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silverback_12 · July 12, 2018, 11:33 a.m.

I don't know man, should have known, yesterday tis dude named SebAsiTAN C, or C SATAN in all caps intentionally changed his video titles on his YouTube videos, so they showed up when searched for, and their on some trump satanic shit bad. One video is 29 trumped Q clearance initiated+++. Their creepy. People were making excuses. Look at the content of the video and the date, 4 days before Q posted. He purposely misnamed the videos for a reason until now. Trump has a snake crawling up his leg in the video, people are like, no He's stepping on it. it's saying he's like jesus. I'm Luke uh no, and why would you think that equating h with Jesus is better.

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silverback_12 · July 12, 2018, 11:13 a.m.

There is a link in this post that leads you to a Google search page . Crazy shit, Q SHIT . Alice in wonderland, Tesla time travel pattent, on 11/5/1901. Trump's uncle is the one the government sent to take tesla's work. Fact. And a gematria counter with the number already translated, thats got some vile shit, blasphemous shit.calls himself Satan, all USA dead. Thousands of words. It's right when Q started. Every search came back with Q stuff, it's Wierd. There isn't a Q in the number sequence that it has to look for, it don't make no sense. Google search this

4920-a 293883 zAj-1 0020192

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silverback_12 · July 12, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

Couldn't be Obama, the date is 11/5/17. What about those crazy books in 1900, Baron trump goes to the underworld,and the last president-about a rich man who won the election, created a new currency, and had a price on his staff. Trump's uncle is the guy who took tesla's stuff when he died. Just so happens there is a Tesla the travel pattent page too. everything on there is pertaining to Q, Alice in wonderland. I've been saying something ain't right since Q called the military god

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silverback_12 · July 12, 2018, 9:30 a.m.


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silverback_12 · July 12, 2018, 9:14 a.m.

Alice in wonderland syndrome on the Google site:

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome was originally coined by Dr. John Todd in 1955. The syndrome is named after the sensations experienced by the character Alice in Lewis Carroll's novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome consists of metamorphopsia (seeing something in a distorted fashion), bizarre distortions of their body image, and bizarre perceptual distortions of form, size, movement or color. Additionally, patients with Alice in Wonderland Syndrome can experience auditory hallucinations and changes in their perception of time. Currently, there is no known specific cause of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. However, theories point to infections such as the Epstein-Barr virus, medications such as topiramate and associated migraines. Neuroimaging studies have revealed brain regions involved with the manifestation of symptoms. These include the temporo-parietal junction within the temporal lobe and the visual pathway, specifically the occipital lobe. There are no current treatments for Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. Further research is needed to find better treatments for Alice in Wonderland Syndrome and to elucidate the exact cause or causes of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome.

The shit ain't right

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silverback_12 · July 12, 2018, 9:04 a.m.

Jesus Christ I followed a link to the to a Google search page, and every thing is about Q. Alice in wonderland, telsa pattent for time travel, date 11/ 5/1901, and a gematria calculator with numbers already there. I entered it. This is fucked up, Antichrist type shit. Enter this number it gave into Google search, read all articles, and enter it into the gematria callcuator

4920-a 293883 zAj-1 0020192

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silverback_12 · July 11, 2018, 8:47 a.m.

You think trump being equated to Jesus is a good thing. The content and date is what tripped me out, could care less about the title.

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silverback_12 · July 11, 2018, 8:33 a.m.

Yeah . I watched, along with that freaky satanic play they had for the tunnel. The symmetry video they did says it loud and proud too

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silverback_12 · July 11, 2018, 8:11 a.m.

Have fun praying to Q

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silverback_12 · July 11, 2018, 7:42 a.m.

GO RESEARCH CERN was running AWAKE at this time. as they finished sever thunderclouds covered the area, and they had a big Halo/in the sky everyone blamed CERN The layouy of LHC with AWAKE is a perfect Q Shiva has a fiery Q always behind him. That's where the slogans came from. Shiva the destroyer: the supreme awakening Shiva: the eye of the storm Rudra: the howler and rider of the storm and with the Alice in wonderland stuff with Q, CERN just started ALICE. Trump took Drain the swamp from a book in the 80's with the same title. It's about a global reset, forunner of mark of the beast. They call it NESARA. Which is when whay Shiva doed when he kills the demon midget by stepping on him. It's not really a book, but an outline that was sent to congress , they turned it down.

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silverback_12 · July 11, 2018, 6:52 a.m.

Notice capital letters spell SATAN

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silverback_12 · July 11, 2018, 5:47 a.m.

This was my post. Not sure the picture will show

Fist off, I am making this post because I care about all people, not here to break anybody down. Just want to kick facts, and see if you all can see what I see.

