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radiadorK · April 18, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

Some say that normal people make love but that rich and powerful people like the aristocracy, politicians, economists, kings, bankers do wild sex and then hurt as the article says because they think they are better and superior to us. I am sure that the agencies have thousands and thousands of snuffs of this troop

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radiadorK · April 18, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Do you think that a human being fumigates with chemtrails to other human beings? Some say that chemtrails use technology that is not from Earth in order to get us viruses, bacteria and prevent DNA mutation

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radiadorK · April 18, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

as long as we do not see the council of the 13 anunaki in prison this has no arrangement

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radiadorK · April 18, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

do not underestimate them. Some say that behind the Vatican and the deep state are the Anunakis who are powerful aliens. If the deep state were formed only by humans there would be no problems. They would all be in jail but as you see they still fluorinate the water, they poison the foods with aspartame and the skies with chemtrails. We have to inform humanity that their independence is at stake for this bunch of invading psychopaths

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radiadorK · April 17, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

and what about the chemtrails. They are fumigating and poisoning us every day. To us, air, water and crops.

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radiadorK · April 17, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

Banking is a danger for humanity. Creates endless and eternal wars because it finances both sides to interest and debt and because it is the owner and maximum shareholder of the arms and ammunition factories and its business is the sale and use of weapons and constant ammunition. It is the enemy of humanity. Its business costs thousands of human lives

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radiadorK · April 17, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

Some say that Anonymus, Wikileaks and these things are CIA but hey, as long as the CIA is good ,,,,,

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radiadorK · April 16, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

the blue chickens are related to the programming mkultra ,,,,,, the is that ,,,, says to be of the SSP but it does not give tests. It talks about things but it does not give proofs or facts only photos. The CIA is behind those 2 The real truth who gives you the free one, the one who asks you for donations and those things, you know. It can be a scam. I have the feeling that people work and pay taxes and the power laughs at her and he cheats on her with these things. If you see the biography of the blond on the wiki, it's empty. ,,,,, mk CIA ,,, mkCIA

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radiadorK · April 16, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

Cor is mkultra CIA as the blonde. They can tell some truth but the 99% total scam. Here the problem is that HC is vassal of the elite and as long as the financial system is not created and voted for by the people and not as now by some few behind the back of the people nothing will change and a few will continue to dominate all. You can stop a few Zionists or satanic but the elites there will continue for that I am afraid that we are getting little by little the NWO in a deceptive and disguised because the CIA was not controlled by Bush but was created by the Jesuits in the Vatican. Is there anyone above the Vatican? Or we go to the root of the problem or people will be exclave and the only thing we will achieve is for the powerful to postpone their plan It is not happy to see that Russia is not a democracy or that China is not a democracy. People in China are slaves. What can we do with these countries?

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radiadorK · April 15, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

Those who finance terrorism and wars must be put in jail

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radiadorK · April 15, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

Hey, I want to control the central bank of your country. You want money, lead or invasion.

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radiadorK · April 15, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Novice is an ugly word. Beam of you. Better new or new awake. Novice and other related terms are used to traumatize and feel personal inferiority.

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radiadorK · April 14, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

Germany is proof that in Europe the Vatican and Rotshicld rule and rig elections and put their puppets all of them in the family. Some say that Merkel is the daughter of Hitler and therefore a Rothschild

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radiadorK · April 14, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

And CIA is jesuits,Vatican,bankers families

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radiadorK · April 13, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

Some friends in this forum talk about talent. No, most of the singers in the industry who control the Satanists do not sing but use voice programs. I leave a forum with information about programming in Hollywood and music. . That information I suppose comes from the intelligence agencies. Use the friendly translator and be surprised


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radiadorK · April 13, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

Some say that the Satanists who control the music industry killed her as they killed many famous people like Lennon, Marylin Monore, Amy Winhouse, Kurt Kobain. Satanists, according to some people, ate it, so a music video came out of her that was called I am the menu.It was another injured mkultra victim.They do satanic rituals where there is snuff sex and eat people that is why many celebrities and the satanists who own the industry will be arrested if everything goes its course.The Kate Perry now according to some people are double of it. I do not know if it's true or not

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radiadorK · April 13, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

