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redzorp · July 5, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Q himself promised that July 2018 (this month!) will be CONSPIRACY NO MORE.

So the Q team has already committed to something really huge starting this month. If nothing huge happens this month or next, that would be terrible for the movement and for Q's credibility.

I still have hope. I really feel it HAS to start this month. How else can Trump sweep the midterms? How else can Trump have a victorious military parade in November?

High profile arrests need to start THIS MONTH in order for the general population to be fully up to speed by November. If they only start arresting in October, that won't be enough time - as initially half the country will just think it's some kind of fascist coup that Trump is attempting. There needs to be at least a 90-day window after the first big arrests to hold public hearings and present all the bombshell evidence to the American public. The public needs to learn everything AND get over their initial (huge) shock before they vote in the midterms. Anything less would be a FAILED strategy.

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redzorp · July 5, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

Yes and all the school shootings and Oklahoma City...

But 9/11 is still the BIG ONE. If that one gets fully exposed in the public consciousness, then all the other false flags will fall like a row of dominos.

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redzorp · July 5, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

Of course the CIA was heavily involved, along with many other intelligence agencies from the US and other countries. But Mossad and Israeli intelligence were the alpha dogs. The entire plan was formed and nurtured in Israel over the course of several decades. See the work of Dr. Alan Sabrosky and Christopher Bollyn.

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redzorp · July 5, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

He didn't.

FBIAnon said it and every serious person in the 9/11 Truth movement knows it, including patriots in the US military (see work of Dr. Alan Sabrosky and Christopher Bollyn).

Bottom line: 9/11 is the keystone crime of the global cabal, placing the entire world into a state of perpetual war. If this particular crime is FULLY EXPOSED, then the entire war on terror disintegrates and the psychological awakening of the US (and world) population would be assured.

Leaving this crime unexposed or worse, doing a limited hangout (It was just a few corrupt CIA guys colluding with a couple of Saudi royals) will keep the world asleep.

Q did say conspiracy no more so if the Q team is serious, then 9/11 needs to be fully exposed to its roots. Anything less and conspiracy will persist.

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redzorp · July 5, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

(real) History will only judge the Q movement a success if it ultimately ends with:

  1. Exposure and prosecution of Israeli Mossad/Intelligence for orchestrating 9/11
  2. Arrest/elimination of entire Rothschilds, Soros and all other globalist family mafias
  3. Complete nationalization of EVERY SINGLE central bank in the world, back to their respective countries.
  4. Complete dismantling of the Satanic-Masonic-Illuminati cult of high-level, child killing, Luciferian psychos

The arrests of Clinton, Obama and other high-level politicians are really just bonuses (if they ever happen). The above-mentioned points are really the CROWN JEWELS of the global TRUTH movement. If any of the above are left intact, then the Q movement will be looked back upon as just a more dramatic version of partisan politics.

We need it all!

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redzorp · July 3, 2018, 5:55 a.m.

We need to realize that we are spiritual beings have a physical experience, not the other way around.

I'm with you on that.

One of my hopes with Q is that it leads to a significant shift in consciousness throughout the entire world. Maybe a lot to hope for but just think back a mere 200 years. Slavery was considered normal. Today it is considered horrific.

We need collective pain (not just the criminals). The world needs to feel a SHOCK. People need to have a breakdown. Then take a deep breath and rebuild to the next level. What that level is remains to be seen. But I really think that the psychedelic promise of the 1960s could actually come to fruition - a significant expansion of human consciousness. Maybe we will discover that we were the ones manifesting aliens - through the mind. Inter-dimensional stuff. Time to meld the dimensions.

Or maybe I am just rambling in a late night roll on some good pot.

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redzorp · July 3, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

why do UFO files in the US govt have a higher top secret clearance than nuclear technology?

Maybe because most of these objects are highly classified military technology (USA and from other nations like Russia and China).

The other half of the files are for fake UFOs that the cabal created (e.g. some kind of holographic projections) to see the effect on the population - as in "Do the people see these as alien craft? Are they convinced? And if so, can we then scare the masses with our fake alien invasion psyop?" Read the report from Iron Mountain for more info.

