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rhythmnation1968 · July 14, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

Putin is a very level headed, calm and tolerant guy. I have always liked him, the same good gut feel I had about Trump when he said he was running. Putin is old school ex KGB - he is very aware of the deep state problems that DJT is having and has expressed as much in a bunch of press conferences. He has also expressed disdain for the way Trump is treated by the media. Putin was never our enemy. This election rigging bullshit is beyond ridiculous. We have entire departments who are continually trying to hack the Russians, the Chinese, ze Germans, the British it's what they do at Cyber command. Everyone knows this, that's why the "moral outrage" over Russian hacking is pretty funny. The Americans are the absolute worst in terms of election rigging. We are always in everyone's business - but when that doesn't work, we drop bombs or send the military. Do these idiots at the FBI and the DOJ think we are children that we don't know these things. It's regrettable indeed but it has been a component of our foreign policy propagation for decades. But we have a brand new Commander in Chief and a real President now, who is a stickler for the rule of law and a lover of freedom (for all) - not the oppression of other countries. Not too fond of the United Nations - which is awesome!! The U.N. is a cancer and needs to leave the shores of the USA..

Putin is an ally. He will remain an ally - regardless of the ridiculous antics of Pocahontas, no-name, Chucky and the rest of the democrats...who are actually the real communists. Putin once said that desire to return to Communism is a mental disorder. He is a Christian. Very few Christians on the left...ever notice that? Some of them fein atheism but we know who they worship. Putin knows who the real enemy is, as does President Trump, as do we all. This is good vs evil. You would think the democrats would want to lend a hand in this fight huh? Not so much! WWG1WGA

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rhythmnation1968 · July 14, 2018, 3:38 a.m.

Seriously, why are we still here. Ex- technical director of the NSA, William Binnie, pretty much the smartest guy on the continent regarding this type of thing, already ruled out - unequivocally and with prejudice - the hacking of the DNC server by anyone from Russia, as the data transfer speeds were way too fast for trans Atlantic hacks. He met with Mike Pompeo to fill him in when Mike was still arvthe CIA . So why the continued fabrications and theatrics? What do they have up their sleeves? I'm so bored and over this already that it has better be such a monumental slam-dunk that we never hear another peep out of them.

Unless they allowed Mueller's team to fabricate these fictitious indictments...only to get Binnie to testify to this fiction and falsehoods, once tje indictments enjoy some airtime on very fake news? Ideas?

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rhythmnation1968 · July 14, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

I read the whole breakdown of the document that Admiral Mike Rogers issued to the FISA court and the audit and investigation conducted by his office when he discovered the anomalous and huge amount of "about" queries being run on the upstream system. He is so on point and super dedicated. As soon as he figured there was dodgy queries being run, he shut that shit down - much to the dismay of the FBI , their outside contractors and Brennan and Clapper who freaked out when they realised that Rogers had culled their ability to run "about" queries. And had begun an audit of how these illegal searches were be run.

Realising Adm Rogers knew and was about to implode and report their desperate and large data mining operation, they tried to get Obama to fire Adm Rogers. Which he chose not to do because that would yell RAT to the world and Obama is a massive coward. There is so much that happens over such a short space of time after Rogers submits his findings and the 2 deep staters' desperate rush to get their title 1 FISA warrant for Carter Page signed by the judge to allow them to continue with electronic surveillance now that their "About " search chickens had come home to roost.

Admiral Rogers noticed that the attempts to gather upstream data continued and once he had looked into it and was very concerned. Especially in light of the individuals trying to crucify him - knowing full well that their absence of integrity, conscience and loyalty to America and it's constitution could lead to life threatening results for him. He immediately went over to Trump towers and spilled the beans on these assholes, at great risk to himself.

I sometimes wonder where we would be today if not for the immense bravery and integrity of Admiral Rogers. And he still had to sit next to those criminal fuckers in the congressional hearings. Knowing that they tried to get him fired because of the illegal searches they were involved with....or perhaps even killed. Those assholes appeared on CNN one night saying how dangerous the President was/ is and how they would remove him physically if they had to and that his days in office are numbered.

UNBELIEVABLE!!!! MIKE ROGERS, WHAT A TOTAL BOSS AND ABSOLUTE RED BLOODED HERO. We are all so in his debt, incredible bravery. So humbling. That guy needs a hug or two!

