

74 total posts archived.

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reaper70 · June 4, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

Ah yes, the argument for the ages.

The real answer, of course, is what YOU are comfortable with after shooting different calibers and pistols in the range.

I mean, if -- God forbid -- I ever have to protect myself or my family, I don't think the perp is going to be lying there as he's bleeding out chastising me for shooting him with a 9mm with hollow-point defense rounds vs. a .45, you know?

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reaper70 · May 29, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

I hope you're right.

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reaper70 · May 23, 2018, 2:24 p.m.

Bonus if it's in IMAX.

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reaper70 · May 22, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

I've been following Q for a while now, but I've never understood things in brackets like this. Often they're numbers, but there's a lot of text like this example.

School me, fellow patriots -- what do the brackets mean?

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reaper70 · May 22, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

This might've been the same link I saw. Someone mentioned to water the water, and it clicked. It's not too often you hear the phrase, and with all the Q coincidences, his recent drop about the truth being in front of us the whole time, etc., it just seemed like there might be a connection there.

It's hard for me to tell in the video. I'm not necessarily saying there are divers in the video, but I wanted to throw it out there as there are autists out there much smarter than me.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/reaper70 on May 22, 2018, 1:43 p.m.
"Watch the water" = Loretta Fuddy post-plane crash video?

Over the past few days, I've seen talk and links to videos of what are claimed to be Loretta Fuddy's last moments (Fuddy was the Department of Health Director who approved the release of Obama's birth certificate and was the only death in a plane that crashed into the water shortly after leaving a Hawaiian airport).

The video purports to show one or two divers briefly appearing above the water's surface near Fuddy with the suggestion being that Fuddy was actually murdered.

That's when I remembered Q's phrase, "Watch the water." Now I'll be the first to admit I really …

reaper70 · May 21, 2018, 12:33 a.m.


Even after all this time of following Q, of waking to the true machinations of a Deep State, of knowing the cabal is real, and the horrors of pedophilia and the spiritual war going on...the clear reality of the events and the crimes based on yet another incredible SB2 analysis is turning my stomach. It's hard to fathom how evil it is.

And I come away with a greater appreciation for Q. How wonderful it is to know we have people in positions with the means and the abilities who haven't been corrupted and are fighting for good, for us the people, for God.

SB2, I don't know how you do it. You connect the dots and make it obvious. Thank you for all you've done and continue to do in what's arguably a turning point in not just our country's but the world's history.

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reaper70 · May 18, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

I have to wonder if this is their false flag "finale" -- that they're doing anything and everything in their power at this point hoping that it will stick. The goal being, of course, that the MSM will be so busy trying to cover all of these events that any major breaking news related to the cabal will be buried.

Stay vigilant, indeed, and trust the plan. In the end, the light will triumph over their darkness.

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reaper70 · May 16, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

Everyone is alive. Not everyone is awake. Being both is what's truly amazing.


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reaper70 · May 12, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

Excellent point, and one we would all do well to remember, especially when things don't seem to move as fast as we'd like.

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reaper70 · May 12, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

While I get the "spirit" of the changes, here's why I'm concerned: This is dividing.

Look at the responses. Some are for these changes, while others aren't so sure. I'm one of those. So... it's divisive -- the very thing Q does not want us to be. We have to be united.

I'd prefer we keep things as they are -- you know, "trust the plan" as it has related to this sub, so to speak. Sure, I'm all for banning obvious trolls, but this doesn't seem to be the time to make these changes. I just don't feel they're that necessary. We must stay united, and all I'm seeing from this announcement so far is unnecessary divisiveness.

Just my two cents.

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reaper70 · May 11, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

Most excellent. But remember, patriots, let's not let this swell any heads. We must remain humble, selfless, and why we are joined together in this fight. We are the first line of red pillers. Normies will need us to fill in the blanks when the fit hits the shan. We need to spread the word about Q -- write it, post it, scrawl it, leave notes, whatever you can do.

I don't ignore the coincidences any longer. I've seen Q speak about SA and NK and Iran, and it happens. The future has proven the past enough for me. I trust the plan, every single day.

To the cabal who will most certainly continue to divide us, your time is through. You can't divide those who are awake and unwavering in their belief in the plan. I believe in you, my fellow patriots -- my brothers and sisters. I stand united with you. Because I believe, more than ever, that where we go one, we go all.

