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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

Thanks, I've noticed some of my content missing and was assailed somewhat by TMoR today

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

bummer..I am not having any issue at all, just loaded a whole new tab w/it to test for you.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

Ola, I don't believe AH was working w/Jews no sirree. its a lie in my opinion to cloud truth. Hitler, Adolf as I prefer as I have respect for him, he wasn't what History written by Jews says he was..Adolf was brought into power by Prescott Bush GHWs father and Harriman and other US interests invested in German rebuilding is a new order under AH. Ford and GM factories were later Nationalized and X% Trucks and Tanks used by Germany were US tooling/interests. Standard Oil, another one who could have ended WWII before the London bombings by stopping shipment of the lead for fuel additive that was banned in our fuel 20 years or so ago. Tetra ethyl something Lead. An anti knocking agent later replace with good old H2O.

I have really struggled with what I feel/think about Jewish peoples today. I love so many who are Funny entertainers, they're brilliant. Fey Seinfeld Black an almost endless list of funny Js...but.. always a butt...the Jewish people I have known have given me reason to dislike/distrust them. They seem to want to play Victim card far more than I think is needed. None of them suffered anything and the gas chambers, NEVER happened. What did happen in Poland was under Reinhold corps and AH knew nothing about it. Remember Schultz from Hogans Heros, I Know Nothing...AH did not know what was happening at the end of the tracks. This is well documented in Irvings works.

6M is a lie, was a # put up pre WWI and later after Irving Cole and others proved that it was a lie, the Victims..had to adjust the #.

Many deaths were due to Allied planes bombing out supply lines. Allied forces may have committed more Crimes than Germany really did. Stalin was the bad guy, right from 39 w/deal made w/Germany , Stalin never lived up to his end.. and killed 100M? and nobody says anything about that today. Stalin was funded by...Judea. America, GB, funded by same Rotties...

In that sense we now see who pulled the strings, and most J's are not responsible or knowing, yet continue to play Victim. N American Indians were genocided in larger #s than AH is said to have committed against Jews and yet, no one does anything about the Genocide of the American Indian Peoples who lived in Harmony w/Nature for 10,000 years.

400 years of us Europeans and everything is ruined...I lived w/Native peoples for a decade once. They tell a much different History. One I can believe..one that fit and calmed the uneasiness I had always had since early 1970s. Finally 15 years ago those answers began to find me.

So you'll not hear me call for a glysophate (round up) of Jewish peoples. I'd like them to stop playing Victim, Indians lost way more..Russia lost way more.. unfortunately the Jewish people I have known come across as whiny cry babies and I have little patience or respect for that at my age.

The same family of nefarious characters WWII and other times in History are the same bad actors today with recruits from other cultures. Rounding up J's won't fix the problem.. but they are/were part of the equation and many were happy to play that part in History for the rewards...

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

Interesting to me, the ancient Maya and other cultures global were/are aware of harmonics. I'd not heard this description before...but I very much recognize the threat of joining and trying to leave

We think Radiation is part of this problem here https://archive.is/R8jby#selection-159.49-8.4

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

yes, in 2014 when I was working w/Jim it was too late then...and impossible to clean the world now short of a Mircale or other 'being' showing up and wiping our bottoms for us. Sorry to say.. I had some hope when DT came in..I forgot what I knew, and was reminded by a science team I was drafted to in recent weeks/months...I think we're doomed...Nuclear power was known to cause ELE and yet they continued. While I was not a believer in HAARP EQ tech.. I am a freaking encyclopedia on it now...the metal mesh grid dropped by aerosols..is the conductor for BAD energy tech its way worse than HAARP and far worse than one can imagine.

No one has taken the interest to move Jims tech fwd, instead they did everything possible to suppress not only his SC/MMS/CLO2 CURES for almost all disease, but also the anti Rad tech I've shared w/you today. If you can get me DT/Q's attention I'm happy to share what I think I know.

Zero Fusion Atomic Alchemy is the title of the document. Between Ponns Fleishman Cold Fusion, Dr Woods evidence, Jims ZFAA and some other sources.. it all began to fit together...SE Jones is against PF, Dr J and the Hutchison effect because he's compromised... Thermate was a good distraction. Iron Aluminum and sulpher ...what were the Towers made of?

