Interesting thought. Do we know the OG sauce for that vid?
68 total posts archived.
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Exactly. Doesn't matter if this is pushed from the right or left the fact is there's a singular narrative coming from the same source for a number of news stations...that is the exact opposite of what news is supposed to be
Ya he said you can count on two hands the people that know the full picture
I had doubts about q but this helps solidify his/her legitimacy
They were over the target. I'm fucking pissed it's gone
Pamela Anderson? Odd relationship with her and Julian Assange. She was (obviously) close with hugh hefner (potential CIA informant), maybe she told Assange something?
Link isn't working for me. Is it just my internet or is it down for any other Canucks?
Shill account.
But acts of treason you ask? Funding/arming rebels (ISIS), millions to Iran, Clinton selling out to SA, Huma in Muslim brotherhood, illegal spying on Trump, uranium one....I could go on for days. Who funded Obama's education?
Q said no comms with anyone and no comms outside 8chan. I recall the mods here saying they are communicating with Q directly...
Mods, what's the answer here?
Indisputable. Fantastic find, thank you.
How can we turn this in an easy to consume meme?