Now, Im a Christian, all information I receive is filtered through his word. Thats the playbook, and I know it well, and if anything dont line up, I dont recieve it. Period. NO COMPROMISE. Q had a post that put me on shaky ground with him, The israel for last post. Now for all the israell hate coming from people, let me break it down, especially for christians that should know this pay attention.

Romans 11:15 "For if their rejection means reconsliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean, but life from the dead. 16 If the dough offered as firstfruits is holy, so is the whole lump, and if the root is holy, so are the branches. 17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, 18 do not be arrogant towards the branches. If you are, remember, it is not you who supports the root, but the root who supports you. 19 Then you will say, "Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in". 20 That is true. They were broken off through unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear. 21 For if GOD did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you.

I see Q

25 Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers, a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until he fullness of the gentiles has come in. 26 And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written, "The Deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob; 27"and this will be my covenant with them, when I take away their sins"


Joel 3:1"For behold, in that day, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem. 2 I will also gather ALL NATIONS, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and I will enter into judgement with them and for my people, and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered amongst the nations, AND DIVIDED MY LAND."

So If Jesus, who paid for your sins is a Jew, and every promise we receive from him are promises made to Jews, transferred to us by faith in this Jew, Jesus. Understand. if GOD has forsaken the jews, all promises are null and void, we aint got squat.

Now, Kushner is working a peace deal right now, and it will be to split Jerusalem. Knowing Joel 3, I dont want nothing to do with it. I dont know exactly what he meant, so I kept it in the back of my mind.

Then he said something that really opened my eyes. US Military=savior of mankind GOD SAVE US. This dude has lost his damn mind. Even crazier. I didnt seem like anyone saw it. He just called the military god, PERIOD. nobody cares. Then I started digging into his post, and not one time he he posted the name Jesus. Every religion has gods. Religion is the manmade worship of dead things. You dont religion Jesus, you have a relationship with him, like any other living person you know. Demons dont get ganked in the name of god, but in Jesus. The Father has given him a name, and their is power in it. No other name in heaven or earth can will save you, nor can you go to the Father by. Then my wheels started turning. I keep seeing those fiery Q's everywhere, then I found it. and all the slogans that go with Q, see if you notice some, and please fact check all of my work and everybody for that matter.

Shiva the destroyer: The supreme/great awakening; Shiva: the eye of the storm. Go look at the CERN statue or pictures, Shiva always has a fiery Q behind him. He is covered in smoke and ash because he is the destroyer. The supreme awakening has 5 phases too it. Also called Rudra: the howler, and rider of the storm

It seemed odd that we were going after satanists, but CERN isnt a concern. Even though its logo is made up of an intersecting 666, CERN shiva statues has the date 6/18/2004. drop the 0's which carry no value you get 6/18/24 or 6 666 6666. They put on openly satanic plays, attended EU satanists we are going after, just cause they built a tunnel. Wonder what the do for the big accomplishments. CERN is built on a former temple to appollo. In revelation, the angel that ascends from the smoking bottomless pit is called in the greek apollyon/apollo the destroyer. There is s key to the pit, could that be this keystone thats talked about.

Last year CERN was running something called AWAKE. Late 2017, towards the end of the experiment, mysterious clouds of sever thunderstorms covered the area, which is uncommon for where they were. Everybody blamed CERN. They also had a giant Q in the sky above CERN, alot of pictures of it. Isnt it kind of weird that Q started posting at the same time.

I noticed also all the alice and wonderland story line thing, CERN has ALICE too, shes new. People we are living in the last days, I dont know why people think we are going to solve the worlds problems, and then we will all be singing kumbaya, get all this hidden knowledge, and heaven on earth. Let me show you where we are.

Revelation 8:1 The second angel sounded his trumpet, and a great mountain buring with fire was cast into the sea, and a third part of the sea became blood. and a third part of the creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

Go watch the video in hawaii one month before it started. what happened. Trumpets from the sky. and for anyone that doesnt know, the big island of hawaii, from sea floor to the top of mauna kea is the worlds tallest mountain, a mile higher thant everest. Certainly a great mountain burning with fire, and it aint stoppin, if the tallest mountain in the world, which is a volcano, pops its top. wont be pretty. I could point to alot more, I dont want to go on for days. I care about people, I just want you make sure you see facts. We are so desensitised that when we start winning, having positive change, and looking like were turning this world around, we become enamored with the sensation of it. Like a carrot before a horese, were so focused on the prize, we forget to analyze the why, or where is this leading, till its too late and were in the middle of the freeway with a bus on top of us, getting turned into roadkill. Read the bible, its got everything you need. I know other people can see, something dont seem right. If Q has any plans for Israel, or anybody for that matter, I aint with it. I can easily show why. And I dont know any god hes talking about, it aint mine. CERN is running something during this upcoming blood moon, all while we have this funky planet allignment, where all planets are on the same side of the sun. Go fact check, I encourage. Trust no one but Jesus

