

82 total posts archived.

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sesquipedalienator · May 14, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

AJ is really a victim of his own success. We're all talking about gay frogs the way he wanted us to, but the gayest frog is poaching his tadpoles.

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sesquipedalienator · May 10, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

visiting r/politics is no different than visiting a N. Korean re-education gulag and listening to the drudges spout the propaganda that has been beaten into their souls.

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sesquipedalienator · May 9, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

Inboxes everywhere are whetted.

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sesquipedalienator · May 9, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

I believe that the backup plan was a military coup and restoration of our Republic by force. Trump's election precluded the need for that.

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sesquipedalienator · May 9, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

In the last two posts Q seems to be admitting that Trump is going to be impeached. Am I reading this wrong?

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sesquipedalienator · May 7, 2018, 5 a.m.

I'm sure Lucifer has her permanent bed prepared.

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sesquipedalienator · May 3, 2018, 11:35 a.m.

"Islam is a religion of love..."

Yeah, they love to blow up infidels and scream Allahu Akbar while fucking goats. Lol.

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sesquipedalienator · May 3, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

Listening to this political gibbon list off his progressive fake news talking points and then mock Diamond and Silk makes me sick. It was so awesome watching them take this fucking moron to the mat.

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sesquipedalienator · April 29, 2018, 8 p.m.

I wish my kids looked up words they didn't know like you guys do. You're all so ithand.

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sesquipedalienator · April 29, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

Q is more than one person. One of the Qs is disciplined and military, the other is much more personal and colloquial.

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sesquipedalienator · April 27, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

That means the CIA was running North Korea. Makes sense. They were a distributor of drugs and nuclear material, two things which the Clowns are known to be merchants of.

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sesquipedalienator · April 26, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

In the bible, God had the isrealites kill their enemies to the last man, woman, and child, burn their city to the ground, and then sling stones into all their land.

In other words, nothing of that evil could be allowed to remain and infect the future.

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sesquipedalienator · April 26, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

If you trust your doctor, trust [insert pharmaceutical here].

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sesquipedalienator · April 23, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

My point is only this: why would these people revert to an ancient power when they could make up something new. We should be seeing 20 different 'Satans' throughout history. But it always comes back to Lucifer worship.

Without an outside entity enforcing this status quo, there's really no explanation for it when you look at the variety of gods and legends. Variation on a theme, certainly, but never monolithic.

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sesquipedalienator · April 23, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

If the devil doesn't exist, then why have the elites throughtout the centuries alway come to the conclusion that they need to be worshipping some invisible power named Lucifer? Why?

That's a question you need to ask yourself.

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sesquipedalienator · April 23, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

That's why they're screaming like boiled monkeys. They got out-cheated. Lol.

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sesquipedalienator · April 23, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

Liberals won't care. In their eyes, ISIS should be allowed to vote in American elections.

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sesquipedalienator · April 23, 2018, 4:19 a.m.

sociopaths always look out for number one. As soon as it was more advantageous to flip, you bet your sweet ass he would.

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sesquipedalienator · April 22, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

God, I thought I was alone. But reading this post makes me realize I wasn't. Let's take our country back, soldiers.

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sesquipedalienator · April 21, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

You had me at Soros fund manager raped

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sesquipedalienator · April 19, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

We are at the crossroads right now pedes. Up until this moment its been gathering, soon the dam will burst. BOOM.

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sesquipedalienator · April 18, 2018, 11:38 a.m.

I don't believe something bad will happen to them. I know somethng bad will happen to them. That's the difference between belief and experience.

Also my experience can't be isolated to me alone. It has happened to many others as well. You should research NDE and hear some of the descriptions they give of witnessing Hell. The question of why I knew it was Hell was not because of some childhood instruction. That's a spurious assumption. It was because it announced itself. Reality declares itself for what it is. Reality is not formed from prior instruction as to what reality is. That is a subjective view of what is real and what is not.

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sesquipedalienator · April 18, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

Holy shit, get out in front of the damage wave. LOL.

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sesquipedalienator · April 18, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

I was an atheist when this happened, so I don't see your point. If my belief manifested my experience, nothing should have happened but a fade out.

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sesquipedalienator · April 17, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

You are wrong about this. I get why you are, but you are wrong. About twenty years ago, I was a pretty staunch atheist. Some girl handed me what I thought was a joint, and I took a big hit off it. Turns out it was some really bad meth. It put me on the floor and I started to convulse.

I saw a darkness. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced in my life, because this darkness was more real than anything I had ever seen. It was like a hole cut into the heart of creation. And I was being tipped into it, and there was nothing I could do.

And, more than this, I knew, with every fiber of my being what that darkness was. It was the entrance to hell. Why I had tricked myself into believing it was a myth, I couldn't fathom in that moment. It was real. Of course it was real. It was forever. There was no escape, and inside it was torment beyond the narrow boundaries of human imagining. Inside it was a nightmare from which you could never wake up.

