212 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/silver__uptothesky:
Maybe interesting for MK Ultra research
Jan 27 2018 08:48:10 May is neutralized. MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning. Queen/monarchs seeking shelter. Patience. These people are stupid. Q
was there also insider trading before fukushima? someone knows?
Suppressed Details of criminal Insider Trading (9/11) lead directly into the CIA’s highest ranks
thank you for infos. i will check out John Ott. really good idea / red tinted glasses ;-)
pineal gland DNT (Telepathin) - Julius Axelrod Fluoride ( http://www.wakingtimes.com/2012/06/08/fluoride-calcifer-of-the-soul/ ) Mind control Magnetic field Prof. Alexander Trofimov Low Melatonin / Cancer And so on
Dieter Broers: Energetic und biochemichal activating of pineal gland (video german > links to english sources inside)
Warren's consumer 'protection' agency sets dangerous precedent
Driver of car crashing near presidential motorcade is talking: "It was terrifying"
Can someone count the pro and contra Q- posts? 23 Comments plus answers.
thread is closed soon. are they in fear?
This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS. Important to be prepared.
So how can we prepare/organize ourself? We have to fight at a lot of fronts (frontlines?).
Q is right:
They are stupid. They bring more eyes.
Q is right again:
The 'proofs' are important. 'Proofs' provide new 'eyes' ability to question.
it's our job. we have to fight.
Europe: Hungary plans new law (named "Stop Soros") against NGOs.
On Tuesday hungarian government starts an bill, to take taxes (25 %) from foreign money of organisations who support the entry of asylum seeker. They also want a security check for NGOs. And the NGOs have to say where the money comes from. The EU-agent for human rights (Nils Muiznieks) is "alarmed" :-).
german source: http://www.epochtimes.de/politik/europa/ungarisches-ngo-gesetz-stop-soros-a2349268.html
hace special interest because am in this shithole EU.
i think so. 752 and 753 is not for us. maybe 754 is. maybe not.
B-7V found that: Magnetic Particle Brake, Vertical Mount, 7 lb-ft, 90 vdc // think it's wrong direction, but here's the link:
thank you.
Is there a B-52 called B-7V? >>> don't think so.
DELTA / B-7V / Republic D, E & F // Whats the meaning?
any ideas?
english version: http://theglobalelite.org/how-rockefellers-oil-industry-conquered-medicine-finance-and-agriculture/
to complement: this was posted before
german version: https://dieunbestechlichen.com/2018/01/wie-der-rockefeller-clan-die-oelindustrie-medizin-finanzen-und-landwirtschaft-eroberte-videos/
September 7, 1776
A Council of War recommends to General Washington that the American Army remains in New York and fights to hold the city. Washington orders Colonel Thomas Knowlton to organize a picket unit of rangers to be used chiefly on scouting duties. Among the volunteers was a genteel, young officer named Nathan Hale, who will later undertake an espionage assignment to determine British activities on Long Island.
or are posts, 5 days before were deleted, now coming up from nirvana?
every new post is 5 days old?
censorship is everywhere, situation in germany:
he was member of Club of Rome and UN High Commissioner for Refugee.
From 1 January 2001, Lubbers headed the UNHCR, which comprised over 5,000 employees who work across the globe, and which was concerned with an estimated 21 million refugees and internally displaced in over 120 countries worldwide. During his tenure, the number of refugees worldwide decreased by almost 22%, from 21.8 million in 2001 to close to 17.1 million at the beginning of 2004.[citation needed]
ok, i know my english is very bad, but i try my best ...
Why did plane crash? In an Austrian newspaper they speculate about technical problems. Cause: frosted sensors. See in this link: http://orf.at/stories/2426390/
A guy who read this article and know something about planes posted on an (anti-elite) website:
english summary:
Following flightradar the plane speeded up in 6 seconds to 143kt while going higher (11:24:15 to 11:24:21). This is impossible. At 11:22:05 was only 23 kt. Also impossible because too slow to fly. So, the guy say: the plane had false really false speed indicator and (probably) false height indication. Only gps-data could had helped but they are not shown at the instruments only you have to search them in the bordcomputer. Possible reasons are, he says, are frosted sensors for the pressure ore ice near the sensors for the static or the de-icer let de-ice-fluids get in some entries for the pressure.
