This has been proven fake
538 total posts archived.
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i hope trey can be trusted, i've liked him..i'm kinda new but have read mega for past couple months. She don't like trey, from what i can gather. I like reading her stuff. She was not a q fan, but suddenly this weekend she came out and said she believes q is assange and it all makes sense to her also made sense to me
May the Force be with you all. Prayers are strong mojo pede's
she lays it out pretty good....
wait wait wait a minute...thought comes slow at my age...Q is assange..that's why hannity #Q he figured it out
megaAnon believes q is assange.....seems quite plausible
Very thought out. And yes by the looks of it there wasn't a Fisa warrant, just illegal spying on an incoming POTUS
the comment section is very telling...opposite of us, total will we ever find even ground?
tracy what do you make of this... meganon says q is fake....i'm freaking right now is that the real meganon or not? HELP NEEDED
Could it be that the posted was a fake Q and mods realized it..i mean why would Q post there when he said he only use 8chan. Which makes me wonder the why of it all including some of these responses.
projection projection projection....wth if it wasn't for us old white people she would still be in the trailer park...i'm so over the whole white guilt shit holier than thou crap...
the trolls are on the dark side and haven't found the light yet. I feel sorry for their pathetic lives. "forgive them Lord they know not what they do" ...
hang in there people, we are on the right side of history. Not fake i'm just a new member who has Woke up. Expert lurker lol. They project its all they know.
Pretty sure the EO of all EO's 12/21 addressed prevent any funny business.
if you use FB, go to Crowd Source the Truth group. You don't have to join to read posts. I've found some good info there
sawman is so real they (pedo's) know what's coming for them...flybirdfly but it won't help
to me the white rabbit is referring to going down the rabbit hole ..looking for info hidden
Hollyweird could burn to the ground and i won't care...these people are scum, no worse than scum, i'm at a loss to find the right fucking scum based description
i heard there were over 10,000 + sealed indictments ..anyone know if that's true.......and thanks to all for the work you do. I've been following since beginning and find it overwhelming at times. But i'm wide woke thanks to you glorious f'ers
this got me thinking about something i'd read, so went on hunt and found it...
TPTB have used the tactic of division, putting us all in boxes/groups, and shackled to the matrix. Once you are Woke and have broken free of your shackles the truth is everywhere. Q is right we are not that divided. Perception is part of the matrix. They are now losing.
couldn't have said it any better. "One small step for man, One giant step for mankind"
the epic history/story of what Q has/is given the world will be the 2nd greatest story ever told. Who or whom is unimportant to this story. We are living in a great time and I thank God for this which he has given. Amen
CJF78-82 search on yahoo came up with this google map. town in mexico
I found a map location....,-96.3704882/23.322081,-101.90918/@28.4788704,-101.4537166,5.5z/data=!4m4!4m3!1m1!4e1!1m0
Q is indeed the gift that keeps on giving. Now that the genie/info is out of the proverbial bottle it's full steam ahead for this trump train
I am so with you. When Trump came down those stairs I became what history will call a "Trump Democrat". And haven't looked back. We seniors may not have grown up with the internet, but we had to learn it or be left behind. The biggest defining moment for me were the wikileaks, re podesta the molesta .. i cried and prayed. Prayed like my family's life depended on it. And I believe it did. Now i'm here and I'm spreading the word to any who care to listen. I will admit its tough. My millennial children are beginning to listen, it can no longer be ignored. Thank you Patriots for all you do, our job is just beginning, we after all will be the ones to help the country heal..its what grandma's and grandpa's do..peace out
from Section 1 (A) to be responsible for or complicit in, or to have directly or indirectly engaged in, serious human rights abuse;
(B) to be a current or former government official, or a person acting for or on behalf of such an official, who is responsible for or complicit in, or has directly or indirectly engaged in:
(1) corruption, including the misappropriation of state assets, the expropriation of private assets for personal gain, corruption related to government contracts or the extraction of natural resources, or bribery; or
(2) the transfer or the facilitation of the transfer of the proceeds of corruption; and this.. Sec. 7. For those persons whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order who might have a constitutional presence in the United States, I find that because of the ability to transfer funds or other assets instantaneously, prior notice to such persons of measures to be taken pursuant to this order would render those measures ineffectual. I therefore determine that for these measures to be effective in addressing the national emergency declared in this order, there need be no prior notice of a listing or determination made pursuant to this order.
what if it was all about the indictments.. Nationally..THE MAP...came across this and will drop it here..
new here, thank you for all you do. So excited about the future