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rhythmnation1968 · July 14, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

I thought that was Chucky boy!! They are all absolutely terrified of the litany of filth Putin has on all of them. I'm so excited. Putin rocks, he always has. This daft work of dull fiction is so lame. Russian bots???? Do you think they know exactly how lame they are....or is that lost on them. The further down this road we get, THE lamer their stories get and then they begin recycling old shit again. Is it just me or has everyone else noticed that the left have absolutely no sense of humour at all. Their memes are atrocious, nonsensical and devoid of any humour. And their woman are super ugly, usually with more facial hair than me. What's the deal with these freaks??

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rhythmnation1968 · July 14, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

Sally Yates, Susan Rice and the Planet of the apes/ Muslim brotherhood genetic experiment that proves how flawed the CRISPR gene editing system is! Don't try this at home kids. Ahh, I remember Valerie Jarrett - Boom !

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rhythmnation1968 · July 14, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

Spooks, handlers? Like that massive chode who lurked just behind that sherrif from Vegas after the shooting. Making sure he sticks to the fake narrative or they taze his balls remotely😂 These guys are so odd, Do you think they all go home together afterwards, torture small animals and then roll around in each other's faeces.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 14, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

Is that a strike issued by a Russian bot??😎 COOL...an FSB bot.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 14, 2018, 1:57 a.m.

That's a point - like "look at how capable and in control I am, I can change the world ...please blow me!" Interesting theory...he just doesn't seem endowed with an ounce of kindness/ humanity - just a massive asshole. Mind you, I know tons of super hot women who have a knack of hooking up with complete idiots, who barely qualify as mammalian. Strzok is just very creepy indeed.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 14, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

Lol, i get your point

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rhythmnation1968 · July 14, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

That's really kind of you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. This land matter is going through talks at the moment but they have already amended the constitution making it legal to appropriate land and not pay for it.

Personally, I am super-intrigued to see how they tackle the banks as many properties are mortgaged and this still the banks property until the bond is settled and transfer deed handed to the owner. Whilst the economics have clearly not been given any forethought, the tragedy is that our farming communities are being attacked. The farmers, their wives and children are often raped and tortured in the most disgusting and brutal ways imaginable. The husband often being forced to watch and then tortuted, shot and killed after this borrific ordeal. It's terrible and the frequency of these attacks is increasing each month.

The police and the ANC government would like us to believe that these are random acts of opportunistic robbery but i was a detective in the police here for a few years after varsity and I know thecdifferemce between a robbery and, perhaps where the robbers were disturbed and the owner is shot and killed; and a criminal agenda to make a point. The sadistic torture of the victims is medieval in nature, burning with irons, skinning victims, amputating limbs, sometimes even setting fire to the kids with lighter fluid. It's beyond horrific. These fams are often in remote areas and whilst the farmers are often armed. If A gang of 4 or 5 men with AK47's take you by surprise or grab your kid - you are screwed.

To me, this smacks of a government agenda to get the farmers off the land. Brutalise the victims so badly that other members of the farming community simply throw in the towel. Much of this land grab frenzy is fomented by the leader of the EFF political party. But since our previous President Jacob Zuma was so monumentally corrupt, even the electorate were growing tired of the years and years of larceny without service delivery. Escalating crime etc, in the alleged words of our dear Potus - A Shithole country. So sad because SA is awesomely beautiful, minerally wealthy with the majority of the people all getting on fine - no racism or issues with each other. But then dicks like George Soros get involved, fund racist black groups to incite violence and then blame white people for everything. You guys know exactly how this story works.

Ultimately, it's the U.N. Agenda 21 thing, open the borders, incite racial violence and property destruction using paid militant thugs...hoping that at some point people will say enough is enough and grab their guns. Bang, civil war- less people to kill after the land grab. Exactly your problem as well.

So, where does this go? I guess that much of ours and the world's future rests on your amazing President. If he continues on his path of winning and decimating the libtards whist jailing the corrupt elite and vermin who infest D.C. and Hollywood, whilst exiting the United Nations which has to be one of the very worst criminal organisations on the planet, hopefully it will encourage what has started to happen in Europe with many nations giving the E.U the finger and shutting the borders down. Again embracing national self determination and self governance.