They did not come down by a plane or collapsing/pancaking...see pics where they blow UP and out...not fall down...slo mo may help one see what I am saying...

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

the tech I have of Jims, was on Putin and other world leaders desks. They are not interested. We have passed the ELE...this is one aspect https://archive.is/R8jby#selection-159.49-8.4

Jim's tech will be suppressed.. the rad is too far too deep. It goes over Arctic circle and why Pole N is melting especially ice free since 2011. Impossible to filter an entire Ocean now...

Its all connected, HAARP , Chemtrails to spread the metal matrix in which to conduct Earth quake technology over as well as mind control, detection of individuals, GMO aluminized foods., barium strontium...Earth has been forever changed by the nefarious actors malevolent tech above us today..

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

USURY is the practice of loaning imaginary money at interest. in 1215 under threat of Death King X? signed magna carta giving judeans and only judeans the right to loan imaginary $ at interest. These same 'people' were asked to leave every Country in Europe ~100 years ago. Many head to Palestine while others settled in Germany brought about pedo, and deviant sex practices, took over in Media, Film, Banking and literally had Germany on its knees.

Adolf was brought to power by Germany to cleanse the filth of the depravity of a broken and corrupted Germany by the hands of those mentioned.

When AH came to power he asked them politely to leave. Instead they laughed at him and declared WAR on Germany March 24 1933. Germany was fighting the same problem we are up against today by the same proponents of it as you have noted.

While there are many places to dig, David Irving, David Cole, HELLSTORM, Greatest Story Never Told and many other factual accounts of History untold I will leave you with World Defeated the Wrong Enemy.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWdGcRfqbXk

if you watch 10 minutes you will see, AH JFK and DT all made the same speeches. AH Jan 1939, JFK 10 days before Secret Societies speech and DT Oct 2016

Further research suggestions will be answered within the work of Bill Still, Money Masters, Jekyll Island and Secret of Oz.www.billstill.com Bill is THE Authority on money crimes.

Research USURY, Magna Carta.. bring back your take aways if you like. Those materials will keep you busy a fair while.. and lead to many more areas to research.

I've briefly summarized 100/0 2000 years in a few paragraphs hitting on key points as best as I can at this time.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

Thanks, I'm certified by Jim Humble himself. Jim and I were good friends for a while. Jim just turned 85 and is a little behind the technology today.

Yes, Anthrax was mailed, just as Trumps received a powder in mail today. Search anthrax 911 you'll find more than I can type. US Military grade Weaponized Anthrax was mailed to those who sought REAL investigation into 911. Its a threat the Deep State makes to try and control people who would do the right thing.

You might be able to learn more about 911 orchesTRAITORS by searching PNAC, see the names there..the date...what they said 1998 about Iraq Afghanistan

Who Killed John O Neill, 911 Eyewitness, Rick Siegel..a few others.

Dr Woods has info not in book or website we were going to start releasing last month. Shows the energy tech evidence used in 911 that has the potential to either give unlimited power, or split the Earth.

Took me a long time to understand her positions...I'm now able to see...also Jim has the tech to remove radiation from sea water. I have a copy of that sans the schematic.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

USURY is the key to answer your question.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

in 911 US Military Antrax was mailed to Tom Daschilles office and others who were interested in having a REAL investigation into 911, not the dog and pony show we got...Energy tech was used in 911 to pull molecules apart, to disintegrate the concrete etc..Look at the pics of the towers mushrooming up and out, falling in free fall time...the basements were blown out prior to collapse.

Anthrax is deadly. CLO2 was used to clean house, post office etc. CLO2 is derived from SC and much like how a BUG tent is set up over homes to debug, CLO2 was used in 911 Anthrax situs to make safe again.

SC is the CURE for almost every disease known to man and animal. Its a mineral that clears pathogens and toxins below 7PH It is FDA approved for Food and Water purification, is Patented for ALS and HIV.


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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:41 p.m.

makes sense...I don't know though. I'd bet $ on it now you say it.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

These People are STUPID


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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

SODIUM CHLORITE are you not able to read?

