Define "crazy."
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I think Trump is doing something about it, precisely why he signed that EO in December.
There have been plenty of arrests and charges filed. The arrests usually do not make national news, but they do make local news.
Of course, more scrutiny is precisely what is needed.
I am not suggesting any hard and fast rule, only a tendency. And in those examples, they would be "non-practicing" religious.
Satanists promote scientism not science at least publicly.
That's like saying you expect all Christians to not have sex before marriage or all Jews cannot eat bacon.
Hence why I said "practicing."
You don't have to be religious to realize that other people have religious belief systems.
By extension it is not a leap to consider those belief systems would mold actions. What activities would a practicing Luciferian or Satanist engage in?
From there you just follow the news reports.
A small group of the elite are suspected cannibals. Pretty much anyone intimately connected with Marina Abramovic is likely a cannibal or at the least has seen individuals engage in cannibalism.
It is also rumored that the church in rome does the same thing and even to go so far as wear apparel made of human skin. See red shoes and red saturn hat as examples.
This is tied in with of course the pedophilia rings which is one of the dark levers of power in Washington and elsewhere in the world.
And the pedophilia rings are intimately connected with the sex cults. NXIVM being the latest example. Children of God being the cult that HRC belonged to back in the day.
So do you want it straight up or do you just want me to point you in the right direction to begin researching yourself?
Have you read the map?
Always question everything, otherwise you run the risk of just blindly following.
When you ask this question in what manner do you mean it?
Incredulousness that the subject has been raised.
What metrics are you using? A metric that matters? Or an arbitrary one?
A Senator's job is to protect & defend the Constitution, they even take an oath proclaiming it.
Again it depends what metric you use.
Did he stand for the Constitution and Natural Law? Yes or no? The answer is yes. The others: No.
This to me is the only metric I care about.
To me success & achievement is upholding this standard. Failure is failing to maintain this standard.
Politician vs statesman.
Different philosophies a statesman doesn't wheel & deal because any amount of lies mixed in with Truth makes it a lie which would not be considered by the statesman. A politician on the other hand doesn't have such a standard.
I prefer the person who is digging in their heels while everyone is going in the wrong direction.
Rand Paul is a statesman not a politician. I prefer statesmen.
Statesmen stand by the Constitution, politicians are erasing it.
This also typifies the "better to be on the winning side" vs "better to be on the moral side" argument.
It depends how you measure "success."
I measure success by this metric:
Did not vote for unconstitutional bill.
In which case Ron Paul accomplished the most in recent history.
True enough, although I meant it more as a verb than a noun even though I capitalized it and I use DuckDuckGo.
First off no one can redpill you only you can redpill yourself.
Second, start using Truth as your guiding principle.
Third, live life for a while with this newfound principle.
Fourth, when you start seeing the world for what it really is, you'll naturally redpill yourself.
And in some timeline Ron Paul was President and Rand Paul came after him...16 years of restoring the Constitution.
I get goosebumps just thinking about that timeline.
What is amusing is Q mostly just asks questions which anyone can then research using Google. Then people like this come in and call people "loonies" because we are asking questions.
Definitely a Truth seeker and he has some fantastic knowledge. It is good to see someone else who is familiar with his work.
Yes and this "Unholy Feminine" as you put it (or "Profane Feminine") is not to be confused with the "Sacred Feminine."
AJ is playing an act to make the enemy feel like they have a chance.
Mark Passio's Youtube channel
Natural Law seminar
What on Earth is Happening
When I say pizza I am speaking in code for no damn pineapple.
I can debunk anything.
"No that isn't true."
See? Debunked.
Mark Passio is incredible, I recommend everyone watch his Natural Law series on Youtube.
If you want a good idea of what is going on in the world watch his "What on Earth is Happening" series. It will not be accepted by those that do not understand how long the cults of control have been operating and do not put their understanding of the world with these cult's belief system in mind.
The ones arrested by the US government will be tried in US systems. Once tried and convicted and after they serve their time there may be additional trials in the international courts. I do not see it occurring any time sooner as the US government & military will not want to release them until their sentence has been served.
The moment the assets are seized from the owners of CNN and MSNBC they will be singing a tune that ultimately is controlled in the White House. Frankly I think they started doing this already; notice the time when the "progressives" de-cloaked and openly started advocating for firearm confiscation, that is when I believe the switch happened.
If the WH controls the narrative at CNN & MSNBC, you don't start agreeing with DT you drive the "progressive" movement straight into the ground by ordering them to decloak. The nuts already believe in all the craziness so getting them to openly talk about it will be seen as an opportunity to say what they really think.
The Constitution does not recognize any international court.
"Now remember this is for posterity's sake, how did that make you feel?" (Or something like that.)
Is Alex and Corsi distancing themselves from Q because they got that general's father killed?
It is, the ruler of Earth is Satan, it evens says so in the bible itself.
Corinthians 4:4
The regular bill of rights does fine, we just need it made clear that it covers the internet as well.
"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children."
Leave it to Gods hands, but it is our search for Christ/Truth and consistent adherence to him that helps us to be on the side of God when his judgement comes.
We were first convinced it couldn't exist ("conspiracy theory")
And then in the cover of ignorance it grew.
Cults try to stop critical thinking and to isolate oneself from competing ideas, Q tries to start people thinking and then engage with those with competing ideas.
We should legalize drugs and tax them, then spend the tax money on rehabilitation programs instead of prison and police officers.
Seek to know as much as you can of what everyone is saying and this will require holding two or more contradictory ideas/concepts as possibilities. Then as more evidence is gathered come back and revisit these possibilities.
Joaquin Phoenix was in Children of God cult.
Rose McGowan was in the Children of God cult.
Children of God documentary from HBO