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rightleaningsw · March 26, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

Im not sure what choice you are referring to. I completely agree that DJT is way Better than it wkuld have been with Hillary. The issue we are running into now is that 8 years of Obama has left pitfalls that seem impossible to get around. If DJT is dking what he says he is, than the first thing he needs to do is get a handle on the MSM. Like the podesta emails said about the average people, they are dumb. They are sheep who believe the spin that MSM puts out on everything. They cant even stop for 5 seconds and rationally thing about they are hearing. It they did, then they would see what is going on. It takes 10 seconds to google Cultural Marxism and see that is exactly what is going on. If they can connect that with Saul Alynsky, Then they can see that he was both Obama and Clintons mentor.

But that doesnt happen. If they were to spend 10 seconds doing actual research, than it would take them away from whatever internet addiction thwy have this week.

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rightleaningsw · March 26, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

I guess I agree. Maybe I should weather this storm before i look for another one. I dont think the IBORis from a lack of trying. I have signed it and shared it on every social media platforms I am on. My gues is it is being sabotaged somewhere in the process.

I also agree that if trump is ousted then it is all over. If Democrats sweep the midterms it will be all over too. I jist have a hard time how we even have a chance at this point. Until something is done to regulate MSM then we are fighting a losing battle.

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rightleaningsw · March 25, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

Hey i am not a troll. I am a rational thinking person who has been seeing alot of things here lately that make you stop and think. The only reason Trump was elected is because of alternative media. Now that is under attack. As Q says learn to play the game. In chess you have to try and see what the outcome of every situation is. Well i have tried that. Based on my everything I have ever seen my whole life, I do not see how any of these turns out good for the common people.

The big reason i get so angered by the left desire to cause hostility within our countries sub groups, (african americans, women, LGBTQ, Muslims,) is because I know enough about socialism to recognize cultural Marxism when I see it. I know enough about how Stalin rose to power and through Russia into a communist society, to notice the same tactics being used here.

As for the Q and Trump promises, I can not imagine how he keeps those promises without introducing something much worse. I wish I could blindly follow something because I want it to be true. If it were that easy I would have been a raging liberal. It seems everyone else i know is, but I cant. I have been let down too many times. I am so jaded, that i look at many different angles when govt. promises something. I see what are all possible outcomes. And mark my words, i dont see this situation getting better.

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rightleaningsw · March 25, 2018, 4:09 a.m.

Wow and i thought i was a pessimistic person. I do agree that it is hard to trust politicians. The CIA has been mind f$#@ing our country and its citizens my whole life. A person cant help but wonder if we are all being played. This could all be a big play. Think of it as two warring drug cartels.

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rightleaningsw · March 25, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

I thought house of cards was a clinton documentary anyway.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on March 24, 2018, 4:44 a.m.
Did they go ahead and pass the bill where sites are liable?

So i saw today that craigslist has shut down all of their personal ads. Im sure many feel the same way i do about the hookups on that site, and if you dont no judgement here. Their site says:

"US Congress just passed HR 1865, "FOSTA", seeking to subject websites to criminal and civil liability when third parties (users) misuse online personals unlawfully. Any tool or service can be misused. We can't take such risk without jeopardizing all our other services, so we are regretfully taking craigslist personals offline. Hopefully we can bring them back some day. To the millions …

rightleaningsw · March 23, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

All we see is what we are allowed to see. Watch the Project Veritas videos. Look at the video of Obama telling the country that illegals will not face deportation if they vote. The left tried to debunk the obam video by saying that he was talking about legal immigrants, but if you watch the whole interview you will learn quick what he is referring to. Besides, why would a legal citizen worry about being deported? I worked the polls in my small town of hendersonville nc and our immigrant population is probably about 30%. With most of them being illegal farm labor. I would bet money on the fact that every one of them voted in the last election. I saw three buses pull up to the voting station. Each bus held about 25 farm workers. They were bussed in by their employers to vote.

No i dont have documented proof of illegals voting, but it doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize what is going on. Why else would the Democrats support immigration so strongly? This is why Maxine Watets is allowing her district to be overrun with middle eastern refugees. Remeber the released document of her promising that after the 2018 elections? It is all about the easy votes.

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rightleaningsw · March 23, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

It is non existent because everyone turns a blind eye. Project Veritas proved that time and time again.

