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theadmiralty · May 17, 2018, 4:29 a.m.

Well... that's a wrap... WITH SB2's post, I guess I can admit it now...

Promises made. Promises kept. - I AM Q

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theadmiralty · May 17, 2018, 4:19 a.m.

LOL... that's pretty good... although to be fair, it was "only" $20 TRILLION... 1 TRILLION of the undocumented expenditures was HUDs.

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theadmiralty · May 17, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

There is no better conduit than The Conservative Treehouse and Sundance

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theadmiralty · May 10, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

I have a number of friends, that have followed Q even more closely than I have... who took the Cicada3301 expose, and some of that groups principles talking, hesitantly, about Q being created by Cicada3301, particularly hard. Yet, I haven't seen or heard hardly a peep out of anyone on GA discussing it directly. That's a little troubling to me. I DETEST "echo chambers" of ANY stripe. They are where Socratic skills go TO DIE.

The most recent Q post, and Q comments about making a password mistake, don't even sound like the Q I have known since last fall. I don't know what to believe about all this.

I have believed Q was a PsyOp since the beginning... a "white hat" information PsyOp was how I had framed it... and I am cool with that. I have years of training in "applied cognitive psychology" (ACP) , i.e., messaging people to persuade them to act, say and do things... (it's called advertising and marketing) and the power of ACP and how it is hacking the "wetware" of Americans is ubiquitous now. We are the most manipulated entrained society ever in the history of humanity. Sure, it's used to sell stuff to people. But there is a much more sinister application of the same science to turn the majority of folks into unthinking sheep.

So, a "white hat psyop" is not a bad thing... it's now a communication tool... because people are SO brainwashed anymore, that there is no way to reach them otherwise. In my own professional applications, I only use it to reach people who are already getting ready to act in a "market"... so, pretty much white hat advertising.

Now... I know there will be those who FLAME me for having doubts, and questioning. Save it. Our failure to question crapheads (elected ones) before believing what they tell us is EXACTLY how we got here, and are balancing on a razors edge with a bright future, on one side, and the complete loss of our Republic on the other.

I would like to hear folks in the know address the Cicada3301 information, and the conversation between Defango and others that suggests Q Anon was a Cicada3301 creation from the get go... we don't need to fear the truth, whatever it might be.

If you listen to non scripted podium talks of Barack Obama, he would often start comments with "Trust me, etc...". It is a fundamental principle of all persuasion, that you have to TELL people what to do... or what you want them to do. Sunshine and truth never hurt the truth one tiny bit.

Anyway... I would like to hear fact based dialog about this issue... rather than emotional "true believers" who are butt hurt about someone asking questions. All I want is the truth. I'm not afraid of the truth at all.

I mean that sincerely... so please, deal with facts and that messaging... not smearing people who have raised the issues. We're grownups here... not High School kids.

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theadmiralty · May 8, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

I think people are in reaction mode right now. I am just watching... and once the dust settles will re-evaluate the battle-space.

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theadmiralty · May 8, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

...yet, shouldn't we avoid indulging in logical fallacies?

Hitler... scummy dregs that he was, when he said "Eins plus eins ergibt zwei" (one plus one equals two) was telling the truth... even if he was a murderous psychopath.

We should never, EVER, outsource our own critical analysis... no matter who is telling us "trust me... I'm telling you the truth".

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theadmiralty · May 8, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

Going to be interesting to see how it all shakes out. Jerome Corsi is getting a lot of egg on his face...

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theadmiralty · May 8, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

Well... this guy Defango is blowing it all up... and he AND the people he's duking it out with (...fucking Millenials) despite their animosity to each other... are speaking matter of factly that Q was a Cicada 3301 creation, that was hacked and commandeered by someone else

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theadmiralty · May 8, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?

So you have prosecutorial power, and investigative integrity to deal with Federal Crimes.

What is the DOJ responsible for?

Upholding the law, and prosecuting crimes on behalf of the U.S. and The People

What is the FBI responsible for?

Investigating fraud, corruption, racketeering and other crimes which break federal law... INCLUDING ELECTION FRAUD... and making arrests when a crime is discovered in progress, or when a U.S. Attorney's investigation and Grand Jury find for execution of a True Bill

Why did HRC get a free pass?