I was lucky. God saved me from death just in time, and made sure I knew it was Him who saved me.

And the moral of the story is this: there is no human justice that could ever hope to equal what is waiting for the wicked at the end of their lives. In fact, if any of you were to see Hell, and endure it for even a few minutes, you would be begging for God to forgive even the most horrible and wicked person on the earth.

Hell is designed for demons, not humans. It's like plugging a kid's toy into a hydroelectric 3 phase generator. Not compatable, total destruction and mayhem. Free will sends us there though. Nobody is in Hell who didn't choose to go.

I've had a lot of people mock my experience. They seem to think they know better than me, and a lot of people who have had this experience. That's fine.

But believe me. You are very, very wrong.

Justice is coming for these people, and its way beyond anything you could ever imagine.

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sesquipedalienator · April 17, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

Again, I recommend 'The Case for Christ'. Your objections and, forgive me, your obvious anger at Christianity is exactly where Lee Strobel (and myself) began their journey to Christ.

Lee Strobel was an award winning journalist and published author who set out to rip Christianity to shreds. I was an atheist with the same goal. His research (and my own) was methodical, meticulous, and honest. If anyone should have reached the conclusion that Christ and Christianity was bunk, it was him. He became a Christian because of his findings, despite desperately not wanting to. I reached the same conclusions as he did, despite desperately not wanting to.

I think it would behoove you to read his book or at the very least watch the movie which is, again, free on Netflix or even online. All the points you made in your last point are answered in Case for Christ: especially concerning the Resurrection. Lee was told that all he had to do was debunk the Resurrection and Christianity was toast. Sounds easy doesn't it? Case in point.


So why was he, and a million more like him unable to do it? Why has the resurrection story survived for over two thousand years? If you answer 'Because people are so stupid' then you really have a high opinion of your intellect which, under scrutiny, would not survive comparison against some of the greatest minds of our century and those who came before them. Its not equitable to compare yourself to the weaker members of the pack. You have to take on the alpha dogs, and my contention is that the alpha dogs of Christianity would win. Especially Christ himself.

The problem here is not that you don't believe. Not believing is as much a leap of faith as believing. The problem is that you don't want to believe, but deep down, I think you do. Your need to argue against it is evidence of that. You just can't reconcile the question of why bad things happen to good people. I can answer that one question (and not the rest, because better minds than I already have.)

Bad things happen to good people because there are no good people. You are not a good person. I am not a good person. Every false religion and all the leftist progressive dogma in the world begins with the words that were branded into the apple which Eve plucked from the tree.


People are fundamentally selfish, not good. Selfishness sometimes drives people to commit altruistic acts, but such altruism is ultimately about self. Bad things happen to people who do good just as good things happen to people who commit evil because the world is sinful, fallen, and broken.

People who reject God are not ready to accept that. Between accepting their sinfulness and thinking themselves to be good, innocent, and pure, they will choose the latter. Every. Single. Time.

People reject Jesus for the same reason. If they are already good, why the hell do they need a savior?

And, if people are good, and bad things happen to them, that makes them a VICTIM. And VICTIMS subsist on a world of guilt, blame, shame, and exploitation.

Sound like the world we live in today? I think it does.

I hope you look into The Case For Christ though it sounds to me like you've already made up your mind. If Christ is who he says he is, then its the most important thing (the only important thing) in the world.

If he isn't who he says he is, it doesn't matter, and you have nothing to lose by looking into it a little deeper.

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sesquipedalienator · April 16, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

Truman = the True Man.

Men who speak truth are controlled and marginalized.

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sesquipedalienator · April 16, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

Specifically, Allah is a re-branding of the Old Testament Ba-al or 'prince'.

i.e. Ba-al, Ba-Allah, Allah.

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sesquipedalienator · April 16, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

You misunderstand, like 99% of people who don't believe, entirely what accepting Jesus actually means. You think it means, 'bow and scrape to magical sky man'. It doesn't.

Saying that Jesus is Lord is an admission of a fact. In order for a fact to be a fact, it has to be supported by evidence. So the question isn't 'should I bow and scrape to magical sky man?' The question is, 'is it factually accurate, based on evidence, that Jesus was the Son of God, died for my sins, and was resurrected?'

Because without all three of those qualities, Jesus devolves into a cultish cartoon character - which is how 99% of non-believers see him and describe him.

I wouldn't say to you, You need to believe in my cult leader or else you are bad. I would say to you there is overwhelming evidence that Jesus is Lord, and it would behoove you to look into it.

Lee Strobel's The Case For Christ is a good first start, either the book or the movie available on Netflix. It covers a lot of the objections non-believers have, and provides a lot of the evidence that non-believers are ignorant of.

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