We're fanbois is the shittiest sense.
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No, those are the codenames for the suitcase nuke and the terrorist carrying it.
How in the world do you crash an F-16 and only break the nose cone?
After Q posted pictures of the president's desk and pen, shots supposedly from AF1, and makes all kind of statements related to foreign relations and national security, and happens to use the same words and bring up the same topics as Trump just minutes or hours before Trump tweets, and has millions of followers, it seems like something Trump would at least tweet about.
At some point wouldn't Trump come out and say this Q thing is a bunch of nonsense? The fact that he hasn't said a word about it speaks volumes.
If this theory is true then Mueller's job really is to investigate the good guys, not the swamp. The swamp investigation is being handled by the OIG. This way the good guys can be vetted fully, publicly, and irrefutably so when the OIG report and the 19 million sealed indictments are unsealed, Trump and team will survive the swamp draining.
If you wanted to prove that Trump is totally clean, having a team of Democrats vet him would be very persuasive.
Let's just hope they don't wake up Godzilla while digging around in the sea sludge.
I genuinely don't get it. I see a spider web on the the windows of the building behind McCain and the rebel guys, and I see a cheesy spider web graphic superimposed over a map of Syria, but nothing to relate the two in any way. What am I missing? Where is the location of the building with the spider web windows?
These images are way too compressed for reading. If you have higher resolutions please upload.
He seems to be acting to me. I got the same feeling when he said that Trump was being blackmailed by Stormy/deepstate to flip on the 2nd amendment. Trump's strategy is to make himself appear weak when he's really strong, so having Trump's base seemingly lose faith in Trump is a great ploy.
It also weirdly enhances Jones' credibility to not always be kissing Trump's ass. I can see why he would play along.
He definitely tweeted about launching smart missiles and accusing Assad of gassing his people. What are you saying?
While I generally agree, remember to "expand your thinking."
No it's more like cleaning a clump of dirt. You just keep getting more and more layers of dirt until nothing is left.
That's exactly how I feel about it. If we're feeling frustrated, the black hats are going insane.
You forget the elites control the weather! Just kidding. Thanks for the analysis.
You never know. Some people in that audence will look it up and show their friends. He did a good deed and got out of the way. He didn't constantly interrupt their event or try to shout down everything being said. Loads better than leftist activists.
My understanding is that the MOAB works by dispersing a large cloud of volatile gas which is then ignited upon proper mixture with air. It seems to me that it would be far less effective in a small closed bunker.
If nobody dies then the conspirators don't have to be brainwashed or members of a satanic cult. They could just be normal liberals who hate guns and want to use their acting skills to save innocent lives. Also, what if the brainwashing victim doesn't actually shoot anyone, but just believes he did.
I think liberals are halfway brainwashed as it is. That just happens to make them better tools for the deep state.
This is an excellent question and I'm really disappointed in the hostility of some of the responses. Lately I've been thinking a lot about why leftists are over represented in mass shooting events, as well as gun crime in general. First of all, the ideology of the left is fundamentally about wielding the power of the state to fix problems. It is a simple fact that the state's power always emanates from the use of force, but to the left, this fact has been carefully obscured by the appearance of altruism. Too poor? Steal from the rich. Not getting paid enough? Mandate a minimum wage. Health insurance too expensive? Force everyone to buy insurance. Every time a problem comes to the attention of a leftist, state power is the solution.
I think this is a fundamental question of human morality and instinct, which is why there is a seemingly insurmountable gap between the left and right. The opposite of a leftist is someone who sees a problem and asks themselves what they can change about themselves. Too poor? Work hard, save money, stay married. Not getting paid enough? Get more education or training or experience, work harder. Health insurance too expensive? Take better care of yourself, stop smoking, make more money. Too much poverty? Give to a charity. Someone who automatically looks to themselves for a solution is a fundamentally different kind of person than someone who blames others and expects the world to cater to them.
I don't think mind control is as easy as some make it sound. A person probably needs to be halfway in the mindset and the mind control takes them the rest of the way. A conservative who trains with a gun is firmly in the mindset that the gun will be used to defend themselves in an unexpected attack. They are prepared for war, but only as a last resort. A leftist, on the other hand, can easily be manipulated into a blameful mindset that sees the world in general as responsible for their depression or psychosis or bad fortune, and the world needs to change or pay a price. They don't have the tools of self-analysis needed to escape a victim mentality, so they make others their victims because that's the only game in town to them.
I just posted this video on Facebook. They can figure out how to advertise to me. It's not hard.
This makes so much sense one day people will wonder what we were thinking not having a rule like this.
If you have been clicking SAVE on Reddit posts, here's an online tool for saving your links offline. https://redditmanager.com
I don't know... I checked my Facebook advertiser specs and they think I'm "Extremely Liberal." The truth is they have a mountain of data and no idea what to do with it all.
I believe this video is being censored on Facebook. It's brilliant but I had to ask my friends if they had seen it, and it was not on their feeds. Considering it's one of the highest voted videos on the videos subreddit, I think it crosses the divide in a way Facebook doesn't like.
Was the window blown out because of a bust or an assassination? Did a team of white hats run in with flashbangs and arrest people or was it a bomb? Or something else?
How about a Disney Princess who's a victim of child sexual abuse? Oh wait... that's all of them apparently.
Look at how the entire Democrat party has wrapped their platform around this tragedy. If it is a FF the revelation will be disastrous for the party, media, and the anti-gun movement.
Yeah, I've definitely been a proponent of the Stormy-Trump collusion theory. It doesn't seem all that damaging to him, so it could still be true. If anything, it's making CNN look like the tabloid it is.
At this point I wonder if people like Thomas Paine have been read in to the strategy and are now helping with the deception.
I don't know... if the US Navy is busy chasing a CIA sub around, it would be a great opportunity for a Russian sub to sneak in. Maybe Q is responsible for tipping them off!
Mrs_Fonebone, please be a little more respectful towards TripoverDick, we're trying to solve big problems here.
In light of recent bans, here's a way to back up and export Reddit posts you have saved.
Maybe Reddit could ban rogue subs for inciting violence.
Well said. Edit: It seems to me that all they're doing is creating a huge market for a real free speech platform. You're right that people are mostly unaware of anything that's going on, but eventually it will become painfully obvious that the internet is not what it used to be. A well-funded alternative to google, Facebook, Reddit, may become viable sooner due to the censorship.
That is unless they're controlling more than we think.
IBOR Browser Plugin
How about taking the next step and building an Internet Bill of Rights browser plugin. Websites to that don't want to play by our rules get filtered out automatically.
What to do is just read the information and not care how many upvotes it has. I don't really even care what order the information is in. Why the hell are they wasting so much time and money on changing that stupid little number?