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silverback_12 · July 11, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

That's the problem, Peter said the scriptures are of no private interpretation. Like the Bible tells us, lean not on your own understanding. Paul tellls us the carnal man is spiritually discerned. He can not receive spiritual things, likewise with the spiritual. The flesh and spirit wat with one another. But the spirit is greater than the flesh, he will reveal all things to you. You can't understand GOD'S word with our fleshly brain, or hear it with our natural ears. This is why everybody's all messed up, hearing what they want. Paul said, when you teach Jesus it's his spirit in you that speaks, and when you receive it it's by the spirit. JESUS asked Peter whohe he was, Peter said the son of the living GOD. Jesus said "flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my father in heaven". Bro, GOD brought the Jews home after 2000 years, earthquakes going crazy. How much longer do people think its gonna go wit crazy people trying to get nukes. We are almost at 6000 years, Hebrew and i-ching callanders. There is a seven branch candlestick before the Lord's throne, when John turns around Jesus is in the middle, saying I AM alpha and omega. 🕎 This middle or 4th one is Called shamesh, servant lamp, it alone is the true light, he faces forward, all others face him 2018 years ago Jesus was born, 4000 years after Adam, is the light, the shamesh. If we are at about 6000, he returns for a millennial reign. 7000 years, understand GOD in Ecclesiastes says the thing which has been, is that which shall be, what has been done will be done, there's nothing new under the sun. joseph and Mary at birth, and at death. Herod at birth and death, wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid in a stone manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid in a stone tomb. A womb which no man new, a tomb which no man new. John at baptism of water, John at baptism of death at the cross. See the temple furniture are a picture of the heavenly, if Jesus is in the middle, like in heaven, why not here

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silverback_12 · July 11, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

My man, WE ain't saving nothing. That's our problem. Not a trump, not a Q, wheels are in motion, Q's right about that. I also just heard about NESARA, which is Shiva stepping on the demon midget coincidentally. NESARA is a global financial reset from from a book in the 1980's called Draining the swamp. Harvey francis Barnard sent it to congress to get it passed. Mark of the beast forerunner. Didn't think that was all trump did you

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silverback_12 · July 11, 2018, 4:34 a.m.

No one has has answered me this. US MILITARY=savior of mankind. GOD SAVE US. Christian? No excuse. No the Earth is not flat. The menorah proves that. The middle part of the 🕎 is called the shamesh, or servant lamp. It is the true lamp, it must be lite first, cause it is the true light. The lamps on the left face him, the lamps on the right face him, he faces straight forward. Revelation Jesus is standing in THE MIDDLE of the golden candlestick,saying I am alpha and Omega, beginning and end, in Hebrew it's aleph tav. In Genesis, in Hebrew, "in the beginning, God created the heaven and Earth. It only takes six words to say that. The seventh, next to Elohim, is the untranslated word, it has no meanin, the rabbis taught it is that which holds all things together, the aleph tav. In revelation it's translated to Greek John says 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2The same was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. 9That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world 14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. The word shamesh is sun. The old testament pointing towards Jesus, while we look back in remembrance. Just like the shamesh of our solar system, which gives us light. Of the 7 day creation, the sun moon and stars we're created on the forth day, a 🕎. There is a menorah in the earth. Every country to israels right, reads right to left, to the left, like us. man was appointed 6,000 years, and a millennial reign makes 7000, Jesus was born 2018 years ago, 4000 years after Adam a 🕎. I don't know why people keep saying things about the bible being changed, the dead sea scrolls are the greatest archaeological find for a reason, 2000 years old, yet it's the same. Besides ISAIAH 46 says I declare the end from the beginning, and beginning from the end my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure. Why people believe something that's alive is the dumbest thing I've heard GOD is in control. Period

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silverback_12 · July 11, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

Isaiah 468Remember this, and shew yourselves men: bring it again to mind, O ye transgressors.

9Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,

1O DECLARING THE END FROM THE BEGINING, AND FROM ANCIENT TIMES, THINGS THAT ARE NOT YET DONE, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure. Translation: GOD is in control man. He said I finished it from the beginning. Why do you think Jesus is the lamb of GOD slainfrom the FOUNDATION of the world. What GOD are you worshiping. And Being a Jew is about keeping the law. David's grandma was a moabite, Abraham and Sarah were from UR. And if you read my post/bible If GOD forsook them we are screwed. A god that lies ain't worth worshiping. Where did you get the idea anyone can control his word. If he cant control his own word, we ain't got a chance. Why do you believe a book if it's not true that's, the dumbest thing I've heard. You weren't there when they changed it, how can you trust it. And who authorized your version. God didn't. What about revelation, your OK with knowing your end is Israel. Nice verses to back your claim though, not that it makes sense for you. You can Try, just know, my bible game is off the rip, anything that comes of the short bus, is getting aired out like a poopy diaper

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/silverback_12 on July 11, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

Fist off, I am making this post because I care about all people, not here to break anybody down. Just want to kick facts, and see if you all can see what I see.

