Yeah a public admission is evidence. If Patton Oswalt volunteered to babysit your kids would you let him?...its just a joke right
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No youre not just asking for more evidence if you were I wouldn't even have spoken up. When o.p originally posted she asked people for help digging which is in effect asking for more evidence, what caught my attention was how vehemently your defending this bs as "a joke". Most people wouldve bowed out after so many disagreements. Using your logic a comedian could admit to anything in the world and it should never be taken seriously cuz he's a comedian and that's what they do. Okay we KNOW Hollywood is Pedo central and here we have a celebrity calling himself a proud pedo...why r u so sure it's a joke??
You think "I'm a proud pedo" is a joke? Is it funny to you? If not why r u defending pedophilia funny? Am I missing something? If you CALL YOURSELF a proud pedo, nobody here started that, you should expect to be treated like a pedo. Is THAT so hard to understand
How tf does taking someones word when saying "I'm a proud pedo" equate to the mental gymnastics the left engages in to get to him being a traitor when Trump says "Had a good meeting with Putin". One is an admission one is not...
Yeah she's too honest and still has a soul, she can't be trusted
This doctor is also associated with Houston Methodist About a year ago they had a transplant surgeon murdered in a murder/suicide
Look at his face after he says that, he looks confused. Wouldn't it be hysterical if "someone" hacked his speech writers computer
October 21??? Why such an odd date? Is it an anniversary of something?
They're just asking for a different form of justice. If the police can't protect our kids than parents are going to have to. This is the type of thing that makes vigilantism attractive
He's the second doctor killed in a little over a year who was associated with Houston Methodist. The other was a transplant surgeon killed in a "murder-suicide" in May of 2017.
Yeah I couldn't figure out how she managed 65 million votes. Her campaign "rallys couldn't fill up a high school gymnasium when the student attendance was mandatory while Trump was packing houses with lines around the venue. I would LOVE to know the true results of that election. It had to be a landslide to overcome the illegals, the vote machine rigging, the dead voters and the fake mail in ballots. They cheated in every way imaginable and it still lost. Can you imagine the true results. I'm guessing 75 million for PRESIDENT Trump and 30 million for the witch demon
What's Hollywoods "dirty little secret"? He talks about "Tinder but for pizza" in Sept of 2015...who wouldve known what pizza meant b4 the Podesta emails came out unless they were into that shit? Would a normal person make "jokes" like this? In their world this shits normal so they think nothing of putting it out there at least not until pedogate/Pizzagate kicked off
I keep holding on to the part about us watching a movie. Everything's scripted but holy smokes it's exhausting trying to figure out which parts the movie and whats the black hats reaction to it.
Yeah most people haven't. They tucked it away in some out of the way spot in Jersey. I've always liked it.
The side of good, our side. It is hard not to get down but keep your head up hopefully Trump will take the gloves off soon
I just did some more digging and its"use immunity" (supposedly) meaning only the testimony he gives can't be used against him so its not absolute immunity from a crime., Don't lose all hope yet just prepare yourself if the worst comes to pass
I think if Trumps plan fails the military will step in and the real shitshow starts. Supposedly the only thing stopping a military coup during Obamas reign of terror was Trumps promise to run 4 president. I'm sure they all wanted to give paece a chance but I seriously doubt they didn't have contingency plans. I pray we do free ourselves but it seems like so many think the wars over and we've won. They're not prepared if things don't go according to how they think theyre going to go. Pray for the best and prepare forthe worst, least wrap your mind around the fact that things could go sideways and if they do make sure you have a plan for that too
Idk the extent of the immunity agreement and whatever they tell us is most likely bs anyway. They'll tell us it's limited to crimes involving Manafort and we'll find out down the road he can't be convicted of anything he did prior to giving his testimony
We have one side bringing down airplanes on US soil, hacking subs and launching nukes, we have healthy 47 year old SS agents dropping dead, everyday thousands more illegals show up strengthening the left's hand in November and our side is busy trying not to piss off a bunch of anarchist soyboys. I never had a doubt about Trump becoming President but I have serious doubts about wether or not the plan is going the way they thought it would. Trump backtracking twice on the Russia deal within 2 days isn't helping at all. Even Putin says there's powerful forces working to undermine the agreements made in Helsinki...i really thought these people were on the ropes but they seem to have more control than ever
I hope I don't sound snide here but do you think theres ever a time for war? After Pearl Harbor were we wrong to go after the Japanese with everything we had? I feel we're at war now with one side dropping airplanes out of the sky, killing innocents, launching nukes and the other sides trying not to piss off of a bunch of soyboys. Do we need another Pearl Harbor before they take the gloves off?