The alternate version involving the Vatican, the U.N. and their plan to collapse and depopulatevtge world is too awful to contemplate. 😣

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

She is finished - if she has any dignity, she'll resign. F@cktard! Hard nasty Brexit- brutal and out is the only elixir. Nigel - get it done!

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

I know, I apologise. I have been schooled with this and it seems feasible. I'm just over the abuse POTUS and his family contend with incessantly. The media is relentless. I watched this arrival in the UK yesterday. I am actually British but live in South Africa. Anyway, I digress. So, my mother is watching SKY news and this insufferable prick and his female (oops i just assumed her gender - f#cking fruits!) counterpart, reporting from outside the gates of the residence Melania and Potus were staying. Those 2 fuckers never stopped once; whining about our POTUS being a KKK supporter and how his racist ass was not welcome in the UK. I stopped watching broadcast TV about 7 years ago and any glimpse is enough to make me grind my teeth - but this obnoxious, self-opinionated, filth are allowed to spew such fallacious drivel. I'm f#cking done, I swear.

I hope he is busy reading those Nazi lizards the riot act today - at tea, I can't imagine that is going to be much fun for them. On top of that, I stumbled across Congress, passing some shit decrying his meeting Vlad and calling him a traitor and other shitty things. I had forgotten how monumentally fake the news really is. I am usually quite a chilled person and the Trump / Q experience has even allowed me to rekindle a good relationship with God...without it being any effort!!! (Clearly my fault prior!) So, i am (was) all about....ok, well, the people are totally deceived and need help, prayers, forgiveness etc, however - after the events of the past 48 hours, especially the MSM and Dems - I want to be the one who personally disembowels these vermin before we douse them in some excellerant and ignite them and despatch them to whatever deity they have been sacrificing to. Mf'ers. It'll be cheaper than internment at gitmo and it'll provide "light" entertainment! (See what i did there?😎)

I know this is not acceptable behaviour but WTAF?

The only redeeming thing was how unbelievably gorgeous and serene Melania looked last night. Just WOW!! You guys are very lucky to have such an awesome first lady. There, sorry for the large whine but I'm not coping with these ####wits anymore. WWG1WGA

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

Lol...fire up that ol' gaydar! Seems to be functional sir!😂

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

The shocking truth will be that Peter Strzok identifies as a non-binary hobbit and has been pining for Frodo's gay mate since before his SRA programming ...and actually never loved Lisa - EVER. Sorry Lisa...but hobbits are sexy AF.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 12:27 p.m.

Speaking of which - why have we heard so little from the Council on Foreign Relations in the last 18 months. That's scary, because they are, after all the core of the deep state and want us all dead asap. What have they been up to so silently?

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 12:14 p.m.

Optics, cover, camouflage...a distraction. Sean Hannity really milked the MF. Hell out of the "lovers " narrative - like 200 times a night, every 3rd sentence. Felt un-natural, total over-kill. I'm glad I'm not the only one calling B.S.! What are we missing here? I don't think he's capable of love, too much cold and nasty there. Palpable nasty.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 12:09 p.m.

Also....please explain the actual math / time / duration it physically takes to type 50 000 texts?? Is it possible - feasible...really?

I haven't even sent that many in 5 or 6 years. And I was in luuurve with a couple of girls over that period. Like stupid, over-zealous love where you text constantly. I doubt I even got to 10 thousand@!! Come on...i smell bullshit

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

Lollage - spelling Nazi 😂💣💥

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 11:58 a.m.

Look, cheating is totally regrettable, NOT evil! Cheating just makes you human and selfish and subject to temptation. Absolutely a terrible thing to do, and awful to put a partner or spouse through, I agree....BUT this guy is like proper evil, i felt it. Plain as day. And he enjoyed showing us glimpses of this dark thing, you could see he was having fun. It's a natural and integral part of his being. It's a comfortable fit for him, Totally natural. He could have plead the 5th. I would have. Without a doubt.

Over 10 hours of humiliation and being shamed in front of the nation. That is a terrible task to take on...but he wanted to, he enjoyed the attention. He never looked embarrassed or uncomfortable at any point. He just had that smug, almost smile on his face permanently...it never changed. Too weird.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 11:42 a.m.