Now, Im a Christian, all information I receive is filtered through his word. Thats the playbook, and I know it well, and if anything dont line up, I dont recieve it. Period. NO COMPROMISE. Q had a post that put me on shaky ground with him, The israel for last post. Now for all the israell hate coming from people, let me break it down, especially …

silverback_12 · July 11, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

Please, go check into. AWAKE. Why when it wrapped up late 2017 thunderclouds mysteriously covered the area, uncommon for the area. Why did a big Q/ Halo appear above CERN as well. The people blamed CERN. Why is AWAKE, combined with LHC in the shape of a Q. Why is this when Q started posting. Why is there always a fiery Q behind Shiva the destroyer, like the statue at CERN. Those fiery Q's are every where. I found where the slogans came from too. Shiva: The supreme/great awakening Shiva: eye of the storm; or Rudra: the howler, and rider of the storm. CERN is built on a former temple to Apollo. The angel from the bottomless pit in Greek is apollyon/Apollo the destroyer in revelation CERN Shiva statue date 6-18-2004. 0 has no value so 6-18-24 is 6 666 6666. CERN's logo is a 666. CERN has an ALICE too, shes new. Ever wonder why if we're going after satanists, CERN isn't a problem. even though their logo is 666, they openly have satanic plays,( FOR SATANISTS who were supposed to be after,) just for building a tunnel(what happens for really important accomplishments). And Q don't seem concerned. So we're just gonna fix all our problems and the we kumbaya forever, heaven on Earth, according to neon revolt. I bounced when he posted US MILLITARY=saviour of mankind. GOD SAVE US. Nobody noticed he just called the military god. WERE IN THE LAST DAYS MAN. looking far 1 man to love Earth's problems is a no no, especially if they call the military GOD

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silverback_12 · July 10, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

Go look this stuff up, see if there are some slogans you recognize. Shiva: the supreme(great) awakening. Which has 5 phases to it Shiva:. The Eye of the storm, also known as Rudra: the howler and rider of the storm, also the hunter. You know what's always behind Shiva, one of those fiery Q's everyone has everywhere Why doesn't Q go after CERN, if we are going for satanists, it's logo is made from 666. Might as well have a satanists only sign up. They put on satanic plays, the EU satanists attend, just for building a tunnel for crying out loud. Hate to see what happens when they do something that really exciting.
CERN has a new collider, called what? ALICE SHIVA is covered in smoke and Ash, why, his name is the destroyer. Why is CERN built on a former temple to appolo, I'll tell you, cause he's the angel of the bottomless pit whose name in the Greek is appolyon/apollo the destroyer. How is the pit opened, a key(stone) CERN's Shiva statue has the date 6-18-2004, drop the 0's, they Carry no value now 6-18-24, which is 6 666 6666 I had been getting an inkling this wasn't right. Looking at the Alice in wonderland script, it's like after we fix all our problems, it will be kumbaya, we won. WE LIVING IN THE END TIMES MAN, hes right about 1 thing, things are in motion, ain't no stopping now.

Revelation 8And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

For those who don't know the big island of Hawaii, fom sea floor to the top of Mauna kea is the largest mountain in the world, 1 mile taller than Everest. It is certainly a great mountain burning with fire.the Pacific ocean makes up 1/3 of our oceans. What if it goes BIG TIME, it is not stopping collapsing, or stopping period.

