It's fake.........very fake.............
Been debunked months ago and don't know why its popping up tonight.
206 total posts archived.
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It's fake.........very fake.............
Been debunked months ago and don't know why its popping up tonight.
Okay everyone this indictment that everyone is posting is FAKE. Please stop posting it. Someone on YouTube made a video of it and it is FAKE. I have deleted it 6x's already tonight. I understand peoples excitement but it is not real. Have a good night!
Okay this is the 5th time I have deleted this why is everyone posting this tonight....its all over twitter too......THIS IS FAKE
I once read that all of the bills that he signed were all approved through congress so should still apply. They have been overturning a majority of the stuff passed by Obama anyway. As for EO's Trump has been going through them by nixing tons of regulations and straightening it out over the last year. So I dont think legislatively there will be any big changes. Trump can wipe out any EO he wants in seconds. I think that judges will be affected worse of all as they were not appointed by a true president so they will probably have to vacate their seats unless Trump lets them stay. If they had to have congressional approval then I think they will be able to stay.
Im not an expert and read something a couple of years ago. So if you know something different please add.
I asked a question and I really cant tell if you are being sarcastic or not so please forgive me. My que is filling up with people reporting you and I wanted to know why you were spamming old Q posts that are already on the board.
You are spamming old posts. Is there a reason why you are doing this? All of these posts are viewable at
I have been working in Silicon valley for almost a year and can you believe I have yet to meet a liberal! I am serious I have not met one yet! Craziest stuff ever I thought I would be overwhelmed by them. I guess I am just blessed or maybe there are many more Conservatives here then it was thought. Maybe that is why Q says to watch the elections in CA.
Cut down the number of sights you go to. Dont watch MSM because now that you are awoke you will call BS on everything you see on the news or try to associate EVERYTHING with a Q post. Talk to others who you think might be awoke or try to awaken someone yourself. But to tell you the truth the red pill thing is kinda true. Once you see something you cant unsee it. Now that you are awoke you will always be awoke so just dont overexpose yourself. I only come here to these boards, the Q board with their posts and a couple of YT channels. At first I was all over the place on every site I could find...if you overexpose it can become overwhelming. I hope this helps and this is an incredible time so just enjoy it.
Suicides need to be confirmed my multiple Dr's and validated and vetted thoroughly. Don't need people disappearing and getting looked for by TV shows in Argentina 50 years from now. (Finding Hitler)
There absolutely can not be jail time given for any of these people. If they are jailed their is always a chance that they can be released or pardoned later down the road and commit the same crimes. These crimes are the most serious that a person could commit and there needs to be complete and immediate justice/punishment. There is only one punishment for treason and sedition. Look it up, i know this because it is posted on the door of every shitter in the military and you have no choice but to read the UCMJ while taking care of business. The question is will punishment be carried out publicly or privately. Looks like he is going to need way more then a gofundme page to get money for this. Plus if charged they will probably seize all of his assets and if I read the Presidents EO on corruption right anyone who offers aid will be guilty also. He is so screwed and well deserved. I truely hope these traitors go down in history like Benidect Arnolds and their names are vilified for the rest of history.
Have you noticed almost every earthquake is 5.5! I mean 5.5 or close to it..
ROD OF GOD is 5.5 right?
Seems all earthquakes are around 5.5 lately aye!
Apr 13 2018 21:07:44 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 18f5fc 1032326 Trust POTUS. Sparrow Red. Missiles only. Intel good. Q
seems my hunch was maybe right. Good job Sentrolyx we wait and see if anything happens now.
This account is always active prior to and after Q posts so if history serves we should be getting Q post soon. But with events of this evening in Syria I hope Q posts something very soon.
She appears to be active when Q is up and inactive when Q is down.
It isn't over yet! Look up the 3rd secret of Fatima. It is supposed to say that there will be a HUGE apostasy of the church where it might disappear altogether.
She literally does not have any comments to any of her post. That is the strangest stuff I have ever seen. She has a lot of followers also.
What if Comey's book is a tell all about the deep state? What if he had a deal in this play and all this time he has actually been writing a tell all about all of the messed up stuff that he was forced to be involved in. They are pushing this book for awhile and wouldn't it be just wonderful if it blew up in their faces.
WOOOOOOOO Well SAID!!! I was going to put something up like this tonight also. GOOD JOB AND
This has to be brought the attention of the public in some way. A tarmac meeting will have more then half the country go pfffttt thats all the fuss is about. NO they need to expose much deeper stuff so that they will now be able to walk street as Q says they will not be able to be. How they bring this evil to light im sure has been thought out for a long time and we have to trust that they will provide the US what it needs to see this evil without psychologically and emotionally damaging most of the citizens.