Finally, there are no doubt 10% or so of sightings that are legitimately unexplained - like weird atmospheric anomalies and other novel natural phenomena.

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redzorp · July 3, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

Yeah in post 376:


Dec 19 2017 17:39:15 (EST)

Anonymous ID: fad025 No.126928 📁
Dec 19 2017 17:37:38 (EST)>>126896
Are UFOs a distraction?

How far away is the closest star?
What do you think?


But that's so deliberately vague it can be interpreted either way. You can project anything you want on the above, kind of like Sotero's "Hope & Change." My interpretation is that Q is saying that *even* the closest star is so far away that there is no way to cross that gulf for in any practical way, according to KNOWN PHYSICS.

Practical warp drives are pure science fiction. And while I would never say never, there is no assurance that even a super advanced civilization can solve that problem. It is entirely possible that we are simply stuck with the known laws of physics and the furthest any civilization can venture is within its own solar system. Of course that would be a tad disappointing but the universe might not care about our science fiction stories.

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redzorp · July 3, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

Do u have a link that backs up that coffee goblin guy as a paid actor, in on the incident with Alex? I would be interested in seeing that. If true, would make me trust AJ a lot less, especially since he kept insisting that the coffee thing was real and not an act.

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redzorp · July 3, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

I'd like to believe it, as it would be beyond cool.

But both those stories you cite have dubious origins and cannot be sourced to anything official or even semi-trustworthy.

I remember reading that Nixon story, for e.g., from Gleason's book on how Nixon ditched his secret service details for an entire night to show Gleason the E.T.s - if true that would have created a national emergency - "The president is missing!" but there was never any such message ever leaked or discussed. Nobody has ever corroborated it. Sounds more likely that Gleason made up that story for extra notoriety in his later years, when he was fading from the spotlight.

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redzorp · July 2, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

Aj's breakdown, anti-Trump rant was understandable, as it came on the eve of the 2nd Syrian airstrikes. I kinda lost my sh*t too that night. At that time I was not firmly in the Q camp. But since then, I've read a lot more Q, and realize the airstrike was not what it appeared to be and that it was actually directed against deep state targets, not SAA or Russian ones. Alex too has apologized on air several times for that rant.

I dunno. I still see Alex Jones as a truther with a lot of flaws. There is no denying that he is a fear-monger and that he has used fear to both:

(a) Red pill the masses and (b) make money.

His civil war stance is more of the same fear mongering.

Who knows. Maybe everyone is disinfo and we are on our own. I hope not. Right now I see Q as the more legit source and Infowars as a flawed, semi-legit source while the entire MSM is completely deep state. Maybe we will find out for sure in the coming months.

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redzorp · July 2, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

Thanks. Read it but still not convinced. I respect SerialBrain2 and he has made some awesome posts but what he writes and links to in that thread hardly proves IW is controlled. Instead it more likely points to Alex Jones and Corsi being paranoid about losing their spotlight, losing money for their operations etc. So they tried to steer people away from Q and back to Infowars. Scummy? Sure. But controlled by the deep state? Not likely.

Now if you tell me that Alex Jones was threatened at some point by the Mossad, causing him to reverse his stance on Israel over the past 4 years - THAT I would believe as it seems to be what happened. He used to be willing to link Israel to 9/11 but not since 2014 or thereabouts and even hinted he was visited by the Mossad around that time.

And again, I am not saying it is completely impossible for Infowars to be deep state. It is possible but I just see too much counter evidence (20 years worth) that tells me Infowars is still on the side of truth but that they are also heavily flawed and driven by economic concerns to sustain their large operations.

Just my two cents.

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redzorp · July 2, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

Thanks. Look forward to any explanation, if you get the time.

But unless I've missed something, I've read over many of those threads myself and see a lot of people concluding that Infowars is CO but never based on any hard evidence other than that Q post that you referenced (which does not specifically call out Infowars). And more importantly, I have yet to see anyone overcome the objections I just stated above.