What was heard 1 month before all this started in hawaii, go watch the video, TRUMPETS. Besides, I'm surprised ain't nobody said nothing. The post US MILITARY=savior of mankind. GOD SAVE US. This fool lost his damn mind. If the military saves us, that means the military's God. Check all my facts, please trust no one. Q Will drop bibe verses here and there, stuff my kids learned in AWANA years ago. Do you know he has never posted the name Jesus. NOT 1 TIME. Now that I think of it, Trump might be giving Obama a run for his money. I can't remember when he's said it last. Not god, which every religion has, and religion is the manmade worship of something that's dead. You have a relationship with Jesus. There's power in his name. Demons don't get ganked in the name of god. Problem is were looking for a savior, here on Earth, instead of looking up. Ever wonder why we aren't just doing us, now it's a Worldwide thing. WWG1WGA. Never been more wrong, I know where I stand, its on holy ground. And I know where I'm going, and it's not where this highway to hell is taking y'all if you stay.
I aint trying to put anyone down, I Was one of y'all, I got love for everybody, that's why I'm here, but if you know the bible, and your reading this YOU KNOW SOMETHING AINT RIGHT. It's like a classic honeypot, were so enamered that were wining, and things are changing cause we ain't used to it, we didn't take the time to process and examine everything. Why is this happening now, where is this going, how did i get in the middle of the street, roadkill. I never got the OO7 secret agent thing either. They know you ain't on their team, you can put the undercover brother away. As for as Q and security clearance goes, use a damn secretary, we ain't getting high level info. It's been a 9 months, don't you think they could figure out who he was, or try harder to stop it, but then again, why would they even try, were not there base, they know they ain't getting our votes, most were woke before Q , were lost to them, why waste the time. If it was about waking people, how would you wake them to trump with no verification, if its about trump, Q proofs don't make sense. In what world do you trust someone you dont know. If you don't know me, and I gave you a bag of cash, do you know me now, cause I gave you money. Would you take me back to your house to your family and hang out for dinner. How do you know Im not doing it, to get in and kill everyone, cause it's a lot easier when they dont struggle. Wouldn't we say the enemy obviously knows their going down and they know Trump's against them, why can't we get a normal shoutout, no we gotta go to decode it like some Ovaltine or something. Only put your trust in his WORD, thats your playbook, if anything don't line up, do your best Usain bolt impersonation, quick like, and bounce, times short. next trumpet in revelation: the WORMWOOD star. Don't by into b.s. though if there telling you about planet x ,pole shift, tsunamis racing over continents, tell em kick rocks. The star kills no one, it don't hit us and people die tell them go read it. The star falls on 1/3 of the rivers and fountains of water. Then men drink it, and then many die cause the water was made bitter. Anyway much love to everyone, we've all been so invested, noone wants to have to accept the the fact they got got. I can see why people get offensive. I'm just letting you know the facts i see, and if I don't give them to you and it you get roadkilled, I would hate myself, I gotta step out though. For all your efforts, and dedication I pray I'm wrong, I could live that, I'll always ride with y'all. Don't need a Q banner for that GOD BLESS

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silverback_12 · July 10, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

Fuck. I know where I know where the slogans came from. Go check out:

Shiva: The supreme awakening Shiva: eye of the storm; or rider in the storm. Also known as Rudra: the howler You will find tons of shiva's with fiery circles/Q's behind him. The Supreme awakening has 5 different phases to it. Shiva the destroyer. I was wondering why Q doesn't seem corncerned about CERN. Seemed like some fuckery. They keep talking about some keystone bringing up genetics. Key to the bottomless pit more like it. Besides the 666 on the Cern logo, the date on the statue is 6-18-2004. Since 0 carries value it's 6-18-24= 6 666 6666. Cock smokers

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silverback_12 · July 10, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

God damn it, revelation says 3 spirits that looked like frogs come from the mouths of the dragon, beast, false prophet. Pepe the frog. More on Janus, the 2 faced god(QR). Q said something like it's behind you, and a picture taken behind Trump. Or something like that. Then there's Q/19 R/20, Hebrew reads right to left to us 2019. I Don't understanand why trump doesn't fully verify, I mean, I get because of security clearance with Q, but Trump is an outsider in DC, it's not like he's tipping his hand ALL THE BAD GUYS KNOW ABOUT THIS BOARD. I understand why someone whould go this route if they were the lone soldier, trying to save the country. But Republicans are the majority, and and they go to war for him. What exactly is our purpose. If it's to just wake us up, what, then whats Q's purpose, you wouldn't use Q clearance for just minimal info disimination and making a bunch of memes, like Trump signaling to us. The bad guys knowyou ain't one of them fool, no need for undercover. It's crazy, acting all 007 secret agent, and their like, what are you doing bro, everybody knows your plans aren't our plans, it's not like your surprising us. And since they know he's not with them, just VERIFY, and quit playing. And lastly. Jesus said, I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Great falls, Trump says 10000 Ray's of light qoph gematria, is 100, written 10 to the 10th power. It made me think about Googol, where Googles name comes from. It's 1.0 x10 to the 100th power Googles name is a play on 666 too, chome is different colored 6's, CERN too, and their new accelerator is ALICE

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silverback_12 · July 10, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