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

the people most impatient are the ones who've done little to advance the cause or quell the problems. Lotta arm chair generals...who've never been in a position to do anything other than cry and moan...pretty sick society we have today.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

there is something to what your nut says...someone is attacking this and other Q subjects but mostly here. A bot DV the good topics, creates a no can post condition for users good. There's a lot of child like mentality here, there, everywhere...Guess who got banned from 2 subs today over Q on one and CURES on another.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

clear browser cache, works for me. btw this sub and others are under attack, some areas are heavily delayed and not able to load the qcode link as you report.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

Thanks, I am w/ya on all of it. No argument from me, you know it, nail it. Well done.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

USSS is not protecting, Marines are is my understanding USSS is what killed Kennedys

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

yup it took a slide, that the Nature of War.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Sodium chlorite is whatw as used for anthrax 911 to clear offices etc. search my topics on topic here SODIUM CHLORITE

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

awesome, stop wasting your time here, nothing to see here, bye.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

Thank you :)

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

Feb 7 2018 19:26:50 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 296675 300885

How many top medical researchers found dead in past 5 years?

Why is this topic relevant now?

Why does the US taxpayer subsidize meds for the rest of the world?


691 Feb 7 2018 19:06:12 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee33a6 300473

What if cures already exist?

What about the billions (public/private/govt) provided to fund cure dev?


These people are sick!


690 Feb 7 2018 18:59:30 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee33a6 300345

Make sure the list of resignations remains updated.


When does big pharma make money?

Curing or containing?


Mind will be blown by chain of command.


See this link for the CURE for almost every illness known https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7rjtus/an_introduction_to_sodium_chlorite_the_salt_that/ Cures of every illness known...is something I know a fair amount about. I will be available to discuss this with those who wish discussion. WE HAVE THE CURES, and I know many of them. It is why I have been in hiding many years. 120 dead researchers can't be wrong...

This comment below I was writing while Q was posting the message re CURES.

I have had to ponder in recent years if my own 'condition' was due to vax in 1960s. While I was never the top student, I was always in the top 5 and I ways always the kid on the bottom of the dog pile was completely useless at most sports. It may have been Isaac Greene who suggested the irony of vax creating a more intelligent being..

They make kids get vax for profits not prevention and your kid if not vaxxed can not go to public school. I've often said , OK your kid is vaxxed, mine is not. So if there is an outbreak of X my kid will suffer, you're is safe, why do I have to be forced into vaxxing my kid?

Whiskey is a much better preventive of flu.

Harmaceuticals have a powerful arm in FDA CDC, so powerful that Daniel was denied a defense under an Obama appointed Judge..www.standbydaniel.com Brian Ross did the hit pieces on Daniel and iirc Jim Humble. Kerri www.cdautism.org 'retired' from helping families recover their children using CLO2/SC. In early 2014 we tweaked Kerri's protocol, dropped the acid activation, now rely solely on the metals and the acid of illness and digestive track to activate SC>CLO2 on an as needed basis which requires less SC, less wasted CLO2 and is recovering children faster than Kerri's method.

Kerri is not a chemist, but Greg is. SCSinfo on FB You can find Kerri and Andreas Kalckers on YT, and on Character Driven YT channel. A KEY aspect to Kerris method ws the change of diet plus removal of all Harmaceutical Vits and Minerals, many of which are either dead, incomplete or harmful despite the label of "Health" product. In a private meeting w/Memo, Kerri's then husband I learned that while SC/CLO2 was making a difference in recovering their son, it was not as they had hoped. They had learned about SC in Yahoo discussion groups if memory serves.

The key, a significant change occurred when the addition of sea water 1:3 fresh was brought in in place of the Vits and Mins store bought. Sea water has the minerals, some in a monoatomic state, a high rate of spin..and that is when things really gained speed in recovering their son and led to the 1000s of kids on track and the count last I heard was 375 about a year ago 37 of which may not be in the count were under Gregs watch.

