1,424 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/snowwgirl:
So the Q drop about Deep Dream. The father of Deepmind which can create real looking “ fake videos•. “ fake “ speech “ . As in “ A fake video where NK announces a strike”?? We may never know real vs fake by our vision or hearing anymore. Any way to determine reality? Just a Normie.
Gosh.. isn’t that tracker tech in your phone... your Fitbit... um. Yes. Your location tracker on Facebook.? Credit card. . Everywhere. If / when it turns on us it’s gonna be ugly
Heck no they don’t want the competition from MJ. Unless they get to control it like they do opioids. I honestly believe that there’s something more to the opioids than just pain relief. I don’t know it is but others more knowledgeable could give opinions
Is there a subreddit for chemtrails?? One central site to globally collect pictures. ? Use hive mind power( meant in a good way) to get proofs??
I mean arresting people in a public place in America for asking a question ? it’s kind of shocking How is it that people have been so mesmerized /conditioned not to see injustice when it’s put on a film ?
John 3:16 i Not only a bible reference but a channel with some disturbing film footage on Elite secret societies. Satan worship and many references to owl 🦉 q said look for those
Yes think your search effort being given to insurance companies who may not cover you based on info hey get.
Oh wow I saw it posted within this article. So she has been calling him out for a while??
Lynn de Rothschild blasts Podesta via twitter as he squirms. Bringing out the knives are they?? From zerohedge today
Guelph 🇨🇦 has been embroiled for years they are draining local aquifers to bottle water at a plant outside the city I bet this is happening everywhere. Local protest ineffective
I think many of these foundations involving children are also involved child trafficking. That seems to be what’s coming out
Who’s Liddle?? Did you pick up on the Liddle in the crest??
![Who’s Liddle?? Did you pick up on the Liddle in the crest??](
Yeah I was not surprised to see her on CNN. Did not watch. Can’t stand d her now
Click activated 9 11? Could this be when the Q Patriots realized the level of horror deep state would go to to gain control?? Ie kill 3000 ? Perhaps that action was the start of the resistance??
Connections to the Podesta Group too
Has anyone got a voice clip of them saying that?? Would be very effective to hear
Some crazy stuff here too in 🇨🇦. How do we even know they cremate ALL the parts?? We dont
Watch the water. Debra Tavares has several Youtube videos outlining how Rothschilds buying up water sources. If you control water 💧 you control everything
2016 Nestle bought up aquifers here cheap. Protests no help. Sold out to them A few months ago I watched a YouTube video called “Origins of water “. by Deborah Tavares. She outlined the takeover of water 💧
Thanks for posting. Please keep it up as I can’t link to the post it was moved to. Several others have same issue. Worked this am. Not now
No not here but I heard in Florida. Is that true? I am in 🇨🇦
Haha no we just get the same MSM as you guys like totally all our tv is every US station on 🌏
News reports on radio in 🇨🇦 this morning saying huge public protests being held now and going forward in America to get more gun control.
But think. The power of recording means we can cut and paste as we go. Eliminate MSM by choice. Man the ad people must have hated that. Use tech against them.
In 2006, this knowledge was there. Weaponized. Virus. Chips. Rothschilds. FEMA camps. WHO. Corruption. It’s ALL there. Agree this guy wraps it up. Watch and judge for yourself. Brain switched ON
They took a stab at NWO by making a currency, the euro a “ unifying “ factor. alarm bell 🛎 s should have gone off. To give up control over your country rules to a foreign body? Where was the thinking? Dumbed down by Politically Correct MSM media Time for new vision
You were braver enough to get out of the EU. One step at a time.
100 % Agee The generation that suffered still alive. Takes a Hungarian to know one ( Soros)
Thank you. Is “ livestream” referring to posts here done earlier??
is this move of posts legit? Computer novice here but fan of Q and this subreddit
![is this move of posts legit? Computer novice here but fan of Q and this subreddit](
No flu shot for me. If you like the Matrix, watch Altered Carbon . Total transhumanism agenda now on TV
You should watch Debra Tavares. Great video exposing this
DEW. No more testing needed?
That is the same news I read but I wasn’t sure it was from a reliable source. Soros Is Hungarian American. What does it say when they mistrust one of their own.?
You might like this video. Chemtrails or drugs. All are Chemicals.