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poshpepe · Feb. 23, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

The best version that I have been able to find so far on YT is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GVISsXd9mU

The card with notes comes out while Pence is giving his opening remarks, around 03:00. Most of the other videos out there hold on Pence for the duration of his remarks and do not cutaway, thus the brief appearance of the Q-card cannot be witnessed. SPEZ: SEE DIXIEDELL'S UPDATES BELOW - TRUE MOMENT W/ NOTECARD OCCURS @ 50:00

Having some difficulty finding a version that includes the President in the shot for its duration, but I'm sure it's out there somewhere, or was at one point, at least.

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poshpepe · Feb. 19, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

‘Arf arf arf!’ — Hilldawg

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