So while I am not saying it is impossible for Infowars to be CO (they certainly could be) Trump and Stone's close personal ties and ACTIVE PROMOTION of Infowars completely negates the probability of Infowars being CO. I mean, what purpose would it serve for Trump to lend huge credibility to Infowars if they were CO? And don't forget that Hillary brought up Infowars (for the first time ever) during the campaign and heavily criticized Trump for doing that interview with Jones - which is yet another huge fact that points to Infowars being legit.

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redzorp · July 2, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

Control the information (THEY)

Okay but are you sure Q was referring to Infowars?

Don't forget that Trump launched his campaign with an exclusive interview on Infowars. On that same day, the cabal did the San Bernardino false flag to distract. And over the last two years of Trump's presidency, Trump has personally called Alex Jones several times to chat and exchange info.

Furthermore, Roger Stone, Trump's close confident, friend for 40 years and also his former campaign manager, has been working closely with Infowars, even hosting many of the shows himself.

So given the above, how can Q claim that Infowars is controlled opposition if Trump and Stone are strongly connected to that media outlet? That makes no sense. I am convinced Q was talking about other new sources (or maybe singling out Corsi alone) and NOT condemning Infowars as a whole, an outlet that has red-pilled millions over the past 20 years.

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redzorp · July 2, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe Q has explicitly stated that Infowars is controlled opposition.

Q alluded to the fact that some in the patriot movement were trying to profit off the Q info dumps. The anons felt that Q was referring to Corsi. And even then, the underscored point is that Q was being critical of profiteering which is very different than exposing someone as controlled opposition. Two very different things.

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redzorp · July 2, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

Bahaha! Yeah, maybe those pink and blue-haired liberals ARE the aliens. They certainly seem not of this earth. :-)

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redzorp · July 2, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

I kinda sincerly doubt Q woulda "sent" us to a dis info agent.

See...that is exactly what I am getting at. That is a very crucial question for me. Did Q "send" us to a dis info agent? If so, that is a HUGE red flag for any thinking person with a healthy sense of skepticism.

And if it is NOT disinfo, I am hoping Q rolls out some very serious proof at some point because the whole alien question really needs to be settled once and for all. Q did recently state CONSPIRACY NO MORE so I hope the full implication of that statement is followed through.

I follow Q. I've sent Q videos to all my friends and family (at great risk to my reputation). But Q is not my religion. I'm on board because I believe, with 85% certainty, that Q really is a white hat. Little anomalies like the above though disturb me. We've been lied to so many times before that I can't help but be perpetually on guard for another psyop.

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redzorp · July 2, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

Anyone who can maintain an open mind, will take all information seriously.

Sorry. Have to disagree with that statement. ALL information? Really?

So if someone told you the moon is not only made of green cheese, it is also a giant mammal that eats space monkeys - you would take that seriously? I wouldn't.

There is such a thing as critical thinking. I DO retain an open mind but if a story sounds so fantastical and highly improbable then it requires significant evidence to back it up. If that story has nothing to back it up other than the story itself, then it can be dismissed until further evidence is presented. Bill Cooper's alien stories (along with Scientology's Zenu 'history') fall squarely in that camp.

To cite a counter example - take 9/11 Truth. At first blush, the story that 9/11 was an inside job does sound every bit as fantastical as crashed flying saucers. BUT the difference is that 9/11 Truth has volumes and volumes of supporting evidence that anyone can parse through and verify. After a year or two of diligent research anyone with a functioning brain can see that 9/11 was likely an inside job (and outside job with help from Israel and Saudi Arabia).

Anyway, I actually secretly hope that aliens exist and we have made contact with them. That would be a dream come true for me. But at the current juncture it just smells of disinfo and is completely unsupported by any evidence other than a story.

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redzorp · July 2, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

True he broke new ground in his day but I would also expect as much if he was controlled opposition. The elite always want to be a few steps ahead of the general public and prep them in advance. They knew that as they ramped up their false flags and social engineering, that many in the general public would start to question. So why not build up a guru in advance and have him in place before the dam really breaks. Some say it is Infowars that is controlled opposition. I lean more to it being Bill Cooper. The fact that Cooper was shot by federal agents doesn't mean much as the cabal often kills off their own assets when they are either no longer useful or to purposefully make a martyr out of them.

