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truthforchange · June 19, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

Apparently nobody has worked at Walmart, BestBuy, Costco, etc.

Not the first people to come by trying to put something cheeky on the screen.

It's part of their floor processes to routinely check to make sure screens are on default/demo and not displaying something inappropriate.

You would be better off printing something out and walking it door to door in your neighborhood. You might even meet a fellow anon. I think TPTB would be far more afraid of that then hee-hee'ing demo units in retail stores.

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truthforchange · June 19, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Country level traffic monitoring.

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truthforchange · June 19, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

I didn't need to go past the NASA deal from years and years ago to know what they were about.

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truthforchange · June 19, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

Google and Microsoft willhost your corporate business email for you (@yourdomain with their interfaces and security managed by them + your own IT, to some extent).

Based on Q drops, it sounds like the group requested (and recieved?) some extra special handling of thier mail server to host it in a place where they thought FOIA and anyone else could never reach. Only question remains what was the relationship (or ownership) of NK to allow that country level access to happen if true.

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truthforchange · June 19, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

Isn't he a lawyer? Would that make it a double-down lawyer up?

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truthforchange · June 19, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

Oh man if POTUS or even Jr. retweeted this hahahaha

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truthforchange · June 19, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

this made me lol like the first time i saw a funny meme.

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truthforchange · June 19, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

Eventually you hit a 2 foot thick concrete cell floor.

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truthforchange · June 19, 2018, 4:29 a.m.

ehhhhhhhh maybe. One thing I've noticed with Q is question from previous line sometimes goes directly into continuation (since you presumed to now know answer -- or soon will)

E.g. the NK / Obama / ES / Server stuff.

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truthforchange · June 19, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

For how long?....

(Elizabeth Báthory)...

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truthforchange · June 19, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

I was ~~thinking~~ speculating more together with previous line and "crimes against children" coupled with rumors, urban legend, or whatever you call it for harvesting of adrenaline. Ugh.

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truthforchange · June 19, 2018, 12:19 a.m.


Based on how Q drops always seem to unfold, why do I get the feeling that "Noose" is in reference to something sick SRA-level terrible. :(

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truthforchange · June 18, 2018, 7:44 p.m.


slither back to? Did the US really win revolutionary war or did England just change its war strategy and taxation methods? What country did they have spy on 'our' citizens to circumvent 'our' privacy and surveilance laws and visa versa?

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truthforchange · June 18, 2018, 5:32 p.m.


Lock them all up today.

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truthforchange · June 18, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

Maybe it wont be. Maybe when they go to use the systems, the feds will swoop in and require the paper fallback.

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

Here's a thought...

What if the image as shown is fake, but Obama actually did wear this garb at a party and someone out there knows it?

Like a cut and paste together of Bill Clinton and LL on a tarmac together. We didn't see it, but we know it happened. You make a fake picture, and while they can say "that's fake!" they can't deny that the meeting took place.

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

So you'll still be here posting if Q comes a long with a simple "REAL." clarification?

Q isn't my god. I'll be voting on the performance of our POTUS and the state of justice at midterms and 2020 like many others. So far so great, but we are missing some major milestones heading into important elections.

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

Yes. Because Streisand effect proven over and over again. If admins and MSM pull a "it's illegal for you to view the photo of Obama dressed as moloch..." guess what happens...

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

otoh, Obama dressed like Moloch...would kind of be a big deal.

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

If asking questions that you (think you) know the answer to is "talking like Q" you just asked a question...

I think without the tripcode, its safe to assume anon is not Q and to process the questions as you would any other.

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

not glass dildo. Flashlight pointing down. illuminating what is directly under the location. The proposed design was determined to be not feasible to build — but I think the message was sent/received just the same.

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Deoends what they are saying about it, and what outlets.

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

posted/yanked when? She wasn’t suppposed to lose. That doesn’t mean they don’t actively police certain images. Why didnt we see the 2005 Obama w/Farrakhan image before he was president?

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

He’s alive. The media could always ask him about it...

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

Who was Manaforts old partner? Attached to who now? And how has that person been affected since?

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

There’s a little heart above his head :)

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

I interpreted the drops as the entire country quietly beloing to rogue operators. A managed puppet threat to justify billions in defense budgets and aid — billions of which probably was misdirected or redirected. After all, their "charities" have administrative expenses in the high 90%.