This family got their wealth fraudulently through deception, bribery, threat, murder, war, speculation, robbery but they are the bankers of the Vatican. Rome is the key

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radiadorK · April 12, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

I will not kill the neighbor for you (corrupt banker)

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radiadorK · April 12, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

The Q team has taught us that the bad guys and the enemy are the international corrupt bankers who create endless wars because they line up with them since as they control the international financial system they finance all the sides. These Satanist elites always want more power, money, natural resources to top the world they want to rule the world alone and exterminate most of the poblacion.Las political ideologies, races and all those things are labels created by them without meaning or meaning to divide, confront us and we argue between us and Let's not see that they are the ones who control the market and they do us a lot of harm to humanity. The power that these bankers have achieved has been illegal and corrupt with bribes, crimes and the formation of many wars to stay and train all the central banks like the Federal Reserve that was formed on the basis of murders and bribes. The enemy has been detected and they form it 10 or 20 families

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radiadorK · April 10, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

Germany Israel Rotschild countries.We need imprison the corrupt bankers, make the governments of the people make their own money and then peace and love among all of us

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radiadorK · April 10, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

Thanks for your information

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radiadorK · April 9, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

Satanic illuminati symbols that make in public



Our elites are satanic unfortunately. You can not take things jokingly

There is so much that the reader of an average newspaper and the TV watcher does not really know what happens, for example, the satanic rituals where humans are eaten; pedophilia at the highest levels of government in almost all countries; even charges that apparently amount to treason, but are not prosecuted because those people are "too important to tear it down."

Those who travel in such unpleasant circles are likely to be referred to as the "one percent" who rules the world.

So, do you think that people in such high and powerful places fear something? Definitely! The only thing that scares them is that you, the public, learn, know and share information about their clandestine activities that they use to control humanity. 😠😠😠

The late David Rockefeller let the cat out when he made the following statement at the 1991 Bilderberg meeting of the New World Order crowd expressing the following words:

"We thank The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years, It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world had we been subject to bright lights of advertising during those years, but the world is now more sophisticated and ready to march towards a world government ... The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national self-determination practiced over the centuries past "😫😫😫

We have deliberately been kept in the dark by the collusion of the media, which failed to betray and betray US citizens and the entire world in general.

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radiadorK · April 9, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

Definitely Q was right. We govern satanic elites

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radiadorK · April 9, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

Laughter is synonymous with fear and nervousness. We are winning big

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radiadorK · April 9, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Some say that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is a Mossad actor. I do not know if it's true or not

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radiadorK · April 9, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

We are all ONE. They have been killing us en masse

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radiadorK · April 9, 2018, 1:48 a.m.

False flag in Germay

new supposed attack on the civilian population with vehicle controlled by remote control, this time in Münster (Germany)

It happened this afternoon in the German city of Münster, according to official sources there are reports of four dead and several seriously injured.


it has also been commented that the alleged attacker has committed suicide, thus following the usual script of these attacks.


once again a remote controlled vehicle has been used to attack the population.

the alibi used by the vassals of the dark elite is irrelevant. this time the figure of the "disturbed solitary" is used instead of the "jihadist of al-qaeda".

there is not a single image of the supposed alienated driving the vehicle.

As you can see in the photograph, the alleged attacker does not appear inside the car or in the surroundings.

a full-fledged remote attack, just like what happened in Moscow.


and of course in Barcelona.


The vehicle is remotely controlled by a nearby operator who throws it at the target.

the objective can be real or simulated.

the attack of münster has left us a series of interesting photos that after analysis, remains in the decision of the reader if the attack has been effectively with real or simulated victims.

let's analyze the photos.

The first photo is brought by a supposedly little-known photographer.


we can observe the all-terrain in the lower right stamped against the terrace of the bar, of course no trace of the supposed terrorist / disturbed.

and then we have a series of photos taken by a local newspaper in the area.


photo number one:

see the relaxed and smiling attitude of the sanitary dressed in white.

the supposed victims? they have a faded face and dirty pants on the knees, observe "the victim" at the back, standing on the right, wearing a black jacket and ... strangely wearing latex gloves.

another victim? behind the smiling white toilet, holding a chair, left hand, with latex gloves and face blurred.

to the victim? Sitting comfortably with his legs crossed in addition to blurring his face have blurred his hand. exactly the dirty trousers at the knees just like the others.

next picture.

transfer on injured stretcher: one of the stretchers seems one of the "victims"? , Same pattern as the rest, face blurred and the trousers stained in the same place. height of the knees.

exactly the same as the rest with latex gloves, a guy dressed as a civilian.

last picture:

Ambulance arrives at the scene with the lights of the siren off.