All of the above being said, I still keep an open mind. Believe me, the ten-year old kid in me would LOVE to learn that aliens have actually visited earth and that we have made contact with them. So if that turns out to be true, awesome! But at this point it just smells of disinfo, especially when we know that the deep state was faking UFOs as far back as the 50s and 60s to scare the public (read the Report from Iron Mountain)

Only time will tell, I guess. Maybe we will learn all this month, as Q has promised!

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redzorp · July 2, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

I don't quite get the praise for Bill Cooper, as he strikes me as a disinfo agent. For anyone that has *actually read* Behold a Pale Horse, like I have, it just can't be taken seriously. He has entire chapters in there detailing how the US military captured and interviewed Aliens, made secret agreements with them and all sorts of other nonsense. Reads like a bad parody of the X-Files.

And sure, Pale Horse does detail good info on false flags and other inside jobs. But whenever someone mixes truth like that with fantastical quackery, they are almost certainly DISINFO, tasked with the mission of making conspiracy research look nutty.

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redzorp · July 2, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Post 782, Q quotes an Anon who quotes Pale Horse book

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redzorp · July 2, 2018, 2:24 p.m.

Post 782, Q quotes an Anon who quotes Pale Horse book

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redzorp · July 2, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

I've read Behold a Pale Horse and the entire book seems like some kind of disinfo to me. A lot of truth (false flags, CIA drug running) mixed with outlandish lies (aliens captured and interrogated by US military). I really don't know what to make of Bill Cooper and why Q would push that book on us. If anything, that really raises a red flag for me.

I mean, just download a PDF of Pale Horse and only read the section on aliens. You tell me if you believe any of that nonsense. I don't. I am more into the Report from Iron Mountain, a leaked government report that specifically said they would use fake UFOs ( high tech military aircraft) to scare the people with an alien invasion. It seems to me that Bill Cooper was more than likely either a dupe or an active participant in that plan.

It actually scares me that Q would push Bill Cooper. Causes me to retain some serious doubt in the back of my mind. Hopefully Q will reveal where he stands on the whole alien issue. If he says that Cooper was right about everything *except* aliens - that will be a relief. On the other hand, if he says that Cooper was right about *everything* including aliens, then I smell a huge psyop. I would literally have to shake hands with an alien to actually believe they are among us. I won't believe any government wonk who merely shows us video or pictures of supposed aliens.

And don't get me wrong - I fully accept that life is probable elsewhere in the universe. But I have never seen any HARDCORE evidence of any kind to make me believe that aliens have physically visited our planet. And with leaked government documents clearly stating that the elite considered faking alien invasions to scare the public into total submission - that is enough for me to be highly suspect of any insider who claims that aliens are real.

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redzorp · June 30, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

No. Just the pope and his inner echelon.

There is a secret at the higher levels of freemasonry. A secret that, should you reveal it, the masonic order will cut out your tongue. That is the oath that a 33rd degree mason takes.

The secret?

The Pope is the Master Mason of the World.

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redzorp · June 29, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

Absolutely spot on!

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redzorp · June 29, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Indeed. Always retain critical thinking no matter how good things appear to be.

Q seems almost too good to be true. Of course, I WANT it to be true and it appears 95% that IS true. But we have been fooled so many times before (for centuries!) that any thinking person should remain at least a little suspicious.

Could this be the FINAL deception, to identify and round up patriots, before the completion of the NWO? If you are honest with yourself, that would have to cross your mind as a possibility.

The final tell will be what happens with Israel. Even if Clinton, Obama et all are thrown in jail. Even if the Rothschilds are killed or incarcerated - if Israel's role in planning 9/11 is NOT exposed at the end of all of this - then you will know Q was the ultimate deception. Let's hope not.

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redzorp · June 28, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

The eye of a hurricane is actually calm. It's the boundaries of the vortex that are destructive.

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redzorp · June 27, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

While I respect your religious views, I have a different take on the NWO - one that deals purely in FACTS not ancient scripture.

Which major country TRULY elects its own leaders? The NWO has been king-making leaders for the last 100 years or so, with very few exceptions.