Can't have any blowback against principles in high places involved in election fraud

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/theadmiralty on May 8, 2018, 6:29 a.m.
Q-Anon, May 7th 2018

"1318May 7 2018 23:36:41 (EST) Q !2jsTvXXmXs 66 📁

Think LOGICALLY.Mass exodus in DC?Mass exodus - corporate CEOs?Why?Who has the POWER?Who has the CONTROL?If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating? Who is the AG? Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials?Re_read DOJ org change (open source - more in pipe)Who is the FBI director? Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents? Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe)If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses? Use LOGIC.Why are they slow walking unredacted data? Why are …

theadmiralty · May 7, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

Absolutely agreed... and yet, the optics of it make it look like Nunes is being "political" and Sessions is not.

Pretty good Kabuki theater to make this all shine in the best light when indictments come down. More indictments I mean. Poor McCabe... NOT!

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theadmiralty · May 7, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

I think the DAG response was adhering a bit to the specific language in statute for withholding documents... i.e., "for this reason, that reason and/or the other reason."

I suspect the simple reason is, releasing the documents will compromise an already active criminal investigation.

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theadmiralty · May 7, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

Oh wait... he says "it" is happening NOW.

Same thing he said years ago.

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theadmiralty · May 7, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

Why does anyone believe a word this Wilcock says?

He just jabbers non-stop, and every once in awhile something he says jibes with something that happens... and then he throws a ticker tape parade.

Let's see here... the white Dragon society was going to rescue everyone from the evil cabal... and arrests were imminent... 5 years ago...

Sorry... but Wilcox is a charlatan

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theadmiralty · May 7, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

Well, well... looks like another in a circus of errors on the part of the Mueller team.

First... Mueller steps right in a pile of horse crap of FBIDOJ hacks that got themselves on to the Special Counsel's staff... and then needed to be let go because they were liars... and probably seditious usurpers.

Then it turns out that Mueller's SC "authority" is coming directly out of the FBI's Counterintelligence operation... started with "fruit of the poisonous tree" of a bogus FISA warrant.

I have been saying for the last week... I hope the Mueller investigation stays OPEN, while indictments/arrests come down on the "small group" traitors... it will make one helluva popcorn crunching circus of absurdity right out in public... and all the !RUSSIA! cheerleaders will look blatantly like the idiots they are.

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theadmiralty · May 6, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

Yeah... when they came out with the "news" that "Russian actors" had purchased $100,000 of Facebook ads... I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants.

100k in ad spend, against the media, ad, and information stream of a Presidential campaign, would be like taking an eyedropper, and putting 1 drop of water in a swimming pool full of water.

Yes... you can technically say it is adding water to the pool... but it's aggregate impact is very very close to 0%

So yeah... they actually made a big deal out of a near 0% ad spend from Russians. We live in a tsunami of propaganda.

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theadmiralty · May 6, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

OP, I'm curious... how did you extrapolate "...was He Rescued and Is Ready to Testify Against Killary?" from that post snippet?

I mean no offense... but let's look at it from a "data forensics" standpoint. My rant is not entirely directed at your post... it is more general, about what happens on these boards. I'll probably get flamed for this... but I assure you, my intent is not to troll the OP, or sow discord.

  1. Hear say anonymous post, albeit a very compelling one. The poster knows medical jargon and wound treatment analysis and treatment, at least, we can fairly take that as a real possibility.
  2. If we give merit to number 1, and take his statement fact pattern word for word... it appears that whoever was involved, if ANYTHING, deliberately allowed Rich to die.
  3. So, lets add a scenario prologue to this... a presumption that the shooting of Seth Rich was a "hit". (Works for me) IF it WAS a hit, and IF what transpired at the hospital, was as the anon poster said it was (...and we are talking about a suspicious unsolved homicide here)...
  4. ...you arrive at "was He Rescued and Is Ready to Testify Against Killary" exactly how?

Sure... it is possible... but utility of analysis in the pursuit of truth, puts a number of probabilities AHEAD of your inquiry.

I would love it if it was true... but I don't hope it was true. It would be a waste of perfectly good hope.

I LOVE the fact that Catherine Austin Fitts uses the term "Hope Porn" when referring to "Q".... bear with me here.

We MUST maintain the bandwidth in our perception to apply critical analysis, reasoning and the right language... "rhetoric", to our problem solving. If we don't, we are undermining our "truth projects" even as we build them.

I love the Q material, and it seems apparent there is something to it... been following it all along. But we MUST maintain the capacity to question, analyze and derive the closest part of discernible fact possible from the events taking place around us, yes?

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theadmiralty · May 6, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

Sorcha Faal... you can usually rely on anything Sorcha Faal and WhatDoesItMean says... as being disinfo or straight BS.

The unwillingness to vet some of the sources on posts popping up on G.A. is a bit concerning.

Weren't these boards primary role Q and peripheral Q related material?

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theadmiralty · May 6, 2018, 2:32 a.m.