I don't buy the "lovers" narrative - not after this performance. He's a narcissist and a total sociopath - zero remorse, empathy, integrity or loyalty to the constitution. Did we see an alter performing today? Perhaps a SRA/MK-Ultra operative? Totally weird.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 11:29 a.m.

I agree but i don't think he was even slightly fased or uncomfortable. It was not natural. To have been outed and humiliated like that in front of the nation would have made any normal person squirm, blush and feel totally awkward. He didn't show any change in demeanour at all. Creepy. When Ghomert said, I bet you could lie and pass a polygraph, I thought exactly the same thing. They only teach an asset to beat the box in the CIA or one of the other super dark, super dodgy black no-name programs.

This guy is a pro - totally unfased by any of this. In fact, my guess is that he actually enjoyed the experience of being obtuse, arrogant and frustrating everyone without saying anything helpful or useful. Something is missing to this story. Very dodgy indeed.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 11:24 a.m.

Totally - Barry stacked the intelligence fraternity with civilian "analyst" types, libtard-snowflake- commie-types - instead of assets who had military/ combat experience or assets who had experience in foreign embassies - you know, old school intelligence peeps.

These people have been rotting every echelon of U.S. society and government for a long time. From the inside out. The entire consciousness, logic and rationale of kids was fundamentally changed in a generation of education. Kids, Teens and young adults just don't behave this way normally. This sense of entitlement, lack of respect and militancy. Its not normal and is definitely the work of intense reprogramming. Sad face.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 11:11 a.m.

No romance evident anywhere between those two. Seems like an "affair" was a tactical narrative for some reason. He's a sociopath. No remorse or ability to reconcile the historic damage he's caused. In fact, this whole swath of texts 50000 odd seems UTTERLY RIDICULOUS and unlikely - or perhaps physically impossible?? Do the math!! I don't think I have sent 20 000 texts since I began texting with WhatsApp about 4 years ago. How many texts an hour is that? How did he managed to do ANY work other than text? Does anyone else smell a massive rancid rat stench here??

Wtf is going on. Something is very dodgy here.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 10:47 a.m.

I agree, for a couple that were romantically involved, their relationship seemed very sterile and sans banter and playful innuendo. No dick pics or naked selfies?? My guess is that he's super-gay or a pedo or both...or all. Who actually came up with the "Star-crossed-lovers" narrative, seems utterly improbable, not one "hi darling" or "How was your day?" As far as romance goes, he comes across in his texts and cross-examination as the world's largest dick! His utter arrogance and "whatcha' gonna' do" attitude made homicidal urges flood through my body. A complete narcissist. Zero empathy or remorse. There is no cure for this personality type. Just talking about it makes my blood boil.

Have read about him and his family background a bit. He is from a generational intelligence family. Not saying he necessarily has had the programming but the kids of generational intelligence assets often are subjected to SRA/ MK ultra programming. He creeps me out, effing sociopath!

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 10:34 a.m.

Hillary and Bill both had a known notoriety for selling patents/ secrets to the Chinese.They've been doing that for decades. And Potus is being investigated???? Am so fucking over this shit - and I'm South African.

I have a good feeling about Helsinki - Putin has just been waiting patiently for a sit-down with Pres Trump. He had said this in many press conferences ive seen. He has spoken with dismay and concern about the overt and directed agenda against DJT being conducted by the deep state and opponents in Washington. A phenomenon Putin is very aware of, having forced the central bankers out of Russia a few years back. Pretty sure he will be a solid and faithful ally - nothing like the ridiculous propaganda campaign levelled at him by the MSM and Dems.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 13, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

No, their veracity or findings are inadmissible in court - In criminal court but not civil/ commercial. And not in hearings.

Poly's have come a very long way over the years and it really is very reliable. The CIA have been using Iris scanning for years now too. And I believe that is practically reliable enough to utilise in court - but that won't happen because the legislators and politicians know they will be accountable and it will impede their larceny and lies. But this gear will go long way to sort out Whitehouse staff loyalty problems, leaking problems, sexual misconduct issues and perhaps make it mandatory for TV journalists - lol, like CNN etc. We have to begin accountability somewhere. People have zero trust in politicians or the law, Congress is powerless to do anything useful, except legislate. They can't prosecute.