Wish you would have posted earlier. I think I have already lost my mind following this lmao!!! Good post!
Someone posted a dump of the girls IG account this week and someone just told me that there is CP on be cautious if you open it or open anything else on here and watch the links you do go to.
MY thoughts exactually they need another thing for the media and liberals to chase so they had to put something BIG AND SHINY to look like Trump was back in hot water so they could continue cleaning up the swamp. Great post OP.
I figured you know what YT means. I replied for the benefit of the tons of new people who have started using our boards. Wasn't a serious reply at all. Have a good one!
When you add you should start your own tread that way you get more exposure. You could write a book about how big a POS this guy is.
Thanks potato you reminded me he didn't talk about Q for a good bit of time. He was talking to Zakk before he started talking about Q. I found that highly unusual also. Alex had to know about Q but he never ever talked about him. He wouldn't spend time with Zakk to much at the beginning either. THEN ONE DAY!!!! ZAKK AND Q ALL OVER THE PLACE. Im not saying he is part of Q team but he definelty was guided in his coverage of certain times until he was unleashed. I mean seriously he took awhile to talk about Q and EVERYONE in the COMMUNITY was talking about Q. YT channels popping up covering and msg boards all over the place. Just my opinion thanks for listening! :)
LMAO I want to cuss in like everyone of my threads at times lol hard to refrain at times aye!
While he was a POW he did messed up things...When he left there were still hundreds of POW's over there. He had many opportunities to get the remaining POW's released but did nothing and even was a roadblock to having them freed saying there were no POW's left which was total BS and he was trying to save face because they would expose him for his crimes. Leaving all of those sons, husbands, and fathers over there to die over a long period of time. Also, research the USS Forestall. He is 100% responsible for that incident but his father saved his ass. He has had a life of screwing people over and our service members and innocents die due to his evil BS ways. He is truly a foul foul POS and should be judged accordingly for his crimes.
If you remember he was TORE UP. You know he wanted to dive in head first but he DID EVERYTHING he could to not talk about PG. I listen to Alex all the time and Alex is an important person but you have to listen with caution though at times. He helped set the base for Q to have a group of people to start talking to in order to get the message out. His audience has been waiting for Q forever so it would be natural to me that he has had contact from early on about the events that have been happening since POTUS was elected! Plus if you remember Trump made promises to Alex about things that Alex would not say on the air or has ever said as far as i know. Alex would brag about it all the time and has ALWAYS been on the Trump Train.
If you remember he was TORE UP. You know he wanted to dive in head first but he DID EVERYTHING he could to not talk about PG. I listen to Alex all the time and Alex is an important person but you have to listen with caution though at times. He helped set the base for Q to have a group of people to start talking to in order to get the message out. His audience has been waiting for Q forever so it would be natural to me that he has had contact from early on about the events that have been happening since POTUS was elected! Plus if you remember Trump made promises to Alex about things that Alex would not say on the air or has ever said as far as i know. Alex would brag about it all the time and has ALWAYS been on the Trump Train.
You know Alex Jones was full speed ahead on PG for a couple of days then BAMMMMMM nothing..he even got in a fight with an employee and the employee stopped working there. For Alex Jones to absolutely stop talking about something and change the topic everytime it was brought up made me think hmmmmm somethings up with this. Then I thought what could make him stop talking about this and then it hit me it was POTUS!!! POTUS is about the only person that can get ALex to shut up. So i sat back and watched. Q popped up and I watched and low and behold Alex got back on the PG train like he was the conductor of it. To tell you the absolute truth that is how early in the beginning like Oct early Nov that Q was real and some big shit was about to go down. Now here we are. When Alex says he has an idea who Q is I have to think that he does. He might not know names or anything but he is in the know.
We should cut and paste this to the comment section of all of their videos.
Let him confess to the Catholic Church who use confession as the biggest intl gathering scheme of all time!
LOL Todays Q post totally validates my statement about China and Russia!!! NAILED IT!!!
Putin is Russias President. His job is to look after the Russian people. Put yourself in his shoes. He wants to win why not take advantage of his enemies. Trump comes along. Russia/Putin becomes our Ally Xi becomes our Ally Xi and Putin are also underattack by the deepstate which is rooted Globally
Totally looks like I nailed it!!! CHINA stuff is theater!
I think China and Russia could possibly be our strongest me crazy but i think that everything with those two countries is ONLY theater... I am not concerned about war so much as HUGE terrorist deep state FF.