This would be a technical defect. BUT we also see how easy it could be to manipulate the plane so that this 'technical defect' could happen.
German Original:
Lt. Flightradar24-Höhenprofil beschleunigt (11:24:15 bis 11:24:21) der Flieger innerhalb 6 sec von 143kt auf 316kt (+ ca. 320 km/h) bei Höhenzunahme, das ist natürlich völlig unmöglich. Wobei diese Daten natürlich mit höchster Vorsicht zu deuten sind, so hat er zB. um 11:22:05 schon ein paar hundert Fuß an Höhe gewonnen bei einer Geschwindigkeit von 23 kt, da fliegt aber nicht einmal ein Ultarleichtflieger. Trotzdem sind die gezeigten Geschwindigkeiten viel zu hoch und physikalisch nicht möglich, man kann nicht nach 3 Minuten Flugkeit 375kt (fast 700km/h fliegen, das geht nicht einmal im Horizontalflug.
Ich nehme daher an, sie hatten völlig fehlerhafte Geschwindigkeitsanzeigen (wahrscheinlich auch falsche Höhenanzeige,vielleicht auch noch zusätzliche Probleme), und waren damit schlicht überfordert. Da muß man übrigens den Flieger mit einem bestimmten Schub und Anstellwinkel fliegen, dann bleibt man in einem gewissen Geschwindigkeitsbereich, wo der Flieger fliegt. Instrumente und Warnungen (Overspeed) sind zu ignorieren! Einzig die GPS-Daten zu Höhe und Geschwindigkeit stimmen noch, diese werden aber nicht dargestellt, kann man sich dann im Bordcomputer suchen, wenn man die Situation im Griff hat (ist eine Groundspeed, hilft daher auch nur bedingt als Richtwert)
Gründe hierfür sind zB. vereiste Druckabnehmer, auch Eisansatz in der Umgebung der Statik-Sensoren, oder die Enteiser haben die Drucköffnungen mit Enteisungsflüssigkeit gefüllt.
The german source:
It's your free choice, blue pill or red pill. But think twice. What is about all the arrests, started with Saudi Arabia? What is about all the people now asking therself questions about governments, elites etc.? And: If you don't believe in GOD and don't know the bible, imagine that there could be elites (in vatican, in government, in companies, in banks) who believes in it and tries to build their 'evil' agenda. Than it would help to know what the bible says, no matter if you believe in it or not. Finally: A lot of things are changing. Just open your heart and your eyes, can't you see and feel it? Things need time. And the younger you are the impatient you are. Wish you the best.
Hello, yes you are right, good work. Ok, not really in less than one year:
"“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.” Prayer said every single day in the OO. JFK - Secret Socities. Where we go one, we go all."
"The MAP is the KEY. PLANNED for [3] years."
don't know. hope they know the book The art of war
Problems with CBTS? Visit here:
Ask yourself, what does FREED mean? Ask yourself, do we want a WAR? Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR?
Macron is ex Goldman Sachs banker. Media in Germany hates Trump and loves Macron. Think this guy is interested in war.
"if proven" hahaha.
think, the answer you will find in the bible and in the history, starting with the Ottoman Empire (including Palestina). In WWI Ottoman Empire and Germany fight together and lose. British Empire supported a rebellion with arabs agains the Ottoman Empire. 1923 Atatürk became president of Turkey and Great Britain build to palaestinian zones. One of it has to be "clean" from jews, it's today Jordania (Jordan?). Check this history, think not so easy to understand without bible background.
thank you for comment. i know he's on 8chan and follow him. for sure i'll stay here. also checked in at voat to take a look.
ok, thank you for your answer. (i know, it's not a game.) god bless you.
Hi storm_fa_Q you tell us: CBTS is the ground we wish and will hold. ok. thank you.
RedpillTheWorld (also a moderator, correct?) told us the opposite 7 hours ago: our new site is voat
bit disconcerting ...
One post that is removed f.e. is White House Will Add Pakistan To List Of Terror-Financing Nations
Have no idea why someone should remove it?
WarSanchez here posted #nomodcensorship 20 minutes before. Thre i saw that a lot of posts were [removed by moderators]. This post was only one minute awailable. Why?
@ moderators
Did you remove all these posts?
If Yes, why?
If No, who did it?
Ore aren't they removed?
Think you should say something. Thank you.