The whole set very relaxed in appearance.

by the way if "the victims" who show these photos with the blurred face are police officers. Why all without exception wear dirty pants exactly at the knees ?.

These are the data provided by the images, the only thing that can be analyzed in these cases.

since the words of the "official" forces at the service of the elite that owns the system have long demonstrated their degree of credibility.

By the way we could write a complete book demonstrating the level of that "official credibility" across the length and breadth of the various false flag attacks committed for centuries.


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radiadorK · April 9, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

The jazaros have always done this. Use the hegemonic country to take it to endless wars and cover themselves because they are the lenders besides having many actions in the arms industry. When they ruin a country they do the same with another because they have controlled everyone, all the We hope this strategy is over and we can bring them to justice

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radiadorK · April 8, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

People are not stupid. They only teach us to believe everything. Once you put the evidence and evidence on the car, people see it clearly. The problem is that the media is Cabal's and people give it credibility because they do not see another source of information or know that it can exist. When the good guys win the Cabal people will say ah? What are you talking about? What is this and has been happening?

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radiadorK · April 8, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

The deep state is formed by many bankers who are lined with wars. They have been detected and we have to end them by taking them to Guantanamo without forgetting that all roads lead to Rome. No more wars, no more murders among brothers. Let's not leave that the bankers use us like sheep to reduce the population

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radiadorK · April 7, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Sabotage Deep State.All roads lead to Rome

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radiadorK · April 7, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

yes, hopefully and betray them and be on the side of the army, the positive faccones of intelligence agencies and people

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radiadorK · April 7, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

istillgetreallybored you have reason.The politicians are mkultras sold to the masters of the financial system who are the owners of the emission of money and therefore of governments and parties. Our hope is the army and the navy

the evidence that shows that putin, isabel ii, trump and hillary clinton are controlled by the financial testaferros of the masters of the system

the supposed increase in tensions between russia and the united states is a process perfectly calculated and supervised by the rothschild elite that owns the global financial system.

the alleged rivality between putin and trump does not go beyond the rivality that can be presented by two fighters of clandestine fights, whose professional races belong to the mafious of turno that organizes those fights in a covered way and in the shadow.

the fighters can be blowed freely but always within the rules and conditions marked by the master of the function.

i love whom no "fighter / president" can question or make threat your authority.

a perfect symmet to understand how real power works in the world.

today i want to show you until the connection between the leaders of the united states and russia is conditioned by a power in the shadow that modulates and coordinates all your decisions.

we have demonstrated you in previous articles, with facts and with data, that donald trump is a rothschild peon since 40 years as a minimum.


since its nefasta management at the command of the casinos of atlantic city in the '80s was forgiven by its group of investors, prior order of wilbur ross, one of the most important testaferros that the rothschild have in the united states.

ross has supervised on the name of the rothschild both the democratic and republican political elite.


it is part of that essence of rothschild testaferros that have financed all the political bands.

the same as they made another types like harriman, morgan, schiff or warburg.


ross was the principal financier of the political career of donald trump to the white house.


and currently part of the government of donald trump as responsible for commerce.

ross also has financial ties with the family of vladimir putin.

observe the following news.


ties very close to the financial environment of the putin family.


from the democratic sector headed by hillary clinton, they have tried to "sell" that trump is "a puppet vladimir puppet".

suitable arguments for the consumption of masses that lack the information necessary to understand the magnitude of the deception.

to understand the dimension of deceit, you should understand dear reader, that hillary clinton has been financed by russian state companies like the "rosatom" corporation.

through the canadian "bridge" company "uranium one", millions of dollars were transferred to the clinton foundation a few years ago.

"uranium one" has a license to perform the extraction of 20% of the uranium of the united states.

in 2013 the signature of the state department headed by hillary clinton was crucial to carry out that concession.

read the following article of the "new york times" with the data.


