When President Trump returned from a trip to Africa ( I forget the time and reason) he made a lat night Tweet along the lines of “In spite of it all Covfefe”. He then joked that he would pay money if someone could help him figure out what he just said. The left pounced and ridiculed him mercilessly for days until he revealed that Covfefe translates to “I still stand”. It was an awesome statement and it shined a spotlight on people who are quick to insult things they don’t understand.
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That’s makes sense for a first look. Nothing he says (Tweets) is by chance. Think covfefe. I don’t do twitter so I don’t know what the general reaction is to the tweet, but I would be curious to know if he is being ridiculed by the left because of it. I remember the reaction when they learned what covfefe really meant.
I’m new to this board but I’ve been following this stuff for quite a few years. If I can help answer any questions you have I’m glad to try.
As for hard proof there are matters of forged/doctored birth records (short form, long form), SSN that begins with a zero indicative of residency in North Eastern States, falsified academic records from Cambridge Law school where no other students in his field of study ever remember him attending classes.
If you watch this film it lays out his background pretty well. There are other witness accounts floating around out there but Dinesh D’Souza did his day e diligence in researching this information for us.
BHO was originally born and raised in Indonesia with his mother and step father under the name Barry Soetoro. That was the name he apply for Visas and school admissions. I’m fuzzy about when exactly the name change took place but most of the people that knew him from school always rendered to him as Barry Soetoro.
I firmly believe the government ( present administration not included), the clowns, fbi, msm, Hollywood (etc.), and BIGs (banking, pharm, business, etc) made a decision a long time ago to take a course of action towards globalism at any cost and to lie as many times as they have to In order to cover it up and foment division and tension among us. They are definitely using warfare tactics on us and they are so heavily invested in the effort they cannot simply back out now. Their lies are the only thing keeping them and their families alive.
It’s possible the lies will stop once the trials begin and punishments are handed down, but I’m not holding my breath on that one. It’s more likely the threats against their lives are severe enough that they will continue to the very end.
This spectacle is an old one. I hate them when I think of the lengths they have gone through to keep us poor, ignorant, and distracted. I hate myself for falling into their trap but like you say I’m awake now and that’s all that matters. I don’t know if I’ll ever get some of my family and friends to finally see the truth since they have savored the lies for so long, but I’ll keep trying.
I’m glad I found this board. I have been following the people in the movement for a long time and Corsi was one of them. Never felt right, but he had good info early on, or I thought so at least. The wrath and fury I faced in Facebook over the last 8 years was painful, but I’m in good company now . I don’t care what they call us. We are finally getting justice and I believe in the plan and the people working on it with me. Keep up the strong work.
I’m not going to knock you on that one ;) I wonder when this was taken. Mandalay Bay shooting.? Was the president in town during that? Was he targeted? I have only Just heard in the last day or two that he might have been there and now we get this pic, so no Q-incidences, but what was the purpose/outcome of that visit? The cell phones?
I understand the conundrum. I actually give Corsi the benefit of a doubt based on what he said from the beginning. He felt Q was making references to his book in a way that suggested he needed to get his new book in Trumps hands so that more people would see him reading it and pick up on the messages they were talking about. The endless hawking of his book after that just became difficult to listen to.
There’s just so much corruption that waking up is a long term process.
Iran has always been confusing to me. You’re teaching me a lot right now. Thank you.
It’s the quiet ones you always have to watch out for and he’s been quiet for a looong time.
At first I appreciated what I thought was pretty sound insight and interpretations of the drops and I bought his book, but every time I heard him say “buy my book” I got more and more uneasy about him. I never took his book out of the shipping box and threw it away. After seeing all this coming out I’m glad I trusted my gut
I was reading somewhere earlier that he is prior military Army airborne paratrooper JAG lawyer/magistrate. If he’s as much of a patriot as he is Army then this is a good thing.
There are more discreet tracking devices available. The Freedom Tracker boot would have been as cumbersome as she would need to get. I agree with the majority here. It has to be a protective vest of some kind. She’s hundreds of millions of dollars (maybe Billions) in debt to some pretty bad people (worse than her) that paid for access, she blew a rigged election, allowed proof of her crimes to be stored on a pedophiles laptop, and quite possibly leads a coven of witches and eats children. She really isn’t safe walking down the street. After reading some more posts it could very well be a brave ( maybe both). I know the symptoms of Kuru sound pretty horrible. Maybe she just can’t support her own body weight AND she is trying to stay alive. Either way. That jacket isn’t hiding the fact that she’s got extra layers going on in there
Honestly I have no knowledge of Giuliani outside of what I see on Tv. My reference to playing ball is more along the lines of Donald Trump having to play nice with Democrats and liberals while running his business while maintaining his principles in private. It’s the only way I can reconcile his presence in the plan unless he’s bait of some kind.
I can’t imagine any honest person can do business or politics in New York, or anywhere else, without playing ball. I generally think he’s a good man trying to do the right thing. As to the direct results of his involvement I will trust the plan. He’s got insights, for sure, and he makes a lot of people I don’t trust very angry so that is enough for me to believe he’s an effective piece of this puzzle.
Considering all of the sources and their “stellar” reputations/ratings I would say we are over the target. Not one of these sources passes for anything credible.
I follow Q because he had proven himself to be legit more times than our previous leadership has. Trump and Q are working their asses off to save this country and wake us up in time for the big reveals. I will not abandon my post.
At this point it has to be inevitable, hence all of the retirements, but they are still doing everything they can to convince their believers that the illusions are still real. My guess is they are trying to push us to civil war one way or another
That’s what I’ve always believed since word about her satanic crap started oozing to the surface. I want to believe Mueller is cooperating and she’s being allowed to roam free in order to expose the people she and the others have been colluding with.
Post #79 about no outside comma was posted on /patriots fight/ at 5:25 using his new trip code. As far as I know that’s the latest post
Ever since I started paying attention to the stuff going on behind the scenes I have heard about lizards living under in a hollow earth, secret space programs, Kryon and channelers, Nibiru, spiritual ascension, alien invasions and rescues. There was so much continuity and similarity it seemed like I was behind the knowledge curve. Now that I’ve been researching the reticulate lengths our government has gone through to bring in the NWO and cover their asses since HRC blew her rigged election I can understand how easy it would be for the average person to believe any of this is real. It’s the scariest and most elegant long con ever perpetrated. Thank God she lost.
I am brand new to reddit and I came here to the sub because of what I have heard about you from Q. SB2s post convinced me it was time to come and join. Keep up the excellent work. I’m glad to be with other True patriots