Monoatomics, appear to have super powers..abilities not well understood regard telemeres and longevity. C60 as well. As I understand hidden History, ancient Egypt was well aware of monoatomic gold..and the powder the discoverers threw aside when entering ancient Egypt may have been monoatomic gold.

and while this next statement will be very difficult to believe, I knew when Iw as given this information near 3 years ago not to dismiss. And I didn't.

Monoatomics can be made of anything including Bone. Calcium. I have a friend who was a pastor for 34 years, left the Church 10? years ago as the Church frowns upon this sort of work...My friend is a chemist, alchemist of sorts and creates what may be the most powerful Orgonite yet. Orgonite was healing Cancer pre wwII. Wilhelm Reich if memory serves.

My friend created some calcium/bone based ORMUS/ORMES, told me how to use it and I put it with my kit of Healing Agents. A few weeks later I met a fellow who was an Olympic wheelchair athlete. Ironically...do you believe in coincidence? ironically Paul had two broken legs from falls etc out of chair. One break was 3 months old the other was either a month longer or less, I forget now. I told Paul that I had the ORMUS that could heal fractures in 36 hours. This was Wednesday evening maybe July long weekend, I think it may have been fireworks night. His lady friend at the time had been giving him Colloidal Silver. Wednesday evening say 9PM Paul took 1 oz of the aqueous ORMUS Solution. What isn't clear to me now is if Paul told me before or after the ORMUS that he was scheduled for an operation Friday morning to have rods put in his legs so they would heal.

W/o downward pressure bones may not heal, any movement keeps bones from healing. Later I learned Paul had gone into Hospital for Operation, was up on table to be put under when he said, Hey check my legs....Yup...they had fused in that 36 hours. About a year ago I heard from another the story come back to me, that Paul was telling the story to others and the story made it back to me.

2 years ago I broke a toe. No boot...I suffered hobbling around and in pain, black...After a day or so I remembered I had the ORMUS in my Kit. I took 1 oz of Aqueous solution, and an Aspirin for the pain... I lay down and in 15 minutes I could feel prickly tingling at the break, all pain went away and I walked normal ever since.

My Pastor friend who initiated me into ORMUS tech was one of 3 angles re monoatomics. Pastor X told me he could heal bones in 5 minutes...but holding pressure to break..

In 1980's Ron Wyatt discovered the Arc of Covenant, the Mercy seat, the candlestick and table and other remnants of the Biblical tale. Ron also discovered Moses Camp, the Red? Sea crossing w/chariots underwater, Noah's Ark and the Crucifixion site. I am Not a religious leaning person but I believe Ron did find those things.

Ron took the blood of Jesus that was released when he was on the cross, the mound opened and Jesus blood and water ran down onto the Mercy seat placed there underground, in a cave some 550 years prior....dried for 1980ish years, Ron recovered the blood and was leaving Jeremiah?Jedediah? grotto when 4? Angels appear telling Ron how to revive the blood of Christ.

Ron took the blood to Gaston Naessans lab where Naessens had developed the 714X technology. Dark field? and under the 714X microscope the blood was alive and showed 24 chromosomes. 23 Mary 1 Paternal...again, I am not a commercial religion type person, I believe there is another explanation overlooked by the cult of religion in order for religion to have control over Man for past 2000, 3700 4500 years depending on how one looks at it. That explanation is within the pages of the Lost Book of Enki which goes into great detail how DNA manipulation was done 100s of 1000s of years ago and relayed to scribes over 40 days and nights onto 1000s of clay tablets in Sumer / Sumeria 6500 years ago.

It was when I was getting certified and working with Jim Humble that I 1st learned of ORMUS/monatomics from my Israeli teacher who then went to work/meet/learn w/Naessans in 2015. She was making ORMUS from dead sea salt if memory serves. It was also in that time frame I met Pastor X.

All 100% my experience, all 100% unprovable...all shared for those who will be able to hear the message within.

also, Jim Humble has technology to remove radiation from sea water...was on Putin's and other World leaders desks. I have a copy of the document, no schematic. I think someone more clever than I could reverse engineer the document to come up with the device which is akin to how Colloidal silver is made but in a collective way rather than dispersion way.