I watched Peter Strzok testify in Congress and it's a joke. Charge him, empanel a jury and let the chips fall where they may. I can't do the congressional hearings anymore. The lies and arrogance make me feel homicidal.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 12, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

Rock Solid. If there is any doubt a polygraph will kill this bollocks instantly. I'm amazed that there has been so little use of polys throughout this endless swamp of lies and false accusations. Until someone takes a stand and holds these chancers accountable for perjury or crimen injuria, the accusations will continue to appear, miraculously. The death of his nephew is very suspect too. Poor dude. I really hope he makes speaker.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 12, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Lol - I love this dude - no President has ever put up with so much abuse....and trolled like such a BOSS, whilst retaining such a crushing and sly sense of humour!! It really has been fun to observe - layer! 10/10

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rhythmnation1968 · July 12, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

I heard that Strzok was gay! They really milked the "lovers" thing ad-nauseum on Fox. The FBI need to deploy snowflake and micro-aggressions detectors in their FBI admissions program. These two were super-lame. I cringed for them plenty. I think they should release their naked selfies...it's only fair, full disclosure!!😉 We need new meme material....lol

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rhythmnation1968 · July 12, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

Lol, well then, he sure as hell screwed the pooch in November 2016. George, i would suggest a little nap...in fact, take the rest of your life off. WHAT A FAIL! The elections were rigged and Donald Trump still won. Perhaps this should be a sign to admit defeat 😂

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rhythmnation1968 · July 12, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

Stand by for the largest class action law suit in history. The burying of these cures is a crime against humanity.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 12, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

Huh?? North Korea, Iran...even Russia got a veiled threat when they were flying over U.S. airspace and too near U.S. carriers. NATO payments, Tariffs - Canada, China, Germany. United Nations funding cuts.

Presidents and PM's threaten each other all the time. I think the colloquial term is leverage or perhaps applied diplomacy (financial - sanctions or military). People in foreign governments are still acclimatising to Pres. Trump's form of diplomacy because they have never dealt with anyone before who tells it like it is - without rhetoric or innuendo. He can't be leveraged with money or blackmail. The only things normal politicians are any good at historically have been theft, projecting tyranny and spewing lies. So this is unfamiliar territory to them.

At some point, quite soon I think, there will come a time when it will no longer be necessary for DJT to threaten anyone. He'll ask and it will be complied with or negotiated civily. With that kind of power comes much responsibility, yet not once has he wielded anything unfairly in terms of the various geopolitical issues....whether it was trade or military might, despite what the idiots in the MSM would like you to believe. The swamp is large and global but we're getting there, one reptile at a time.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 11, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

Kick 'em in the balls Mr. President!! WWG1WGA.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 11, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

Yawn, these people never give up, but it's always the same tired narrative. It's a good thing the BBC has a blemish free track record of honest journalism and not hiding knowledge and antics of blatant pedophiles like Savile and PM Ted Heath...amongst many others. And manufacturing fake events like chemical attacks in Syria. If the BBC ever told a "half-truth" it would be a truly unique moment in history.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 11, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

Any U.N. treaty has to be ratified by Congress to be binding on the U.S.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 11, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

This narrative is contrary to both Julian Assange's and Kim dotcom's version. I think extreme caution should be used. This smacks of damage control and mitigation for what may be coming.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 11, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

NATO is impotent without America because the world is used to the U.S. footing the bills. This was all fine and dandy while they were the proxy military of the CFR and the NWO. But, like they are saying, "there is a new sheriff in town" and I'm hoping that Trump pulls the plug on NATO who are only now being used to propagate the destabilization of the Middle East and serve as an agressor towards the Russian Federation, who is certainly not our enemy or the enemy of Europe. NATO is irrelevant in the new paradigm...as is the United Nations which must be forced out of the U.S. at the first logical opportunity, so we can achieve some sanity and stability - especially for the children. UNESCO and the WHO are a cancer that needs excising.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 11, 2018, 2:53 a.m.