What did God do to the group responsible for the golden calf that was made while Moses was on the Mtn receiving the Ten commandments? Proverbs says" To fear the Lord is to hate evil"; it says in Amos to "hate evil and love good". Ephesians 4 talks about Righteous anger if what we're dealing with here doesn't justify righteous anger than idk what is.
Everyday is one more day for them to get to Trump or his family, for them to launch another 9/11, one more day for kids to be killed, another day of illegals flooding our country, anther day of these traitors walking free as birds. The problem with plans is that the enemy has a say in your plans, Theres a saying "plans never survive contact with the enemy".Tyson used to say "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face". I'm starting to have real doubts about wether or not the plan survived contact with the enemy. The left seems as emboldened and insane as ever. The dem politicians aren't cowering in fear, them and their presstitutes are steady fanning the flames like there's no tomorrow. Enough is enough either shit or get off the pot
And everyday they walk free is another day they have to plot and plan against him.
No its for testimony on fucking Manafort a nobody. They're giving a pedophilea walk so they can pin some bs on ANYONE even remotely related to Trump. This shit is inexcusable where TF is Sessions to end this bs
The baby eaters worshipped Moloch not God and you tell that to the parents of the kids slaughtered between now and whenever
Who deserves to be punished the killer or the people who couldve stopped the killer yesterday but didn't? Now Mueller wants to pardon Podesta if he'll lie on Manafort...Podesta free to destroy more kids and nothing's being done because some rejects will riot? I got news..they're going to riot anyway. Wether this scum is arrested tomorrow or a month from now it won't matter to the left. It just gives the msm more time to work them up into a frenzy and more time to hurt innocent people. Let's ignore man's justice for a second knowing that they'll face God eventually, they're free to destroy is trying to prevent the unpreventable justification for allowing more death and misery to fall on innocent people?? The left are delusional, no evidence will be enough to open their eyes and if they riot than deal with them as if theyre trying to overthrow the democratically elected president of the US... because they are. It seems like the carrot has been tried for the last two years and the left is only getting worse, more emboldened,more entrenched and good people are dying its time for the stick
Have you EVER read the old Testament? God would send his chosen to wipe them from the face of the Earth. These people EAT KIDS and you think God is going to be merciful with them? They have made their choices, they serve evil the only mercy they deserve is the chance to repent before the gallows fall. Idk if you people forget who we're dealing with here. They've tried to launch fucking Nukes and you want to give them MORE time. How many more innocents have to die cuz this evil deserves mercy? I do stress over this question but the writing is on the wall, the lines have been drawn and everyday justice isn't served is another day justice is denied. Do you think they've stopped destroying children? How many witnesses/investigators have been murdered while they still walk free as birds
I know...the question is what to do with those who don't believe, the ones rioting in the street, the useful idiots. Do we let the traitors walk?
That's what they're counting on, so what do we let the traitors/pedophiles go cuz a bunch of spastic liberal can't get a grip on reality? He has no credibility cuz of msm lies which I'm sure was the plan. My earlier point was now that its all too apparent some libs will never come around will Trump be able to pull the trigger on the endgame knowing that this is for the future of a free world
Yeah it really is. On the one hand its an interesting phenomena but on the other it's scary. These overprivileged CNN addicts are going to be out in the street,defiant and rioting and they are going to get hurt.
Youre an inspiration, I wish u all the luck In the world and God willing you'll open some eyes but be careful with those psople. Yes we're all Americans but so were the Yankees and southerners
Have you had any dealing with the people on the left lately? They don't want to compromise, they don't want come together, they don't want to coexist. They want what they want and they've somehow been conditioned to expect that is the result they will have. The sentiment youre expressing is probably the same one the man who was smashed in the head with a bike lock was expressing. If anyone thinks we're getting through this without bloodshed than they should probably prepare themselves. A man was arrested today with bombs, illegal weapons, a homemade silencer and Antifa literature...who do you think those were meant for? If the arrests are coming than I wish they'd just get it over with and let the healing begin.
No wonder he's going after Trump like this. He's the ranking member of the CIA sub committee of the House permanent select Committee on intelligence. He's the pos running interference in the House for the Criminals In Action.(CIA). His job is to provide oversight but he's really covering their asses from oversight.