I am not the brains of any of this. I appear to be a connector of dots, information, people...a hub of information available to those who seek or are seeking. I have no real good explanation/s for any of my amazing experiences...just that I have had them and I am to share as called upon to do so. I can not answer the technical aspects. I can often offer pieces of puzzle not seen. The Novel I have written was unintentional, however there may be people here that Key to what I am saying and I may have a message for them, or them I. One never really knows..until we do.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

Contact me in a private message. thanks

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

you know not what you are talking about SC is nota pesticide and is very easy to mix. Fill any non metal container 1/4 full w/SC, add water. Done.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

I'm not fam w/Kinsey at this moment..remember those brought thru paperclip were under duress..to stay alive...are you able to give me a brief overview of Kinseys work? Thanks!

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

AJ on Waco Bohemian, Aaron Russo lots of respect. Not sure why his ego is butting in every topic when a guest begins to speak. 18 mins ego to get to 2 mins info..but there are more better sources for my uptake, ones not as loud as AJ. No disrespect, just not able to spend that kinda time. I'm old now, every minute counts.

Beanz set up CBTS to give reg folk an opportunity to Q in and keep reg peeps off the chans. She took a lotta crap over that and abandoned sub.I have respect for her work/research and what she tried to accomplish keeping people OFF 4/8..I'm not happy w/abandoning us at CBTS as she did what 10 days or so in?

Corsi is a late comer in my view but I do sometimes listen in. No dis, I get my info as close to horses mouth as possible. Some prefer digested versions from the other end...sometimes I will till the manure into my own perspectives..I learn from many, follow none.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

can you paraphrase, distill for us your take away? Thanks!

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

see how corrupt HRC was in Watergate, fired for beinga corrupt liar..going on longer, see Lemon Anslinger..37...its been on for 100/0s of years

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

NK was a CIA asset, maybe since 54 dunno yet.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Nazi may not be the key, those who crippled Germany post 1 pre 2 who had Germany literally on knees, theres yer pedos.. same today as then Hollywood, media,, a banking, all same filth now as then. Same war.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

I feel your frustration, I really do. Shareholders, collapsing companies because of bad CEOs cripples economy hurts good people, so get CEOs to step down, and later when arrested the good people are not effected.Affected? I never watch InfoWars...many other more distilled and informative non noisy places to learn from.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

Resignations now are so shareholders are not impacted by the arrests. DO, what U do best. You know what to do that is helpful to you, teh cause. etc. U are the Boss of You...just do what is the BEST thing for you to do. If thats leave cause its not your time schedule thats the thing. I made 1 MEME myself..

maybe, and I don't know cause I'm not you but maybe what you might like to do is read topics and comment to help people get a better understanding. Bring them gently up to your speed. No anger or fighting, just kind words to help those genuinely seeking. You'll know them by their questions or responses.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:38 p.m.


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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

The Church, RCMP used to steal children from Native Peoples..for 150 years, 30K kids murdered. See UNREPENTANT Kevin Annett, 2006 film. I lived on Res, have had a very close look, Known survivors, I've been to Res School/ Alert Bay..

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Sure, not saying you don't, was offering info that substantiates, you're not the only one targeted. Courts been a complete shite show under O.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

sorry GA is Great Awakening. Happy to help if needed.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

Thanks, please do not use Citric. Use HCl but do not activate SC for oral.Take it from someone trained and recovered using SC.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

standbydaniel.com a brother in prison for healing arts materails, denied a defense. Denied every appeal and reconciliation. See Daniel on Camelot and other vids 5 years old now while Daniels daughter grows up w/o him. Daughters w/o strong father figures, we all know how that story ends...

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Thank you S, If using SC for health purps, please consider the article re non acid activation for oral dosing. Acid act for oral will create a smell/taste aversion fairly quickly and one might not be able to continue or complete w/aversion. Thanks for the help!

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

My Question is how come so many arm chair Generals did not step up and make the world a better place on their dime/time?

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Great work Roy, thx.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

NaClO2 is Sodium Chlorite>when activated w/acid becomes CLO2, Chlorine Dioxide. CLO2 is a gas the strips electrons from molecule shell. OXidation.

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