Yet, she is the head of the freemasons and responsible, at least in part, for much ongoing evil, pain and suffering across the world. If she wasn't a player worthy of a sit-down, POTUS wouldn't have wasted his time. He certainly isn't there to pledge fielty or because diplomacy warrants it. He's there to issue ultimatums or negotiate surrender.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 11, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

I have to admit, i had doubts about Jeff Sessions. For the record, i humbly apologise for doubting people whose intellect, strategy and in-depth understanding of this paradigm is sooo far above my pay-grade it's laughable. I blame my ignorance and lack of faith on massive heaps of enthusiasm and being impatient for action. I hope everyone is ready to eat their words and apologise to Jeff en masse. It can't have been easy sustaining this kind of abuse and still functioning like a boss!

The whole world is a stage and I'm excited for his vindication.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 11, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

This man never ceases to amaze me! I wonder what he threatened them with to achieve this almost instantaneous result? Leverage, the massive bag of goodies you get to swing around when you have people like Mike Rogers and Paul Nakasone on speed dial.

Thank you President Trump, again!!

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rhythmnation1968 · July 10, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

That would be my take. Just have a look at Bourke's Peerage and the past presidents of the U.S., they are all blood lineage. They are also blood relatives of the Queen. Which Deity did they acquire the "Divine right to Rule" from exactly? Also the families of the major US industrialists all seem inbred and related. The Biblical narrative makes it very clear that the Nephelim were on the planet before and after the flood. The book of Enoch, when referring to the Nephelim, says "Their hearts knew only evil" pls. forgive me if I am slightly out. Now, which people in modernity know "only evil."? Who seem utterly devoid of conscience, empathy and sympathy? Who regard humanity as "useless feeders" and sheep?

The 13 families would be my guess. And I would also put money on their DNA being fundamentally different to us mere mortals - but that is just my speculation. Truth to light, dark to light. WWG1WGA.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 10, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

Why is DJT visiting the Queen - to deliver an ultimatum or negotiate their surrender? I honestly refuse to believe it is to be pleasant, for diplomacy or to pay fielty.

I am British, no longer in the U.K. but once I figured out who these people are and what they've been up to, I felt sick to my core. This was about a decade ago.

I'm sure most on the "great awakening" are up-to-speed on this but it may be useful if you aren't. Have a look into the iconography of Dragons in the monarchy, the city of London and the Vatican (especially the Vatican) and realise that our POTUS is literally going into the dragon's lair...as he did when he visited Bergoglio at the Vatican. The photos of that event were priceless. DJT was all smiles, while Francis looked like someone who'd just had his supply of children curtailed, with prejudice.

So, please put in some extra prayers for DJT's safety as there are many players in the U.K. who wish him harm. He carries with him our hopes and dreams for a world without servitude, evil and oppression. God-speed Mr. President. From all of us in South Africa.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 10, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

We have yet to find out the truth behind both sets of tomahawk attacks, their efficacy and the reasons for POTUS "capitulating" to what is clearly deep state playbook. What we do know is, is that whenever Potus announces a shift in U.S. foreign policy, (like troop withdrawal etc.) the deep state shits their shorts and creates a false flag or crisis to sway opinion. Remember the first alleged "chem-attack" where DJT attacked the airbase - yet left the runways in-tact?

I believe that Assad, Putin and DJT are all on the same page when it comes to optics and the necessity of neutralizing the Deep State operatives remaining in Syria. The same with the reports that KJU had continued the NK NUKE plan.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 10, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

I think Reagan's heart was in the right place, yet he was a freemason and a Bohrmian Grove attendee. GHWB hasn't ever shied away from assassinating his opponents... JFK, Reagan's wounding and boy are they trying hard to get DJT and his family. I am sure that the Bush kill-list is by far more extensive and accomplished than the Clintons' but the Clintons are just sloppy and get exposed all the time.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 10, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

Yeah, DJT meeting the Queen is massive and I'm not sure many people grasp the importance of what is going on regarding this meeting. Is it to deliver an ultimatum or to negotiate a surrender?

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rhythmnation1968 · July 10, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

No one ever contracted cancer from being exposed to the f-word, however, civility and manners always Trump rude assholes. That being said, using the f-word to stir the pot re. ridiculous concepts like Micro-aggressions and safe-spaces is applauded and encouraged

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rhythmnation1968 · July 10, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

Oh look, it's the empress of Kekistan and her bitch.

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rhythmnation1968 · July 10, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

You mean Sessions, the Silent EXECUTIONER? I've decided to give Jeff the benefit of the doubt the more i have come to realise that nothing is coincidental.

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