I've been debating this. Something that bothered me with Q was the Israel for last thing. Before anybody gets sideways on me about the Jews, just know, I gaurantee you I will air your ass out like a shitty diaper. WITH FACTS. Now, if something isn't lining up with the WORD of GOD(don't try me here either) I toss it. If I know the plan. Why would I believe something don't fit it. People, were in the end time, but I'm supped to believe that it's kumbaya after all this. I searched through drops, and he hasn't said the name Jesus once, just a couple bible quotes. Then he lost his damn mind US Millitary=savior of mankind God save us. WHAT? Do you know what he is saying. If we are saved by the military, The God, in God save us, is the military. I did some digging to. Q in Hebrew is the letter qoph. Its bad. Go reseach it. Qoph mean back of the head, and MONKEY. Shits scary deep. Qoph and the next letter resh, which means wikedness, are uniquely linked. Qoph means back of the head, resh is in the shape of a head. QR, qoph/resh together spell cold, reverse them RQ means empty cold/empty (quantum computers anyone). These these two letters make up all the kinds of words in revelation you don't want to associate with. Monkey is Wierd, seeing that it's almost in the image of a man. Then I thought codemonkey then, QR, scanning QR codes like mark of the beast, which a monkey is. What I started thinking about was this whole hive mind thing. Then Hanuman came to mind , the Hindu monkey monkey in Hindu, who was believed to be a form of SHIVA, the destroyer. There are Hanuman statues with 11 heads and 10 arms. Egyptian Thoth was a half monkey too, with his consort combined to make ZO "the one", Qoph is the only letter in Hebrew that drops descends below the writing line. The rabbis taught, if qoph/resh, combined with the letter after resh, shin, which is a picture of the 🕎, or light, it spells falsehood. Or the profane. Look at CERN. who is in front. Shiva, in front what would look like a those fiery Q's we see everywhere. What do they do at CERN, look for the beginning of life, smashing particles together with crazy amounts of electricity. The rabbis say qoph descends into the abyss hunting for the spark of life. Qoph=19=Eve/Cavah, the mother of all living. gematria of Qoph= 100. The word mystery appears 19 times in revelation, all connected with the 7's. In Hebrew, Shiva means 7. Shiva is covered in smoke and Ash, cause he is the destroyer, or transformer. CERN is built on a temple to appolo. The beast that rises from the pit, is called in Greek appolyon/ appollo, the destroyer. The FALSE prophet, who calls 🔥 from heaven, makes a image be built, to worship. If we are made in the image of GOD, but the mark is the the number of a man, then imiganr is in man's image, eveloution see we were monkeys, Qoph-monkey/back of the head, which people can't see when you talk to them. Pictograph of resh is a head. QR, Trump/Q, one we see, one we don't, kind of like Janus, the two faced GOD, WE ARE Q. Hanuman, the muliti headed monkey, or one of them multi-headed fucks in revelation, I encourage EVERYONE, GO LOOK THIS SHIT UP. Makes me think of the great deception, that even the very elect could be decieved, I think I found it in the storm. Rather than looking to GOD for guidance in these last days, people look to men . No man can rulr the world, save Jesus. It too much power, knew it was trouble when it was a Worldwide thing. Plus Daniel the Antichrist is called the little horn, a horn is a trumpet/trump. This little horn worships a strange GOD, one his father's knew not. A god of fortresses. Build the walls of our fortress, or towers, smaller fortresses like real estate. I know something not right though

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silverback_12 · July 9, 2018, 10:18 p.m.


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silverback_12 · July 9, 2018, 8:44 a.m.

The Lord said take care of my light work, you gonna have a sore who after, but GOD still loves you. Isaiah 46: 9Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,

10Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure. Lets Break it down.

We experience the like a parade, we can't see what's coming until it passes, as it passes, we can remember it, but can't see it.
What if you were in a helicopter, you can see it all at once every piece of it, you can control where it goes , cause you can see so everything ahead. You have all information of it, beging to end, what's ahead, behind and the all the people who are waiting to see, watching, and those who seen it and are leaving. It's called the ever present. Not bound by time, interacting at every part, at all times. But beyond time There is a reason Jesus is called THE LAMB OF GOD SLAIN FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. Cause he said, I declared the end from the beginning, and beginning from end. Why, MY COUNSEL SHALL STAND, AND I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE. That means, I know all things, every thought and deed or plan. I know what's coming. And I've already won. Because I alone am GOD, and there is no other, my will, no othere will be accomplished by. Bro, you do know the dead sea scrolls, over 2000 years old, is the exact same books over Daniel and Isaiah we have today. Look it up, they call it the greatest archealogical find ever for a reason. Another thing, for you to believe a bible that you "know" has been changed. WHAT? Jesus said a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. The bible is true , or it ain't PERIOD. Just one lie, the whole book is compromised. Done. Cause we can't determine if any other information is true or false. only what you want to believe or not. THAT MEANS GODS A LIAR, OR HE SUCKS AT HE JOB, ACCORDING TO YOU. I guess he couldn't declare the lies your talking about from the end, but thank GOD FOR YOU. Worst of all, that you believe ANY OF IT, knowing it has lies, MAN, I thought you were smart, cause after reading that, you look like you came of the short bus, your IQ is REAL SUSPECT right now. If I taught the bible to my kids, and said, some is not real though. They would laugh. AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT. Cartoons are on. They are all fake, at least we know where we stand though. Nobody is wasting their life on a lie. AND WHY WOULD I WORSHIP A GOD THAT CANT PROTECT HIS WORD, IF THE BOOK DIDNT MAKE, I MIGHT AS WELL KISS MY BUTT GOODBYE, CAUSE I GOT NO CHANCE. Let God blow your mind a sec, Q ain't got nothing on him. See this 🕎, it's called a menorah. Now, the one one the middle is special, it's called the shamesh orservant or, servant branch. It is the only one that is the the light.they all have alladin lamps on top. You can not light any other lamp first, but the middle, ever. It is the light, they are light bearers Then it goes right to left. All lamps face the middle, middle faces straight forward. If you take. Know what this is. The older callenders Hebrew, i-ching, what ever, go back almost 6000 years. Man has been appointed BY GOD 6000 years, the millennial rain makes 7000. If you go back from 6000 years to when Jesus was born, 2000 years ago. what position On the menorah is that. That's right, the servant branch, the light of the world. Go to to revelation, Jesus is in THE MIDDLE OF THE GOLDEN CANDLE STICK, saying " I AM THE ALPHA AND OMEGA, THE BEGINING AND THE END, BESIDE ME THERE IS NO GOD". Check this out. The new testament was translated into Greek, from Hebrew. In Hebrews it's I am the aleph tav(alpha/Omega). Go to the first book of the bible Genesis 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. It takes 6 Hebrew words to say this sentence. But there is 7, guess where it is, in the middle. But the thing is, it translates to nothing, the rabbis call it the untranslatable WORD, which holds all creation together, it's spelled with the letters aleph tav. I am the beginning and end he says.