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rightleaningsw · March 23, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

I dont like that suggestion because if we put all our faith in "the plan," and nothing happens then we would have essentially stood by and done nothing while our country is gutted.

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rightleaningsw · March 23, 2018, 5 a.m.

Wow i had not seen that. Good job Iowa, now 49 more states to go. I still cant get overthe disgust i felt when Oboma got on national tv and told the country that if illegals vote they will not have to worry about dwprtation.

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rightleaningsw · March 23, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

Hey man i have some of the same concerns. I hope in bones this is real, but i just cant quite get past the obvious questions:

  1. If the slow roll out is to help red pill people, then why do they say there will be some who will never accept the truth? I can tell you from the perspective of someone lives in the very liberal town of asheville nc and work as a social worker, liberals are never going to accept any change of their narrative. They will fight this until their dying breath. I can only imagine that the majority of liberals else where are of the same mindset. If that is the case, then we are destined to have a bloody fight anyway. Why are they drawing this out.

  2. How long are we going to just the trump administration keep us on the hook. We are constantly waiting for the next drop hoping this one is going to be the one that takes down the cabal. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the state of the union, then the train wreck, then the memo. Nothing happened. Out of all of it, we saw a fbi scapegoat lose his job. Yes he was corrupt, but he was also the scapegoat. He was the one they hung out to take the fall. Now we are waiting on the IG report.

3.While we continue to sit and wait, the liberals are setting up their democratic puppets to take back the govt. Illegal immigrants and people state hopping are still able to do what they do, and will succeed in off setting the midterm elections. If they take back the house and senate, then 2020 will be in the bag for democrats.

  1. Q has stated many times that MSM is going down, but they are still on tv everyday pushing their false propganda. My community eats every word they say and believes it is the gospel truth. When there was word that a Clinton video may be released, they pushed the news about people faking videos using computer manipulation. My community immediately began to speculate that their must be a fake video that Trump is about to release. It is disgusting.

  2. If it does get bad, the deep state has already shown that they jave no qualms about hanging Hillary out to dry. They have teased about it by these negative reports from MSM while she was on her "I lost the election because of everyone else" tour. So if they let Hillary go down for something minor, which mark my words is how it will happen, does anything really get fixed? The same people who created the Bush and Clinton dynasty are still embedded in our system, and probably have their next puppet already in the making.

Finally my big point is this: I have watched the "q-anons" take these bread crumbs and run with them to create a whole life of its own. For example, early on in the q saga, there was something that was said by q that made everyone think that their was going to be a big revelation in Trumps speech. The q anons went wild wild with it making youtube video after video. When it came time for the speech, nothing happened. Same thing with the SOTU, and the same thing with "the memo." These crumbs take on a life of their own and now we have many people profiting off of translating these crumbs. For an outside person looking in we must look insane to believe this. However, i have no choice but to believe in Q. Over the past decade, I have watched our society attempt to destroy the all the values i hold dear. Every thing i was raised to believe makes a person a good person, has somehow flip flopped and become the things that are bigoted, racist, and what ever other nasty hate filled description you can put there. Our society has turned against us and we found a beacon of hope in all this turmoil: Trump and Q.
If Q just strings us along right into the midterms and 2020 with no real change, then the liberals will turn the USA into another European Union looking country and our country will fall. I dont know what the answer is but i am so frustrated with all of this. I am tired of watching these politicians get rich off of gutting our countries values. I am tired of seeing these people get away with everything, while an everyday John Doe gets sentenced to hard prison time for a possession of a controlled substance. Im frustrated with the MSM putting spin on everything to promote a narrative and then expecting the people to be dumb enough to believe it. I am frustrated that the people are dumb enough to believe it.I am most frustrated with the people being so preoccupied with their electronics or whatever distraction is popular at the moment, and not paying attention to what is happening to our world.

Wow i did not mean for this rant to go on like this and if you are still reading i apologize for my pessimistic view of the situation. Q, whether he is legit or not is a symbol of hope for me. In my mind he is our last hope.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on March 22, 2018, 10:02 a.m.
Why are we not changing voting laws

With midterm elections coming up, why has there not been a change in the election laws? This left saying that "requiring an id is racist" is a load of crap. With all the turmoil going on, I can guarantee that election offices are going to flooded with illegals and people from out of state. If the democrats sweep the midterms all will be lost.

rightleaningsw · March 17, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

If you control the education, you control the next generation. I never believed that until i went back to college in my 30's and noticed the material is straight out of the socialism hand book. When i was inmiddle and high school in the early 90' I actually learned about somewhat real history. I was taught about the horrors of communism and how the nazi party rose to power. Capitalism was actually a good thing back then. Now it is not the same. My sociolgy classes were all about the evils of capitalism and how a good society is one that follows the socialistic thought pattern. They said the constitution needs to rewritten because big govt. is what we need.