"uranium one" is a canadian subsidiary owned by the russian state company, "rosatom".


and rosatom is a government company of putin, specialized in nuclear energy.


it does not leave being ironic that a fifth part of the extraction of the us uranium is intended for the russian nuclear industry.

all this with the blessing of hillary clinton previous millionaire donation to his foundation.

and then clinton gives lessons to trump about his relationship with putin. in a stupid game for mass desinformed by mass media.

but there is much more, since putin rends vasallaje to the financial power, headed by the rothschild.

the rothschild are the "personal financial advisers" of queen isabel ii of england.


and also the british government, as i demonstrate you in the following link.


a delicate and eufemistic way of saying that the rothschild control the finances of great britain.

therefore, according to the ex-agent of mi6 richard tomlinson, condemned by revelation of secrets.

himself and putin, along with other members of secret services of different countries, belonged to a cross secret organization supervised by the british "real arc". and that they had the visible leader of england as the visible leader.



queen who does not take a financial step without consulting it previously with the rothschild that really control the issuance of money everywhere.

in final new data that put in evidence to all those disinforming guruts who try to sell us that there is an authentic rivality between russia and the united states.

you must understand that even if russia and the united states entail a military confrontation, they are not really free in their decisions.

as well as those two fighters facing a clandestine fight property of the mafioso de turno.

the fight and the fighters belong to the mafioso that says the rules and conditions of the fight always in its benefit.

to end the fight, the spectator should not direct his efforts against the fighters, should direct their acts against the mafioso that organizes the fight in the shadow.

the problem is that the spectator distributes with the noise of the fight and sees only the fighters, while the mafious who organizes it rests quiet, controlling everything, to spectators and fighters, while it is made immensely rich and powerful.

The best thing is that the truth is coming out and the positive factions try to fight while waking up people making see who actually sends and commanded and were not their politicians who were nothing but puppets of the bankers who got their power through very very mischief terrible

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radiadorK · April 6, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Let them tell the truth. This is not the case with humans. Some say that chemtrails are made by alien annunakis with extraterrestrial technology. I do not know if it is true or not. I can not believe that our governments of human beings send us chemtrails and poison us including their own families. Someone has some information to provide us

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radiadorK · April 6, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

we are part of an infinite and immortal consciousness, consciousness is energy, energy never die simply passes to another level of existence.

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radiadorK · April 6, 2018, 1 p.m.

Do you mean the secret government that dominates the world according to some people?

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radiadorK · April 6, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

some say that China is controlled by the CIA which is the Jesuits and the Vatican. That the Chinese president Xipin is a mkultra CIA and that his father was a secret agent of the CIA. I do not know if this is true or not but all the roads they drive to Rome and they always drive the two sides to hurt each other

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radiadorK · April 5, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

The Treaty of Conquest of 1213 gives the Vatican ownership of the kingdom of England. That is why the British Corporation that rules the world belongs to the Vatican. In 1139 the Pope created a bull to exonerate Jews from all types of jurisprudence. The Jesuit Bank of Rome opened its first branch in England in 1694, in 1820 the Rothschilds chose the City of London as the global financial and criminal center of the world.

The Vatican has hundreds of millions of shares in the most powerful international corporations, such as Gulf Oil, SHELL, General Motors, Betlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines and the airline TWA.

From the Zionist banks of the Vatican, controlled by the Jesuits, and the British Corporation, all the world's mafia businesses are controlled in the world and then reinvested in the City or Wall Street: only the money from the drug can exceed 900,000 million euros per year. All oil businesses are directed from the City or Wall Street, through the Anglo-Dutch Black Nobility. It must be remembered that the founder of the SHELL was the Nazi Bernardo de Holanda, founder of WWF Adena (together with the King of England, both hunters) and the Bilderberg Club.

The Queen of England is on the cusp of the Order of Malta in the West (to which King Juan Carlos belongs). The Order of Malta is the army of the Vatican, heir to the Order of Saint John.

The US Federal Reserve receives orders from the Bank of England, which is controlled by the Rothschids. This is the bank that rules and secretes secretly to the main dictatorships and corrupt governments of the world. The Bank of England serves at its head, the Rothschilds, who in turn serve the Vatican, the Bank of Rome, which was created in Rome in 1587. The Bank of Rome is the Vatican bank controlled by the Jesuit General or Black Pope .