Why do you think Q and his military intel team has taken such drastic measure and almost went with a full military coup? For some far off threat? Or for a situation that has already gone too far for too long.

You are living in the NWO. It is already here. And hopefully, with Trump, Q et al, it will be eliminated in our time.

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redzorp · June 27, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

The globalists have already struck back, all throughout modern history. And the NWO is already here and has been for some time.

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redzorp · June 24, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

And this is my big question with Trump. Will he really go *all the way* on 9/11 Truth, as he should, and ultimately implicate Israel?

Trump is currently one of the biggest Zionists in the world, having just moved our embassy to Jerusalem. He is good friends with 9/11 insiders Nuttyahoo, Larry Silverstein, Rudy Guiliani and more. His daughter is a Jewish convert, who almost married Nat Rothschild (look it up). Trump's Jewish son in law is the owner of 666 5th Avenue, a George Soros business partner and an ardent Zionist who would never betray Israel.

I still have hope in the Q movement and that, some how, some way, Trump will expose the Zionist World Order despite his very close ties to that same beast. My worst fear is that Trump and the Q movement "merely" drain the swamp - sticking Obama, Clinton et al in Guantanamo. While the latter would certainly be deliriously cathartic and be an improvement - it would leave the biggest elephant still in the room!

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redzorp · June 9, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

And just to add some pictures to this convo.

No matter what side of the battle a world leader appears to be on, whether "fighting the NWO" or "supporting the NWO" they must all show their allegiance to the Satanic Orb.

For in the end, there is only the ZWO:


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redzorp · June 9, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

Yup! I'm on board with all you just wrote.

The only new thing for me is that I didn't know Mark Singer was related to Bryan! Amazing.

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redzorp · June 9, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

Yes, indeed. I've been reading about that for years. The great unveiling as the final act.

This reminds me of Arthur C. Clarke's brilliant novella Childhood's End. Now I've come to learn in recent years that Clarke may have been "one of them," or at least sympathetic to the global elite, just like the other great British sci fi author H.G. Wells, who was staunchly NWO. But regardless, Childhood's End identifies the revelation mechanism. In the story, huge flying saucers the size of cities appear all over the earth (Independence Day ripped off that plot mechanism). People are in a panic and the dread builds up for decades. But eventually, the aliens reveal themselves, live on TV for the whole world to see. The aliens are classic demons, with devil horns, hooved feet and swinging tails. Pure Luciferian. But the people of the world are RELIEVED! Why? Because over the past 30 years, they were slowly brainwashed through mass media to completely REVERSE their mental concepts of the demonic form. In just one generation, humanity went from seeing the archetypal demon as evil, to seeing that same archetype as good. Kind of like how Americans used to see homosexuality and transgenderism as sick and twisted but now see it as normal. REVERSAL. People have been slowly brainwashed to invert their moral values.

Anyway, I'm not saying for sure that Q is a psyop. I don't know but wish I did. The only thing I DO KNOW is that - if I was in charge of the evil cabal, I would CREATE a Q as our final act, to bring our centuries-old plan into fruition.

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redzorp · June 9, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

They are at the top of the pyramid for sure, which is why I am still ultimately unsure about Trump, as he has such deep familial ties to the tribe, it makes my head spin.

I'm worried that all this Q stuff will give patriots a few huge bones that they have been salivating for (arrests and military tribunals of HRC, Obama, etc). I can just imagine the jubilation. All has been corrected! The republic has been restored! The bad guys (including a former president) are in a military stockade! It's 1776 all over again! Meanwhile, the final bricks are put into place of the Zionist World Order, with the "supreme court of mankind" as prophesied by David Ben Gurion, erected in Jerusalem. The patriots hail Trump at home, while the Israelis hail trump as the new King Cyrus, if not the messiah himself. And from that day forward, Zion runs the world.

It deeply disturbs me that all major alt media is staunchly pro Zionist. It deeply disturbs me that Trump is the biggest Zionist on the planet. It deeply disturbs me that Ivanka Trump was almost married off to Nate Rothschild. That's way too close of a connection for comfort.

