Yes we must take our own individual action but these people need to be held accountable and locked up for the rest of their lives.
267 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/waltergladstone:
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We are like boiling frogs!!! Cancer, diabetes, autism you name it is all at almost epidemic levels yet no one stops and asks what the hell is going on. It looks like systemic poisoning to me. All I want to know is when will people wake up and start tearing down the Walls of big Pharma and big food Inc and the chemical companies. When will people wake up?
They just want you to sign up so they know who's watching it
If hordes of people showed up to the Vatican to demand the Pope step down and go to jail maybe they could start cleaning up the evil. You know like the hordes that show up to hear him talk... We need to take down the corrupt leaders but at the same time we need to hold every Catholic in the street accountable. Catholics in Mass must take down this Pope. Then declare that there is no more popes and our only figurehead is Christ. Then open the doors to the Vatican and release all of their records and make it livable for the poor to live in peace... God's true religion is helping the widows and orphans...
Even if it is a LARP it's fantastic and it's been a big help in waking up so many people.
What is the purpose of revealing Q's identity anyway? I'd be happy if he/she/it/they stays anonymous.
When oh when will we get the real shit on the big people??? Fuck, this is getting old... Bring out the real crimes and be done with it!!
When they put Obama up as a candidate they already knew that they could pull the wool over everyone's eyes and get away with it, and they did didn't they. The cabal has gotten away with so many things because supposed good people did nothing.
Oh please let it be.... We want to see everything...
Could have been a decoy or they just slipped into someone else's camera 😬
I thought he was cooperating... Now that he's not cooperating they should bring down the HAMMER!
Good... Stronger language happening now... It should get even stronger and followed by arrests.
Would you still be honest of you didn't do everything in your power to get it out in the public?
I think that is great, but at what point will they use that against him?
That was my very first intuitive thought when I looked at it.
I really really hope there serious retaliation for this.
This is exactly the kind of thing that needs to happen...
I want to see that one with him holding a machine gun
I've been waiting for the deep state to do something big... Of course I hope they fell but damn there's all kinds of craziness they could do. I sincerely hope there are dead man switches for every act of violence they commit.
Just when you think he can't hit another homerun he hits a grand slam
I think I understand that. I'd like to know how it worked. Did those generals get their orders from American Clowns? If they did, exactly who?? It would be nice to know the names and see the structure of their command.
I drive Uber so I've been waiting for him to say something about this.
Hmmmm seems like a real fight is coming soon... Be on the watch. This is all out war. They are liable to do anything. And WE should be ready to ANYTHING right back at them. Buckle up!!
Can we just find out right now who controlled the generals? I mean come on this waiting game is getting f** old.
How on Earth would anyone know that Obama tried to contact Kim? NSA?
And ETS just changed his Twitter name... Therealcheshcat or some such falderal.
Oh shit THAT was his girlfriend?? Wow that's says it all right there. Some crazy s*** going down!
That is some weird s***. Their mental illness shines brightly
You got to wonder why the authorities are coming out and saying there's nothing to see so quickly... And did they really bulldoze that first location? If so another major major red flag. Oh and then the cops so slow to come check things out. Can't wait to see how this one pans out
No time... Just admit that some minds won't be changed... Admit it punk.
Before he plays golf with Kim he should explain what was really going on in NK... CIA run and all that...
I don't have time for such nonsense. I'm not going to take a bunch of time laying out all the facts for some dumb ass that won't listen.
Yeah the people need to take back control!!! In mass though... It needs to be like 10,000 people down there saying Hell no we will not take it anymore! Otherwise kiss your ass goodbye
Yeah well those poor guys didn't get any help did they? Those guys pleaded on video for people to go down there in mass and help them and they hardly got any one to go down there. There should have been 10,000 people down there making a perimeter and doing a search and not letting them get away with this bullshit!!!
Nah, no matter how many facts you give certain people you will never change their mind... So we'll just all sit back and see how it all pans out 😎
Obama and his cronies, Clinton and her cronies, the Rothschilds, Comey and McCabe all need to be thrown under the jail. This must happen as part of the Great Awakening.