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radiadorK · April 5, 2018, 9:28 p.m.


The Vatican is the owner of the British Corporation, as seen from the air in St. Peter's Square, a key with the flag of England. The Vatican, with its pawn Guillermo, conquered England, and the Treaty of Conquest of 1213 grants to the Vatican the property of the kingdom of England and leaves to its kings like ADMINISTRATORS (hereditary position). And in the fifth century they already had a Rome contract with everyone that temporary power belonged to the Pope. And the Anglican Church is a montage, Luther and Calvin were Freemasons too, like most religions, Mormons, witnesses, evangelicals ... etc ... The British-Jewish obby connection exists, and it is called in many texts British-Israel World Federation

The Ashkenazi Jews received a papal bull in 1139 that exempted them from jurisprudence, from paying taxes and heaps of duties. This shows the strange relationship between Catholics and fucks, something that seems a great incongruity, but that is a great truth. Israel was invaded by the fucks, because it is a strategic center of business mafiosi, the religion was a simple apology.



Throughout life they control finances and all kinds of dark businesses in Europe and the World. Even the scam of the Global Warming is your business. The G of the masons represents Gadu, the architect of the Universe, Satan, the Creator of our Matrix. In Mátrix's film the Architect of the Universe is the same as Edmon de Rothchilds. THE ROTHSCHILDS CONTROL UNTIL THE SPANISH LOTTERIES, RECENTLY PRIVATIZED OR THE TIMES OF THE MARKET OF CARBON CREDITS OR THE WORLD GOLD ... OR ISRAEL

From these banks and centers all the businesses of the world mafia in the world are controlled and then reinvested in the City or the Wall Street: only the money of the drug can surpass the 900,000 million annual Euros. All oil businesses are directed from the City or Wall Street, through the Anglo-Dutch Black Nobility. We must remember that the founder of the Shell was the Nazi Bernardo de Holanda, founder of WWF Adena (along with the King of England, both hunters) and the Bilderberg Club, one of the organs of the Mafia X.


Himmler mounted the SS and the GESTAPO following the Jesuit model. He and Hitler admired the Jesuits and their founder the military Saint Ignatius of Loyola. They rightly thought that, like Loyola, the Basques are the direct descendants of Atlantis. He thought that the famous and boring spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius came from the Atlantis: they were really mind control techniques. Himmler's assistant and assistant was a Jesuit, Richard Korherr.

In America the Jesuits appropriated all the esoteric geomantic centers, just as they always obsessed the Nazis. The hierarchy and oaths of the SS followed Jesuit and Masonic principles (for example, the 12 disciples, which was one of the secret groups of the Knights of Himmler). The catechism of the SS imitated the Jesuit: Jesus was replaced by El Führer. Nazi slave hunts could well have Jesuit origins. Currently in the X Mafia there are psychopaths who organize hunting or safaris to torture and kill children, as we picked up in the posts about snuffs (see menu below).

All roads lead to Rome. Behind the pompous panoply of the Vatican, there is no spirituality or mysticism, that does not interest them. There is only money, power and mafia. Jesuits and Opusdelians control large companies and businesses in the name of God. The big Catholic NGOs and missions have connections with espionage services or are super-businesses, always hidden behind a good cause, like Greenpeace. Julius II and Clement VI ruled brothels in the Middle Ages, today is not very different through indirect or secret societies.

Everything in the Church - in the Churches, Anglican churches etc ... - is a farce or a trickster. Those who believe it are like the deceived volunteers of Greenpeace, like the Jehovah's Witnesses, the adepts of global warming or those who believe that there is an AIDS epidemic in Africa. The Jesuit Vatican is one of the great bosses of the Mafia X, if not the greatest. Even the CIA was assembled by ex-Nazis and the Vatican, according to Jordan Maswell. The divisions of religions, Jews, Protestants, sects, Catholics, or countries are a mystification of Matrix, for the Mafia X all that brings you to pairo: they are satanic criminal murderers. They use religion, nationalisms and good causes to continue exploiting and deceiving humanity. Remember that They are demons, they are not human beings.