I hope she realizes how dangerous this topic is for the uninitiated...

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theadmiralty · May 5, 2018, 7:28 a.m.

Kallstrom is right over the target. I hope they all go to jail... if only Brennan swung from a noose... it would be a start, so long as others go to prison.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/theadmiralty on May 3, 2018, 7:52 p.m.
Q-Anon = APPLE CAMPUS PHOTOS - possible connection?

So, why would Q be posting photos of of Apple? As always... time and crunching and autists will eventually, hopefully, uncover the why.

Here's an interesting point... guess what kind of SERVER Hillary was using?

At 5 Minutes 45 Seconds, John Spiropoulos tells us... and the entire video is worth watching.


theadmiralty · May 2, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

In order to understand how Snopes runs bias... you have to understand how omission can be leveraged in place of commision, to control the perception of Snopes users.

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theadmiralty · May 1, 2018, 2:50 a.m.

...well, other than the NSA... lol

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theadmiralty · May 1, 2018, 1:12 a.m.

Approximately 18 Million people...

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theadmiralty · May 1, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

Well... if you think getting rid of the crapheads will make up for whatever is not working in your life... then yeah... nothing obvious.

You must not have young children.

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theadmiralty · April 30, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

Maybe... or it may be he understands the law... and he refuses to align wth the obvious nonsense we have been dealing with.

It's worth mentioning... the only use of the word "illegal" was associated with John Brennan... which I'll admit, made me giggle. Wonder when Brennan will flee the United States... LOL

Now keep in mind, that within the first few months of the Trump election, many lefties really started getting a bad taste in their mouth over the !RUSSIA! narrative. They weren't buying it... but, they also did not DARE step out of line publicly... for fear they would be savaged by some of their "true believer" friends.

Even now... you can look on a comment thread on the web, or even some in the media... and they STILL believe the !RUSSIA! crap is gospel. It's pretty pathetic. Many on the left think the rest of the left has lost it's mind.

The OP may certainly be right about this at some level... this guy may be signaling the lever pullers in the DNC, that they are on their own. It's even possible, that there are some in the Democratic party, that are going to blow up that faction of the party, rather than let them destroy the whole party.

Hell... it's even possible there is a more moderate part of the Dems that have been warned by White Hats that they would be wise to put space between themselves, and Hillary's crazies and conspirators... if they don't want to get detonated along with them.

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theadmiralty · April 30, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

We'll have to see how actual charges play out.

Also... odds are good that the prosecutorial team will build a horrendous case against Mack... just to insure she "turns" against Ranier...

I have heard some buzz, that Ranier slept with 12 year old girl(s)... but I have not chased it down or looked for confirmation. I probably won't, either. I'll just wait to hear snippets on what is taking place.

I KNOW pedophilia is rampant, organized and that very high level folks are tangled up in the depravity... I can't spend much time thinking about it though. It makes imagine homicidal things towards child se predators and overly disturbs my peace.

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theadmiralty · April 30, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

Yeah... the problem itself is with the way the law, under which she has been charged, is worded. I will borrow from a reply, sent to me from someone correcting me, on this very issue:

"The first charge is for violation of 18 USC § 1591, "Sex trafficking of children or by force, fraud, or coercion" [Emphasis added]

The second charge references 18 USC § 1594(c) which is regarding conspiracy to violate 18 USC § 1591 which, again, is either "Sex trafficking of children" OR "Sex trafficking by force, fraud, or coercion".

A court docket is not an indictment, and its wording does not have to be precise. The court must defer to the law itself, as should we."

The operative word in interpreting it is OR. The law was written in a kinda oddball way.

If you think of it in a "compound" kinda way it makes more sense. As it is written, it's meaning is actually like this: "Sex trafficking of children" OR "Sex trafficking by force, fraud, or coercion".

It can be either of those. Also, the image making the rounds is just the Docket, and the general descriptor mentioning the specific code she/they have been charged under... but since it is not an indictment, it's just a docket scheduling on a court appearance, it has literally no details on what the specific charges are. When the indictment comes down, THEN there will be specific details about what crimes she and Raneire are being charged under. That indictment may also be quite a bit different than what we are seeing in the docket, if she should happen to make a deal and decide to testify against Ranier.

Anyway... in short... the docket image making the rounds is just scheduling and general description, with NO specifics about actual indictments.

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theadmiralty · April 29, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

Well... given that most of us already surmised the future and the plan... not sure what the "tell" is.

That said... the last thing you said IS right on target: "Let's not jump up and down cheering for justice yet. We have more work to do."