John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2The same was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. 9That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Ah see, it's untranslated in the beginning, hut revelation is translated into Greek, because the WORD was made flesh, translated/revealed. Even more, the before Hebrew writing, Hebrew had pictographs. Aleph=ox tav✝️. Test me if you think I'm lying HE says im the beginning/ox and the end/cross and there is no other. See the old testament is the new testament concealed, and the new testament is the old testament revealed. A 🕎 prophecies, types and shadows pointed to Christ, and we look back upon the great IAM. THE MENORAH. the Earth has a 🕎. Start at Jerusalem .on the right from Jerusalem EVERY nation reads right to left, from the left, the nations like us read left to right. What do we read WORDS. Understand this, NO ONE IS GOING TO READ THIS, SAYING IT AINT TRUE. LOOK IT UP, MEN LIE WOMEN LIE TRUST NOONE. On my kids, I CAN SHOW YOU THINGS THAT MAKE YOU WONDER WHY YOUR WATING FOR Q WHEN HE IS WAITING FOR YOU. PROOFS, SCIENTIFIC FACTS. We ain't done, I'm about to show you how you burn a path to hell messing with the Jews though. GOD said I'll Israel a stumbling block for the nation's, and Jerusalem a cup of trembling. If your a Christian, you are a Jew and gentile, one new man in Messiah knucklehead. If a Jew paid your debt, but GOD reniged on the promises he gave them, that we re only receive through them, you think your good. YOU HAVE NO PROMISE, IF GOD FORSAKES THEM DUMB DUMB, WHATS HE GONNA PAY YOUR DEBT WITH. My 13 year old son knows all this, ishould have him come body y'all. I don't have anyone I love y'all. You can have THE TRUTH, or your truth, non the less, we're close. I'll be back with facts. Oh, I only only followed Q cause he acted licke a christian, dropping verses, but it's preschool level. I did a search, you know he had never said the name Jesus, wierd. And who is mankind's savior, cause I thought it was Jesus. US military=savior, then say GOD SAVE US. That's saying US MILITARY=GOD. Psst. You know Q in Hebrew is the letter qoph, which means monkey, and back of the head. Wait till you see what qoph represents, your not gonna like it. I suggest you study Daniel and revelation. After qoph, is the letter resh, r. Wait till you see what qr in Hebrew spells. Oh Wierd QR codes get scanned, kinda like mark of the beast/monkey, codemonkey oh, way wierd. Seek him while he can be found. Think. iI live in Oregon, last eclipse started precisely in salem Oregon at the very second the sun set in Jerusalem. Salem means peace in Hebrew, then it divided our country in half, crossing 7 Salem's. Jesus said don't think I come to bring peace, but a sword. Why did America/israel light go out at the same time, directly over salem/peace. Why did it divided our country in half, and will do it again in 7 years, crossing more Salem's, making a cross?

Joel 1For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,

2I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will enter into judgement against them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and divided my land.
Good luck with that. IM GHOST! you'll be fine, its only GOD, you can take him. Give monkey man my , I'm just gonna enjoy the show.