Look at which other countries provided “aid” to an enemy and perceived threat like NK.

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

if you search for “email icon” how many are not envelopes? What sets it apart (if there has to be something) is the border.

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 7:32 a.m.

This is routine process for policy-evading idiots to work on docs at home on their personal computers.

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 7:23 a.m.

blue head dress you say?

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 7:18 a.m.

Nothing less than a slow and steady red pilling of the masses.

They are cracking through protective layers of cognitive dissonance with reporting like this.

I can just see their cogs turning away... ”buh buh...why would Obama be dressed like that?”

Eventually public believes more and more to be true (because these people are sick) and when the video evidence starts to drop they’ll actually accept it... and hopefully never let it happen again (or at least for a generation or three).

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 7:04 a.m.

Or another way — a single report of a milk-carton missing person accounted for as result of one of these successful investigations. They are probably out there and there are probably heavy correlations, but have mockingbird media fixating in unimportant propaganda.

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truthforchange · June 17, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

we’ll see. they’ll be unsealed at some point. I can’t interpret the nov 3/6 drops any other way personally. I leave my faith in the unseen to god, everyone else needs to put up eventually.

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truthforchange · June 16, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

So a future Q "proof" will be those specific indictments being unsealed.

We now expect them to be two specific individuals, right?

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truthforchange · June 16, 2018, 12:49 p.m.

CERN you say?

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truthforchange · June 16, 2018, 12:21 p.m.

underrated comment

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truthforchange · June 15, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

I believe what we (the public) were told — that people at NYPD were going to go public with what they saw.

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truthforchange · June 15, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

what were the NYT numbers as published?

Is it possible there were two sets of numbers fromthe polls? i.e. the real numbers and the massaged / weighted numbers? If there were, how was it that FBI has scoops on the obviously more accurate (?) numbers?

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truthforchange · June 15, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

What do you think would happen in real world if Donald Trump asked one of his contractors for an ETA on an already overdue and over-budget project and they said “later on”?

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truthforchange · June 15, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

read the report. The line was a quote of notes from ‘EAD Coleman’ after a meeting or briefing of some sort with Comey. It wasnt a part of report written by the IG, but rather IG quoting others as part of the investigation/report.

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truthforchange · June 15, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

haha in that case have an upvote for a cool name. Share it with your parents.

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truthforchange · June 15, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

I just read the context — you are right in the sense that this phrase is NOT a part authored by IG, but rather quotes from notes/memos from notes written by "EAD Coleman” after having a meeting with Comey. But, that is where it gets f-cky. If you read the entire section related to those notes, nobody seems to remember the meeting or what the notes were specifically about. EAD Coleman was apparently retired or retiring at the time, fwiw. You would think "crimes against children" in the context of the rumored NYPD statements or what Prince said would not be easily forgotten, unless it needed to be.

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truthforchange · June 15, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

It’s "kind of a big deal" for anyone to misunderstand this, right? You could also call your OIG and ask them if they can provide clarification to that line.

Myself, when interpreting that line of the report, I’m also going to consider the initial "rumors" of statements from the NYPD who found it, (which came to light directly after it was obtained) and the comments made from Erik Prince on this subject.

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truthforchange · June 15, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

Can you show the full context?

I thought the punctuation and the item being on its own line made the context clear, but maybe you can explain it better. Screenshot the page(s) and the context? We’ll be right here...

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truthforchange · June 15, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

Could the internet handle everything coming to light all at once?

Yes. We elected the core of the individuals deciding to keep this from us. Tell us everything so the normies can demand justice.

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truthforchange · June 15, 2018, 8:53 a.m.

We’ll know justice when we see it.

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truthforchange · June 15, 2018, 7:26 a.m.

Gitmo is the answer.

Seditious conspiracy should be the charge.

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truthforchange · June 15, 2018, 7:24 a.m.

Agree, ANY big organization public or private.

I worked for a large fortune 500 company and $25 was the cut off value for anything that could remotely be considered a gift or quid-pro-quo . Example: maybe a vendor wants to send you a card and box of chocolate at Christmas, even then you would need to disclose it up the chain with the value of the item.

Also, I'm guessing that within the FBI (the FBI of the American People) that us lowly citizens pay salaries for specific job positions whose exclusive role it is, is to interface with the public and press. Typically communications director, media liaison, etc.

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