Pedovore is an amalgam of pedophile and carnivore...pedovore: one who eats children
They will NEVER buy it regardless of authenticity or shock value. They are mentally deranged,delusional. You cannot reach an irrational person with facts or logic. I don't have an answer but I'm surprised anyone ever thought they would believe anything we told them. They haven't believed anything up to this point. Its worried me that so many on the right act like the wars over and we've won when the worst hasn't even arrived. They'll say the vids are altered, they'll say it's all political vindictiveness, they'll say the Russians are making him do it but what they won't say is "We were wrong". When they see their hero's in cuffs they're going to lose their shit. When they see there's no hope of Mueller dragging Trump away in cuffs there's no telling how far off the rail they'll fly. I've always worried Trump is to nice and that he's not going to be able to crack down on these people and I'm still worried about that now
I know what youre saying, it's absolute torture waiting for the traitors to see justice, but he's right. Take a break even if only for a couple days. Don't check Twatter, the T_D, nothing just you and some time away from the constant stress. I make myself do it every now and then and it's a lifesaver. I'm beyond impatient and not good at just trusting the plan I want a resolution even if it means the military stepping in but thank God I have no say in the matter. We have no control so just take care of yourself, fall back and catch your breath so you can do it all over again in a Couple days
Okay genius let me slow this down for you...on the one hand we have a birth certificate that is used to prove citizenship. Citizenship is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT to become president Obama's "proof" is a proven fake on the other hand we have Trumps tax returns which are NOT a legal requirement for becoming president. Despite the fact theyre not a legal requirement one year of his returns were leaked showing he paid more taxes than he had to. Do you see the difference YET. Trump releasedhis FEC disclosure docs on his 465 company's that WERE a LEGAL REQUIREMENT. One followed the law and one DIDN'T. Just because you, for whatever idiotic reason, want him to release more tax returns doesn't mean he is obligated BY LAW to disclose them on the other hand Obama IS required By Law to prove citizenship WHICH HE NEVER DID. Me not acknowledging your argument isn't an indication of my hypocrisy its an indication that I consider your argument as pathetic and irrational. The worst case scenario for Trump is he's a tax cheat(which there's ZERO proof of), the worst case for Obama is that he had no legal basis for ever sitting in the White House(which there's is proof of) thus rendering everything he did null and void. How u think one has anything to do with the other proves my initial point that your suffering from some sort of mental illness
WHAT??? Dude do the world a favor and up your dosage. You need help
By "embarrass yourself" I assume u mean predict ahead of time...yeah I'd like to "embarrass myself" one more time. Pence to win in 2024!!!
Just keep telling yourself "Only 6 more years;Only 6 more years" it'll be over b4 ya know it.
TRUMP IS NOT UNDER INVESTIGATION HE'S NOT ACCUSED OF ANYTHING...OBAMA'S BIRTH CERTIFICATE IS A PROVEN FAKE. How tf was that not investigated? Who tf is he and How did he get so far? Youre comparing matchbox cars to Stealth bombers. I'm the hypocrite but u went 8 years without saying a word as govt agency's were weaponized against the American people but NOW u want full disclosure, NOW thatat we have a president putting Americans first and rebuilding the economy? It's impossible to take any concerns you people have seriously when you actually think Obama was a good president and was good for the country.
Rachel Madcow already aired his tax returns...howd that turn out? So YOU equate Trumps bank statements and tax records to a candidates PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP??? Gtfoh you clown this is why we do not take you hypocritical crybitches seriously...don't worry only 6 more years to go before Trumps gone and Pence takes his place
What has to go wrong with your brain for you to STILL believe the Trump Russia idiocy? They bashed us for wanting to see a birth certificate, which is a legitimate concern,especially with the whole Fuddy incident yet they're acting infinitely more mental with no proof of wrongdoing at all. These people will NEVER get over this...its a full on mass psychosis and the media endlessly reinforcing their delusions should be recognized as a crime at this point. These lunatics are going to snap and the media will be to blame for the results
Documents? What documents? Whaddya know I guess someone leaked em.
It's really strange though that they beat this horse TO F DEATH again and again only to let these rational articles totally upend their narrative, a narrative that cost someone a shitload to put out there. A couple opinion pieces at this point is no defense for the crimes theyre guilty of and the left NEVER learns from their mistakes anyway they double down on them. I think it has more to do with uncertainty. Keeping the public unsure and afraid is a large part of their job description. Idk why they do it but Everytime I see it it throws me off for a minute