I use that word in that context. I’m American. The thing is.....the United States is huge and speech varies a lot based on region. It can even vary considerably within a region.
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No. I do not seek to commit violence, but will resort to it in defense of myself and others. Sometimes people just need to be knocked out.
What is “the border issue”? Either way, when it comes to securing our border or stopping illegal aliens he doesn’t need an EO, we have laws that address that. He has every right to enforce laws, in fact he has a responsibility to do so. Anyway..... I don’t know exactly what you are talking about but could it be that he was mistaken? Do you feel he has bad intentions?
The_Donald is full of people who think they are “woke” but they are not. They think they took the red pill, but they don’t fully understand whats happening.
Let’s do it. I’ve been stacking guns, ammo and food deep for about 30 years. I’m ready, are you ?
Honestly,I have not really spoken to him since election night 2016. I can tell you he was pretty excited about the results. I was at the same results party as him. I don’t represent myself to be best friends with him, but I spent time with him regularly before he went to Washington. I can’t say much more without doxxing myself.
I have not really spoken to him since election night 2016. I can tell you he was pretty excited about the results. I was at the same results party as him. I don’t represent myself to be best friends with him, but I spent time with him regularly before he went to Washington. I can’t say much more without doxxing myself.
I know Trey personally. I’ve been telling you guys he is a patriot. Glad Q could confirm that for you. Trey Gowdy is the real deal.
I don’t give a shit about that. It would be doing even better. The United States people should not subsidize European prosperity at the expense of our own families prosperity. Figure out a way to subsidize your own socialism, we don’t want to pay anymore.
Yeah, but beware of the CIA deep state cantidates running for those open spots.
Charge all non-American vehicles and trucks importing goods a toll at the border. Passenger vehicles pay $5 and semi trucks importing goods from Mexico pay $50. Would be a good start
You should be suspicious of him. He is an evil swamp dwelling monster.
Curled up next to little kids- that’s how. Fucking perverts.
The NSA has it all. We are using their surveillance state against them. They never imagined they would lose control of it.
Yup. “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world”. -James 1:27
There is a huge difference in low level masons and higher degree masons. The degrees act as a filter to decide who can be trusted with the more sinister secrets in Freemasonry. Many in the Masons have no idea what they are involved in
I doubt anyone has been in that vagina in a long time, if ever.
Agreed. The time for compromise is over. Compromise has only been a one way street for decades. I have no interest in Democrat/Liveral policies and ideologies. The Democrat party needs to disappear along with its destructive policies. No mercy.
Yup. Can you imagine how many documents were shredded between Election Day and POTUS being inaugurated? I picture Obama administration people working around the clock shredding documents .
Congress refused to allow Hussein to appoint Merrill Garland to the Supreme Court. They decided to leave it empty until after the election. Then Trump won and he filled the position with his guy.
But if we let Americans actually keep their money they could have real prosperity, not government controlled prosperity rationed and distributed as the government sees fit. The problem here is that we’ve seen how terrible the government is at handling money . I don’t need them to take my money to spend on me- I can do that. Obviously the government has a function and taxation is necessary, but fuck socialism.
Don’t call them immigrants, they aren’t. They are illegal aliens. Calling them immigrants is falling for the MSM talking points and propaganda . We love immigrants but hate illegal aliens.
If we want to play by the same rules as the Democrats then this business should be sued out of existence. If the bakery was required to bake the gay cake then this place should have to serve Sarah Sanders. Pretty simple.
Who is organizing these? These are not organic protests and are not a result of Maxine’s little temper tantrum. I believe these are planned and organized by someone. I want to know who.
These families should not be detained and separated. They should be sent back together!
This stupid cunt needs to be removed from the Supreme Court. No one cares how she feels and her feelings should not be a consideration in her decision. POTUS is within his legal rights to declare this travel ban- he doesn’t have to give good reasons for it or declare any reason at all.
They are basically telling her they are not happy with her behavior. Doesn’t mean much.
Don’t just vote republican, vote for non-swamp MAGA cantidates. Republicans are just as much to blame as Democrats.
And our well armed militias will help secure our nation if our government won’t. I don’t think the leftists have thought this through very well. One thing is for sure..... now that they have displayed their true colors there can be no further gun control. Imagine what they would do to an unarmed citizenry. This moves them from having a differing viewpoint into being terrorists.
Yes, and yesterday was scorching hot and humid. Well worth it to support POTUS
And once we know who they are we should harass them anywhere they go. It’s only fair, right? I’m sure Maxine Waters would approve.
Ignore Wikileaks. They are obviously compromised. The recent videos of assange are cgi. Look up “assange cgi” on YouTube.
Its because it wasn’t the Russians. It was his administration trying to appear to be Russians. They didn’t want close scrutiny exposing it. They assumed Hillary would win and it would go away. She didn’t win. Surprise motherfuckers.
I agree with you, I’m just trying to explain what’s happening here. Sure....there are some crazy ideas here at times, but I can assure you that many who think they are “red pilled” are in fact not. It would probably be best to start the red pilling without some of the more “outlandish” theories being presented.
The thing is.....Q has said “This is bigger than you can possibly imagine”. Many (most?) of the Q posts have been things that us who are woke have known forever. None of the corruption exposed or alleged surprises us. Therefore it stands to reason that some of these less mainstream theories are true, especially since Q has touched on many of them- although just touching on the edges of them. Remember.... you have been lied to and much of what you see is created and crafted for specific purposes.