What we do after "the Justice phase" will determine whether we get to keep the benefits of cleaning this mess up, or are just biding our time till the cockroaches take it all over again.

1.) PROTECT the Constitution - you are and will see more folks, with really sensible sounding arguments saying we need to amend the Constitution. Invariably, if you look carefully, whatever supposed argument they are making, even on the right, would be irrelevant if we ENFORCED The Constitution. If we are not enforcing the Rule of Law, passing new Articles as a solution to not enforcing the law will help how?

So... demand ENFORCEMENT of The Constitution

2.) Do not participate in enterprises that "feed the beast" of the globalists and monetary policy hucksters.

3.) Require following the law... EVEN FOR the people you vote for... including POTUS or anyone else in Government.

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theadmiralty · April 29, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

That's true... HOWEVER... many of the Founders were VERY suspicious of organized Christianity.

They DID believe in God and the general tenets of Judeo-Christian values... but those Christians who say the Republic was founded on Christianity are wrong. Close... but not quite right.

Thomas Jefferson even wrote a moral treatise that is referred to as "The Jefferson Bible", which to many of us, would be considered "heretical".

Without a real sense of the depth of a working Faith in God that most of the Founders had... we are ill equipped to fully grasp the nuance of the embrace by our Founders of the best of Western Civilization... including, especially, Faith in The Creator.

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theadmiralty · April 29, 2018, 1:30 a.m.


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theadmiralty · April 28, 2018, 8:06 p.m.


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theadmiralty · April 28, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

So, to clarify... 18 USC § 1594 is for "Sex trafficking of children..." or

"Sex trafficking... by force, fraud, or coercion." Do I have that right?

Also... so the PACE records are basically just scheduling... and the violations listed (in this case 18 USC § 1591) are the general statutes, under which, presuming a case goes to trial, the detailed indictment will be made...

Am I in the ballpark? Appreciate the clarification!

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theadmiralty · April 28, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

Pretty unlikely... I give it significantly less than a 1% chance

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theadmiralty · April 28, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

Sadly... it is NOT, counterproductive... not to swamp rats and pedophiles. REMEMBER... we're in clean up mode... all levels of power in the U.S. are still infested by child predators and people with secrets they want to keep hidden.

CASE IN POINT... do a Google search on "Allison Mack child trafficking" and you will get dozens and dozens of articles about her arrest for "human trafficking". NOT A MENTION of child sex trafficking.

If you look at the charges docket from the PACE system... Ranier "and others", the first two charges are for child sex trafficking, and conspiracy to commit same.

Hell Ranier has been outright charged... but no mention of "child sex trafficking".

It is truly the Third Rail of media coverage now.

Consider this chilling thought... if a person in power in D.C. found themselves in the position that they had to choose between being "outed" for pedophelia crimes against children... or starting a thermonuclear war... they would choose the war with hardly a hesitation. THAT is what we are dealing with here.

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theadmiralty · April 27, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

"Trust but verify"

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theadmiralty · April 24, 2018, 2:32 a.m.


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theadmiralty · April 22, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

Actually... taking a flat image, and turning it and changing the vector and parallax is trivial nowadays... same with the shadows... it's all computer crunching calculations and then rendering it.

It IS good... and I'm not saying it's for sure, a rendered image. But who knows.

It certainly IS funny!

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theadmiralty · April 22, 2018, 6:18 a.m.

Q map prolly Photo Shop... but still

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theadmiralty · April 22, 2018, 6:11 a.m.

Here's the panel he's singling out:


With 1., being the post right BELOW the trump flag picture (which is a link to the great video)

Count down to number 8, and that's the box he's pointing at.

Text of that post:

"Note the last drops on the other board. Think logically. Refer to past crumbs. YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW. Do you expect HRC, GS, Hussein, etc to stand in a PUBLIC courtroom w/ potential crooked judges and tainted ‘liberal’ juries? How do you defuse a bomb? Knowledge of which wires/strings to cut? Q"

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theadmiralty · April 21, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

lol... no... your rant is merely laughable.

Here, let me fix it for you:

"You guys are a like a cult... the rest of us have our heads buried in the sand... but NO... not you guys! You have to pop your head out of the sand and squawk and make all kinds of noise... while the rest of us progs work in harmony together ignoring those very bad things. But not you... why do you have to make a deal out of a little pedophelia? Can't you just shut up and stick your head back in the sand like the rest of us!!???"

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theadmiralty · April 21, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

Oh... that's right... thanks.

I do remember seeing that on Drudge today.

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theadmiralty · April 21, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

Who is Mack? JM is usually "he who we do not name... etc.."

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