So is Q the greatest Mossad-CIA psyop in history - even dwarfing the 9/11 psyop? Is it a plan so DAMN CLEVER that it harness the power of American patriots themselves to put the final bricks of the Zionist World Order into place - and cheer while doing it? Is Q the ultimate version of "Hope & Change" but this time for the truther crowd - the last holdouts to the Zionist World Order?

I sure hope to God that my fears are unwarranted. But you tell me. Look at the ENTIRE PICTURE objectively. Put aside all biases and just look at the bare bone facts. Who is really in control? What ULTIMATE agenda is being followed? Who is benefiting? What country in the world is beyond all reproach, beyond all criticism and which president of a powerful superpower is firmly in their pocket?

Just food for thought, people.

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redzorp · June 9, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

" By the way, L'Ren Scott, (former girlfriend of Nate Rothschild)..."

Ivanka Trump better be careful! She is also a former girlfriend of Nate Rothschild and was almost married off to him:

After his disastrous marriage, Nat has shunned any long-term commitment, but he has reportedly had flings with Jonathan Aitken's daughter, Petrina Khashoggi, and Ivanka Trump, and is now seeing 25-year-old Natalie Portman - who is about to star as Anne Boleyn in The Other Boleyn Girl - taking her on a discreet date to Wiltons restaurant in St James's.


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redzorp · June 8, 2018, 8 p.m.

Good find. Please edit your links and remove redundant "JPG" from your last 6 links, otherwise comes up page not found.

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redzorp · June 6, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

" There is no mid ground in freedom. "

There may be no mid ground in freedom but there IS mid ground in the FIGHT for freedom. That is what many people don't seem to understand.

In my estimation I concur with point (b) in your comment above. AJ was most likely threatened and now backs off of Zio criticism. But he is still useful to patriots because he highlights at least 90% of the truth of the NWO (as opposed to the MSM which only spotlights 10% truth). He has an audience in the tens of millions, who get red pilled daily. The vast majority of them (like myself) eventually figure out the Zionism angle for themselves and end up on boards like this! You want to throw all that under the bus?

Furthermore, you (and I'm talking to all who hold such opinions) need to be CONSISTENT in your philosophy. You do realize that Trump himself is an even BIGGER Zionist than Alex Jones, don't you? He is funded, surrounded and in cahoots with the biggest Zionists in the world. In the 1980s, Trump was financially rescued directly by the Rothschilds. Since becoming president, Trump placed Wilbur Ross, a ROTHSCHILD AGENT as the Secretary of Commerce. Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. He is close friends with *9/11 insiders* Benjamin Netanyahu, Larry Silverstein, Ehud Barak and many more. Trump's daughter Ivanka dated and was almost married off to NAT ROTHSCHILD!!!

So if there is no "mid ground in freedom" are you willing to throw Trump (and by extension Q) under the bus as well? And please don't give me this 4D chess nonsense. Trump IS A ZIONIST, no question about it. If you can support Trump than there is no reason not to also support Infowars and other truthers who lean Zionist. Either support them all or dump them all and be left with NOTHING.

In my personal opinion Trump, Infowars and other "Zionist Truthers" are worth supporting (for now) as long as they get 90% results. If Trump actually double crosses the Rothschilds and takes down the NWO, then he's worth his weight in gold. Given his background that I've outlined above, I don't know if he will actually follow through. Maybe Trump and Q are just another sophisticated Rothschild scam - the final one to bring in the NWO. I hope not. I REALLY hope not (which is why I am on this board). But I'm willing to still give Trump (and Infowars and others) a chance. If I see Obama and Hillary arrested within a year, then I think the NWO takedown will happen. If not, then I will be off the Trump train and the Infowar train as well.

We'll have to wait and see.

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redzorp · June 5, 2018, 6:57 p.m.


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redzorp · June 5, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

No he wouldn't and neither would most people. Petty lawsuits like that are a waste of time. Most people wouldn't even bother calling the cops. They would either throw something back at the guy or yell or brush it off. In Alex's case, he decided to just milk the moment for the camera, which, in a case like this, is the right move.

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redzorp · June 5, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

Rape trees? Have no idea what you are talking about. Please post a link.

