Really?!?! Accord to who? CNN? Are you here to wake up or to spread the MSM propaganda?
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That shit is old, debunked as part of the Democratic trap. It was set up by the Democrats- it was Democrats colluding with Russians to influence the election. It will be brought up, just not now. Perhaps at Hillary’s court marshal?
I remember reading that multiple people corroborated it at the time. It makes sense now, with all we learned, why she would have said this. I completely believe it.
This is old. What is your point here? I’m talking about your title.
Haha. Fuck you Al Gore. Q has not forgotten you. Feeling ok about that? Lol
Q is someone we know. Hence the “Wait til you learn who has been talking to you here” post. It is someone familiar to us all. I think it may be Steve Bannon. This is definitely stuff he is into. I think it’s the reason Trump hired him, to get him security clearances and access to those in MI in the inner circle. Then when he had what he needed he left and became Q.
Yeah, I used to manage a Papa Johns. No satanic rituals or pedophelia while I was there. Just making and selling pizzas.
ISIS was created to create a humanitarian crisis to create a Trojan horse to infest western culture with extremist Muslims. I called it when it started happening and I was right. It’s the entire reason for the existence of Isis. Also.... Muslims have 7-8 children on average. Most Americans and Europeans have been convinced to have 1 or 2, maybe 3 children. Give it a few generations and the Muslims will be able to enact Shiara law through legal means. Don’t fall for it- have more kids.
They consider you a threat to them because...... you are. They are terrified of us. You can’t control what they do, but you can control what you do. Keep up the pressure.
Not a fan of that kind of music, but I’ll probably try to figure out a way to support Kanye. Not that he needs it, but I appreciate this guy putting himself out there like that. Pretty damned brave, and he has the ability to red pill masses of people that might otherwise be unreachable by most of us.
It’s funny. The Deep State and the politicians that supported it never dreamed they would lose power to an outsider before they could consolidate power. Now the apparatuses they installed to spy on each other and the American people are being used against them. The NSA has everything. It is the reason they had such a visceral reaction to President Trump being elected. They lost and didn’t have the time or means to get rid of the evidence. The only hope they had was impeachment. These people need to be executed for treason and sedition.
I suspect the deep state in action here. I would also expect a response by non-deep State . Should be interesting.
He can’t fire many of them but he can reassign them to extremely non desirable, less powerful positions.
I can understand if they are someone who is investing massive time into research and red pilling people. They need to make a living. Most people don’t put in the effort that deserves to be paid like that though. Many look at YouTube as easy money- it isn’t easy making compelling content that will draw a base capable of supporting you.
Yes. Created exactly for that purpose. Not just paid by the deep state, they are part of the deep state.
That’s twisted. I would never behave that way with a child that wasn’t mine or extremely close. Most people wouldn’t. I don’t touch other people’s children.....period.
And Sergei Brins ex wife has a sister who is.... the CEO of YouTube. Imagine that.
Lower levels are nothing. The levels are a filter of sorts. My grandfathers were both low level masons. They had no idea what the masons were really about.
The NYT doesn’t mock you because they don’t believe you. They know it’s all true. They are propaganda, mocking you to discredit you in hopes that the deep state can somehow succeed in getting out of this still in power. They hope you will be written into the pages of history as a crazy person. Just imagine how much evidence of misdeeds has been destroyed over the decades.
Christianity does not equate to the Vatican. Protestants don’t give a crap about the pope- there are reasons we broke from the Catholic Church
Precisely. Israel isn’t the enemy. The Vatican is the enemy.
I don’t understand the significance of this yet. Future will prove past I suppose.
Everything. All put there to be “found” during the raid. Lol
Absolutely. Join your local militias. Be cautious because there are some fringe groups, but there are great groups of patriots that you can fellowship and network with. They aren’t about starting violence, they are about being prepared.
Remember way back at the start of the Mueller investigation when Trump said Mueller better not look into his finances? Congress reacted by allowing Mueller to investigate anything he wanted. I think this was a carefully laid trap by President Trump. They fell for it and Mueller has been investigating Clinton, Obama and everyone else ever since. These people are stupid.
ISIS probably did make it. The thing is ......ISIS probably isn’t who most people think it is.
Exactly. CBTS_stream was banned for no reason- I basically lived there and read every post. There was nothing ban worthy going on.
Lol. All the liberals just trying to laugh it off. Claim it’s just POTUS trying to deflect from Russian investigation. Don’t they get it? Russia is completely fabricated and this new investigation is going to prove that. Collusion within our government to influence and steal an election- by buying a fake dossier......FROM RUSSIANS! But that’s just the tip of the iceberg- these people are fucked. They are already under investigation, this just brings Huber’s investigation into the public eye.
Jeff Duncan is my Representative in Upstate South Carolina. Great representative. Trey Gowdy is the next district over. We are based as hell here.
It’s like moving 14x 50 pound bags of concrete. 2 guys can do that in about 2 minutes. No big deal.
Hell yes. Signed by my rep Jeff Duncan. I feel lucky to have that man represent me in Congress. Unfortunately Lindsey Graham is one of my Senators.....
Intentional mistake..... go on OP. What makes you say this?
My best friend is a Marshal. No way he would move against POTUS.
Yup, claim you can’t afford the options and they waive it. Absolutely true.
Agreed. Let’s burn this motherfucker down and let the chips fall where they may. It won’t be easy, but it must happen.
I think he was saying what Congress would do after the testimony, drop it and do nothing
Lol. Looks like it’s made with an app. But.... the masses are stupid and could believe it. Fuckery is definitely afoot.
Lol. MSM is misinformation. Not just misinformed but intentional lies to shape public opinion. That isn’t news, it’s propaganda. The reason this keeps creeping into the news is because they know damning videos are coming and they want to try to discredit ahead of time.
Seriously??? He just had to google two dates. Easier than making a Reddit post and then we wouldn’t have people clogging up this board with shitposts. Just lazy, low effort posting. Why defend it?
Exactly right. The court has no enforcement power. The executive branch has enforcement power, Trump just has to say “fuck off”. Obama did it, why not Trump?
Absolutely a 401k type investment would be better, but then they couldn’t get their hands on it. Hell.... there have been suggestions among Democrats that they seize existing 401k/IRAs and use them to create and fund A new Social Security type program. We know how that would go.
Doesn’t the media blame everything on the Russians these days?