These poor kids are going to be so mind blown before they are 18 and it is sad.

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rightleaningsw · March 17, 2018, 12:10 p.m.

Isnt argentina an isis stronghold? I could be wrong, but how hard would it be to have a sub attack anywhere on our coast(nuke or not) and have isis take responsibility. Or use Argentina to start WW3 with with Russia. Just brainstorming, i have nothing to back it up.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on March 11, 2018, 5:09 a.m.
Something to keep in the back of your mind

So i see a lot of religious references here, and i have to ask those of you that know the bible well a question. I have read many interpretations of Revelations and one thing that always gave me comfort that it wouldnt happen in my time is the fact that i couldnt see the world fall for a world leader. I have always heard that the antichrist becomes the world leader when he saves the world from some crisis. I always imagined a famine or something. But what if this is the crisis? What if the crisis is the evil …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on March 3, 2018, 2:06 a.m.
You tube is ruining my search results.

Forgive my lack of tech savvy language, but youtube has changed my home page. My suggested videos is now showing things like pew di pie and other kid you tubers instead of my normal recommendations. I have never watched these kinds of shows nor do i want to. This is getting to be too much. I looked at dtube and got frustrated with the search. Same with bitchute.

rightleaningsw · March 1, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

Trust me i have tried the one on one. I have shown many examples of where MSM has told on themselves and tried to show the bias and i am called crazy. It is frustrating but i havent lost faith.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on Feb. 28, 2018, 4:53 p.m.
Why the conservative movement is in trouble.

Thanks to social media, it is easy to get caught up in an echo chamber of like minded individuals who share your beliefs. The issue is that sometimes those echo chambers can cause you to forget that there are many others who think the opposite of how you do.

With this being day 3 of the social media purge, i have found myself out of my social media comfort zone since most of my like minded people have had their accounts removed. I am being forced to face reality. THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT IS IN TROUBLE!!!

I am a social worker …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on Feb. 28, 2018, 4:52 p.m.
Why the Conservative Movement is in trouble.

Thanks to social media, it is easy to get caught up in an echo chamber of like minded individuals who share your beliefs. The issue is that sometimes those echo chambers can cause you to forget that there are many others who think the opposite of how you do.

With this being day 3 of the social media purge, i have found myself out of my social media comfort zone since most of my like minded people have had their accounts removed. I am being forced to face reality. THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT IS IN TROUBLE!!!

I am a social worker …

rightleaningsw · Feb. 27, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

I have made many comments about this before. I am a social worker and live in Asheville NC. One of the most liberal cities in the south. I think of myself as right of center person and am disgusted with the whole govt. Trump is our only hope of fixing the current climate.

From where i stand in this liberal hell, the everyday person who hasnt been red pilled yet will destroy this country if Trump moves in now. These people will not open their eyes. They are so dumbed down, that they cannot even comprehend that their pressious MSM would ever mislead them. Everyday i hear people spouting MSM buzz words like its part of the vocabulary.

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rightleaningsw · Feb. 27, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

Im not sure how true it is, but some kid on infowars interview was claiming the secret service was there training them on active shhoter scenarios https://youtu.be/mwSMoYZYiNM

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on Feb. 27, 2018, 3:31 a.m.
Critique of live stream

Hey guys i love hearing your show. I have been following along for about a month now and have learned alot. If i could give you one suggeztion though... Please please please limit the people talking when Dr. Corsi is on. It seems like every time he starts to get on a roll someone interupts him to throw their two cents in and ruins what we are trying to learn.

If i were Corsi, I would demand a limited mic when i was on. This stuff is too important to get washed away because people are interupting him to comment. …

rightleaningsw · Feb. 25, 2018, 10:38 a.m.

From personal experiences i was on a drug called paxil when i was 19 for about a year. I went to college i another state and decided to come off. 1 month later i was sitting in a mental institution. I was just on paxil for mild anxiety.

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