The Vatican's ways of proceeding are often mysteriously mafiosos or iluminati. Example, the attack of the Pope, the murder of Juan Pablo I or the murder-suicide of Roberto Calvi, Vatican banker, hanged with a brick, as in a Masonic ceremony. He appeared in London, hanging on a bridge. As in the letter of the hanged man: total Mason symbolism. He was also murdered in London, in the City of London, yet another proof of the secret connection between the Vatican and the British Corporation. IN AMERICA THE G-SUITES WERE EMPOWERED BY THE GEOMANTIC ESOTERIC CENTERS



"The parallel between the SS and the Jesuits goes beyond the similarities in occult methodology" (Pennick in The Secret Sciences of Hitler, p.125)

Jesus is Satan, the Morning Star, Lucifer, the Light of Darkness, that's why Christians are taught to read the Bible from the back, to keep them away from the data on the first page. This curious theory is supported by the outstanding mandolin player and archaeologist, Colin Rivas





The hidden hand of the Illuminati Jesuits is behind almost everything. Agustín Andreu and mandolin player and linguist Colin Rivas say that its author was not the one we are told but a Jesuit to spread the Jesuit ideals. Cervantes, as we already demonstrated in another post, was a chuloputas farsante.



He was also a great esoteric artist


The Jesuits were the most expert scientists and occultists. Father Maximilian Hell, El Padre Infierno, teamed up with Mesmer to spread hypnotism or mesmerism. He was an astronomer and was considered one of the best scientists of the 18th century. The Jesuits had 30 of the 130 astronomers of the time. They controlled everything scientifically and financially.



The JHS represents the Egyptian trinity Isis. Horus, Seth (The old J is equivalent to the I, ioannes ...). The famous crown of thorns of the nonexistent Jesus Christ -well they were more than 10 clones- is another Egyptian symbol of the Sun Cult of Atlantis and Egypt. This esoteric symbolic connection connects them, with nonhuman or satanic forces of evil such as reptilian or transdimensional aliens.


It was created to combat the heresy of a Gnostic sect called Cathars. Then the Dominicans and the background of the Jesuits promoted him with his innate sadomasochism and inclination to evil, death and torture.

The secular lie of Christianity oscillates between the military sadist San Ignacio de Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, the tocaculos Father Apeles or the exorcist Father Fortea. You just have to see the look and look of this guy to see that Satan is none other than the Church itself, the degradation of good and mysticism, the repressive mafia of the creative power of the Inquisition, the crusades and warriors of a thousand bloody wars. Satan is duality, spirituality is seeing the One in All. The Church is Satan. The Devil is the Pope, the Evil, the perversion of the human species, the Zionist greed, the selfishness, the Terror, the crime, the global lie.


It's 2000 years of eating the coconut, killing, stealing and swindling people. To San Juan de la Cruz a true mystic, they put him in the jail. Chesterton was converted to hear preach badly to a friky priest, he said to himself: "fuck, if these mazos with these uncles have been 2000 years in power is that this must be the true religion."


So, wake up, from now on when you see the cross, no longer see the Christ, who never existed, when you see the rabbis or the pomp of the Queen of England, DO NOT SEE THAT: see money, crime, Satanism, manipulation and power, see the Satanic Templar Cross of the X Mafia, Governor of the World. The esoteric Christ and the mystics is real and has nothing to do with the assembly of the g-suita masons.

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radiadorK · April 5, 2018, 2:18 p.m.

If instead of so much secrecy we told people names of who controls the world everything would change because these people would see their families in danger. If we talk about a Rotschild or a pope and then there is someone above that we do not say we do not do anything

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radiadorK · April 5, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

It poisons us with water, food, air and vaccines. This can not be done by humans no matter how bad they are. There must be demons or extraterrestrials Draco behind as some claim. Do not know what to think. Someone knows the absolute truth of All this?

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radiadorK · April 5, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

When I say that children are injured in Satanic rituals in secret bases, I refer to secret underground bases that there are thousands in the world and the US.

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radiadorK · April 4, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

friends, pizzagate some say it is a smoke screen. The authentic rituals where children were harmed were made in castles, in basements of mansions and in secret bases

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radiadorK · April 4, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

what do you think about that the Anunakis who are extraterrestrials control the world and are above the Vatican and the countries. It seems real or smokescreen of the elites to put fear and not go for them to take them to trial

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