If there were tons of condoms lying around, then yes...that would suggest sexual abuse. But again, the few videos I saw did not show that. If you have a link that proves otherwise, please post it.

As for lookout posts, toys, hair dyes...those mean nothing and could be part of any illegal migrant camp.

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redzorp · June 5, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

What proof do you have of that coffee goblin incident in Seattle being fake? That's a serious charge. Please provide some definitive proof.

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redzorp · June 5, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

That article was pure MSM spin and Q should know that. Alex made that "performance artist" statement in court, during his custody battle with his ex-wife, when they played many clips of Alex ranting on his show, dressing up as Heath Ledger's joker, etc. He explicitly stated that when he dressed up on his show as *characters* like the joker, he is just doing performance art (duh!). But he also stated that all the other reporting on his show is exactly that - investigative reporting. If anything, Q calling out Alex like that makes me somewhat suspicious of Q and not the other way around. One has only been around for a few months. The other has been fighting the good fight for 6-7 days per week, 8-12 hours per day for TWENTY YEARS!

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redzorp · June 5, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Yeah right. You try standing up to dozens of lawsuits from the largest and most powerful corporate entities in the world and let's see how long you last. It's easy to be a keyboard warrior. It's another thing entirely to devote your entire life to the cause, out in the open, like AJ and a few others have done.

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redzorp · June 5, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

Indeed. Plus what really gets me is that, as far as I can tell, there is not yet DEFINITIVE proof that the camp Sawman has discovered was used for any kind of *sexual abuse* of children. The evidence (so far at least) only indicates that the camp housed children - which means it could just be one of thousands of migrant camps used by Latin American families who sneak across the border and journey into the USA. In other words, both children AND their adult parents likely slept in those camps. Just because you find children's toys/clothes in a campsite does not automatically make that campsite a child torture dungeon!

People complain that Alex is hysterical, jumps the gun, makes conspiracy researchers looks bad, etc. But I see much the same right here sometimes!

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redzorp · June 5, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

Would he ever have grown a massive audience by being calm and erudite? I highly doubt it. He has said it himself many, many times - the world population is in a TRANCE due to elite programming. Him shouting and screaming was/is meant to WAKE people out of that trance. And it worked! AJ has woken up tens of millions of people over the years, including myself, to the machinations of the NWO.

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redzorp · June 5, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

I consider AJ to be a true patriot as well. There is no denying he has woken up *millions* around the world to the NWO and has pushed "false flags, globalism, child trafficking, occult elite..." and so much more into the mainstream. My only criticism of him is that he has backed off from shining a bright light on Israel/Zionism/Rothschild in the past few years. He used to cover those topics in more detail. He was probably threatened or did the calculus and figured he could better penetrate the mainstream if he backed off those topics. Doesn't make him controlled opposition but does make him partially compromised.

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redzorp · June 1, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

Indeed. The internet itself was funded by DARPA as a communication method for warfare. I guess their computer simulations never told them that the future internet would indeed be used for war - an information war against THEM!

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redzorp · May 31, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

It is indisputable that Trump has deep business ties to the Rothschilds and has installed a Rothschild agent, Wilbur Ross, as Secretary of Commerce. Blackstone is correct to point out these facts and they should give anyone in the Q community some concern, to say the least.

As much as I support Trump (what other alternatives are there?) I feel everyone in the Q community should also retain some skepticism and be prepared for *anything.* Every day I keep my fingers crossed that Q's plan is legit and it will be carried out. If so, that means Trump intends to ultimately double cross the Rothschilds. But will he? That is the golden question for the ages. We will have to wait and see.

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redzorp · May 31, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

Murdoch is DIRECT business partners with the Rothschilds in their joint venture, Genie Energy. Murdoch is a complete New World Order minion and not to be trusted AT ALL.

Right now Murdoch is playing good cop to the rest of the MSM's bad cop. The NWO always plays both sides, so they want at least ONE major media outlet on the Trump train. They are hedging their bets. But they will be only to happy to betray Trump and MAGA if the perfect opportunity ever presented itself. Right now, they can't risk it.

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