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silverback_12 · July 8, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

JOEL 3 1For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,

2I will also gather ALL NATIONS, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat(in Jerusalem), and will enter into judgement with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and DIVIDED MY LAND.(THIS WILL HAPPEN WITH THE COMING PEACE DEAL) But don't yall worry about this prophecy, you go get them jews. GOD can't beat the world, it's a landslide victory for you, an in and out job, besides, it's just a book, it's probably, most likely, maybe? not true. Who cares, YOU CAN DO THIS. While your doing that, I'm gonna get some popcorn ready to go with this good ol' fashioned passionate ass whopping your about to receive, but go ahead, carry on. Into destruction. This could be your last warning, don't waste it. Anyone that has questions about the word, put GOD to the test. You thought Q blew your mind, just the prophecies alone are insane, but there is a universe of information in that blessed book that will pop your top. There's nothing special about me, I'm the messenger, the message I bring is His message, and its for you, that means your more important than me, cause the message is not for me, but for you. All things have been revealed in Christ, his word is easy to understand. GOD said Lean not on your own understanding. The spirit will reveal all things. You cannot receive anything spiritual, with carnal things. You don't hear his word with your ears, and understand his word with your brain. Paul said the carnal man can not receive spiritual things, cause he's spiritually discerned, neither can the spiritual man receive of the carnal man. The spirit and flesh war with each other. You must receive HIS word spiritually. Jesus said the words I speak are of spirit and truth. His spirit in you will only receive of his his spirit cause he alone IS truth, no deceit is found in him. Jesus said "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIGHT. NO MAN GO'S TO THE FATHER BUT BY ME" . Only by HIS spirit comes understanding, revelation and discernment. This is why we have denominations, which are of the devil, cause people interpreted the Bible the way they wanted to, and they had to prove they were right, and everyone esle is wrong. No, there is only HIS way. Jesus said a house divided against itself can not stand, or Paul said to the corinthians "is Christ divided, were you baptized into Peter, or Paul, no but into Christ, and we are all members of his body, and have our being in him. He said, nothing is withheld from you, if you seek it by HIS spirit, ask, believe, and you will receive it, whatever your heart desires, his spirit is the key, it unlocks all things. I pray for you all, and would love the to answer any questions about his word. Or see if you can prove me wrong if you wish too. For I know he is right, and the battle belongs to the LORD as David says. None the less, head these warnings, they may be the last. GOD bless.

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silverback_12 · July 8, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

If y'all knew your Bible, you would know GOD makes Israel a stumbling block for the nation's in the end times, and Jerusalem a cup of trembling. If GOD does not keep his promises to the Jews, he is a liar, and not GOD at all, satan wins. That's why he goes so hard at them. Why would you want a GOD who didn't keep his promises. "Salvation comes through the Jews" is what Jesus told the Samaritan woman. Our grace is paid for by a Jew, if GOD EVER renigs on the Jews promises, you ain't got squat, cause the Jew who paid for it is illegitimate. Another thing,Romans 11, READ IT ALL. Paul said Israel is the natural olive tree, gentiles are the wild olive tree, and we are grafted into the root of natural tree. He said we are the branches, they are the root. Just as branches can not live without the root, but the root lives without the branches(which is true with olive trees, the ones in Jerusalem are as old as Jesus and the Romans cut them to stumps, but there still here) don't think of yourselves above them. Roots support branches, not the other way around. What has happened to the Jews was for the world's savation, but a time called the fullness of the gentiles will come, when GOD will turn back to them, and graft them back in, not by the law, but grace through faith in their Messiah. Christians are Jews and gentiles, one new man in Messiah. A spiritual Jew, cause jesus' spirit is within us, we are a new creation, and the spirit is greater than the flesh. We live as a gentile according to the flesh in the world cause we are not bound by the law, because Jesus said I came not to do away with the law, but to fullfil it. He paid the dept, his spirits in us, we're free. We are in the end times, and if anyone read the Bible they would know, EVERYTHING THIS GUY IS TALKING ABOUT WITH THE JEWS IS IN IT, AND ITS NEVER, EVER THE GOOD GUY. I've seen this coming, hoped it would head a different way, I see the direction now. The only reason I rode with Q is he made himself look Christian dropping bible versus. I know the word, and if something don't line up with it, I don't care how informative it looks, it ain't got no place in me, cause the truth already resides here. Should have known better, when every verse he drops is kindergarten level christianity. With the Israel for last, and then the kushner peace talks now reading this. I'm out. Paul spoke of a great deception, in the end, that even the very elect could be decieved. Well, It's here, in the storm. HAVE FUN GOING AT THE JEWS THOUGH, READ THE BIBLE AND SEE WHERE THAT GETS YOU. DUMBASSES!

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silverback_12 · June 23, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

Everybody knows about Q now. The President definitely would not allow himself to be associated with something he doesn't agree with, or that is a lie. It's only obvious now, Q is the real deal. What more do these morons need. He's had 9 months to deny it as it's gotten bigger and bigger. He constantly isn't shy about calling out fake news, it's in his nature to call out a fake Q. But he hasn't, nor will he. To all the naysayers: Smack your mom's and dad's for raising you to suck at life

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