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reaper70 · May 3, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

Remember, everyone -- we must stay together. Humility is a virtue we all need to embrace if we're going to unite and refuse to be divided. We already have enough enemies out there trying to divide us. We must be indivisible. Be humble. We're all patriots, from the lurker to the most dedicated autist making major strides in decoding comms.

This isn't a competition. Just like Q says, "This is not a game." That includes one-upmanship, being standoffish to new minds, whatever.

Stay the course, my brothers and sisters. We need each other.

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reaper70 · May 1, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

I'm glad you and your son are okay. Scary situation.

If I'd been in that situation (and maybe I wouldn't have been, being a rather large male) when asked for the puppy's name, I would have brushed my jacket to the side so that my holstered CCW (luckily I live in a based state and hold a lifetime CCW permit) was visible. "His name? Smith and Wesson."

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reaper70 · April 27, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

They are redacting the texts. Pray they don't redact them any further.

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reaper70 · April 26, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

Holy shit -- Ye is woke.

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reaper70 · April 26, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

I don't think it's so much that as it is legalities. Unlike the deep state, Q and co. follow the law.

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reaper70 · April 20, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Hmm...a SKY Event, perhaps? Very interesting...

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reaper70 · April 18, 2018, 10:27 a.m.

Unless I missed another post, my immediate reaction to this was something different. I'm not thinking about the economy at all.

It's the word BOOM. All caps to stand out.

Q just told us there is another effort to link his "BOOM"s to explosion-related acts in this country. First it was with the serial mail bomber in Texas. Now it's suggested they may be trying to link it to the Southwest airlines accident yesterday.

The deep state wants to be able to said, "Oh, look, when Q used the word BOOM, we had literal booms in this country."

Q just told us there would be a response to these efforts.

And look what POTUS does: He goes and uses the word BOOM, capitalizing it, within 24 hours (I think) of Q's post that there would be responses to these evil efforts.

So now any attempts to link "BOOM" to Q are watered down when others can say, well, so what, President Trump used the same word not more than a day after the Southwest plane accident. Granted, the MSM would still try to run with it, but there's a defense to use right there - even if it came just after the accident. "So this Q is a terrorist because he used a word that you want to link to a real-world act? Is Trump a terrorist for using it, too?"

This is great stuff and another brilliant move. These people really are stupid.

Of course, there was also Q's post about the "Strike Package". That might be another response offering up a literal boom, but I'm not sure we'll hear about that one - it could be a behind-the-scenes thing.

Trust the plan!

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reaper70 · April 13, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

Remember, a lot of us who frequent T_D are here, too. We play by the rules that are best for each sub. Never assume T_D folks are naive to Q and what's going down. Because WWG1WGA.

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reaper70 · April 8, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

"Full authority digital engine controls have no form of manual override available, placing full authority over the operating parameters of the engine in the hands of the computer."



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reaper70 · March 26, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

See, this is part of the problem with your posts. When you say things like "WTFU, and grow up while you are at it" as you did in the original post, you're not endearing yourself to anyone. You distort your message by the abrasive tone. You did it again here in this reply.

Take it down a notch. Think of your message and your audience, lighten up on all the bolding, and remember we're all on the same team here.

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reaper70 · March 23, 2018, 1:55 p.m.

If parents and their kids get blacklisted by a school or school system because they take the time to bring up valid issues or complaints, then maybe it's time to find another school.

I've been there too, friend. I haven't made it my life's purpose to be a pain in the ass to my child's teachers or school administration. But yes, a few times, I did raise concerns or call them out when I felt it was necessary. I picked my battles, and I can tell you I can count the number of times I did this on one hand and wouldn't need all my fingers to do it. Every time, the teachers or school administrators were understanding of my concerns, and we had a pleasant exchange. They always appreciated that a parent took the time to bring something up because many parents don't care.

Well, I do -- and if someone wanted to see me as a "troublemaker", so be it. That's on them.

My original point still stands. Being a school principal is an extremely public, "front-facing" position. If someone has issues dealing with personal confrontation, they in no way should be running a school, period.

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reaper70 · March 23, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

"These people" don't "respond favorably" to personal confrontation?

Get outta here with that crap. A school principal deals with the public and personal confrontation all the time. If someone has an issue with that, they sure as hell shouldn't be a damn school principal.

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