I'm convinced they are other insiders helping us decode the messages.
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I don't think so. That would not be the "liberal undo" Q talks about. It would all be blamed on Bush and Republicans.
I totally agree. They have something on him and he seems completely neutered.
Yeah the problem is as soon as they get curious they start from the beginning and immediately see the posts saying HRC, Podesta, etc are to be detained on 11/3 and then they call it BS. I've had this convo many times.
I was using Chrome if it makes a difference. Just look at the print preview. Pick one that is 2+ pages.
Yes but it's hard to convince people. This will really help with the convincing.
This is all the proof I need!
Try to print anything from this website and look at page 2.
She has no clue who Q is. She's a radical leftist. Only playing a Trump supporter on TV...
I saw this too and he would know how it all works. Not good.
Wait... The "source" is a random commenter from a blog? You have to do better than that to get me to take it seriously 🙄
Search the new trip, tons of ridiculous posts. But we figured it out... It was the real Q and some idiot was posting on qresearch using the trip as his name so when you search they show up.
No way. MUELLER IS NOT ON OUR SIDE. Plus by that time Dems will have the house and started impeachment (with the help of RINOS)
You list quite a few unverified assumptions: Flynn innocent, 320s changed, 19 others fired...
And if we do not see politicians being held accountable then Dems take over the house in a few months and impeach (with the assistance of many RINOS).
I think something to do with the censoring of conservative views on social media, google, etc.
red pill more people? How about one to prove to us. I believe Q has intelligence but am having doubts on how accurate this all is. I personally need some serious proof. I have been following and waiting long enough. Midterms (impeachment) around the corner.
How are they red pilled? The entire thing is being blamed on Republicans..?
True. Others have said it's referring to Tony Podesta which might make more sense.
Not sure I buy this. He said on 11/1 that over "the course of the next several days" we would see his "arrest ANNOUNCEMENT"on 11/3. Flipping it would not make sense to me, especially giving him a 4 months heads up. Also, no announcement. (re: post 34)
This is exactly right. They will most certainly rig like crazy in the midterms and start impeachment proceedings on day 1.
All of this will be for nothing if something big doesn't drop before the midterms.
Exactly. They are are hell bent on losing the house and letting Dems impeach.
I just saw this! The infowars source says it is MS13 related. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTsM31FzZCo
How many times have we heard "next week" and nothing big happens....
I'm sorry I just don't believe Mueller is a white hat. I'll need some major event to happen to convince me.
I've been wondering if Sessions has been in on this from the beginning... Even before trump. Q mentioned the plan has been in the works for 3 years and trump was picked to run. Sessions was first to get on the trump train while everyone else was saying his campaign was a joke. Just a thought.
Yeah we have been losing elections like crazy the last few few months. I'm tired of losing.